• Member Since 25th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Danny Eclipse

My avatar; Danny Eclipse, is a unique Batpony that is the son of Nightmare Moon and King Sombra. Despite being a batpony, he can use a unique magic power that doesn't require a unicorn horn.



This story is a sequel to Phantom War III: Insanity Returns

Danny returns from his quest in hopes of ending something that can threaten the balance of the world. Now, he seeks the help of the Equestrian Empire but something else happens. Danny and Charming are against each other, not agreeing with each other because of their medallions. Can Danny prove to himself and Equestria that he is trustworthy?

Charming's perspective

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 87 )

I don't know either. Question; Will Danny and the Elements of Insanity betray their allegiance with the Equestrian Empire? This clip gave me an idea:

Here is what I thought so far:

The EOI made their way to the landing platform with the Rogue Shadow. Brutalight stopped at the middle of the bridge as Rainbine did the same. She turned to her as she asked her leader, "What is it, Brutalight?"

Brutalight heard a breathing sound as she turned back to the door to see Charming Thunder wearing the armor he first had from the Lunar Wars but his helmet had a silver metal crown on it. "The cold," she replied. He then activated his lightsaber and started to walk up to them slowly. The rest turned around and were surprised to see the king they had to work with. "Girls ready the ship. Rainbine and I will cover you." The door closed behind the armored unicorn as he approached and Brutalight used her magi to get one of her magic weapons and Rainbine's left hoof transformed into an arm cannon.

"Darling, look out," Rarifruit said. Brutalight turned to see Charming Thunder about to strike and blocked it. They then crossed their blades as he used his strength to break it. He then used his magic to push bot her and Rainbine back. Brutalight landed on her hooves as Rainbine landed on her back. Brutalight then charged at him and strikes at him with her sword. When she was going for a jab, Charming Thunder was fast enough to grab her hooves weilding the sword and lifted her up in the air. He then threw her over Rainbine's head and impacts on the Rogue Shadow. Rainbine flew and tried to tackle him, but Charming Thunder used his telekinesis to throw her to the wall on the left of the door.

"You think you can defeat me?" Charming Thunder said. "You are a fool, cyborg pony." He then used his magic to spread her wings and tries to stretch them apart. She screamed in pain as her wings were stretched.

What do you think?

Cruel and everything but why? Brutalight and the EOI are in Danny's debt. His loyalty is to Equestria...unless your saying that the Equestrian Empire BETRAYED Team Insanity. And besides, I doubt Charming would go to the dark side again. Also, Rainbine would have detected Charming BEFORE he came to the platform. Rainbine's ear pieces do more than they just look.

Anyway, I'll be spending some 8 hours today working on this so when are you going to do Equestria War IX? Or are you doing it now and haven't submitted it yet?

6121887 just finished the opening crawl. I am working on chapter 1 and I must ask; how should Twilight meet Nyx? Should it be similar from "Past Sins" or something different? Here is my cover pic:


Oh my god, I love the picture!! And yes, I think it should be the same as how Twilight met Nyx. I've been working on the Chapter 3. Also, how can you make those pictures? I've been wanting to put pictures with my other Phantom Wars.

Thank you and where have you been? Most of my time has been spent, waiting for you and I've got an hour left.

6123541 Problems with my PC at my house. Anyways, so far, the star destroyer already found the medallion of primes capsule. Now, they deliver it to Charming Thunder to examine it. What should Primus say once the necklace is on him?

Something similar to what Unicron said to Danny. Like...

Primus said in Charming's mind "Congratulations great warrior of the light. You have become the Champion of Primus."

Or around there...

6122218 photoshop (if you have it) or my personal one (since I don't have Photoshop on my computer) Pixlr Editor. I use vectors of characters from the MLP: FiM series and some Star Wars stuff.

6123566 How's this for chapter 1 of Episode IX?

The star destroyer was slowly approaching the orb with a red symbol. As it stopped, the ship's tractor beam activated and brought the mysterious orb inside the destroyer. An inspection team came to the hangar where the orb was about to touch down the solid ground. When the tractor beam deactivated, the orb dropped and floated on the ground. "What is it?" one of the soldiers asked.

"I don't know, but we should deliver this to King Charming Thunder," the other said. "He would know what to do."

"Alright, guys," their commander said. "Lets bring this to the cargo bay and deliver it to the king as we make our approach to Canterlot." The soldiers saluted as the unicorn engineers levitated the orb to the cargo bay.


Charming Thunder went through a security footage from Canterlot of three ponies that look a lot like Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie. A red guard entered and said, "There are some engineers from the Star Destroyer on a course to Canterlot who wish to request an audience with you."

"Send them in," Charming Thunder replied. The guard then left the room as two engineers entered as they levitated a capsule. He looked up to see the capsule and turned off the footage behind him. "What is that thing?"

"We were thinking you would know," one of the engineers said. "We discovered this floating around as we were on our course to Canterlot." Charming Thunder walked up to the capsule to get a closer look. He examined a symbols that was on it and placed a hoof on his chin.

"This is not Equestrian. Thank you for bringing this up. I'll examine this immediately. Dismissed." The engineers bowed and left the room as Charming Thunder began his examination. When he touched the red symbol on the capsule, a click sound was heard and the capsule opened to reveal the same symbol. It came to him and around his neck as it began to glow.

A voice was heard in his head saying, "Congratulations, great warrior of the light. You have become my champion."

"Who are you?"

"I am Primus. Around your neck, you are the bearer of the Matrix of Leadership medallion. Once again, thank you, my champion." The voice faded away from his as the light faded away as well.

"What was that about?" Charming Thunder sighed and walked back to the table and replayed the footage of the raid at Canterlot and continued his examination.


Twilight was going over some books at the ancient castle trying to find answers about the Elements of Insanity. She levitated the book she finished reading back on the shelf and groaned, "This is hopeless. Hopeless!! There's got to be something about the EOI that Discord forgot to mention. But what?" She then levitated another book from her stack and continued her research. She then hears sobbing coming from somewhere in the library. "Hello? Is somepony there?" She then began to follow the sound of the sobs and came across a black filly with a purple mane and tail as she laid on the stone floor crying. When Twilight made her first step towards her, the filly looked up and revealed her eyes that looked a lot like Nightmare Moon's. "I-it's okay. I won't hurt you." The filly stopped sobbing and got up on her hooves. "Don't worry. This place is safe now. There is no need to be scared." The filly then walked up to her until they came eye to eye with each other. Twilight wiped a tear off of her as she asked, "Do you have a name?"

"I don't," the filly said.

"Come on. I'll take you to my castle."


Twilight and the filly arrived at the entrance of the Everfree Forest when Charming Thunder and Princess Cadence walked up to her. “Are you alright, Twilight?” Charming Thunder asked.

"Yes, I'm alright," Twilight replied.

"Who's the filly?" Cadence asked.

“I don’t know. I found her in the ruin castle when I went there to do some research about the Elements of Insanity but found her instead. Any luck on finding those impostors?”

"No," Charming Thunder shouted in frustration. "We’ve tried everything and can’t find them on radar or anything! This doesn’t help the cause of their charges. Rainbow is furious already to be grounded.” As he calmed down, a letter appeared in front of him. His eyes narrowed as he began to read it.

Dear Princesses and King of Equestria,

I know you are search for the Elements of Insanity and I am going to inform you to drop all charges against Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack. They were, in fact, not the ones who stole the Element of Insanity. It was me, the Prodigy of the Time Master. I ordered them to take it because of one simple reason: The Prophecy. It tells of the doom of Equestria if Harmony and Insanity do not unite. I am doing what is best for the people of Equestria, if you don’t like it, then too bad. Also, I’ve noticed you have the Medallion of Primus King of Harmony. I can’t wait to spar or duel you on equal grounds.

The Champion of Unicron

Charming Thunder looked around as his medallion glowed, but sees nobody around. "“Who sent you that letter?” Twilight asked.

"Someone who was behind the Canterlot Raid. He calls himself the Prodigy of the Time Master and also calls himself Champion of Unicron."

"We will have to ask Celestia and Luna." The group were about to take their leave when a figure suddenly jumped out of a tree . The figure wore a hood as if he was protecting his identity.

The figure turned to face the group as Charming Thunder asked, "Who are you?"

“I’m the one who was behind the whole raid,” the figure said. He then showed the medallion that is similar to Charming Thunder's but the symbol was different and the color of it was purple. Both of the medallions began to glow at each other’s presences. “Can you feel it? Primus and Unicron, looking at each other with hate. Compared to the Princesses and us, we are nothing but underlings to them. Both were gods to their kind. Tell me this, Champion of Primus…how much would you like to find the EOI?” Twilight and Cadance got into a fighting stance as Charming Thunder touched his medallion as it began to glow more. “Let me make a proposal then. I’ll deactivate the Nemesis’ cloaking devise as long as you come with the Princesses, Discord, and the Mane 6. Without your fleets or armada, just a private chat. I promise you, there will be no hostilities. We, Team Insanity, would love to extend our hoof to help you. Once you have located the Nemesis, tomorrow, and then come. I won’t show hostilities unless you keep Discord on a leash. We mean you no harm as long as you comply the same ways. Do we have an agreement?” Charming Thunder thought it over as he couldn't resist a chance to meet the EOI himself. After a few long minutes, he turned to the hooded figure and nodded. His wings began to open as he knelt down. He then shot up to the sky and left a trail of green trail of lightning shaped color trail.

"Who was that stallion?" Cadence asked.

"I don't know," Charming Thunder replied. "But there is only one way to find out tomorrow."

You forgot to mention the "Brother" part. Before Danny took off, he mention he was Charming's Brother with the same father. Besides that, I love it! I think it is a wonderful chapter for your story!

Comment posted by sonicdash123 deleted Jun 26th, 2015

I can't. Video has been deleted, very bad.

6133739 Try this one:

It can be for their final confrontation.

I'm thinking of a podracing chapter for both of us. It would take place at Appaloosa. Rainbow would be participating in disguise and wins it. When Charming Thunder comes down to give the award and is about to declare her a winner by knighting her with a sword, he rips off the disguise with the sword and the troops seize her while the Mane 5 try to stop him. This is not an evil act if you are wondering it is a trap. What does Charming Thunder do to get Omega Supreme? Danny can still come save the day.

The Pod racing is a good idea but there is just 1 problem with that. I've already wrote down the next chapter and it's about Rainbow gaining immortality by the 'Blessing of the Moon', AKA: The Bite of a Vampony. I'm almost finished with it.

I am planning to make the pod racing AFTER Rainbow received the bite. Oh, and she looks like this.
Without the red smoke from her eyes.

I guess its Charming Thunder's turn to make an army like Danny's. I was thinking that one of them should be based on the Star Wars Transformers toys. I still want to know how Charming Thunder should get Omega Supreme. Any ideas?

Uh, let's see...You know, I have no freaking idea. How about...Charming is training by Primus to hope wield power Primus could only provide and Primus tries to teach Charming how to summon his own guardian, Omega Supreme.

6138634 I could use the hull of the YT-2400 light freighter he hasn't used in a while to make Omega Supreme.

True but it has to make Omega Supreme looked like a metal titan.

6138774 So more than just one ship then?

Trypticon was created by the wreckage of both Death Stars. So, just about that much of wreckage you will need.

6138977 I should use wreckage from the downed capital ships from recent foes. Like the Valor-class cruiser from the assault at the ancient castle.

Those could work but what about Omega's Laser? I'm referring to the Omega Supreme in Transformers WOC

6138996 Well has the superlaser from one of the death stars being used by Trypticon?

Trypticon is fused with both Superlasers. However, here is an idea. Have the Equestria Empire make another Superlaser but without the Death Star.

What the- I've never seen that one before! I think it will be a good choice for it.

6141203 What next? I have read the chapter and will add on to my version of the chapter since I prefer a thousand words or more. I should bring in Omega Supreme.

Alright. I'll continue when you do your part after my chapter(s)

6141560 chapter posted. hope you like it.

6144538 I do. I posted a chapter with Omega Supreme and his secret visit with the king of the griffins. This was the reference:

How should Charming Thunder be kidnapped by the Mane 5 except Twilight? Try not to make it too mature next time.

You know, the next chapter will be about how Danny located the Griffin King and killing him...right? Also, for how they kidnap Charming Thunder. Lets say that Charming arrived to Rarity's place but was ambushed by a frying pan slammed on top of him to knock him out. You know...you will have to make a sex scene for Charming, because the other Mane 5 plan to rape him....Yeah, I'll leave that to you.

So Rarity hits Charming Thunder with a frying pan and he then wakes up to see the Mane 5? Can you post a dialogue you come up with so I could continue from where Charming Thunder wakes up? I am not making this real sex. I am going to make it like an attempt.

6144988 I was thinking of a chase scene between Rainbow Dash and Charming Thunder. It is during an attempt to pass the boarders without using the Eclipse. Here is what I thought so far:

"Lord Danny, I'm scanning a ship approaching the boarder," a pilot said. Danny felt concerned and saw a TIE Advanced approaching them.

The armored Charming Thunder piloted his fighter as he saw an approaching Starviper squadron.

"It's just one ship," Danny said. "Starviper squadron, you are clear to engage." As the squadron opened fire, the fighter dodged the lasers an opened fire at them then flew past them.

"He's heading for us, Danny," Rainbow said. The fighter opened fire on the frigates. Charming Thunder flew around the bridge of the ship and flew away from the pursuing Starvipers. "Those fighters are outmatched." Rainbow then ran out of the bridge as Danny sensed from the Eclipse whats going on.

"Where are you going?" Danny asked.

"Getting involved."

The Starvipers continued pursuing Charming Thunder as one opened fire. He spun the ship to avoid the lasers. He then pulled up and turned the ship as it flies backwards. As he spun, he fired at one fighter then boosted to fire at the other. He then saw a ship heading towards him that is not part of the squadron. He turned the ship and flew away from it. The ship fired at his TIE Fighter. "Who is this guy?" the gunner asked from Rainbow's ship. The fighter continued to dodge the laser fire as the pursuit continued.

"There is something familiar," Rainbow said. She then turned to the co pilot. "Take over the controls."

"Yes, ma'am," the pilot said. Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and focused on the ship to find answers as her ship continues to fire.

Danny felt something strange in his mind as he almost collapsed. "The Force is strong with this one," he said. "But why do I feel....cold."

As Charming Thunder piloted, he sensed something about his pursuer.

"The fear, the anger, the hate," Danny continued. His eyes widened as he realized something as he contacted Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow, retreat its--"

Charming Thunder turned his head as he was looking back to his pursuer and smiled in his helmet. "Rainbow Dash lives."

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and screamed, "NOOOOOO!!!" She then fainted as another co pilot caught her. Charming Thunder pulled up and flew behind the ship.

Back at the bridge of the Eclipse, Danny observed as an engineer reported, "We have Star Destroyers entering our sector." Three Star Destroyers approached the boarder as the admiral observed.

"Your highness, we have arrived and await your orders," the admiral reported.

"Move the destroyers to block their escape, but hold your fire," Charming Thunder replied. "I want that ship alive." He then fired at the fighter trying to damage the ship as they flew towards the destroyers.

The rest will be up to you if you want to use it.

I'm not good at sex related things. Also, I've had an idea. Danny, Rainbow, Cynder, HK-47, and Duran could become Bounty Hunters if the outcome say that Charming Wins. But what if Danny wins? As for the EOI could become the new members for the Equestrian Empire. And the Phantom Consortium could be led by Brutalight since Charming can't control two factions at once.

I like it but you know Danny wouldn't leave Rainbow Dash. He would order the retreat for damaged ships but he would have used the Eclipse to open fire on the Star Destroyers and got into his Soulless One and fight Charming. Danny is a more experience pilot, I'll point that out.

6148020 Yeah that's where he comes in during the pursuit. He tries to shoot down Charming Thunder but was interrupted by Omega Supreme in his robot form. Where should Charming Thunder wake up at after he is knocked out by Rarity's frying pan? Please post a text so I can take it from there.

6148143 Lol. I show the new chapter and laughed.

Charming begins to wake up in a dark place. A light turned on and Charming was nearly blind by the light. He looks again and sees the other Mane 4, all were different. Applejack was wearing orange strip socks and she had a whip. Rarity was wearing light blue socks. Fluttershy was wearing Pink and blue Socks. And finally, Pinkie was wearing pink socks. They all were smiling sexy-like, looking hungry with lust. Charming began to sweat.

Charming said "Uh...hello girls..."

Rarity said "Hello Charming...you know, we were all jealous when Twilight stole your heart..."

Applejack added "We kept thinking about you..."

Pinkie added as well "So, we decided to team up and get some 'fun' from you."

You can continue there. I'm not a sex/love person. You know what? Scratch that. I'm going to do my chapter then you can continue from there.

6148271 Chapter posted. I will be writing a chapter on capturing Rainbow Dash soon.

I've finished writing the next chapter. Let me post it first before you change the flow. Ok, nvm. I'll have to adapted on what just happened....

Hey man. I got a new chapter on work. It's called "Diplomacy over Violence". Danny is finally handing himself in with Rainbow, hoping to discuss peace.

Please Go Easy On Danny.
Don't squander the opportunity to clear the misunderstanding and build a better relationship with the griffins.

6148976 chapter posted. I hope its what you want.

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