
Viewing 1 - 20 of 37 results

Concern involving my followers count · 10:25pm Jun 12th, 2017

Okay....maybe I'm just trippin' but originally (as in before the site update) I had like 168 followers. By today it's gone down to 166! What happened that I lost 2 followers?

Report Phoenix Heart 27 · 257 views · #concern

Missing: Upvote Button! · 1:35pm Dec 3rd, 2017

Maybe I'm slow, or maybe I missed something, but is anyone else not seeing their upvote buttons anymore, and if so, is there a fix or a work-around?


Another perspective from another writer · 5:03pm Apr 26th, 2019

Stumbled today across another story of what happened in Canterlot during the Storm King invasion. Oh my...I'm not sure what to think. By description, it reminds me of what I have planned, though it certainly isn't identical by any stretch. I guess it shows that someone else had a similar insight as to some of the problems with the movie's plot, which I guess shows that I was onto something. (it is a bit silly to think that I was the only one who noticed) It sounds though like he took a much

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Concern for my fellow authors · 4:00pm Apr 5th, 2016

I'm seeing a trend among my fellow authors lately.

I won't name names because, well, its really none of my business. I just worry.

They've been down on themselves, shutting themselves away from the internet and generally sinking deeper into the morass of depression that I know only too well.

I'm hardly a rolemodel. I sink into depression and dark thoughts at the drop of a hat.

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Traffic · 2:36pm Oct 7th, 2022

Hm, I'm not sure if I am imagining it, or if I am just growing vain, but is it just me, or has viewer traffic gone down on the site??

My two latest stories, Valhalla & Little Ninja, they are gaining views insanely slow. I'm not going to stop writing, but I would be lying if I said the lack of traffic did not concern me.

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You know... · 2:39pm May 14th, 2018

I'm starting to wonder if I'm wasting my time with Friendship is Harmony, because it doesn't look like anyone else is interested. I only get like 2 comments per chapter, and that's good and all, but I would like a little more feedback than that.

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Submission · 11:54pm Oct 27th, 2015

Hey everypony. Last night I published the first chapter to my first story: E.M.P or Equestrian Mission Program. I also submitted the story so all of you will be able to take notice of it and give some of your time to read it. Unfortunately the moderaters or whoever runs this has not accepted nor rejected it. SO I was wondering how long does it take for them to accept/reject stories?

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Where's the Updates? · 1:26am Oct 11th, 2017

I've posted this onto my FFnet profile, but I mas as well post it here.
For those few of you who've been wondering about my updates:

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Interesting idea?? · 9:18pm Apr 7th, 2023

Now that my schedule has been clearing up and I have less to do and considering how much I love Reviewing and talking about stuff I read, watch, or listen to I’m considering start a Reactception reviews YouTube channel. I won’t be a frequent poster on their or at least not as frequently as I post or use other sites but if I do this I’ll make sure it doesn’t interfere with my time on this site.

I’ve been thinking about it for awhile y'all think I should take the plunge?


200 Followers 。゜(`Д´)゜。 · 11:41pm Jul 24th, 2018

It's 6AM at the time of writing this very sentence and my insomnia's kicking in.

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Work has been... work but every cloud has a silver lining and things are about to get better · 3:13am Oct 15th, 2016

Thought I've give you all an update on my status. Things have been less than good, to be honest. My old shifts used to be great. I'd have work from 10 AM to 5:30 PM around 4 times a week and have the rest of the day to my self and I'd still have a lot of energy.

Since some changes have happened, we had to condense and cut hours in some places and extend them elsewhere. I went from that shift to 12:30 to 9:00 PM

Yeah. That has been eating into my personal life, if I'm honest.

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We... · 7:04pm Mar 21st, 2020


Planning a Scene for the Far Future · 8:28pm Nov 6th, 2021

Feeling cheeky as I'm planning out some future shock value scenes for this story, so here's an even cheekier blog post.

Me, reading the comments on Dawn of a New Age in the first few chapters:

Me, when I read the future comments for a certain unreleased, unfinished chapter towards the end of the story:

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Out-of-context moment from a new fic I'm working on. · 8:12am Mar 28th, 2021

Bobert dropped with all the grace of a rock into the already-evaporating puddle. He stood still for a moment, drifting slightly to the left as more water leaked from the barrel.

Honey Ham pushed her mother's hoof aside. "No, look! The creature did it! He landed and didn't get hurt! Also, what's ham?"

It was from that moment onward that Honey Ham's mother decided to never try naming anything ever again.


Christianity and patriotism · 12:14am Mar 25th, 2016

It is easy for many Americans to assume that the nation and the Bible are inseparable. The truth is otherwise. Christians are ultimately citizens of Heaven; we live on this earth temporarily. In other words, we are not of this world, even if we are in it. Our loyalty should be to God first and foremost.

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New Chapter · 9:48am May 9th, 2017

The title of this blog is a bit of a double entendre. Firstly, I just finished the third chapter of my fanfiction (Fallout: Equestria: New Trottingham) which brings the story up to about 30,000! So that's something to celebrate both as a personal victory over stark laziness and something for those of you who are enjoying the story!

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Pandemic: Hope · 9:41pm Aug 10th, 2018

I have to put Pandemic: Hope on hiatus to focus on a pressing matter.

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Just wanted to address some concerns about my latest story... · 9:27pm Jan 23rd, 2017


Recent Pokémon Trailer Thoughts · 1:27am Jul 10th, 2019

Took me a while to put my thoughts together, but here they are:
Alcremie is a bit odd, but cute.
Yamper.... I'm not a dog person.
Rolycoly... I... have no words.
Duraludon... Cool! ...if slightly odd.
Bea's outfit reminds me of Scorbunny, and that has me concerned...
Alister is cool (Might end up getting both versions after all!)

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Upcoming Q&A · 9:35pm Feb 23rd, 2019

As it is, there'll be an upcoming Q&A session with a wide variety of Fimfiction authors, and surprise, I'll be one of them! All details are in the link itself, and I do believe that is where you can post your questions.

As for the Q&A itself, it'll be from 8-9AM EST.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 37 results