Subscribe to my animator friend! · 3:06am Oct 24th, 2019
Subscribe to my animator friend! He's also working on a video for the fic project!
Subscribe to my animator friend! He's also working on a video for the fic project!
Claire Corlett's awesome documentary!
So I was lazing about on the web, like I do, when I ran across this piece of genius.
Somebody get on continuing with this, and I will continue my story!
Borderlands 3 will not support pre-loading on the Epic Store.
Tim Sweeney's response:
"It’s complicated. We’ve released support for file preloading which is sufficient for some games, but we aren’t certain it’s up to the demands of a blockbuster like Borderlands."
And you jokers want to compete with Steam? That had pre-loading in 2004? 15 years ago? Pathetic. Simply pathetic.
I have been in a Soccer mood lately (thank you Scootaloo96 for reminding me of my love of the sport), and my sister just showed me a great video. So here it is and Scoots, if you're seeing this, I hope you like it.
I love music and the inspiration it gives. I found this on youtube just now and thought I'd share it the only way I knew how. Hope you enjoy!
I remembered that Borderlands 3 launches tomorrow, so I did this.
I would like to spend a moment to possibly blow your mind.
I finally saw it.
SAO-Ordinal Scale.
It just aired on my anime site, and trust me...
It was low quality, but I didn't mind. IT WAS EPIC!
Also, at the end, Yui interrupts a really tender moment between Kirito and Asuna. It was hilarious.
So, yeah.
And look who I've gone gay for!
Nah, I'm still straight really. But if I did ever need to go gay, it'll be for this guy right here. Fuck off Superman. You've been replaced by the best OP hero of all time.
Sorry, I got that last part wrong.
I meant to say..."he's just a guy who a hero for fun."
A little bit of wee comes out at that line every time.
I must change my pants...
Epic Yarn has started publishing her second story, which I helped edit!
It's a marvelous bit of work, but don’t read it on an empty stomach .
In other news:
1. 107 Days Remain. I wasn’t going to mention this until the 90 day mark, but it’s been on my mind since I noticed some other contests pop up.
So...I'm wondering if the boss battles in this story should have musical parts in them. But like, the fighters sing them in a inner dialog. And of course they would be Epic! Like in the old dbz movies or heck, battle of gods when ssj Goku took on beerus. What do you guys think? Comment here in the blog to let me know ok?
Disturb not the harmony of Fire, Ice, or Lightning lest these three Titans wreck destruction upon the world in which they clash. Though the water's Great Guardian shall arise to quell the fighting alone its song will fail. Thus the Earth shall turn to ash. O, Chosen One, into thine hands bring together all three. Their treasures combined tame the beast of the sea.
Calling once again my Monster Hunter fans, I bring you the official tracks for each of the new flagship monsters as well as the arena music, Ancient Forest music, and final boss music. Some of these are better than others, but all are epic as f**k, as I expect from Capcom. Personally, I can't stop listening to the arena music, Dinovaldo's theme and Tamamitsune's theme.
I went to the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot, in Kentucky.
It was too 'Merican. There was thousands of people, hundreds of guns, a gun show, napalm, etc.
I got to shoot a M1918 BAR;
A M3 "Grease Gun";