• Member Since 12th Oct, 2011
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More Blog Posts106

  • 219 weeks
    A Good Pace

    It's time...

    I made a promise that I'd keep up a good pace now that my life is in a better place. And now I have the second to last chapter.

    We're nearing on the home stretch.

    2 comments · 399 views
  • 222 weeks
    Continuing the Flow — My Little Serial Killer

    Sat down today, the day after I published the latest chapter and wrote the first 2,000 words of the next chapter.

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    1 comments · 267 views
  • 223 weeks
    Getting Ready — My Little Serial Killer

    It's been a long while since I've looked at My Littler Serial Killer with a close eye and saw a LOT that could be edited and improved.

    So, I went through every chapter of My Little Serial Killer these past two days and did a complete overhaul.

    I'm about two-thirds of the way done with the new chapter of My Little Serial Killer. That should be posted by the end of this coming week.

    3 comments · 259 views
  • 223 weeks
    A Bit of My Life's Story These Past Two Years

    So, I became a reporter for a local paper and thought things would change and I'd have a nice, easy life.

    What I didn't expect was to be the only reporter for that local paper. A normal week would see me writing at least six full-length stories. I'd also help put the paper together for publication. I was basically an assistant to the editor in all but name. And pay.

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    6 comments · 337 views
  • 363 weeks
    So, I Thought I'd Get More Time

    Do you know when the busiest time to be a journalist is? September, right up until Christmas. You have local elections you need to keep up on, in addition to what you're normally doing, then Thanksgiving rolls around and like, 8 different entities do something related to that and then Christmas is the same story.

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    1 comments · 555 views

Work has been... work but every cloud has a silver lining and things are about to get better · 3:13am Oct 15th, 2016

Thought I've give you all an update on my status. Things have been less than good, to be honest. My old shifts used to be great. I'd have work from 10 AM to 5:30 PM around 4 times a week and have the rest of the day to my self and I'd still have a lot of energy.

Since some changes have happened, we had to condense and cut hours in some places and extend them elsewhere. I went from that shift to 12:30 to 9:00 PM

Yeah. That has been eating into my personal life, if I'm honest.

It's basically like college again where I spend most of my time working to get what I need to get done, get home and go "Time to sleep" and when I get a day off, it's still to sleep and rest.

I've been working on My Saving Grace here and there, but it's been a slow process. Something I wanted to get done a few weeks ago has stretched and I'm only about half-way done. It really does get to me.


I got transferred recently. I'm going to one location that's a LOT more dead than the busy-ass store I work at and will have chance to actually think and even work on my stories during my breaks. No longer using my 15 minute breaks to nap.

I'm also getting similar shifts to my old ones.

I'm going to set myself a time and try and get the next chapter up around next week, Friday.

Until then, stay tuned.

And thanks again for reading!

Comments ( 1 )

It's basically like college again where I spend most of my time working to get what I need to get done, get home and go "Time to sleep" and when I get a day off, it's still to sleep and rest.

Yeah, that's pretty much how I always feel since I got this full-time job. I'm looking to step it down to 80% though. Getting to be alive and spending all of it on work seems pretty silly. :facehoof:

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