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Here's a list of things I didn't get done · 4:43am Dec 25th, 2015

So I updated that projects list on my user page, intending to get on some of them right away. Here is is as it stands now:

Round One
Self-Exploration — A bit of fetish clop featuring Twilight and futa. [Mature]

The Naughty List — A bit of holiday-themed clop featuring Trixie and bondage. [Mature]

One Foggy Hearth's Warming — A bit of holiday dark comedy. [Teen]

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Report Rinnaul · 297 views · #projects

Baking with Brady! · 11:24pm Jun 2nd, 2020

My family is taken to making enough whole wheat bread to burn through our reserves long enough to last for a nuclear winter. But I've taken to baking more succulent goodies this quarantine. This is one of my favorites that I felt I needed to share with you.

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Report BradyBunch · 288 views · #projects

How Far I am on Major Projects · 7:04pm Mar 13th, 2021

The Days of New Equestria (Season 2): I have yet to send the story link to someone who volunteered to help. I'm actually thinking of releasing it when I'm halfway done with episode 4, and after the edits are made on the first couple episodes. I'm just as excited as you are, believe me. It will be a Saturday, so keep a lookout for... Saturdays.

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Report ScorchingFlamesInc · 181 views · #Project

Collaboration · 11:47pm Sep 11th, 2016

Hey everyone it's Appledank, just wanted to let you know that I am open to any collaborations you want me to be included you can hook me up on my instagram: @official_appledank or right here on Fimfiction. I am open to any projects and I'm willing to contribute to any collaborations in mind, see you all on the flip side.


Fragmented · 11:11pm Feb 13th, 2019

Have you ever thought about a world that's exactly the same,
but you don't exist?
Everything is the same from people to the world itself,
and it all functions perfectly without you.
The thought terrifies me,
It terrifies me because it is true.
Our story is but one of many thousands,
and the world will not grieve if it end too soon.

Now imagine that it is not one world that would remain the same
but many worlds.
Worlds where what you have done,
where what you accomplished

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Report Arceaion · 738 views · #Future Projects

Compiling Night Tales · 2:29am Aug 11th, 2017

I'm compiling a book of Night Tales if you have any ideas you want to share for this. I will gladly accept any ideas for this including one's told by show canon characters and even ones told by OCs. If you have any ideas, please comment them on my main page or this post. Thank you.

-Creativa Artly


Sorting out some thing : ) · 5:58pm May 8th, 2016

Hey guys!!! Magic Here!

Now, some people are getting confused for as to why Project; Community has been set up and as one of the creators of this project, I'm gonna need to clear some things out to help people understand why this whole thing was set up.

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Update on my Existence and Pitch for both "You can Do It Equestria Girls" and, "Fighting GOLD"! · 11:38pm Dec 29th, 2018

All right here is the thing, I recently made it past training and am getting paid one dollar more an hour. This is great. I also started again on working on "The Symphony of Canterlot" Which I still will apologize for not updating yet.

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Important decision for Project 131 · 6:28am Nov 20th, 2019

I am working on Project 131 a group of tanks are sent into Equestria by Discord's Will So Which would you prefer the main characters be

Ponies with armor suits

Or anthro(or human) with armor set

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Report Sanguine Blade · 232 views · #Project 131

Getting back into the swing of things. Maybe. · 1:38am Oct 21st, 2022

Oh hey, I still exist. Isn't that nice?

Things have been pleasant enough on my end-- well, except for the cold I've been battling for the last couple of days. That part's no fun. But I'm almost over it! Maybe! I think!

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Pet Project · 3:37pm Sep 11th, 2022

Hey everyone, I'm writing a fan fiction with a friend on FanFiction.Net called 'Pinkie and Sonata's Island Adventure'. Check it out if your interested.

Report Darth Wrex · 175 views · #Pet Project

fallout equestria: project horizons comic adaptation project progress report · 9:07pm Aug 19th, 2017

It's done! The first installment of 18 pages that is. the next installment will be 15 pages, and will be posted sometime in the next 6 months. the plan is December, but in truth it will be done when it is done.


Lego Equestria Girls "Fortress of Sparkletude" · 1:58pm Aug 21st, 2016

Twilight Sparkle and Spike the Dog minifigs included, not shown.

Report MythrilMoth · 669 views · #lego projects

ADMINS : P · 8:33pm May 12th, 2016

HHHEEEYYYYY!!! :pinkiehappy: I have returned once again with neeewwwsss :rainbowwild:

Yes, just as the title itself, im looking for people to help lead Project; Community and to lead different parts of the Project. :rainbowwild: as well as the fact that i only have two people (Me included in the count :rainbowlaugh: ) to help run the whole thing.

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Might be coming soon · 1:50pm Feb 1st, 2019

A little project i thought of, might be under development and posted to Youtube. A mystery series involving one room at a time, one character at a time, and one picture at a time. Again, it might or might not happen.

Just a little something i've thought of.


Do not read topsecret · 5:08am Feb 22nd, 2017

Incoming transmission from agent Winter.

Hello, all seekers.

As of late a certain person has caught my attention. And after infiltrating Erina Tail Yellow base and finding this. My hunch was right she up to something.

c redacted s redacted r redacted

Chapter redacted F redacted

redacted, it’s redacted to be redacted.” redacted

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Report febnic16 · 382 views · #secret #project

Project Intro: So we're like... Goddesses or something?? · 8:35pm Oct 26th, 2015


More 52 Project stories, but sadly no fanfic · 9:52pm May 22nd, 2020

I've been struggling so hard to write anything. Output this month is abysmal. I've had to put all the writing energy into the 52 Project stories, so I haven't gotten any farther on my fanfics than I did when I last posted.

But I've stayed on track with the project! A new story every week since April 3, released every Friday, at 5 pm (last week I was late and it was like 5:30 or so). I have 8 of them now!

Stories so far include:

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Report alarajrogers · 500 views · #52 Project

Working on something new! · 6:41am Dec 27th, 2019

You know when you are working on a long project and you stop and start like 8 other things? Yeah... I do that sometimes. One of my favorite things to do is poke at algorithms when I fall into a community and I'm doing that very thing. I have written stories that have taken years and are still not done, stories that took about a month to complete and now... dun dun duuuuuu! I'm writing a story in it's entirety and releasing it as complete! It's a little something I had a dream about a while back

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Report RoccoRoccs · 195 views · #new project

It is done! But now I have to polish it! · 2:48am Aug 4th, 2020

As I am writing this, I'm coming down from a post publish high. I just finished the new project and I am on cloud nine! That being said, I have a lot of work still ahead. Thankfully it's not going to take that long, but it is my most dreaded work... Editing. I fully admit that I suck at english and have to put in 10 times the effort that most other users have to in order to properly edit a story. Not to mention I put a few constraints on myself creatively speaking, one that will be VERY self

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Report RoccoRoccs · 168 views · #new project
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