Sunset Shimmer failed as a pupil of Celestia– The shadows took advantage of her ambitions and the darkness within, and twisted her into a demon.

…And then Twilight Sparkle, saved her. If only she had known Twilight was the newest pupil of Celestia, her replacement, the living proof of all her failures, before she made a paladin pledge to serve and protect her as a life debt.

A conflict of interest, there. Her guilt, her shame, and her regrets, direct her to be as far away from her past as possible. And her debt to Twilight, her desire to repay her for being saved by her, and even her admiration to her replacement keep her close from all of the things that make her feel weak.

…And now that Twilight became an Alicorn, she realizes she needs a fucking break.

This is an illegitimate prequel to the Princess and the Peasant, due to it being set on the same universe, but at an earlier time frame to that fic! Though it's only a prequel, it's fully related to that story, as you might expect. There will be few references, but it's very much a stepping stone to more being done on that universe!

Chapters (2)

Ali and Sean had been the best of friends for eight long years, but when a bad car accident takes Ali away from Sean, he wallows in guilt and grief for two years. One fateful day, however, a strange portal opens in Sean's room, taking both Sean and the spirit of Ali to Equestria. Ali is now flesh and bone, and Sean can't believe it. Can they get back home? Will Ali be alive if they go back? They embark on a great quest to find a way to get back, however, meet a few monsters and friends along the way. Will they go home, or is Equestria going to become their home? Will they survive? Will they meet a gruesome end? Will I ever stop asking these questions? Who knows! Find out in this thrilling adventure of two humans in a world of multi-coloured lastel ponies!

Chapters (1)

Sora and the gang are going through the map, fixing worlds and restoring peace.

But when a new world appears and darkness is afoot, Harmony and Light must work together to save the day.

The question is, how can that happen when harmony is... split up?

[How are you guys doing? I am sorry for the radio silence, I've been working a lot on projects, but I have spare time for now to dedicate a story that came to me out of the blue, hope you enjoy!]

[Image by Shadowkixx]

Chapters (2)

The perfect first kiss—does it take 20% of your time to plan? Or does it just happen?

For the Thousand Words Contest III in the Slice Of Life category. Check out the competition here!
Also submitted into the Rainbow Rocks Anniversary EqG Shipping Contest. Other entries here!

Huge thanks to starcoder for the art!

Chapters (1)

Every morning, without fail, Derpy delivers Applejack's mail.

While she normally puts the mail aside to be dealt with after her work around the farm is done, one particular envelope catches her eye. Upon reading the contents, she sets off to visit the pony who wrote it.

A pony who has a revelation that will change both of their lives for the better...

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Pre-read by Contentgremlin and Buck Swisher.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer has always been a hot-headed, impetuous girl. She's always been prone to making snap decisions, and later finding herself regretting them. It was exactly this temperament that had brought her to the human world, penniless and alone. When the opportunity to get back on her feet presented itself in the form of a stranger's outstretched hand, she leaped at the chance.

This is the story of a woman who has made many bad choices, and the life those choices have made for her.

Tags, and even rating, may change as the story goes on.

Thanks as usual to Magello for the cover art!

Chapters (13)

Nightmare Moon was victorious, and Equestria now belongs to her. Her rule is absolute. Those that question her face severe consequences. Those that don't have adjusted to the new regime.

However, despite her power and authority, Nightmare Moon is not infallible. No matter how determined one might be, ruling a nation is hard. Sometimes, she just needs to lie down and breathe. Some cuddles would be nice, too.

Thankfully, you're more than ready to help with that.

Chapters (1)

It has been a week since starlight's reformation. Since then, she has been unable to find happiness. But then, on a trip to Canterlot with Twilight, her childhood friend Starburst invites her out to diner. However, with her past and feelings of abandonment come back to haunt her, will she be able to forgive him, and find something more?

pre-reading done by Henkipie
art doen by DM

Chapters (1)

Everything! Dash keeps having problems as she wants this movie night with Twilight to be super special for her!
It will have the Sex tag, but nothing is shown/written when it happens.

Chapters (1)

To save her family and home, Applejack the Peasant would travel across Equestria through many hardships, even rescue a Princess from a dragon keep.

But now the journey back, that’s what she considered the problem.

After all, escorting Princess Rarity across the country safely would be nothing but a nuisance.

Because of course, A Princess and a Peasant could never get along.

And naturally, A Princess and a Peasant could never fall in love.

…But there’s a first time for everything.

(That’s right. I took the baseline of the story of Shrek 1 and I made it about Rarijack; And it’s glorious)

Chapters (11)