• Member Since 12th Oct, 2011
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More Blog Posts106

  • 219 weeks
    A Good Pace

    It's time...

    I made a promise that I'd keep up a good pace now that my life is in a better place. And now I have the second to last chapter.

    We're nearing on the home stretch.

    2 comments · 399 views
  • 222 weeks
    Continuing the Flow — My Little Serial Killer

    Sat down today, the day after I published the latest chapter and wrote the first 2,000 words of the next chapter.

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    1 comments · 268 views
  • 223 weeks
    Getting Ready — My Little Serial Killer

    It's been a long while since I've looked at My Littler Serial Killer with a close eye and saw a LOT that could be edited and improved.

    So, I went through every chapter of My Little Serial Killer these past two days and did a complete overhaul.

    I'm about two-thirds of the way done with the new chapter of My Little Serial Killer. That should be posted by the end of this coming week.

    3 comments · 260 views
  • 223 weeks
    A Bit of My Life's Story These Past Two Years

    So, I became a reporter for a local paper and thought things would change and I'd have a nice, easy life.

    What I didn't expect was to be the only reporter for that local paper. A normal week would see me writing at least six full-length stories. I'd also help put the paper together for publication. I was basically an assistant to the editor in all but name. And pay.

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    6 comments · 337 views
  • 363 weeks
    So, I Thought I'd Get More Time

    Do you know when the busiest time to be a journalist is? September, right up until Christmas. You have local elections you need to keep up on, in addition to what you're normally doing, then Thanksgiving rolls around and like, 8 different entities do something related to that and then Christmas is the same story.

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    1 comments · 555 views

Continuing the Flow — My Little Serial Killer · 6:03pm Aug 26th, 2020

Sat down today, the day after I published the latest chapter and wrote the first 2,000 words of the next chapter.

See, I never really stopped working on my creative writing stories. I worked out where I wanted them to go and how I wanted them to end. I just need to get it all down on paper. I know that's no excuse for the two-year absence for this story, but I'm trying to make amends for that with regular updates on how it's going.

So, as it stands, I see the next chapter is maybe 1/5 of the way done. I possibly see one more chapter after that, and an epilogue.

Comments ( 1 )

Dude considering what you told us of your former job I could not possibly fault you for not writing these stories down. It takes time to write, especially when you care about your writing. I wish you all the luck with your new workplace and look forward to the eventual updates here.
I really liked the latest chapter.

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