Blackjack, an incompetent security mare from the dystopian Stable 99, suddenly has her monotonous life turned upside down when the stable is invaded by vicious raiders. Blackjack flees the stable with EC-1101, with the wasteland in hot pursuit.
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Damn it Rampage
fucking hell... this'll end beautifully, I just know it.
Nicely done man!
I just realized that the text goes from referring to her as "Mare Do Well" to "Rainbow Dash" around here.
he said with a soft chuckle... one not quite as sincere as I’d like, but I'd take what I could get.
Toaster called happily. (Or is this intended? Wordplay and all that.)
There goes Big Daddy. RIP
He returned a bashful smile. ?
A between the flight kinda chapter. Sex in space on a rocket, what an achivement. sounds like a more TV-MAer episode of Space Dandy right now. Gah, this chapter will not give it a rest on Glory will it? Fine, be that way chapter. May it be confirmed soon what happened. Cognitum being Cognitum again, countess give me a break. Oh, hi Rampage. Was wondering when you'd turn up. Or would you prefer the name Peppermint?
Xanthe x Stealth Suit.
I ship it.
Well shit.
7411041 Whoever gave you that dislike has absolutely no taste in shipping.
I wonder what happened to Larry the concerned cyber pony?
That sucks bro.
In my head, in battle he's screaming about not having a dick while tearing through brood like a madman. You go Steel, harness that genitalia-based rage.
Doofinshvirtz evil incorp-or-a-teeed~
My brain is blowing a fuse trying to fathom what she just described.
So true. And now mommas little girl has made it to space too.
There should be a alternate universe short where she is an Astropony.
Yay! He's taking Blackjack's advice to heart!
...or at least what's left of it.
Of course, I ended up in Goldenblood
Congradulations! You've won the lottery, and a battered body full of necromantic, toxic pink gas and undead life!
Enjoy your brief vacation in the mind of one of Equestria's greatest destroyers!
Oh dear Faust, how terrible, she lost a LEG!
Oh woe is she! The end is neigh, all things good has died!
Oh? What's that? You lost TWO legs?
How pitty on you...
Ah. Those guys.
I liked that guy, he was funny.
Poor fella. Lost his lightning rod.
The one thing worse than what Rampage asked in Neighvarro. An offensive offhand comment like this...nice.
Nice job 'Wonderjoke'.
Oh, you do not even know.

For some reason this really struck a chord in me.
To think that Scotch thinks of BJ as a mother figure...I just don't know how to take it.
I mean, sure her real mom is dead, and she never really got to know her on a fundamental level, but I still can't think of the words 'mom' and 'Blackjack' in the same sentence.
Even if she is pregnant.
I can not fathom how she would take care of or raise them...
Mmm, these apples sure are good.
Yeah. Tasty tasty apples. And toast on the side. With a little butter scotch candy as desert.
Apple pie.
Apple tarts.
Apple fritters.
Sugar Apple Bombs!
Dang apples are delicious!
Anypony wanna bet that's part of Big Daddy?
Sounds like that ghost REALLY likes Xanthe. I wonder just how SNUG a fit it
Oh my. Sounds like quite the grevious injury you've got there Mr.Stealth suit.
So the brood are developing I perial attitudes...dear Faust, it really IS the and of the world!
What shall we do as the previously lifeless brood lord over us all with their demeaning speeches and superior egos!
I ship it.
She knew it from "Perceptions," chapter 63, which had a section about that.
The author's notes continue to grow more amusing as time goes on. :)
So, no surprise Big Daddy didn't make it. No surprise there's a question as to whether Glory is actually dead. (I'm honestly on the fence about that myself, though I've at least figured out one, maybe two ways she could have survived.) No surprise Cognitum can tell when Blackjack is riding her; shouldn't be surprised Boo can do about the same.
I mean, admittedly, I kind of want Glory to be dead, because that was a fittingly epic, and above all, meaningful, death for her, coming at a time when I was not feeling super-sunny about her, so it hit harder. But if she's not, I won't be too surprised, and I'm interested to see how she got out of it.
Scotch thinking of Blackjack as a mother figure is a nice touch. (Poor kid.) P-21 having a real cutie mark is a serious cocktease. D: I said I wasn't surprised Big Daddy bit it (what was in that potion?), but I'm still sad because he was cool and I wanted to see him fight Stygius. :( I like how Toaster is the one irredeemable character not siding with the bad guys right now, and I hope Candlewick burns his ass, because it will be very satisfying. :B
oh, nice reference to the "welcome princess Celest" banner at the beginning of "swarm of the century."
Ministry of Arcane Sciences Emergency Broadcast System / Single Pegasus Project, Signals Intelligence Broadcast Center.
Easy !
*snort* Try call it small if you get a little closer...
Thank you good person!
That is absolutely beautiful. Destiny. No other word for this.
thats called foreshadowing.
Big Daddy left like a fucking badass. Love him
Stronghoof still being like that in an actual battle and not just in front of Blackjack gives me new appreciation for Crumpets. Hope Palsm gets her shit together and protects my boy.
Not sure if it has been mentioned yet but why can't Littlepip use the SPP to help everyone?
I caught that Rainbow Factory reference
Absolutely. The Legate is responsible, period.
This is what you are fighting for now. Not just yourself. Not just your friends. Not just the Hoof. Not just Equus. But all the light in the universe.
It’s an interesting coincidence that Marigold went with a card theme when naming Tarot and then she just happened to end up adopted by Card Trick.
Every time the Perceptitron is mentioned this is the mental image I get…
Am I far off?
1) Goldenblood and Velvet are a hilarious pairing. Bravo on finding an excuse to put them in a scene together.
2) I’m seriously curious as to how Goldenblood arrived at these specific fates for each of the Ministry Mares (Fluttershy excepted of course).
It’s nice to be reminded of the sad state the alicorns were left in post-Goddess. And it’s nice to see somepony other than Velvet showing them compassion.
To be fair to Blackjack, I’m not entirely sure that I wouldn’t have the same reaction myself.
From a reader’s perspective this is just a silly joke.
But also I just know that Blackjack is completely earnest and sincere about this, and that’s actually really sweet and romantic.
Time to add this to the “Things I never thought I would write” list.
I mean, he’s right. As is usual with post-addiction P-21, he is profoundly, irrefutably right. But Somber, I want you to know that I hate you. I. Hate. You.
He’s an asshole, but he’s got a point.
RIP Big Daddy. I couldn’t imagine him going out any other way.
While you’re at it, could you also explain to Stronghoof the proper way to conduct yourself in a real battle? Sweet Celestia, that guy might be a bigger liability than Psalm currently! Poor Crumpets… And Psalm…I just want to grab her and scream at her that she wasn’t a murderer until Shattered Hoof Ridge. Unfortunately, I don’t think that would help. If she were capable of believing that, she never would have trotted down the dark path she took in the first place…
So Glory really could still be alive, huh? I’m not sure how I feel about that. I’ll just have to see how this plays out.
Despite still being an evil cunt, I think she could be reasoned with if Blackjack can convince her the Eater is real.
Ok, I have to ask. What’s with Rampage and making dramatic entrances at the end of a Perceptitron chapter?
AJ was one of the least overtly unethical of the Ministry mares. Prison seems reasonable.
Pinkie did some horrific shit, but I don't think she actually did that much murder, also an insanity case could be pursued, and would also discredit any accusations she made.
Twi's making the Gardens of Equestria is immediately something Luna would have her offed for. If that wasn't discovered, finding some reason to kill her would've happened anyway, she was the smartest of her friends, knew how to make alicorns, etc. If she wasn't taken care of with her friends, she'd do major damage to save/avenge them.
RD's Ministry was basically a government funded terrorist organization, pinning everything they did on RD was part of the plan.
Rarity's ministry had intimate knowledge of all the lies perpetuated by the Equestrian government, but that couldn't be acknowledged as a crime guilty of prison/execution without acknowledging the lies in the first place. An "accident" gets her out of the way, without having to find a reason to arrest her without incriminating Luna.
Flutters, aside from Goldenblood's reasons for wanting her pardoned, was almost universally beloved. Punishing her when all she did from most Equestrian's POV is heal, and be adorable, would've lead to a massive public outcry. And she probably wouldn't be considered any sort of threat with her friends dead/locked up.