• Member Since 21st Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 17th


Former Brony (2011-2015), full on Fiction-lover and aspiring writer. Mostly bored. Pain peko.

More Blog Posts19

  • 354 weeks
    Where's the Updates?

    I've posted this onto my FFnet profile, but I mas as well post it here.
    For those few of you who've been wondering about my updates:

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  • 411 weeks
    I'm Writing Again?

    I'm only going to be trying to finish "Equestria, I Choose You!"
    I'm no longer a part of the current Brony fandom, and that story doesn't require me to make reference to the current season. All of it is from around Season 3-4 anyway. I really just don't want my most successful story on her to just die.
    Hope you enjoy me giving super long waits between chapters again.

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  • 466 weeks
    Hiatus Announcement

    Hey everyone! College is coming back to rear its ugly head, which means my free time will be gone.
    I've been trying to work on the stories, but get stopped every time by a family event or, more often, Writer's Block.

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  • 482 weeks


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  • 518 weeks
    Cancel of Three Best Friends

    After much, much thought, I have come to the conclusion that I will be cancelling the story, "Three Best Friends & Their Journey in Equestria." It was my first fic, it was also quite the... eh fic. I have no idea where to go with it, I have lost all motivation to continue it. This is just a notice before I delete it forever. Thanks to those who did like and favorite it.

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Where's the Updates? · 1:26am Oct 11th, 2017

I've posted this onto my FFnet profile, but I mas as well post it here.
For those few of you who've been wondering about my updates:

I've been dipping back in and out of my depression recently (I've had this depression for about 5 years now) and the energy spent out of it is going to college work (I'm double-majoring and it's torture) and my part-time job. On the off-chances that I do get to write something, it ends up being an inch of progress on writing, then a huge smattering of words that makes me leave for a new project to keep my mind off certain issues. Equestria, I Choose You! is being worked on and will be updated in time. I, BronyDJ, simply ask you to be patient while my brain decides to screw me over in almost every aspect of my life. Thank you. I apologize for the long wait, especially to those who've been following it since the beginning. I just... need time.

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