• Published 26th Sep 2013
  • 32,854 Views, 1,985 Comments

Never Judge A Bug By Her Cover - Zamairiac

What happens when you have a changeling Queen who rules nothing. A Human who resents ponies for treating him like a science project. And an unusual friendship that resulted in something unheard of in Equestria. Oh and a really weird story, no really.

Comments ( 266 )

i shouldn't have read this yet, but dammit.
fuck off celestia, you bitch.

Celestia is a bitch. >_>

*Grabs Neostead shotgun and Dons Enclave Tesla armor* If you'll excuse me,Ive got a tyrant to end,Sic Semper Tyrannis,Celestia,Sic Semper Tyrannis

*sees this updated* *gasps* *dies*
Celestia is an ASSHOLE!

I'm betting Luna meddled.

So, let me get this straight: Celestia infused Richard's body with the soul of her son and that caused him to transform into an alicorn whilst sending Richard's soul away somewhere? I might just be stupid or something but I'm not 100 percent sure about what just happened...:rainbowhuh:

Dunno why you would write a story like this, but I for one am enjoying it!



Error 404 - Mind.exe Not Found

(Seriously though, AWESOME chapter but I'm slightly confused. I'm sure it'll be explained soon enough :pinkiehappy: )

Nicely done, still hoping things work out for Richard, Chrissy, and Celestia

Holy buck... :rainbowderp:

OH MY GOSH THAT WAS SO EPIC! 10,000 Words too! That was one of the best chapters yet! :heart:

... Fuck you.

Not only is this incredibly sad, when I heard Richard say "I don't want to go.", I relieved the Tenth Doctor's regeneration all over again.

No, Richard was originally Celestia's son. He was just sent to the human world and grew up as Richard Tyler for reasons beyond me.
As for the last part, I think Richard transferred his consciousness to Chrissy. So, I guess she gets a crazy person-esque voice now?

ya know alot of this could have been prevented if celestia told richard the truth weeks ago, but then we wouldnt have an awesome story :rainbowwild:

:rainbowderp:...What just happend?

:rainbowdetermined2:Damn good chapter you!

:pinkiehappy:Keep up the good work!

The most terrible of atrocities the princess has commited, she has erased and replaced a being mentally, dsetroying his very essence. I think there are more than a few laws aganist that, anyone know a court system that'd be willing to try a goddess?

My reaction to this chapter: "Excuse me while i do my happy dance!" And then "what emotional roller coaster do you have for me next?!"

3724196 well... what is a god to a non believer? I do believe some plains justice is in order,no?

OK, I think i got what happened.

Celestia had an alicorn baby named Cosmos that was stolen by Nightmare Moon cultists and sent to earth in the form of a human that grew up into Richard. When he came back to Equestria he reconnected with the magic and was turning back into Cosmos, losing all traces of Richard in the process. Chrissie's venom was supposed to get rid of the Cosmos part but instead sped up the transformation. But Richard, before changing completely, used his connection to Celestia to learn a spell to separate his conscious from Cosmos and used its alicorn magic to cast the spell at the last second.

What happened to Richard is unknown, but i speculate that he used his and Chrissie's bond to dump his mind directly into the changeling hive mind. That way Celestia gets her son back and Chrissie can just download Richard into a blank changeling body.

Guess we'll find out next chapter.

I did not believe it was quite possible to foster such an overwhelming urge to commit infanticide. I do hope things will continue to intrigue me, I quite enjoy my wrath. It fills me with such purpose and motivation.

That felt suspiciously similar to a regeneration from Doctor Who. Considering you're from Britain, and Matt Smith's regeneration aired a little over a week ago, it's not surprising.

"And now it's time for one last bow. Like all your other selves. Eleven's hour is over now, the clock is striking Twelve's."


It's been a while, but if I remember the details correctly, back during Nightmare Moon's first rise, cultists stole Celestia's baby son and banished him who knows where. While doing research on our hero's potential as a solution to a future Equestrian sterility epidemic, Celestia discovered that he was her son, apparently shot a little under 1000 years into the future and turned into a human baby by the ritual.

Problem is, no matter what anyone does, the alicorn-ness in him is still there and, when it reasserts itself, the only thing that can survive exposure to a full alicorn's power is his original mind and body... Celestia's baby son, Cosmos. At that point, the magical mother-child bond between alicorns also snaps back into existence.

Celestia basically decided that, since there's nothing she or anybody else can do about it and Cosmos won't remember what she did, no reason to sugar-coat things in the interests of expedience... so she acted like a total bitch.

Chryssie just tried to turn him into a Changeling so the change could burn the alicorn-ness and the Cosmo persona out of him.

If I understand what I just read, the Alicorn-ness refused to vacate but, as a consolation prize, he got one freebie from the power and the parental bond. He tapped into Celestia's knowledge and wove a compulsion into Cosmo so that, when he's old enough and powerful enough, he'll sacrifice his identity "of his own free will" to reach over the mating bond with Chryssie and bring our hero's supposedly destroyed persona back, from where it slumbers inside her, into posession of his body.

Our hero has just set Celestia up so that, in the future, she will know what it felt like for our lovers from the other side.

Quite a chapter... god damn Celestia.

By the way, I noticed two words that were a shade of blue, both in Richard's POV after he was saved by Chrissy. Was this some kind of accident with the coding or are you trying to send the readers a message?
The first was found here.

Grinning, I nodded and began my slow descent down her long neck, my lips pressing against its soft fur devotedly. Chrissy sighed and leaned her head sideways, allowing me to gently graze her more sensitive areas.

and the second here

I…I could feel her weariness, her body…as if it were my own.

Oh gob that was awesome. Form what it sounds like he was able to some how, to send his human part away to ether be reborn or to be part of Chrissy. One things for sure I hope he comes back and beat the shit out of cosmos just to spite Sunbutt!

INB4 Richard put his soul into his own unborn baby.
Or pushed Cosmos's mind into his own unborn baby and took over Cosmos's body with his soul.

Either way I hope Richard is still around Cosmos free and Celestia gets real acquainted with a baseball bat :pinkiecrazy:

If I was in Richard's position, last thing I would have done is say is "A man chooses" before doing a combination of the transmitting myself into Chrysalis and using my conceal carry pistol to blow the body's brains out.

I would then follow this up with as much psychological torture of Celestia as possible (example: breaking into her room with a blood-red spray can, and painting the words "A man chooses" all over her room and on everything) for the rest of my life.

I think near the beginning, or somewhere around the middle of the story, Luna and Celestia reminisced about the time a cult devoted to Luna/Nightmare Moon abducted Cosmos to sacrifice him or something. I think they might've been trying to get Celestia to abdicate her spot on the throne so Luna could rule alone, I'm not too sure. However, they got Cosmos back and, in order to protect him, Celestia sent him to another dimension disguised as a member of the dominant species (humans). Of course, since he was a baby and the magic temporarily wiped his memory, he was found and simply raised as Richard Tyler - the human. The whole 'interdimensional witness protection program' was essentially mucked up by Twilight when she used her spell to find something compatible enough with ponies to procreate with them and save the species. Of course, she lied and said it was an 'accident'. You know what happens after that until now. If I left out any details, don't hesitate to correct me. :derpytongue2:


I think I know what he was planning but probably not

This chapter is so sad! :raritydespair: It is pretty smart to hide chrissy in Richard (or cosmo's if you prefer), at least I think that's what happened.
LOVE IT! :pinkiecrazy:

Still trying to wrap around my head on what just happened:rainbowhuh:, I think I understand a little bit but at the same time I'm like dafaq just happened?.:applejackconfused:(At least I now know that someone watches Doctor Who:raritywink:)

Turns in to a demon looks down at sunbutt (payback time bitch ) and runs her down

Ah- You just- And then she- Celestia- What is going oooooooooooon?!

3724077 This version of Celestia is an ASSHOLE:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

I kinda feel he did a kigdom hearts lingering will type deal their like what xehanort did to terra, And I love it!!!

I am going to destroy you for this!!!.....Please continue!!

Um... wow...

You never cease to amaze me with your stories. I can tell you right now i've been coding a minecraft server for the past 4 hours and it has been a complete bitch. i felt so pent up and i was so angry but this literally flushed me out. reading always calmed me, good stories are hard to come by these days. Yes i skipped the clop but this isn't the first time i've read your stories so i assume it was fantastic as always.

So let me tell you my thoughts on this entire story in general.
The character is very well built and i could not only sympathize with him i could relate to him in many ways. This is an excellent tactic and once again i comend you for your ability to write such works of art.
The ending is both misleading and foreboding at the same time.
While richie in the end does manage to escape celestia still knows that at least chrissy is still alive and therefore she is wary. The magical sense she had does provide a sense that the next instalment will center around her trying to find them and/or having a conflict involving them. (duh?)
Also just because he cast a spell to shoot his conciousness out doesn't mean he gets a body folks. More likely than not he sent it TO chrysalis herself. AKA he now resides in her mind until she can make him a body? ANYWAYS.
I was a bit eager to see the whole richard plus cosmos thing, cause i recently read a story involving a human transforming into a filly and being overwhelmed by foalish desires.
Well to get back on topic i feel relaxed and now i am severly impatient....


*Your life comes first ofc*

So... That scene where Chrissy reconnects with her children..?

The feels in that scene caused my little shivled heart to explode with feels. Screw the rest of the chapter, that bit right there made it for me. :pinkiesad2:

Well Celestia will have Hell to pay for now

HIEfan #45 · Jan 3rd, 2014 · · 18 ·

A mother desperatly trying to regain her long lost son....i honestly can't be angry at Celestia for that.


Not just any bitch, a selfish bitch.

Except that she murdered someone (who just prior she tried to trick him into a romance, blackmailed him and made his life a general Hell) just so that she can get her son back. Yeah, that's real understandable...:ajbemused:

God dammit

celestia you whore

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