
Commander Shepard, saviour of the universe multiple times, arch enemy to the Reapers and the greatest hero ever... or was she? How many Shepards failed and how many succeeded? Who went paragon and who went renegade? Who did right by the universe and who did wrong? Who betrayed his friends and who saved her friends, and who is the real Shepard? Was she male or was he female? Did Shepard love someone or not? And will Shepard ever find out, stuck on a primitive alien planet far away from home with hundreds of other Shepards yelling at her in her head? And to top it off she has become one of the aliens AND she has got a Reaper AI in her Omni-tool.

Can Twilight and her friends fix this broken woman, and find the true Shepard? Or are something's to broken to be fixed? And more importantly do they want to?

Set sometime between Equestria Girls and Season 4(You decide!)

(Warning: Contains swearing, deaths of lots of things beside ponies mostly monsters, also guns, violence, lost identity, blood, friendship, happy ending [hopefully], distrust. Contact a doctor before use.)

(Second Warning: Comments nearly always contain some spoilers, so read at your own risk)

Written by Dragon's Heart and co-written by my nuisance of a brother XYZDreadnought (Who also a grammar Nazi. Heil Oxford Dictionary). Also edited by my two pain in the ass Parents.

CoverArt by XYZDreadnought

Chapters (18)

Act I: Maretropolis
Katy has been through a lot in her life, being treated like a nobody, but now that she's in a brand new world full of talking ponies, she wants to make a name for herself, but she keeps getting showed up by a group of heroes called The Power Ponies, but also by a young man who claims to know her. And to top it all off, she was labeled a vigilante and is wanted by the Maretropolis Police Force, but that isn't going to stop her.

This is the story of how she became Equestria's greatest hero.

Featured in Popular Stories 1/11/18
A Special Thanks to FrostTheWolf and Brony Parasite for helping me make this story possible. :)

Chapters (9)

The Commander has a lot of titles, and a lot of different names. Hero, monster, killer of the Council, savior of the Citadel, first human Specter. One name is definite between all; Shepherd.

Equestria is a peaceful world, one yet to even reach space travel. Yet, even a galaxy away, they are still affected by the defeat of Sovereign. They don’t know it, but they need not just a symbol, but a warrior.

Deep in the Void, the makers of the Reapers conspire to make an endless cycle of destruction within a universe to secure energy.

All shall be thrown into conflict together. Shepard will either lead a new flock, or let them be devoured by the wolves.

Chapters (7)

This is a crossover between Mass Effect and MLP:FIM. Some liberties have been taken in interpreting the end of the third game.

Chapters (1)

When the Reapers were defeated at the battle of Earth, the galaxy believed that Shepard was killed with the activation of the Crucible super-weapon. However, known for embracing the impossible and overcoming these challenges.

Shepard found himself in the vast waste of a desert of an uncharted planet, fully healed and thoroughly equipped. Finding his way back to the Systems Alliance might prove difficult, but what would a good challenge be if it's easy to solve?

Chapters (3)

The parallel universe is indispensable to fanfiction, even in stories where it isn’t addressed as fanfiction by it's nature takes a route that deviates from the established universe.
It allows for crossovers, mash-ups, what ifs, and all sorts of other fun stories.
My story begins in a nexus between universes, with a father who just wants to let his daughters meet their heroes, and finds himself charmed by the inhabitants once they’re no longer just characters to him.
With his knowledge he could fundamentally alter everything that happens; but his goal is for things to turn out the way they’re supposed to. But change is inevitable. Change for both him and the girls.
Things start light, but there are cracks that show the shadows cast. And secrets are not kept forever.
Relevant crossover tags that there aren't options for/I have far too many: Slayers, Dragon Ball Z, Tenchi Muyo, Monster Musume, Dungeons and Dragons, Minecraft, Undertale, Dark Souls
-- -- -- -- -- -- *** -- -- -- -- --
A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes. And finds himself being drawn into the world.
But even the brightest light casts a shadow. And things that could too easily be are seen. Things that demand action. Things that must be confronted. Things that must be destroyed.
But not forgotten. So life can move on.
But scars never really heal. They remind us of who we were. But with help from your friends you can confront even your past to find hope.
However hope and caring can lead you down a dark path. But your friends will fight to see you again, and find their own reward in your smile.
Fire will burn all that it touches, ever seeking more fuel for it’s own survival. But with care that fire can be tamed to bring out it’s brightest light.
There are times where you can help your friends. And times where they must help themselves.
Never forget that those closest to you may be afraid to seek your help, or are unable to ask, or may even demand that you stay away.
But no matter what you stand beside them.
Because your friends are family you invite into your life.

Chapters (69)

Long: An act of a mad god and an accident in space brought two unlikely heroes to the world of Equis. Will their combined magic and tech be enough to stave of whatever evils that plan to destroy that which is good? Will Cheese and Crackers be...DAMN IT, SHEOGORATH!!!

MLP/Mass Effect/Elder Scrolls V crossover, all franchises belong to their respective companies.

Torrin belongs to sornos
Qa’taro belongs to Wayward Shadow

Chapters (7)

How far will you go for a fresh start?

According to Octavia, Vinyl, and thousands of others, the answer is "to the next galaxy over".

And, thus, the Andromeda Initiative was born!

A very loose Mass Effect: Andromeda crossover. Like, seriously loose. I didn't even finish the game yet.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Line Between Fire and Light

This is a collection of stories that occur during but are not part of The Line Between Fire and Light. Each chapter being a different story.
Edit, this now includes similar for A Balance of Fire and Light
If you haven't already I would like to recommend that you read the main story for the context to enjoy these stories to their fullest.
These stories may be from the perspective of other characters or are short asides and are not directly related to each other.
Other series Tags that do not show up as an option (More will be added as they are relevant): Chrono Trigger, Tenchi Muyo, Dragon Ball

I'd like to thank /u/color_blinded for their advice and providing a template to help me with my synopsis.
My Cover Image is my profile picture (made by Foudubulbe) until I can afford to ask someone to draw a family picture for me to use.

Chapters (5)

Neela'Xeeda co-pilot of The Amalour Premonition, sorta daughter to an old Krogan mechanic, best friends with an ex-criminal Turian mechanic, and stuck on a new planet with a useless Volus who thinks he's a Piloting God. I would have even preferred the doctor over him. On top of that, we lost a beautiful corvette because of him at least I copied some data from it.

Chapters (2)