• Published 7th Apr 2015
  • 4,776 Views, 68 Comments

A Slow Sunset - MegatronsPen

The story continues several weeks after the Rainbooms’ crushing victory over the Dazzlings at the Battle of the Bands, with an emotionally ambivalent Sunset Shimmer uncertain on what to feel about her brief and yet heated affair with Adagio Dazzle.

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Alright, Sunset Shimmer… I don’t know why you are feeling nervous right about now, but just push aside what the Vice-Principal said and focus on the task at hand.

Which is… what exactly?

Sure, I can convince myself I am here not to see Adagio quite easily, but just what exactly am I going to say to Nurse Redheart?

Hi! I’ve come to talk to my friend who got into a fight in the yard, I hope you don’t mind? What’s that, Nurse? Oh, that? She just calls me bitch as a friendly snipe between friends! Oh yes, Vice-Principal Luna gave me her blessing to be here. And by blessing, I of course don’t mean she said that myself and Adagio were allowed to perform sexual acts in your lovely little corner of the school.’

Perhaps if there was such thing as a cockatrice in this world, Sunset Shimmer might have appeared to be the victim of one at this point in time.

For the past eight minutes she had been at the door to the nurse’s office with her hand raised to eye level, balled into a fist and ready to rap against the wooden surface before entering.

Trapped in that position and within her inner monologue, Sunset Shimmer gazed with such an intensity at the door that she barely noticed a couple of students walk by her, staring at the strange girl who was seemingly frozen in position.

She barely heard their curious mutterings as she continued to lament over her excuses.

What about Adagio? What do I even say to her?

‘Hey there, Adagio, I hope you don’t mind me being here but I just can’t get you out of my mind. Do you mind if I sit here next to you and flesh out my reasons for being here in such a way that most certainly won’t be awkward for anyone listening in on us?’

Yeah, that’ll work… in a billion years!

Urgh. What do I say?

Finally, her hand dropped from its stasis to her side, her body arching back as she raised the other hand to slap against her forehead. “This is completely ridiculous. What do I hope to achieve here? It’s not like she’s going to—”

The door opened and Sunset yelped as she felt somebody with a similar build and height collide into her, causing her to stumble back from the doorway and fall against the opposite side of the corridor, her hands sprayed against the walls as she stared wide eyed at Adagio, who cursed and nursed her lightly bruised nose with a cupped hand.

Watch where you are going you—y-y-you!” Adagio stammered angrily, narrowing her eyes just as Nurse Redheart appeared over her shoulder.

“Is something the matter, Miss Dazzle?” Redheart blinked between the two girls. “Is everything okay?”

Fine! Just… just fine. Just a minor annoyance that can be easily ignored.” With those words, Adagio dropped her hand from her face and gave Sunset Shimmer one final glare that could melt steel before departing down the corridor.

Sunset Shimmer, still stunned, found herself unable to speak the very moment she realized who it was. However, as Nurse Redheart turned her gaze from Adagio and onto her, the girl laughed nervously.

“Is something the matter, Miss Shimmer? Are you feeling okay? You look pale.”

Yep. Worst, day, ever.

Oh! No… I—um… I’m fine. Can you please excuse me?” For the second time today, Sunset Shimmer retreated, leaving yet another person perplexed in her wake.

Picking up her pace until she was just behind Adagio Dazzle, Sunset Shimmer boldly reached a hand out to grip at the girl’s wrist to stop her, gently tugging at the arm to spin her about.

Adagio, wait a minute, we need to talk.”

Snatching back her wrist, Adagio placed both of her hands upon her hips, bringing her ever present glare upon Sunset Shimmer. “I have nothing to say to anyone let alone you. The last face I want to see right now is yours, so, would you please kindly take your boasting elsewhere, or so help me I’ll make you regret it. I am having a particularly terrible day as you can see and I am just about ready to do something I am sure I am not going to regret. In fact, I am going to do something. I am going to do something, right, now!”

“Boasting?” Sunset Shimmer took a step back, her arms crossing as she returned the glare with one of her own, arching a brow. “What are you talking about? I haven’t come here to boast about anything.”

“Sure, bacon hair—”

“I told you to stop calling me that!!!” Sunset snapped, baring her teeth as she clenched a fist and waved it in Adagio’s direction. “Don’t make me give you a black eye to go along with that bruised nose of yours!”

Oooo, I’m sooo scared at wittle Shimmer pretending she can show her clipped wittle claaaaaws~” Adagio lifted her hands either side of her head, trembling them to further accentuate the sarcasm dripping from every word. Taking a step forward, Adagio thrusted a finger to poke Sunset savagely against the chest. “You came here to rub it in my face that I lost at the battle of the bands—and don’t you deny it!”

“I-I would never do such a thing!” Sunset Shimmer exclaimed, struggling to restrain the anger building in her tone. “If you must know, I came here to see if you were okay. I heard what happened between you and Aria and I was concerned that you—”

Concerned?” Adagio scoffed, taking a step back to fold her own arms over her chest, looking upon Sunset Shimmer with a skeptical expression. “If you think I am going to believe your bullshit for a single second, Shimmer, you can forget it. Do you know what you did? Do you have any idea what you have done? Because of you, I lost my powers… I lost everything! You had two choices to make; pick up that microphone and save your friends, or walk away and allow me to rule over this school. But guess what? You chose them over me!”

Sunset blinked, just as Adagio’s face gawked at her.

“I-I mean us—urgh! Just leave me alone, or I swear you are going to regret it.” Adagio turned about, stomping away with her fists clenched at her sides.

Did I just hear that right?

No, maybe not. She’s in a swirl of emotions right now; I best take everything she says with a grain of salt.

Sunset Shimmer stood unable to move after Adagio, though she was fully capable to of voicing her concerns. “What do you mean by ‘you are going to do something right now’?”

For whatever reason Adagio could not quite describe, she paused and swung back to face Sunset Shimmer, her heavily blushing face confusing the rest of her expression considering just how pissed off the Dazzling’s gaze appeared. “I am going to find Aria and I am going to kick her ass for EVER even thinking she could hit me!”

“Why did she even hit you in the first place?” Sunset Shimmer thrusted both of her hands into her jacket pockets, taking some steps to close the gap between them once more. “That’s why I came to speak to you. I figured you would react this way. I just wanted to be here to stop you doing anything stupid.”

“And what makes you think you know me?” Adagio eyed her suspiciously. “What do you hope to gain meddling in my affairs?”

“Preventing you from getting expelled, for starters. And by the way? You can thank me later when I do eventually make you see sense. What do you hope to gain anyway going after Aria? What happened? I thought you three were friends.”

Adagio felt her teeth grit together at the notion she and those two were anything resembling friends. “Don’t insult my intelligence. I have no friends. Those two were nothing more to me than mere pawns. I couldn’t exactly survive alone in this world, so, why not use them to help me make this entire miserable world adore me! Just look at me! I deserved to be worshipped!”

“As perhaps the biggest self conceited bitch that ever walked the earth.”

“What did you just say?” Adagio took a threatening step forward. “Say that again.”

Bitch.” Sunset Shimmer grinned, rocking back and fore on the tips of her toes and the ball of heel.


Biiiiiiiitch~” Sunset Shimmer chimed in a sing-song.

Adagio stomped a foot. “I said stop!”

“Why?” Smirked Sunset Shimmer. “Because you’re bitching about it?”

“I swear—”

“I’ll stop saying it, if you stop being one.”

FINE!” Adagio threw her hands into the air. “To hell with this. I am going home. I don’t need to hear this from the likes of you. It’s not like I am going to do anything anyway with you in the way.”

Sunset Shimmer grinned triumphantly. “Go. Go home then.”

“I WILL!” Adagio pointed at Sunset Shimmer.

“You’re still here?”

“I… what… URGH! You’re doing this on purpose! Why are you so intent on getting a rise out of me! Is it because I can’t do anything now; is that it? Is it because you know I am nothing more than a helpless little girl? Is that it?!” Adagio felt tears creep to the corners of her eyes, to which Sunset Shimmer immediately noticed, the girl’s smug grin fading.

“A-Adagio, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that—”

“I’ve heard enough. Leave me alone, you freak—and stop following me! I won’t hurt your precious little Aria, alright? I thought you said you were here because of me, not because you were worried about what I’d do to that little traitorous slut when I get my hands on her!” Storming off for who-knows-what-numbered attempt, Adagio departed at a quickened pace leaving Sunset Shimmer watching on after her.

As the Siren turned a corner, Sunset Shimmer’s face twisted into irritation, her eyebrow twitching.

What the hell just happened?

That… that wasn’t why I came here! I didn’t mean to say those things!

She curled her fingers into her hair, eyes wide as she replayed the entire scene over in her head.

That was the complete opposite reaction to what I wanted! How is she able to get that kind of reaction out of me? Even when we had sex, she still somehow managed to yank my chain and drag out the side of me that I had hoped was long since laid to rest!

Her hands slipped down to smother her face, whimpering to herself. “I can’t believe this. How can I be so… so... I’m pathetic. I can’t even say how I feel when she’s here but, here I am talking to thin air—“


A gentle voice spoke up in front of Sunset Shimmer, causing the girl to spread her fingers upon her face and gaze through the cracks, noticing a particular blue haired teen standing before her.

Oh yeah! Bring it on! Anything else you want to throw at me, I am more than prepared for it!

“I take it you’ve just been dumped, or something?” Flash Sentry commented with a skeptical stare. “By… Adagio?”


“You can’t be serious.” Sunset Shimmer groaned. “This is the worst day of my life. First I screw that up and now my ex-boyfriend thinks I am a creep that talks to herself in the middle of the hallway who just got turned down by that raging bitch. I just want to go and crawl under a rock and die.”

Flash Sentry took a step back. “O-kay, I am going to go and… pretend I didn't hear any of this.”

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading guys and following! I do appreciate it.

Thumbs up if you like this shit. Comment below whatever you're thinking.

Comments ( 35 )

This chapter was realy intresting.:trollestia:

Looking forward for the next one.:moustache:

5849824 Thanks. I had worries about it.

The door opened and Sunset and yelped as she felt somebody with a similar build and height collide into her,

That "and" shouldn't be there.

Adagio stammered angrily, narrowing her eyes as just as Nurse Redheart appeared over her shoulder.

I don't think you need that there.

Sunset Shimmer still stunned, found herself unable to speak the very moment she realized who it was.

I think the start would be better if it were like this: "Sunset Shimmer, still stunned, found herself..."
I think it reads better when you do that thing, like this, where you put extra information betwen commas.

However, as Nurse Redheart turned her gaze from Adagio and onto Sunset Shimmer,

Also, you already said her name on the previous sentence. You could avoid unnesesary repetition replacing "Sunset Shimmer" with "her".

her heavily blushing face confusing the rest of her expression considering just how pissed off the the Dazzling’s gaze appeared.

I will just point it out.

Bitch.” Sunset Shimmer grinned, rocking back and fore on the tips of her toes and the ball of heel.
Biiiiiiiitch~” Sunset Shimmer chimed in a sing-song.
Adagio stomped a foot. “I said stop!”
“Why?” Smirked Sunset Shimmer. “Because you’re bitching about it?
“I swear—”
“I’ll stop saying it, if you stop being one.”

Best confrontation ever. The way you explained it, the dinamic, what was said... It was pretty cool.


Is it because you know I am nothing more than a helpless little girl? Is that it?!

And just like that you made me hate myself for enjoying Sunset's B-word attack.

More more more!! THIS IS FANTASTICO!! IS THERE MORE TO COME NOW???:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

When you commented on my story I thought you were familiar... and then I realized you were the one who wrote sex on a desk and slow sunset. You don't know how much of a pleasure it was for you to comment on my story... saying you liked it. :pinkiehappy:

Also I absolutely love this story! Its so cute

:rainbowlaugh: And the mane 6 see Flash Sentry slowly back off from the hallway as Sunset continue to rant to herself.

Classic. :moustache:

por favor escribe mas esta genial(please writing more is so cool)

This story have more spice in it, than an normal "Let's be friends whit the Dazzlings" fic.

5849841 Thanks for the corrections! And thanks very much for your kind words. I actually enjoyed the "bitch fight" bit myself.
5850284 That's alright. XD You make it sound like I'm famous or something. Glad you like the stories though! Hopefully ya'll enjoy what's to come.
5849843 Not yet. But soon.

5851552 When you pair a former bad girl with a bad girl, I think it should have some spice to it.

I just finished reading this story and the one that preceded it when I learned about the hiatus. Curse my luck!
Hope real life treats you well. I look forward to any possible updates.

5851890 The next chapter por favor!

[Is the next chapter going to come out soon?:rainbowhuh:]

6087475 I cannot state a date but its high on my list of priorities.

Huh. I had some trepidation when I saw the name of the prequel, (and it made me check the rating and see this is just T) but this isn't bad.

You make decent use of humor, like people noticing Sunset staring at a door, or Rainbow Dash's pot meet kettle statements.

more more more pleaseeeeeeeeeeee

Oh Adagio... please make Sunset regret everything. Ahem, that 'bitch fight' was divine: I'm still laughing.
It's super cute that they each pull something out of the other, Sunset makes Adagio feel insecure and vulnerable; Adagio makes Sunset want to be a bad girl for her. And the shock that registers in her when she realizes their confrontation didn't quite pan out! Poor Dagi, feeling abandoned from all sides ;_;

Actually, looking back now, I'm quite impressed with how much emphasis and inflection you wrote in without relying too heavily on bold or all caps. Italics are my poison, so it's nice to see it used well. :twilightblush:

I'm excited for any upcoming chapters.

Have you ever thought about trying out a crack ship with Adagio as a one shot? Like Adagio x Spitfire? I love that one particularly.

6217234 I have thought about Adagio x a Microphone.


I know. Even I don't know.

Can I ask when you think the next chapter will be out?

This is great. I hope it continues.

They have that sexually tension relationship.

Really enjoyed that, very interested to see where it goes, hoping you continue this story sometime. Most romances, even between those two characters, are soppy; but this one was explosive.

7740924 It won't be. I will try my best.

7742311 just feels like it, you know? It has been a year.

That awkward ending with Flash Sentry definitely got a laugh out of me. Good work.

Want to read, but I see it hasn't been updated in over 2 years. Is this dead or what?

This and the prequel were a fun read. It’s been a while since this was updated, but I put it in “Tracking” just in case. :twilightsmile:

Keep the story going it's getting good

Tu ne vas jamais continuer ?
I'm sad

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