Not a MonsterOur protagonist is thrust into the bustling halls of CHS to complete his senior year of high school. He quickly begins to fall for a certain girl named Sunset Shimmer, knowing nothing of her past. When he discovers the truth, will he still love her?by Dreamscape
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Bang, BangSonata and Adagio are constantly wondering where Aria is sneaking off to in the middle of the night and they end up making a shocking Harmony Charmer
3,111 words
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All That ShimmersSunset Shimmer is having a bad night. She turned into a demon, was forcefully turned back, and now has to deal with all the people she's wronged in the past. As luck would have it, it seems her demon self isn't done with her, Justice3442
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An Open DoorA look inside Adagio’s emotional state and her journey forward roughly six months after Rainbow SkycatcherEQ
17,060 words
· 762 · 18
I would restate the earlier sentiment, but it no longer holds up, on account of the problem being mended. Which itself may be counted as a sort of problem, and as such, a reason to say "Darn you, ma'am!"
I would restate the earlier sentiment, but it no longer holds up, on account of the problem being mended. Which itself may be counted as a sort of problem, and as such, a reason to say "Darn you, ma'am!"
And just to round things out: Hi!