• Member Since 21st Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 17th


Former Brony (2011-2015), full on Fiction-lover and aspiring writer. Mostly bored. Pain peko.


Where's the Updates? · 1:26am Oct 11th, 2017

I've posted this onto my FFnet profile, but I mas as well post it here.
For those few of you who've been wondering about my updates:

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I'm Writing Again? · 11:17pm Sep 7th, 2016

I'm only going to be trying to finish "Equestria, I Choose You!"
I'm no longer a part of the current Brony fandom, and that story doesn't require me to make reference to the current season. All of it is from around Season 3-4 anyway. I really just don't want my most successful story on her to just die.
Hope you enjoy me giving super long waits between chapters again.

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Hiatus Announcement · 9:34pm Aug 18th, 2015

Hey everyone! College is coming back to rear its ugly head, which means my free time will be gone.
I've been trying to work on the stories, but get stopped every time by a family event or, more often, Writer's Block.
Since college work will be eating up most of my time, I need to call for a hiatus from writing for a while. I'll be on to read on the site, maybe work on another start of a chapter, but that's it

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Update! · 3:20am May 1st, 2015

BronyDJ here, and I just wanted to apologize for the whole wait on this fic. I've recently been super busy with the overwhelming college work and the inability to adult. These are forcing me to take an unofficial hiatus, though I will still be on this site to read on a regular basis. Feel free to still comment or send OCs, etc. I promise I will get this fic, and my other stories, updated soon. This is my most successful fanfic so far; I'm not gonna let my fans down!

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Cancel of Three Best Friends · 5:14am Aug 17th, 2014

After much, much thought, I have come to the conclusion that I will be cancelling the story, "Three Best Friends & Their Journey in Equestria." It was my first fic, it was also quite the... eh fic. I have no idea where to go with it, I have lost all motivation to continue it. This is just a notice before I delete it forever. Thanks to those who did like and favorite it.

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OMG YAAAAY · 9:44pm Oct 2nd, 2013


Honestly though. I haven't written anything MLP related in a long time, and the stories that I've been trying to work on keep being put on hold due to personal issues and school, and writer's block in general.

I'm honestly surprised at the reception of Equestria, I Choose You! I never had a big following, and now that people have found my new fic and are enjoying it, it makes me feel really glad I came back to write stuff.

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Well... · 7:50am Feb 19th, 2013

Tried out that new story idea.
Of course, it tanked. It always sounds better in my head. So, out of pure discouragement for the story, I deleted it. Guess I'll just try to work on Ink Flow and Three Best Friends a bit I guess. My insomnia+ADD do not go well. I can't find time to focus on my fics when everyone at home keeps making me do stuff. Also, fucking high school. Anyway, I'll keep my ideas on Word next time, an work on the slightly better fics of mine.

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Schedule Changes · 3:54am Feb 1st, 2013

Hey guys, BronyDJ here!
Just some news to keep you guys posted. My school pulled a DERP and took away my lunch/free period and gave me a Govt. class. Because of this, I won't be able to check up my my stories and attempt to edit and update them as much I used to. It's annoying, but I'll try my best to work on them. Ink Flow's next chapter is nearly done, and I'm still looking over Three Best Friends. So, just keep reading. Thanks for being patient.

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Quick Question · 12:01am Jan 7th, 2013

When did that "At least 1000 words for first chapter" rule get established? I know it's young, as Three Best Friend's first chapter is 300 words short. It's a bit weird. I was writing Tales of Ink Flow, which stopped perfectly with a decent development at around 900-something. I had to add some fillers that sound a bit awkward to me. Anyone else agree?

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Quick Break · 2:50am Jan 4th, 2013

Hey guys, BronyDJ here. Just wanted to tell you that I'm gonna take a short break from my fics, seeing as midterms are already kicking my flank. Three Best Friend is my top priority, and may be edited and changed a little later on. Temporal Destinies was a small idea on the side, which I'll have to change completely. Well, not completely, I'll keep a similar plot. All in all, I will still be around to read fics, maybe ask a question via blog, and respond to any Author's Page posts. See you all

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