• Member Since 17th Jun, 2012

Rune Soldier Dan

Love is a verb, not a noun.

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It's been many years since Bright Mac and Pear Butter disappeared. Everyone had assumed they died, lost to Timberwolves on a fateful night. But what if that wasn't the case?

A story which takes place immediately following the Changeling reformation. A commission for Sunset_Shimmer83!

Chapters (1)

Mane Melody survived its first few weeks and a visit from Phyllis Cloverleaf, letting Jazz Hooves finally find her place at the newly opened salon. When she is left in charge on a slow day, a strange customer stumbles through her door. As she gets to know the timid mare, Jazz discovers that showing just a little kindness in something as mundane as hoof care can make all the difference in the life of another.

Entry for The Red Parade's May Pairings 2024 hosted by the Original Pairings group.
Edited by: TheAncientPolitzanian
Preread by: Jymbroni, Scriblits Talo, and ItsVelvet
Cover Art: Heartfelt Hooficure by @Marenlicious on Twitter
Commissioned the artwork while at ポニコン11!

Chapters (7)

Meditations on banishment, society, guilt, and divinity — all explored through the lens of a broken relationship between two goddesses.

The first chapter was originally published as a chapter in Missing Pages & Scrawled Footnotes on September 3rd, 2016. It has since been revised and expanded. The third chapter was also originally presented as a chapter in the same anthology on April 27th, 2019. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (4)

Applejack and Matte Palette were best friends when they were younger. Like her, the poor colt doesn’t seem to have much in common with kids his own gender, so they formed an unlikely duo. The two were inseparable, right up until Applejack moved to live with the Orange side of her family, and the childhood friends fail to keep in touch.

But time passes, and Applejack returns to Ponyville. Her biggest hope is to pick up where she left off, and that includes her friendship with Matte Palette. Something seems different about him, though.

Written as a birthday present for Dessert, who also did the cover art. More of their art can be found here :raritywink:

Chapters (1)

Oh Applejack, where for art thou Applejack! Those were words Sunset thought she'd never have to hear herself say. Though there is a first time for everything. Because they were both failing drama class, they were chosen as Romeo and Juliet for the senior play. And neither of them seem to be happy about it.

Chapters (2)

Nurse Redheart has a rather strange holiday tradition. Every Hearth's Warming, she hikes up a mountain to take in the cold, frigid air. But this time, there's more on the line. This time, she isn't alone.

This was written for NeirdaE as a part of Jinglemas 2020! For more information about Jinglemas, checkout our group!

Edited by the Great and Powerful WishComeTrue, rice and Flashgen.

Chapters (1)

An accurate student progress report for Sunset Shimmer might get her expelled, or perhaps institutionalized.

Fortunately, Vice Principal Luna knows how to write...tactfully.

This story might be an entry in the 2024 Dialogue Only Contest.

Cover image source: https://derpibooru.org/images/2806177?q=screencap

Chapters (1)

December is a really cold time. Even though Adagio would much rather stay in bed, her wife, Sunset Shimmer, wants to play a few games with some of their mutual friends. As it turns out, cocky sirens aren't exactly accustomed to paying taxes. So, in an attempt to avoid them, Adagio turns to the most evil and disgusting option to get out of that responsibility. A career in politics...

Hello, everyone! I hope you are all having a great Christmas and holiday season! This story is a Christmas gift for my good friend, Mon668~ She's been a great friend to me for two years now and I tried my best to make a story that she and everyone else would laugh at. This idea was spawned from a crack dream I had, but I feel like it has just enough humor to be a good story~ Merry Christmas, Mon! And happy holidays to everyone around the world!

Chapters (1)

This is an anthology of a bunch of different ships that I find amusing. The kind that has little to no basis in canon whatsoever.

You know, the fun kind.

Some of these ships may look familiar, and a few are based on certain previous works I've done, but this should still be considered its own thing.

This is gonna be an "updated whenever" kind of anthology where I'll put something out whenever I get an idea. Though I'm more than happy to hear suggestions.

Chapters (3)

The rich bicker, and the poor suffer.
Celestia, a filly of twelve, is forced to take care of her sister Luna as the world dies around them, as the winter grows colder and the food grows scarce.
And when offered a deal -when tempted with salvation- can she really say no? Or will the cost be too great?
Sanctioned and heavily ispired by Rune Soldier Dan's To Try For the Sun
No, not just inspired, this is a direct spinoff (a rip-off, some might call it) of Dan's, so I have deliberately written this so that you have to read that first to fully experience this. 

Without further ado. 

Chapters (1)