
Viewing 1 - 20 of 131 results

guys its hard · 5:21pm Jul 9th, 2016

I wanted birthright now I have to think :raritydespair: Nooooooooo

Report Killer Rose · 267 views · #FE Fates

Changing Fates on Hiatus · 10:50pm Apr 1st, 2018

I normally don't do stuff like this, but for the last few months I've been attempting to make the same chapter over and over, it's just not turning out as I wanted as some of the lines I made didn't feel right, or a action was weird and so forth, it's been some serious writers block yet I didn't want to put it on hold because I didn't want to stop it.

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Report Ulthor · 545 views · #Changing Fates

Fate/Equestria Girls art, in case I want to see it again but lost it. · 5:43am Mar 2nd, 2023

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Report CosmicPony · 79 views · #Note #Fate #Eg

Wow, just wow! · 9:00am May 8th, 2019

Flash of Fate: Betrayal.

Wow I just don't know what to say! The stories reception turned out far better then I could have EVER expected, more so for my first post!

I want to thank everyone who has and will read, rate and comment on my story and anymore I post (and I DO plan on more!) in the future!

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Gems Alternative: A Different Fate is Out · 5:15pm Aug 15th, 2022

TGems Alternative: A Different Fate
Crimson Vision was young unicorn who has failed several times to enter the Order’s Academy to learn magic. It's only when he encounters a mare claiming to be one of lost four princesses that his life spirals out of control.
Pen Dragon · 14k words  ·  41  1 · 836 views

It has taken me many months, but I am really happy with how the first chapter turned out. Look forward to chapter two. :)

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Moirai · 8:33am Jul 30th, 2016

the atmosphere of the cave is dark and oppressive, the air is heavy and your breathing erratic. The sound of soft moaning somewhere deep within the twisting cave system sets your hair on end. Your nerves fray each time you hear it, the soft sound seemingly getting louder... closer. It sounds... human. It sounds pained, agonizingly slow and dreadful.

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My Thoughts — Leap of Fate · 2:56pm Dec 18th, 2016

I know I can be rather rambly in these, but this time I think I can keep it short and sweet.

Do you like Binding of Issac, but think it got a bit stale after the millionth hour? Or like the concept, but the poop, tears and naked babies aesthetic got too much?

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Fire Emblem Fates BS · 11:10pm May 17th, 2016

So I bought a copy of Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright months ago and I LOVED the game.

Today I bought the physical copy of Fire Emblem: Conquest, and when I got to the part of the branch of fates, it said that the Birthright data was not found. After completing the mission, I went to the my Birthright edition and checked if the Conquest path was available. Guess what, IT WASN'T THERE EITHER!!! WHAT THE HELL NINTENDO!

(At least all the DLC I bought cross saved)

Report Formboy1 · 263 views · #Fire Emblem Fates

Back on the home front · 8:47pm Dec 11th, 2017

:ajsmug: Afternoon Everyone

:applejackunsure: Okay, so I didn't get to work on the chapter much after I got home, but I have good reason for it! And that reason is that I spent most of Friday and Saturday working on a commission that made me a good bit of money. #priorities

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Human · 4:29am Mar 21st, 2016

Have you ever understood what we evade?
We are the dark without a name.
We are the shadow, the secret, the pain.
We are the memories that keep anger in vain.
We are the laughter that sparks the war with flame.
We are our nightmares, the angels, the fame.
We are the beacons of our flames.
We are the hazardous untamed.
We are the pride that's left unnamed.
The endless title that's left unashamed


Games I like: The Hand of Fate series · 10:46pm Aug 15th, 2019

Hey everybody. Today has... not been a good day today. But I'm not here to talk about the nonsense life has thrown at me right now.

This is a little different, but I actually wanted to post a blog talking about something I like, that being the Hand of Fate game series. My reasons for writing this are also topical, but I'll get to that bit of news later.

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"What I think about cultures in MLP:FIM" - A random blog #2 · 1:09am Sep 20th, 2018

When you think about it, there was always a prediction about how life works in Equestria and the lands beyond. It's always about "happiness" and "parties" in JUST Equestria, Ponyville in particular, but most of the audience watching the series should have seen that it wasn't always the case. Equestria has its own set of rules and ways of etiquette. But life as expected outside Equestria was no different. There's a variety in the cultures that are set in the "Friendship is Magic"

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Veterans' Day · 4:49am Nov 12th, 2015

Today is Veterans Day, and the 97th anniversary of the signing of the armistice that ended World War I. It was my hopes to have Chapter 22 of The Hooves of Fate complete by today and ready for publication. Those of you who have been following the story know that this adventure has been heavily influenced by World War I. It would have been nice to draw that adventure to a close on the anniversary of the signing of the armistice, but I failed in that goal.

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And then, for no real reason, Doctor Fate · 2:13pm Sep 21st, 2015


The Truth about Fire Emblem Fates... · 12:57am Mar 2nd, 2016

No, seriously. :rainbowkiss:

This just about sums it up. :rainbowlaugh:

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Duel of the Fates Character Casting · 1:45pm Mar 17th, 2018

Since I've received some pretty positive responses from my Duel of the Fates spinoffs, I thought I'd head into the next part. The story will be mostly moving away from the Mane 7 characters and focus on Tempest and Rose. I also want to set it in a new locale to make it a much larger scale of conflict and set up a whole other cast of characters. I'm debating who I want to put in as FIM has so many unique characters and I love using lesser used ones. With Tempest as a lead I want to use Grubber

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Double Feature: Roll of Fate Chapter 5 and Accord-Tized 3 · 1:42pm Aug 18th, 2018

Roll of Chapter 5, the final chapter, and another installment into the Accord-Tized series, should be live close to the time of making this blog post.

... and hopefully we're going to avoid the same situation as happened with Septa's Revenge where there's no words in the chapter.


I defy you to out-fate this one · 11:54pm Aug 3rd, 2016

I feel like the entire last six months of my life just culminated in this one thing. If this isn't the biggest coincidence of my young life, I must not have been paying attention.

It went something like this:

Step 1: Try to land internship with local publishing company, Future House.
->Step 2: Fail. :(
->Step 3: Am idle and poor.

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The Stars Revolt! The Human Archives 4 · 3:21am Jul 30th, 2020

Once again, somewhere in the human archives...

Shepherd: "Okay, let's try this again. Door Gamma-Epsilon 887. What do you contain?"

He opens the door. Inside is... A small pool of water in a stone fountain of some kind.

Shepherd: "A pool of water. The container is stone-looked carved. But no obvious cultural origin..."

He knelt down in front of the pool... And then a woman with silvery hair wearing a toga burst out.

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New Story in production! · 7:02am Jul 11th, 2019

I am happy to announce that the move is over and I have my computer set back up!

As you can guess from the title I have thus started my next story.......Well that's not EXACTLY true, I have started TWO new stories! A One-Shot and one that I am hoping will be my first MULTI CHAPTER STORY! HUZZAH!

Sadly as is all things there is a downside, I will likely NOT have the One-shot done before I set out for BronyCon at the end of this month, sadly getting everything ready has taken priority.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 131 results