
Viewing 361 - 380 of 773 results

A Humongous Thank You · 2:11am Jun 3rd, 2022

I would like to take this time to thank some Ponies.

Thank you Scorch234 for adding "Anon Flocks with Greta" to your "Most Like Story" [Most Liked Story] and "Most Like Story22" Bookshelves.

Thank you accidentlyoffensive for adding the Story to your "Waiting for new chapters" Bookshelf, and for desiring new Chapters.

Thank you Diamond Sparkle for adding to your general "Stories" Bookshelf.

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Future GOB (Planned Sequels, New Stories, and more.) · 3:05am Sep 9th, 2015

Hello everybody. Now, I'll address the elephant in the room, my new contest I'm holding. The OC Hunger Games. Now I realize I haven't been very active when it comes to writing recently, mainly because of the OC Hunger Games. But, I assure you, when the Games end, I'll submit or try to submit the first chapter to Defective, and I'll admit, things have been changed with the story. Not a lot, just minor details is all. Also, as blaitent as my reference will be, to anybody who can catch the name

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I'm still alive! · 9:41pm Jan 11th, 2015

If any of you actually pay attention to stuff I do (probably not), you might remember little mentions (like this and this) of a bigger story involving minotaurs that I was really excited to get started on. I'm still really excited for it, and it keeps looking better and better. Lily and Binary were both done really,

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Writing Plans! · 12:50am Oct 12th, 2016

A lot of things have been happening to my body and brain, and so far it has mostly been ordeals without a clear resolution (low response means we had to try a new anesthetic that hurts like fire going in, might be changing electrode placement which could lead to memory loss, the vein the anesthetic went in when I woke up during the procedure is hardened and itchy now, and so on). But I'm in good medical hooves, and expect that things will turn around eventually.

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Update - Life Happens and a New Year Dawns · 7:12am Jan 6th, 2017

As you may know my life went haywire a few months ago, it's been very hard to write anything during that time. All I can manage is very depressing and slightly emo lyrics for songs, and a few sentences here and there. But it's a New Year, and that means it's time to try to work myself through this by writing again. Because if I don't I'll have to change my name to something silly like "StabmyHeart Gorewood" or "IfeellikeTacos Gorewood" and that would be quite a problem wouldn't it? Alright

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Frozen in Carbonite · 4:56pm Feb 26th, 2016

Hang tight!


I realize updates are slow, but I'm overwhelmed with outside responsibilities. There may be nothing from me this weekend, but things should start to pick up next weekend at latest.


Update, Side A · 10:51pm Oct 2nd, 2016

Things were delayed a few more days, but it's all clear now. My first electroshock treatment commences tomorrow at 9:30 am EDT (less than fifteen hours away).

Yeah, it's probably not going to shut me up either.

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TwiDash Part 1 · 7:50pm Jul 23rd, 2016

Since I lost a whole chapter of TSJ, I've decided to expand it as I rewrite it. So it will become two chapters now instead of one.

You poor mares have no idea.

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Future Plans · 10:44pm Aug 26th, 2016

Hey all! No real update yet, but I do have something I'd like to discuss.

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I am to See the Movie Tomorrow... · 1:04am Oct 10th, 2017

Greetings, friends. As I have made mention of some time ago, I have made a vow to see this film. And now the moment has just about come. Should all go well tomorrow, I will see this movie. And after it ends, when I get my chance, I will make the review...

I just wonder how it'll go. Think there'll be a lotta violence? A lotta pain? I know there won't be any Mario in it, so I bet it'll be good!


Potential Story Idea? · 11:39pm Nov 17th, 2015

This is almost always me whenever I get an idea from a piece of art. Such as the one above. I really feel like this image could be used for a story, but what would that story be? I have an idea, but I'll need to sit on it for a second.


New Minific Tonight · 7:50pm Oct 5th, 2017

Completing the TSJ chapter is going to take another day due to medical issues and PONY MOVIE TONIGHT! :yay:

But after the movie, I'll post a new (old) minific I've cleaned up. :twilightsmile:


New year bloggl · 8:37pm Jan 1st, 2018

well, 2017 was... something. It's hard to believe that it's been just over a year since I've put up my first story on fimfiction. I wouldnt say I was very successful, far from it, but I did something, and even made new friends, like the author of The Iron Horse, my favorite fanfiction (except Fallout: Equestria) TheHatman. And the guy who illustrated his work, Greenfinger.

Wait, I'm certain there was a point to this- OH, YEAH.

Void Trials!

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Chase the Wind & Other Things! · 10:32pm Aug 30th, 2015

SO! Chase the Wind (CtW) has been posted. Touch the Sky (TtS) will be going up some time later this week (expect it Thursday/Friday or so), provided I can stop fussing with the first chapter.

I was going to have anecdotal scenes with Tricks and the CMC posted in chapters of CtW, but I think I'm going to swap them over to TtS... CtW doesn't really have room in the outline for them, and it'll fit the theme/genres of TtS better anyways.

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Hoo boy. · 12:41am Nov 21st, 2017

No, my internet's actually running fine for once.

It's just that I'm still getting closer and closer to that dramatic turning point in the Lab Horse series that would either mark the end of the series or a shift to an entirely new focus and/or genre.

Like as in, in a couple chapters, I'll be moving onto the final story arc that I have planned for the series, and by final, I mean that I'm still having trouble trying to figure out what should come next.


Life, am I right? · 12:46am May 28th, 2018

I just... I just thought I'd write this. This might end up being a long blog, but oh well. Let's begin.

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Where we at tho? · 8:54pm Jun 15th, 2020

Hey all, a brief progress check and life update.

I'm currently in the death spiral of a high-level summer math course. Partial Differential Equations. In 4 weeks. Online.

Honestly, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. The professor is solid and understandable, but the material is a bit of a mind-bender. That, of course, has been slowing progress on the writing front.

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First Chapter · 8:20am Jan 14th, 2021

Hello guys!

Yeah, so first chapter of the year will soon be out. :P

For anyone who is wondering, sorry about the wait, just been a lot going on, but I've been writing a little each day, and we are finally in the home stretch. :twilightsmile:

BUT! :pinkiegasp:

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Strike Three · 1:44am Oct 1st, 2021

Well, that's the third competition I'm missing in a row, unfortunately. I can't finish my Sparity fic in time for Pia's contest.

Teaching with ME/CFS is enough of a drain, but writing dramatic personal stories is too much stress at the same time. Plus, I've had a neck muscle pulled for about a week now.

Hello, new friend!

This means I have several projects now currently floating in midair:

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Projects :) · 8:30am Apr 11th, 2022

Title: The Journey To Asgard
Type: Sequel
Predecessor: The Farmer & The God

Title: Little Ninja
Type: Solo

Title: Last Son of Equestria
Type: Solo

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Viewing 361 - 380 of 773 results