• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Wanderer D

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Just as Fluttershy is about to go have a picnic with her animal friends, her flanks start blinking, signaling that she is needed somewhere else. And while they understand it's important, said friends are really getting annoyed with a certain tree that keeps calling her for help.

It's time to tell it to stop!


EFNW 2023 Iron Author Entry.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

Hahahah bravo! I love Harry and Beaver so much. And oh man that ending. n_n

Let's just when they finally work it out with the tree they are going try to kill discord and I don't think harmony will object too much Considering it got blamed for discord stunt.

"Basically, beautiful branches do benefit benevolently by bountiful quantities," Beaver acknowledged. "But vibrant vestigial versions don't qualify quantitatively towards reality."

... I hate you so much right now. This and every other Twilight damned time Beaver spoke. Take your damn fav and upvote.

I'm revoking your alliteration privileges.

Wanderer is a site mod though, so good luck with that :pinkiecrazy:.

I hope you plan to continue the story.. that's great

A booty call is a booty call.

"I know her name!" Angel snapped. "It's 'busybody princess' and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!"

God, I wish we got an episode like in Pokemon where we hear all the animals and pets talk to each other.

I know I’m showing my age here, but there was an episode in the original series of Pokémon where Ash and his friends, and team rocket, got separated from their Pokémon, and the Pokémon try to look for them and get back to them.

It’s been forever since I last saw it, but I remember the whole episode was from the Pokémon’s perspective, had them talking how they normally talk, but had subtitles so you could understand them. It was cute.

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