• Member Since 11th Mar, 2013
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Part one of Soul Shard's Tales:

Soul Shard had been shunned by society, looked down upon, and denied the chance to prove herself. After recovering from the depression that wracked her body she decides that it is time to train herself until she could prove to the world that she was worthy of all the things life had denied her. Love, acceptance, and to belong.

As her passion turns to an obsession, transforming her inventiveness into an obsessive push to create. And what had once started as the need to find a way to build revenue to survive became the starting of an empire. Shard Industries. But no matter how much she did, how much she grew. She used it as a reason to run and hide.

When she comes across two runaways. She finds the strength to believe in herself, and to not runaway from her fears. But Runaway to the Future.

Edited by: tencentpartycannon

In Collaboration with: Deathpony45

Artwork: pending

Special Note:

At the end of each chapter will be a link to the Notes about that chapter.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 29 )

Good job on the story and also[img]


I'm waiting for my editor, but you shall have moar!

Comment posted by dark hope deleted Jun 16th, 2013

Good news, everyone! I recently finished editing arc #2, so it's gonna be out whenever TGE feels comfortable with it! A whopping 10K words... Made my brain spin :applejackconfused:

It's a great arc, take my word for it, everyone!



Later on maybe. But not between Lightning Flicker and Soul Shard [ they'll be seeing eachother as brother and sister later on, and Soul is a filly fooler.]. Although there will be a heaping dose of Friendshipping between them. I'm still trying to figure out how I want to Ship Soul. Weather polygamy, or monogamy style relationship. Or in this fic or the sequel.


Aww. They'd make such a cute couple. But I shall wait patiently for your Souls-shipping verdict.

remove the () and whatever in it, sounds like it wasn't meant for reader but for you and your editor...


Actually it was a mix of editor speaking to me, some of it was my own stuff that was unchanged, and others I think were added. But thank you for pointing those out. I got rid of all but 1 where I describe the attack types. I hope that makes the read easier and I'm going to go through the other chapters to see if they also need a fix. Thank you very much for pointing it out.


Well I can say that the next 2 chapter's () were intentional, and I'll keep an eye out to get rid of the one between the editor and I when I put up the rest of the chapters.

not sure what to say... Soul shard seems overpowered, or are unicorns in this story able to do such feats too?


With training. Here's the thing.

If you were to dedicate 4 years. Non-stop on a single subject / training. No playing, no free time, nothing other than training, studying for training, gathering things to further training, and of course your basics [eat, sleep, bathroom, baths]. You'd be much better at something than those who didn't.

Let's say you do the Uberman Sleep Schedual and sleep for 2 hrs a day. Or Polyphasic Sleep and take 6 30 min power naps [3 hrs]. Adding in Deep Meditation to achieve said sleep phases can incorporate training into as well.

That opens up 20.57 - 21.57 hrs out of the day to work with. Take 4 hours to eat, drink, and bathroom breaks. All of which can integrate training. That opens up 16.57 - 17.57 hrs of pure training.

Now lets say it's rounded down. 16 hrs a day of raw training. That's 504 hrs a month, or 6,048 hrs a year.

6,048 * 4: 24,192 hrs.

Now with the 10,000 hr rule 10,000 hrs of training in a specific craft makes one an expert.

So I don't see her as OP. Rather as insanely dedicated to her craft. Which the first three arcs were about. As well as her Origin's story that is the Prequel to this fic. Her training, dedication, and basically removing herself from society so that she could focus on training.

As well as can anypony do it. Well with training, dedication, and time yes. Would just anypony off the streets be able to no, of course not. Especially since most ponies only use their power for what ever their cutie mark is specialized in. And even then it's been shown to be a rather limited use.

Although with that being said. Why do you think she's OP?

In my belief, magic are something hard to learn, and have limits, stuff like consuming shards of the world's core,immortality and creating demi-plane would be impossible by modern Equestria's magic level. After all, if great and dedicated mages would be able to attain such level of power though hard work, than there would be much more immortals running around. (ponies like starswirl wouldn't be dead)


The Demi-Plane was inspired by Blue Azure and most notably it's sequel Purity. And if an Earth Pony can create that. Than anypony who Specializes in Magic, and Magical Construction [spell crafting]. Can do it as well.

Immortality. You have Ditzy Doo who in Canon was shown in various stages of Equestria's Past in the Background. Never aging a single day. If age is how much magic a pony has + power pool [reserves to draw off of] + is in affect against it [I'm of the belief that the Element Bearers will be immortal by the power of the Elements flowing through them].

Than it's possible for a pony to make a simple link to a Layline, and with aid of basic transformation. Augment themselves to run of the earth's lay line wich is connected to the universal lay line. Thus become immortal. Will that make them All powerful? No. Will it allow them to draw off of alot of strength and power reserves.Yes. But they'd still be limited to what their body could use at any given moment. Given that magical force is still a force that is being exerted against the body. Thus as it's being used it takes up stamina and physical endurance to handle greater and greater things [thus why all guards are physically fit and train their bodies as they do.]

As for Limits, and Level of power: How many of those mage's have a special talent in magic? Rather than a specialized field of magic? It's very rare. That and yes there would be a lot more. But as I've been building up. Soul Shard doesn't think inside the box. You are talking about

1) A group of mages taught with Celestia's Training regimine, guidance, and approved courses. Who only have access to modern, non-banned spells, and if they are lucky family spell books.
But how many would think of immortality as achieveable? Especially when a certain someprincess is around to make their work mysteriously disappear if it gets to close to something.


2) A pony who has no physical connections to CSFGU, no modern teaching or approved teaching schedual. lives in her own head, and has the artistic mind to invent and create. Without needing to compare herself to anypony.

That and it was never proven that Star Swirl Died. Only that he disappeared off the face of Equestria. As well as if any pony were to do what she's been doing they'd be incredibly guarded of their work. Since that level of power would give them a leg up other others, rather than sharing it and loosing what specialness they gained from such a thing.

It's not that Modern Equestria can't do it. And if fact in a lot of Fics they can do it or more. But more along the lines that 99% of Equestria's mages are bound by petty politics, getting others to research what ever thing they are doing [in accordance to their ST [which while magic based. We've seen that 99.999% of any magic user born has no magic specialization ST. Rather it is in a limited field / area.

And it's been said that A unicorn [or any magic user's] Magic is limited to their Special Talent. And then theirs the power reserve thing. So while it is possible [I've been playing within the lines of probability with everything I've done since I didn't want to make a Magic user and be ... Well Hell She does magic, so she can do anything. Rather I build it up in a progressive manner so it stayed within the realm of plausibility]. I mean transformation magic, levitation, gravity magic, everything has either been done in the show, or has been shown with a Filly Twi or of Canon Age unicorn doing something that could lead up to what I've been doing.

I cant think of any possible negative comment for this story, it is simply a great story, keep going. :pinkiehappy:


Thank you. The next chapter is pretty big and I've gotten a good way into it. It's going to be an epic roadtrip.

3146875 by the way will soul shard ever run into the mane 6 or the cmc? :scootangel:


This chapter that'll be upcoming this coming summer break has Dashie, and past that without giving to much away. Yes, more of the main 6 will pop up in cameos this story. More mane 6, and some CMC will pop up in later planned stories.

so, is this story on hiatus, or is it just on the back burner until a later date?


My editor is in school and has a lot on his plate. When he's ready to get to this I'll be back to this. So for the moment this is on the back burner.

4034316 ok then! hope things turn out well for him (or her).

Hey buddy sorry again about you losing all your stuff that really sucks :fluttercry: but I'm really glad you're gonna continue writing with these characters and I look forward to the new story

Hey TheGreatEater, can you please link the sequel fic. I would really like to continue reading about Soul Shard.


Kinda bad news on that bit. My old account was lost that had Menagerie of Misfits on it. And even before then, the editor at the time (forget his/her name) was really busy and was supposed to send it over to a friend to continue working on it. Which never happened.

I kind of remember what happened in that first chapter I wrote, but I'd have to start over from scratch. I'm sorry about that XD.

more please

can you rewrite Menagerie of Misfits please


Honestly Idk. I mean a part of me wants to, but honestly life's been so insane lately that I can't even get into following up Golden Crusade and Types of Love (both of which I'm very behind on). I wouldn't be against letting someone else pick up the fic. But I'd personally need to find the time to get back into mass producing fics like I used to.

you could do one chapter a week or one chapter a month i do not care how long i have to wait i want to see more of this story please do it if you have writer's block then this can help you to keep going please do it i love your stories https://goinswriter.com/how-to-overcome-writers-block/

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