
Viewing 1 - 20 of 316 results

I Can't just can't I'm taking a break · 9:15pm Jun 14th, 2018

I just so emotional right now and no one is supporting me IRL im just gonna take a break for awhile.


Report Aunty Furby · 239 views · #Tired

So Chapter two is now out, Yay but im tired · 2:02pm Jun 24th, 2018

Welp was to be expected, after all im staying up till midnight trying to write without getting distracted as i have been
but just as a reminder you can submit OC's to be used later inside the story, just no alicorns.

Report Changeling Alzura · 288 views · #Tired

My school in a nutshell · 12:09pm Oct 12th, 2015

Test test test test test test test test test test test test test test. Oh, did you just finish this test? WELL HAVE ANOTHER ONE!!!

Report TurboTheGameGuy · 280 views · #Tired

Just got back from vacation · 12:23am May 3rd, 2018

It took longer than expected and I'm still mentally exhausted so give me a few days and I'll start writing again.

That's pretty much it.

Report Peridork · 226 views · #tired

Delayed. · 12:57am May 24th, 2019

Sorry for being quiet, I'm just very busy with RL at the mo.

Have just had time to place a few stories in my read later list, I'll do my best to post something soonish.

But I'm too tired for even reading, better yet writing.

But we'll see right?

Report Forgetful · 197 views · #Tired

Back from vacation slightly earlier than expected · 5:31am Mar 21st, 2019

Good, tired, and literally got back thirty minutes ago.

Tomorrow I'll start writing again cause I am recharged and wanting more to write.

Also I'd start writing right now, but I have barely slept a wink in about 3 days so I'd rather not be writing next to nothing or straight gibberish.

Report Peridork · 209 views · #tired

Pretty Tired. · 4:16am Jun 20th, 2019

I have tons of comments to reply to.

I'm just a bit sleepy, so instead of lack luster replies.

I'll reply first thing after my morning coffee!

See you then!:heart:

Report Forgetful · 248 views · #Tired

july update · 9:06am July 14th

Hi all,

The reason why there hasn't been many updates with my stories recently (and why I haven't written anything new despite wanting to participate in the different contests going on) is because of my current job sapping all of my energy recently (That, and the process of searching for a new job which is also soul crushing :) )

Hopefully, things will get better in the upcoming weeks but i can't promise much.

anyhow, buhbye

Report Chromentazol · 18 views · #i'm tired

No updates for today · 2:39am Feb 24th, 2017

I've got homework, I'm tired, and it's already past the time I typically spend writing. :facehoof:

Report TheMajorTechie · 290 views · #tired #updates

Break · 5:23pm Jan 10th, 2020

With school back in session, I'm filled to the brim with assignments and work. I mainly attempting to focus on graduating, pushing myself above a D Average (mainly cuz I was lazy) and going for a B Average like I used to have. Feel free to ask me any extra questions (yes I'm talking to you two commenters) about Not Our Sunset II!

Report YellowHornIsAGirl · 186 views · #Break #Tired

ETERNALLY PENDING REWRITE · 12:31am Apr 20th, 2016

keep dreaming, folks

Report Cracked Egg · 362 views · #so tired

Taking Today Off · 5:28pm Sep 17th, 2018

My body feels like sludge, so I'm going to take today off.

Tomorrow, however, the posting schedule continues!

A chapter a day, Write and Publish, until it is done!


If I Log Off Super Early... · 11:46pm May 17th, 2016

...then I fell asleep. I'm sick, and took medicine, and I've been staying up late/waking up during the night. Literally just setting my alarm between 12 and 3 AM to switch my iPhone and iPad chargers. I use my iPad for school (nerd charter school, don't ask) and it kinda needs to be fully charged. Then I use my phone all day and I get too lazy to charge it... So yeah. I kinda developed this schedule of me waking up to unplug one and start charging the other. Long story short I'm

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Report Vanilla Mocha · 216 views · #Tired #bored

I hate work.. · 2:26pm Jan 29th, 2020

Urgh, sorry guys... :applecry:

Well, I don't have to be sorry about anything, but I have wanted to write a lot more than I have done these days. :pinkiesick:

I have had a busy week so far, my work is trying to cheat me and and my coworkers for extra pay when we work overtime.. And now I have discovered they have might been cheating me out of cut of my paycheck! I hope that is not the case, but, bucking hell... Going to my union on Monday to hopefully clear it all up. :facehoof:

Report DanishDash · 195 views · #Tired #frustrated

I'm exhausted. · 2:28am Jan 4th, 2016

Over the past month I've done nothing but work. I suppose it's finally catching up with me. Sorry I couldn't get the next chapter in, It'll probably be released next Friday.

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So, I realised a thing... · 2:33pm Jul 23rd, 2016

The Wedding Aftermath is about a 400-420 page book.

That I wrote in 26 days.

Now I know why my brain is fried! I can barely think of what to write, and every attempt makes me grumble with what I come up with. I think I'll have to take a break for awhile so I can recover.

I will write the sequel to The Wedding Aftermath, though I don't know when. Hopefully within the next 30 days I'll start writing again.

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Tired and Annoyed · 4:25am Aug 6th, 2015

I am tired because I got home from Canada earlier this week. Also a few weeks ago I had my blood drown by the doctor to see if I had any thyroid issues. Fortunately the results were negative. Unfortunately this means that the symptoms I am having are caused by stress. So I am a little bit tired.

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I'm just... done. · 2:30pm Jan 20th, 2017

Honestly, I've hardened up a lot. Not much offends me anymore. It will take a very personal attack to offend me nowadays. Not even racist remarks offend me anymore. I don't care what Trump says or does anymore because I can't take all these petty people saying EVERYTHING IS RACIST, SEXIST, HOMOPHOBIC, OR BIGOTED IN SOME OTHER WAY! It doesn't matter what flag you wave as long as you have a LEGITIMATE REASON. It doesn't matter what you say or do as long as you have a LEGITIMATE reason! It seems

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Calc · 9:34pm Sep 29th, 2015

I'm allergic to calc. Then why do I love this song?:trollestia:



So bored... · 1:01pm May 4th, 2016

I'm in science right now. Teacher's nice, but HOLY CRAP she's boring! It doesn't help I have science right at the start of the day, so I'll be especially tired and sleepy, let alone bored with my current location. Does ANYONE have any ideas I can use to aid me in waking me from my sleep? I could really use the help right about now.

It is physically a struggle to keep my eyes open. :rainbowlaugh:

Report SuperKamek · 376 views · #bored #tired #science
Viewing 1 - 20 of 316 results