This story is a sequel to CELESTIA vs CELESTIA: MOM FIGHT!!

Princess Celestia and Principal Celestia have managed to come to a consensus about who deserves to be Sunset Shimmer's mother-- But the insanity of this day is far from over.

Emotions are high, and the stakes are higher, and now, two Twilight Sparkles are to battle for Sunset Shimmer's affection, and certainly, this will be the strangest thing that will happen in this day, right? Nothing else crazy will happen, right?

...This will be a long, strange day.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Remnants of a Pantheon

Discord and Harmony unleash their plan to raise the Immortals of Equus to godhood and form a pantheon,
in the hopes they can succeed where themselves previously failed.
it's a small shame that most of the inhabitants don't really like each other.

New powers can be unlocked, secrets will be unleashed and all the mortals will hope that maybe this leads to a better tomorrow.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A New Dynasty

The Crystal Empire has cut all ties with Equestria as a result of the banishment of Princess Twilight. The retired Royal Sisters speak the Crystal Empire's royal family. The Crystal Empire's royal family speak to a lost family member. And Discord speaks to someone else.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to New Endings, Old Starts

With books in her eyes, a chipper unicorn comes to the big city of earth ponies, certain that they would be more open to the idea of a grand library than the superstitious unicorns she was leaving behind. She would maybe awaken ancient spirits, or just bring to Manehattan the joy of a good book.

Both is also a possibility?

Chapters (86)

Rainbow Dash has managed to get herself into yet more trouble: following a crash that killed stunned the Gift Givers of the Grove, she is being forced to take up the mantle of the Spirit of Hearth's Warming.

Trapped in the hell of delivering gifts for the rest of eternity against her will, she has only one solution: taking the Grand Council of Holidays to court to dispute the Rule of the Clause and free her.

Unfortunately, she doesn't actually know any lawyers.

Also unfortunately, her best bet for a substitute is Starlight Glimmer.

Featured 12/29/2023 - 12/31/2023!

A Breezie story for TheDriderPony as part of Jinglemas 2023!

Featured on Equestria Daily on 2/1/2024 as part of 30 Of The Best Fanfics To Read For Rainbow Dash Day and on 3/20/2024 as part of 20 of the Best Fanfics to Read for Starlight Glimmer Day!

Chapters (1)

Cozy Glow prepares to carry out her plan to steal all magic to become the Empress of Friendship. What is her plan? What are the motives? Will anyone stop her? You will learn about everything in this story!

P.S. Fanfic added to Starlight Glimmer and Luna groups as they is also the main character with an important role in the story.

The idea for the story: "A Hearth's Warming Tail".
Fanfic on Russian-language resources:
Translation for Fimfiction by:

Chapters (6)

After a talk with the young 6 about the recent events with the Knights of Harmony, the spirit of harmony discovers that there are more trees of harmony, researching a bit more about them, the tree decides it's time to travel to the other Kingdoms to meet them. If there's anyone to meet...

Chapters (2)

Just as Fluttershy is about to go have a picnic with her animal friends, her flanks start blinking, signaling that she is needed somewhere else. And while they understand it's important, said friends are really getting annoyed with a certain tree that keeps calling her for help.

It's time to tell it to stop!


EFNW 2023 Iron Author Entry.

Chapters (1)

A thousand years ago, the Pillars of Equestria imbued six crystals with their magic - the essence of their souls - and planted those seeds to bring about a brighter future.

Over time they sprouted into the Tree of Harmony, which became the base of Equestria's power and prosperity.

Now the Tree would like to meet its parents.

This story is dedicated to Rambling Writer who did what I honestly totally forgot to do and got the Tree of Harmony added as a character tag.

Featured 8/27/2023 - 8/30/2023!

Chapters (1)

One night, the Tree of Harmony disguises itself as an alicorn to appear in the basement of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.

A few days later, Sunset Shimmer and Princess Celestia heatedly discuss a night of passion only one of them knows anything about.

In the MLP:FiM episode "What Lies Beneath," the Tree of Harmony took the form of Twilight Sparkle, trapped the Student Six in caverns beneath the School of Friendship, and put its captives through weird ordeals to test them, threatening to hold them prisoner for longer (maybe forever?) if they failed.

In what world does that NOT make the Tree at least a part-time villain?
:twilightsmile: :trollestia:

(This story might be an entry in a "Sunset x Former Relationships" contest.)

Chapters (1)