• Member Since 20th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen May 23rd, 2024

Luna Nightshade

I am the guardian of dreams, the shepherd of the moon and the pony of the night



After the defeat of Tirek and the map appearing within the castle, Twilight got curious if there was more to the tree than meets the eye. After doing some research the only one left to ask is Princess Celestia herself.

On Twilights request the Princess meets up with her and tells her a story from long before Equestrias founding, from even before the events that led to Hearth's Warming Eve ...

The [Alternate Universe]-Tag is present, because things might not fit into canon completely (now or more on a later date). Still, I tried to keep as close to canon as I could.

CoverArt used with permission by SailorTrekkie92 [ Source ];
Tree of Harmony Vector by Serenawyr [ Source ]

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 21 )

“Don’t worry, Princess, I have all the time we need.”

Fucking stop calling Clestia Princess, Twilight:facehoof: Why does no one on this damn site get that they're equals now

Well, the show didn't go down that way at first either - and I still think that Twilight has a hard time to get rid of that habit.
I think that, if Twilight would suddenly not be looking up to Celestia, it would feel out of character for her.


Wow...just wow. Best story I've read in a long time, you've really outdone yourself m'lady :raritywink:

Before I read this, what is the Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?


Not very, but it still deals with the topic of death, which is why I put the tag there.

How strange that no one likes alicorns anymore. Nice piece of mystery!

I kind of wonder about Harmony's background. I sure hope they can make everything right again.

I was in doubt whether Starswirl would be evil or not. He's still grey... no pun intended.

Good backstory of the Everfree forest. Oh! I hope Celestia and Luna could learn how to use teleportation. That would be very helpful.

Exciting plot twist with Quint's betrayal. I wonder if we get to find out why everypony hates alicorns, or why alicorns 'supposedly' misbehaved...

Nice story. In my opinion, you merged the origin of the tree of harmony and the princesses and the origin of cutie marks perfectly with each other and the canon of the show. I wonder what has happened to Celestia's mother, though...


Thank you. It's one of the ones I hold close to my heart.
And the show has yet to destroy this idea ^^

Why is this so underrated :fluttercry:

Celestia gritted her teeth. At this rate teleportation would hinder them instead of helping them escape. She looked toward the blue sky again. The sun didn’t show any sign of setting anytime soon …

Celestia gritted her teeth. At this rate teleportation would hinder them instead of helping them escape. She looked toward the blue sky again. The sun didn’t show any sign of setting anytime soon.

I'm pretty sure you can figure out what's wrong with these two paragraphs.....

Amazing! A truly wonderful imagining of the Tree of Harmony and the Elements. Part of me would love to see this story expanded upon, to see how the rest of the history of Equestria actually plays out given this origin story. The other part of me thinks it's good just the way it is. Another very small part of me wanted to try writing an expansion to this story but the rest of me dragged it behind the shed out back and put it out of it's misery. Don't want be commiting any crimes against humanity after all :trollestia:

Oh, yes. Things happened a long time ago. Just ignore the duplicate? Please?

I guess it's ads. Ads are everything. If nobody knows the story exists, nobody will read it.

I am still writing, but they're non-pony-stories at the moment.

Maybe it's best if the story rests for now.
I had another idea, but never really got to finish it - maybe I should remark it as abandoned.

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