• Member Since 16th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 23rd, 2023


I'm a comic artist and illustrator. And my fav MLP is Rarity, also love Sparity. my dA http://pia-sama.deviantart.com

More Blog Posts19

  • 152 weeks
    I created a group for the contest

    I created a group for the conetst so you can read the entries and also it's easier to find the stories
    Find it here:
    and join please!
    Also now the deadline was moved to September 30th

    Have the nicest day.

    1 comments · 395 views
  • 156 weeks
    Sparity Contest!

    Hi everyone.
    Sparity is like a drug for me, so i need more of it xD
    Since i seem to had read most or almost all sparity fics in existence, and in order of encouraging people to do more for me everyone to read, i decided to run a contest.
    Prize for the winner will be
    1st. Place USD$70

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    32 comments · 4,209 views
  • 565 weeks
    TWOT chap 6 on the way...

    yeah i finished a couple of days ago of writing it, so I should be uploading it tomorrow or during the weekend :3

    2 comments · 917 views
  • 565 weeks
    Love Anchor Update...

    Hello everypony, just wanted to tell you all, after all this time, a new chapter of LA is finally done!.. from my part only though, now just wait for the edits, hope they won't take too long ; )

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    2 comments · 606 views
  • 572 weeks
    Updates Coming!

    Hello everypony,
    Well I'm really sorry for the loooooooooooong delay of my stories' updates. The reason: Life.
    But, yesterday I dropped my life for almost the entire day, in order of getting some of them done.

    Read More

    5 comments · 679 views

I created a group for the contest · 11:54pm Aug 25th, 2021

I created a group for the conetst so you can read the entries and also it's easier to find the stories
Find it here:
and join please!
Also now the deadline was moved to September 30th

Have the nicest day.

Report Pia-chan · 395 views · #sparity #contest #rarity #spike
Comments ( 1 )

I'm sure the deadline extension will be useful for many.

I'm still planning on entering. :moustache: :heart: :raritywink:

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