• Published 17th Oct 2013
  • 1,771 Views, 21 Comments

Papa Top - Twinkletail

Berry Punch is bringing a new pony into the house, but can she pass Pinchy's Papa Test?

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Chapter 1

Berry Punch was a nervous wreck, though anypony who saw her at the time wouldn't believe it. For a mare who was self-diagnosed as being "painfully insecure," her poise at this moment was anything but. She knew how important tonight's meeting was, and the prospect of it going poorly terrified her. Still, she kept her calm smile, because it was what all parties involved needed.

Carrot Top was one of those other parties. She was nervous too, but unlike her significant other, it showed plainly on her face. She tried to relax, but even Berry's calming presence had difficulty soothing her nerves. It wasn't like this was the first time she'd met Berry's daughter Ruby Pinch (or Pinchy, as she liked to be called). They'd talked plenty on the other occasions in which Carrot would visit their house, and Carrot's little sister Noi was fairly friendly with Pinchy. This, though, would be the first time that she saw Pinchy after Berry had told her that they were dating. Berry had warned Carrot of Pinchy's issues with accepting the idea of her mom having a new romantic interest. Ever since Pinchy's dad had walked out on the family, she had a lot of trouble believing that it wouldn't happen again. Carrot smiled nervously at the filly sitting across from her. The pressure was on.

"So," Pinchy began, tapping a hoof to her chin. "You think you've got what it takes to be the new Papa, huh?"

"A-actually, Pinchy," Berry said quickly. "Cara here is a mare, so she'd be..."

"I-it's okay," Carrot interrupted, smiling lightly. "If she wants to call me Papa, I don't mind." Berry smiled warmly, taking one of Carrot's hooves in hers. She felt it tremble terribly in her grasp, and began rubbing it in hopes of calming her down.

"I didn't say I was ready to call you Papa!" Pinchy said, quieting the two of them. Pinchy was undeniably adorable and typically very sweet, but to Carrot right now, she was more intimidating than any of the creatures in the Everfree.

"Of course," Carrot said quietly. The two adults sat silently, waiting for the filly to continue. Pinchy tapped her hooves together, watching the new pony in her home like a hawk.

"Why do you think you're a good match for my mom?" Pinchy asked, eyeing her.

"Well," Carrot said, clearing her throat. "She makes me very happy, and I can only hope that I make her just as happy." Berry pulled at Carrot's foreleg lightly, wrapping a bit more of it up with her own. Carrot smiled eagerly, even though her heart was still threatening to beat through her chest.

"That's it?" Pinchy asked, seemingly unconvinced. The two mares looked to each other.

"O-of course not," Carrot responded shakily, still impressed that such a sweet young filly could instill such fear in her. "Besides just making her happy, I feel that I could provide both you and her with the care and security that one would expect from a pony like myself who's looking to fill this position in your lives." Carrot blinked as she listened to the words coming out of her mouth. She believed and meant every word of it, but she couldn't help but feel a bit silly. She sounded like she was going out for a job interview. She idly wondered if she should have brought a resume.

"And why am I supposed to believe you?" Pinchy demanded, loud enough to make both mares jump slightly. "Why should I believe that you're not gonna hurt mama and leave us just like..." Pinchy cut herself off. She gritted her teeth, trying to keep up the intimidation factor, but her shaking was beginning to betray her. Berry was biting her lip; it was horrible to watch her precious daughter in such pain. She began to get up to move by her side, but stopped as she saw Carrot do the same thing. She watched as Carrot took a seat next to Pinchy. Carrot tried to put a foreleg around Pinchy, but the filly nudged her away. Carrot sighed lightly. Her nerves started to calm themselves; this was no time for her to be nervous. She had to be strong for the little filly who needed her strength.

"Ruby," she said, forgoing the nickname in favor of her full first name. "I can't give you any reason to believe me, other than the fact that I believe it myself."

Pinchy began to speak up, but she quieted down as Carrot gently placed a hoof on her mouth.

"Your mother is the greatest thing to happen to me," Carrot continued. "I love her, and she loves me. Neither one of us could ever dream of hurting each other, and even moreso, we couldn't dream of hurting you."

"It's true, Pinchy," Berry said, sitting on Pinchy's other side. "I trust Cara, not only with my heart, but with you. If I didn't, this whole thing wouldn't be taking place right now."

"I know it still hurts to think about him," Carrot said, bringing a hoof around Pinchy to calm the shakes that had started just from referring to him. This time, her hoof wasn't nudged away. "But you can rest assured that I would never even dream of hurting you two like he did. It hurts me that he hurt the two of you like that, and there's nothing I want more than to make up for the pain that he caused you both by giving you two all the love and care you deserve." She smiled down to the filly; a big, genuine smile, one that she hoped would convince her that she could be trusted.

Pinchy looked up to Carrot, then to Berry, who was now tearing up. Berry gave her a gentle nod and a smile. Pinchy took a deep breath, then looked back to Carrot.

"I'll trust you on three conditions," the filly said.

"Name them," Carrot responded.

"First, you have to promise never to hurt mama," Pinchy said.

"I promise never to hurt your mama," Carrot said confidently.

"Second, you have to promise to bring me a bottle of grape soda every time you come over," Pinchy continued. "Or grape candies." Carrot chuckled and rolled her eyes slightly. Grapes were Pinchy's favorite fruit, and the easiest way to make her smile.

"Don't you think that's a little greedy, sweetie?" Berry asked, ruffling Pinchy's mane. "It rhymes, so it's gotta be true."

"Well, alright," Pinchy laughed. "Not every time. But at least sometimes!"

"I can do that," Carrot said, giving her a smile. "So what's the third condition?"

Pinchy looked up into Carrot's eyes. Carrot was giving her the best gentle smile she could. Pinchy smiled back to her.

"You have to be okay with me calling you Papa Top," the filly said. Carrot bit her lip, feeling her eyes begin to water. Hearing that made her happier than she could have imagined.

"Of course," Carrot said quietly, holding back a sniffle. Pinchy gave her a big smile and wrapped her little legs around her for a hug.

"Don't cry, Papa Top," Pinchy said. "You're supposed to be happy now!"

"I am," Carrot replied as a tearful Berry joined the hug. "I really, really am."

Comments ( 21 )


Trial by child. Nice.

~Skeeter The Lurker

At first I was like "top lel", but then I was all D'AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

Because someone's going to post it eventually...



My heart hurts.

3361448 I hereby sentence you to 30 minutes in the corner. Court is dismissed.

You jerk, Pinchy's dad! You're and awful pony and you should feel awful!

3362541 Look, I can't keep posting bail for you like this. My mom is starting to notice that the cookies keep disappearing.

Of all the times to not have my defibrillator charged...


Really like stories with this kind of Berry/Pinchy relationship.

Had this on my mind once I saw the title, all the way to your post. Well done, lol :pinkiehappy:

Good. Good on you. Good all around. 97.5% of the time, most authors forget that there are already relationships at work in these characters lives, and that bringing a new person into a parent's life is a big deal for kids. Bravo on dealing with such a situation in this way. Upvoted.

Comment posted by Red Does Reviewing deleted Oct 19th, 2013

Children do often make the worst judges in the world! :pinkiehappy:

And... I can't help it, I give in... upvote time. :fluttershysad:

While I'm not much for kids, they often surprise me in how deep they can see into situations. They often have insights and wisdom beyond their limited years. I can see something like this happening. Cute and touching.

Is it Papa Top because of her being Carrot Top or is it related to that Berry is usually thought of in the fandom as a drunk? I assume it's the former, because of how cute it is for Pinchy.

Pretty Darn Cute. :yay:

It is to short to be in my favourites, but if there would be more i would take it into my favourites.

I think it is a good story and good for a nice moment.

That was a nice little adorable story.
Thank you.

Awww, that was sweet. <3 A really important aspect of dating with children that's not commonly explored.


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