• Member Since 4th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 8th, 2018


I write stories, just like most people here... I handle things in unorthodox ways with varying success. My stories might reflect that.



This story is a sequel to Rainbow, Big and Froggy

After personally inspecting Ratchet, Clank and Qwark proof traps in an unknown galaxy on his ship, Lawrence 'accidentally' opened up a trap door into the nearest planet. This wouldn't be a problem if Dr. Nefarious wasn't standing on it. Unfortunately he landed near Princess Twilight.

Crossover with the Ratchet and Clank games. Takes place after All 4 One.
Rated T for two mild swear words, one of which is cut off.
Suitable for everyone else if the first few games' ratings are to be believed.

Second in a pseudo one-shot series I like to call: Slightly Random Pony and Even More Random Game Character. Or SRPEMRGC or Pony and VGC for short. Where every character will be treated with respect, unless that goes against the characters existence/purpose.
They won't have an overarching plot, each story can be enjoyed on its own. They take place in the same universe though.
1: Rainbow, Big and Froggy
2: Princess Twilight and Dr. Nefarious
3: Applejack and Moneybags
4: Lightning Dust and Polar

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

This was... I can't find the words to describe it... Oh I know a word!: like!

4091070 At least one of us liked it.

Aw over so soon:pinkiesad2:


I'm expecting something from the Jak & Daxter 'verse next.

4092413 Sorry to disappoint, but Jak II turned me off to the series. And I haven't touched 3. Or the spin-offs. Shame too, I really wanted to like the series. But with that said. Jak 1 is one of one of my favorite platformers of all time. I could do a Sly Cooper one if it's any consolation.



Jak 2? really??? you're missing out man, they may have done a complete 360 with the series at that point but they did well with it, imo at least.


"I've had enough of this crap! I will Rip Ya a New One until you're nothing but a big pile as ashes!!


I've never played a sly cooper game. How about Spyro?

4092447 Sure, you can even pick a character. As long as it is in the Original continuity.



Moneybags tries to charge Applejack for entrance to her own farm?

4092486 Thanks, I was having trouble figuring one out for her. I write slow, but I'll make sure this one is the next installment.

Also for future readers: I'll only accept a request if I see tons of potential.



I expect much violence upon Moneybags. He's a douche. :pinkiecrazy:

4092509 For some reason a rocket launcher popped in my head. Seems too silly. We'll see.



if you need a pre-reader or an editor or something, let me know.

4092596 I am one myself. But if you notice some errors. Feel free to point them out via PM.

Oh my god, I remember that boss fight in Up Your Arsenal! That took so many tries to beat!

A masterpiece. An unmitigated masterpiece, searing a thousand souls with its absolute brilliance. Liked and followed!

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