
Viewing 1 - 20 of 259 results

A Scheduling Update · 2:24pm May 26th, 2018

The third chapter of Friendship 101 has just gone up. However, given the suddenly quite time-consuming nature of my summer job, it's doubtful that I will be able to get the fourth chapter up in a week. Therefore, I'm changing the update schedule of that to every other week.

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look at this completely unrelated blog post unrelated to any currently published stories and stuff · 8:03am Jan 4th, 2020

The Kingdom of Storms



What The Hell... · 4:20pm Mar 27th, 2018

... I guess I will let the pony out of the bag. Either today the prologue for the next installment in the SciTwi Shimmer Chronicles is going to be released. So stay tuned... :pinkiehappy:

Report NCtransbrony · 187 views · #Upcoming

A Return to Normalcy · 2:54am Apr 23rd, 2018

Alright, that might be overegging it considering I haven't been here long enough to establish an update schedule beyond "sporadic". But hey, I've finished my big computer science project, finished my big history essay, nearly finished my big speech, and am probably not totally unprepared for tomorrow's physics exam. So... I should be able to update Growing Painssooner rather than later, hopefully within the week.

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Have You Ever... · 6:12pm Aug 13th, 2018

...been caught in the act of doing something by your parents that you shouldn't be? Twilight has...

[Insert embarrassed SciTwi picture here]

...stay tuned for a small excerpt from the next installment of the SciTwi Shimmer Chronicles.

Report NCtransbrony · 194 views · #Upcoming

Upcoming work · 9:18am Dec 5th, 2019

Just for anyone who is wondering, I'm currently working on part 4 of my Celestia's Student Reform System series. I've been going slow since working on my last big project and because of the holidays. I've been regularly putting up content for almost 6 months now so I could use a little recharge. After that story, I'm still trying to decide what to work on; I've got a few one shot ideas as well as some more sequels to write. I do try to keep things varied so there is a little something for

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Report Marezinger Z · 234 views · #upcoming

Possible upcoming fanfics · 11:22pm September 17th

Which one sounds the most interesting?

(In no particular order, since any of them can be ready first and they are all gonna be chapter stories)

Zipp focused chapter story that includes griffons or a dinosaur colony (still testing on that bit and seeing what works, likely to be the latter)

A story that focuses on a side character unicorn of G5 (Sequel to “Return of Eggingtons”)

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Report Lulamoon-Crystal · 61 views · #Upcoming

This is Next · 1:06pm Jul 20th, 2018

Awhile back, I asked what story you, the readers, wanted me to compose next. I was overwhelmed by voting from the start, but in the end, a clear winner emerged. My next story will be a compendium of weird and funny tales about how alicorns are eldritch abominations, and will be titled The Call of Cthulestia. Look out for it in your feeds!

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Upcoming work · 8:20pm Jul 25th, 2018

Hi everyone, just wanted everyone to know what I'm working on next. First I'll be working on the next chapter and completion of Thiccagio: the the tale of a man and a goddess. After that I will be working on a new story, and then My New Roommate Is A Futa Vampony, And I am Her New Bloody! Cumdumpster. I can't say exactly when they'll be out, but I hope you all enjoy them when they do come out. Till then have a nice day this is Ben koopabrony32 signing out.


Small Teaser for upcoming fic! · 1:07am Dec 20th, 2016

Remember the "short surprise project" I talked about at the end of this blog entry?
I'm a little behind my schedule for it because of the emergency in the LoE Writing Department I mentioned, but it's coming along nicely and will see a release very, very soon!

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Kinda depressed today + Future Stories · 9:09am Jul 19th, 2017

Although Stormy's Story is finished (endings being worked on right now), Im feeling kinda down today, hate to say this but it might take a while to make the endings come just right, sorry if i get a slight delay on them, i would like to avoid getting into details about what caused the feeling down feeling.

So, i will write a little "upcoming" stories i had in mind, hope you would like them

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Upcoming Projects · 9:29pm Jul 20th, 2019

Just and note to let anyone interested know what I'm going to be working on next. I've had my original, first ever fan fiction recovered from my short excursion on the site back in 2014. I'm going through it, cleaning it up with some editing but mostly leaving it in tact; it will be re-published once done so if you want to see where it all started for me in the fandom then be sure to check it out. I'll also be doing part 3 of arguably my most popular set of stories, Celestia's Student Reform

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Report Marezinger Z · 183 views · #upcoming #thanks

I need something to do · 3:04am Jan 18th, 2019

So I've got an idea for a story, that might be good or might suck, I'm not really sure but I don't care. I also have nothing to do and I'm starting to get really bored so I Thought, fuck it ima write some shit. I'm not sure what I'm gonna call it yet buuuuuut idk ill come up with something.


Getting back into the swing of things. Maybe. · 1:38am Oct 21st, 2022

Oh hey, I still exist. Isn't that nice?

Things have been pleasant enough on my end-- well, except for the cold I've been battling for the last couple of days. That part's no fun. But I'm almost over it! Maybe! I think!

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The next part of my G5 AU (What will be included) · 10:15pm September 15th

Two OCs of mine will make a return

The alicorn amulet will be a major part of the plot

Side characters get the spotlight

Trixie and Zecora will be present

Griffon villain

Kirin character

A part of the current description: (Changes will be made before release, not final)

A thief had been running around. Looking for one treasure they want to own, for their own use. Nope! It’s not the unity crystals or Sunny’s alicorn magic. Or cutiemarks either!

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Help, I've Fallen Behind, and I Can't Catch Up · 4:17am Jul 1st, 2018

I haven't been posting a lot of stuff recently. I'm sorry about that. Partially, I'm sorry to you, my readers, but I'm also sorry that I haven't been able to live up to my own expectations. Basically, life got in the way, and I've been quite run off my feet for the last couple of weeks. But, good news, the next chapter of It's a Kind of Magic is up, and Act II is at a close! Of course, it's not exactly a happy chapter, as Rarity and Carrot Top bring their schemes to

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Something that I may find a way to put in one of my stories eventually · 3:17pm Jul 23rd, 2018

As you may have noticed, the chapters I said would be out this weekend have not materialized. Sorry. I was on vacation, and I really didn't have time to work on writing. However, I did get this one chunk out that I don't think will quite fit in any of my projects right now. So, have this instead.


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Speak Chapter 20 with the editors · 1:12pm Nov 20th, 2019

Sorry this took so long everyone! I've had a busy few months the past three months, and between travelling, life changes involving Bubblegum moving out, and hosting Novel Idea for a week kinda set me back with where I wanted to be with writing. But, hopefully it's worth it! Chapter 20 so far has over 13.5k words, and usually revisions add more to it. It spans almost 40 pages on my gdoc, and I hope that we're able to get it edited and out ASAP!


I (allmost) HAVE A NAME · 7:06am Feb 4th, 2019

HELLO, I'm currently working on the story I talked about in the last post I would go into detail about it but the plot might change. when the plot is set I will make a post called I HAVE A NAME going into more detail about the story, that's all for now so bye...


Check in Progress · 1:12am Aug 15th, 2021

Just checking in for those following along. So progress on the current short story has been slow partly because of a number of IRL things and partly because I am in partly untested waters.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 259 results