
Viewing 1 - 20 of 46 results

New Story · 2:05am Feb 10th, 2017

Since my departure , I have been more tolerant to the Sparity ship. Tolerant to the fact that it is now my favorite shipping, I am now working on a Sparity fanfiction. For the one's that are interested please keep up to date on my page. For those that are not, I apologize for your inconvenience.

Report Sp1Dank · 335 views · #Sparity

Looking for a story · 7:11pm Oct 23rd, 2018

It’s about how Spike thinks Rarity Doesn’t care about him anymore since he believes that she sent him back a fire ruby that he gave to her on his birthday, unaware that this was a different fire ruby and that she still has the one he gave her.


Not Dead. Just Resting My Eyes · 6:27am Jan 7th, 2019

I thought for a second that this was going to be a quick "2018 was a year, but hey at least I published—" at which point I looked and realized I published a grand total of 3 stories in 2018, two of which came into being when they did because of random writing contests. Yeesh.

Rest assured I haven't fallen off the pony wagon. Far from it, I'm tied to the back left wheel, send help I've just had a lot on my plate. To be brief, that includes:

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Rainbow in the Dark · 11:12pm Aug 6th, 2021

Hey all, quick little update.

No new chapter of Rainbow in the Dark today. I had about 20 chapters of plot planned, titled and ready but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it needed working on. So I'm spending today ironing out some things and changing some other stuff. Back tomorrow with another chapter.

As a consolation have some art from my SO of my new OTP


I created a group for the contest · 11:54pm Aug 25th, 2021

I created a group for the conetst so you can read the entries and also it's easier to find the stories
Find it here:
and join please!
Also now the deadline was moved to September 30th

Have the nicest day.

Report Pia-chan · 394 views · #sparity #contest #rarity #spike

The Problem With Anti Sparity Bots · 4:18pm Sep 11th, 2019

While it’s true that we’re all entitled to our headcanons and ships, it’s also true that people can be incredibly rude when it comes to shipping. But here’s what I think of those that call Sparity “pedophilia” and those of us that support it “pedo defenders”.

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Report Sparity4Ever · 291 views · #Spike #Rarity #MLP #Sparity

Sparity Contest! · 5:22am Jul 25th, 2021

Hi everyone.
Sparity is like a drug for me, so i need more of it xD
Since i seem to had read most or almost all sparity fics in existence, and in order of encouraging people to do more for me everyone to read, i decided to run a contest.
Prize for the winner will be
1st. Place USD$70
2nd. Place USD $30 or 2 Characters Pic drawn by me.
3rd. Place whatever 2nd place doesnt choose. xD

More than 3000 words.

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Report Pia-chan · 4,209 views · #contest #sparity #spike #rarity #romance

My Little Sparity: Romance is Magic · 8:57pm Aug 11th, 2015

Yes, yes...I adore Spike/Rarity. I simply cannot help it, they are the cutest thing in the entire world (or Equestria) and I won't have nobody tell me otherwise. I do hope that the show eventually has Rarity confronting Spike about his crush on her, that would be really interesting and I'd really like to see where that leaded!

Oh, er...not much of an update just something I wanted to get off my chest..hehe...erm...goodbye for now!

Peace and Love



Sparity · 1:28am Feb 29th, 2016

My first ship/OTP
I can't help but notice that most people who ship these two always give them at least two foals, myself included

Whats with that? Not complaining, just curious what everyone thinks about why we all give Sparity two+ foals


Re Writing "I Won't Accept No For An Answer" · 6:25am Apr 22nd, 2017

I'm doing a rewrite on that story and if you are interested, here's a look at chapter 1. (Still has to go through a review from me, but please take a look and let me know what you think so far).

I Won't Accept No For An Answer
password: SpikeRarity

Report Rarityfan87 · 341 views · #Sparity #Spike #Rarity

1 Down · 1:22am Mar 17th, 2020

Scrawled one small short intro done for my Sparity shipfiction, might branch it into slightly higher rating later - as is it's mostly a brief slice of life story with some offkey humor sprinkled in. Confident I can type a story up when I set my mind to it now, so the sky's the limit.

Report Poniidesu · 213 views · #mlp #sparity #spike #rarity

Hands: Announcement and a Short · 3:04pm Jan 9th, 2020

When it comes to Hands, I think I'll focus on the short shots for the time being, like "The Stars Revolt" and so on. I need to do some cleanup for the TRON arc. So I think a main focus of those Hands shorts (Or Short Hands, ha) will be on Shepherd in the middle of crisis situations in Equestria. Surprisingly, he tends to stay out of a lot of the drama ponies have.

Spike actually enjoys his company as they both commiserate on how nuts ponies can be.

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Short Hand: Rarity and Spike · 11:24pm Aug 9th, 2020

Just an older snippet I will probably repurpose for Short Hand eventually.

- - -

Spike is helping Rarity with her work. Ever since Twilight ascended and Shepherd's helped coach him through controlling his greed, he's become taller and bigger. And in many eyes, far more handsome.

Spike: "Here, this is the needle you want."

Rarity: "Oh, thank you dear... Hm?" She looked over at him more closely, and saw that he was distracted. "Spike, I need the red thread next."

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Happy New Year Everypony. · 5:12pm Jan 5th, 2017

As of today, I am going to start actively finishing "I have to say I love you in a song." I know I know, but Sparity you've said that before including updates to your stories. To prove I am in earnest. I will have grammar updates to it by the 10th and A chapter 6 complete with my new system for Grammar issues up by the 31st of January. If I play my cards right chapter 7 will be coming up by the end of March, though this is the most flexible of these deadlines for myself. New grammar updates to

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Thoughts on Gauntlet of Fire S6E05 · 10:49pm Apr 21st, 2016

This will be short and sweet:

* Sorry bronies, but Sparity ain't gonna happen.

* As to how Twilight & Rarity were able to be one step ahead of Spike & Ember:
i) Rule of Funny.
ii) Unless Twilight has visited that cave before, teleportation only works if you are familiar with the location of the destination. So it is not teleportation.

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Main Six Ships · 3:41am Feb 29th, 2016

Hi guys! Rainbow here! I am going to be creating a list of my favorite main six ships, six being the least and one being the greatest.

6. Rarity x Spike (Sparity)
5. Twilight Sparkle x Flash Century (Flashlight)
4. Apple Jack x Caramel (CaramelApple)
3. Flutters x Big Mac (FlutterMac)
2. Pinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwhich (CheesiePie)

And now, for my favorite ship....


*Drum plays*

1. Rainbow Dash x Soarin Skies (SoarinDash)


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I'm Lost Without You Guys · 5:42am Jun 12th, 2017

Okay, yeah, that title was corny as all hell.

But, I just wanna send out a thank you to everyone who took the time to read my new story, I'm Lost Without You!

This story was something new for me, so I wasn't sure how the response would be. It's gotten a fair share of dislikes, which happens when you write ships not everyone is fond of, but you know what, I'm darn proud of the way it turned out.

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No QTC tonight, but Trick-Store is coming this weekend. · 10:06pm Sep 28th, 2021

Pretty much what the title says.

Dunno if I'll make it into the Sparity competition in time or not, but I still want to try. :moustache: :heart: :raritywink:


Doggie Spike and Humanoid Rarity · 3:03pm Jun 21st, 2017

So, I was thinking about Equestria Girls Rarity and Spike.

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Sparity Contest Extension (Dec. 31st) · 3:11pm Dec 13th, 2018

The Sparity Contest deadline has been extended until December 31st.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 46 results