//------------------------------// // Special Appointment // Story: Walk-ins Welcome // by Rego //------------------------------// Wow. I knew us earth ponies had this new, special plant magic, but seriously? All we did was sing a song from nowhere and that little sapling Misty got was just a full-grown tree now. I didn’t even know our cutie marks could do that! It felt amazing, reinvigorating, harmonizing; like I’d gotten my cutie mark all over again. I knew what made me unique and who I was supposed to be with all of my heart. It took everything I had in me not to prance around like a little filly. I was so glad to be in Zephyr Heights for the Cutie Blossom Bash. Misty had gotten hers just in time for the first spring after ponykind’s reunification. Sure, we’d had a little issue with her participating, but this private one Zipp and Pipp had suggested was absolutely perfect. I was so proud of Misty. The only thing dragging me down from my Elysian high was what happened afterwards; namely Misty’s double-agent plan. It was an utterly stupid, boneheaded idea. Misty had just freed herself from that abusive alicorn, and now she was going to go back to her? Why? What was the point? We already knew what she wanted: power. Where did she want it from? Equestria. She’d attack eventually; we just had to be ready for it. But that was why Misty wanted to go. She could warn us exactly where Opaline was going to strike first, just as long as she wasn’t caught. But what if she was? That monster had already hurt her so much when Misty was her faithful pawn. If Opaline found out… I didn’t want to think about it. So now here I was, sulking under Misty’s tree on her big Cutie Blossom Bash day, trying my best to get over myself. She wanted to do this, and I wished I could support her. I wished for a lot of things these days that I couldn’t do. Misty was so incredible and driven. She knew what Opaline was capable of more than anypony. It was so brave of her, and so… not me. “Jazz?” I didn’t look up from my hooves. I’d gone full petulant filly mode. Misty was just going to have to deal. “Do you mind if I join you?” I shuffled to the side slightly, giving her room to her wedge herself next to me in the little nook I found between the roots. Without saying a word, she sat down, our flanks and shoulders rubbing together as she tried to find a comfortable spot. I stole a glance out of the corner of my eye. Pipp’s bold new dye job really did suit her. Instead of still waters, Misty’s mane gradated into a glowing coral orange tip, bright as the dawn that she’d added to her name. It was as valiant as it was elegant, perfectly matching the unicorn ascending to who she truly was meant to be. The only problem was that I hadn’t thought of it. “Are you feeling better?” Misty finally asked. Yes, because you’re next to me now. Otherwise no. She drooped a little at my silence. “I guess not.” “Sorry,” I groused. “It’s hard to be happy knowing you’re putting yourself in danger, again.” “I know. I’m not looking forward to going back either, but I know I can help if I do.” It took every ounce of willpower that I had to force a nod. I pulled in on myself tighter and leaned away. Was it pettiness? Sorrow? Guilt? I wasn't sure, and it didn’t matter. The result was the same. Our little soldier was leaving for the betterment of Equestria, and here I was, the unrequited lover standing on the hilltop, waiting for the war to end. All I needed to complete the movie scene was a token of my affection. Maybe my mane brush for her dazzling locks? “You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said. About me being braver than I thought—” Great. So I was the inspiration behind this. “—and, well… I don’t know if it’s true.” I slowly lifted my head from the trunk and turned to Misty, dumbfounded. “I-I mean it! Honestly, I’m really scared to go back. I know I have Sunny, Izzy, Pipp, Zipp, and Hitch supporting me, but—” “But you don’t have me,” I cut in, finishing the thought for her. “R-right.” I sighed and leaned back against the wood. A greedy, little thought wormed its way into my head: Maybe she wouldn’t go if I didn’t say anything. But if I did that, and she did stay behind, there’d always be a rift between us. I’d be heartbroken, but at least Misty would be safe, or as safe as we all were from Opaline, which we weren’t. Why did things have to be so stupid and complicated? “Jazz?” Hearing my name, I sniffled and rubbed my eyes. I was on the verge of crying again. Just gotta serve guilt on top of guilt, don’t you, Jazz? This was the worst. I was the worst. “Is it so bad that I don’t want you to go?” Wonderful, my voice was cracking and raspy, and I hadn’t even started to cry yet. “I don’t care if I’m being selfish!” I thunked my head against the trunk in resignation and closed my eyes. “Whatever, just go!” I waited for the rustle of grass and the muffled clop of hooves to fade away, but instead, I felt a tender hoof touch mine. “I don’t think it’s selfish. I wouldn’t want you to go either. I wouldn’t want anypony to go to her.” “But you want to, right? Because you can do stuff from the inside.” “I want everypony to be safe.” Misty’s hoof wrapped around mine, squeezing tightly. “But what I really want is for you to be safe, Jazz. Like how you always do for me.” How did she know how to make my heart sing so well? It was already skipping beats at her touch alone. I couldn’t help but smile, even if it was a sad one. I rolled my head over to hers. Whatever little half-grin I could scrounge together melted in the warmth of her precious smile. Hers was a work of art I could never hope to accent with meager cosmetics. It was gentle as it was powerful, with emerald eyes glistening brighter than the bay waters at daybreak. If only I had a fraction of her courage, then maybe I could be honest and say— “I love you, Jazz.” What? “What?” “I-I love you,” Misty repeated, her lips quivering with every word. “I know I don’t know a lot about this sort of stuff—it’s really scary saying it out loud—but what I do know is that you mean so much to me, Jazz. You make me feel so safe and loved everytime I see you. Just being with you makes me so happy, and… and I don’t want to let Opaline take it away. She’s already taken so much from me. I never want to lose you.” The dam burst, tears flowing freely from my eyes as I laughed. “It is scary, isn’t it?” I slumped over, fell into her side, and squeezed her hoof. “But, you know what? When the pony you love more than anything says that she loves you, suddenly it’s not so scary anymore.” I lifted my head to gaze up at the most beautiful pony in the world.  “I love you too, Misty.” Her mouth fell open in surprise, but it slowly shifted to a nervously hopeful smile. “Y-you do? Really?” I giggled. “Really, really. More than anything.” I nestled back down, letting my ear rest against her body so I could hear her heartbeat as excitedly as mine. “I only wish I’d been able to tell you first.” “Oh.” I could feel her fidget while trying to think of something to say. “I’m sorry.” I couldn’t help but laugh just a little. I shook my head, savoring the rise and fall of her chest. “It was your turn to take one of my firsts anyway. Thank you, Misty.” “You’re welcome.” I felt a chaste little peck at the back of my mane, followed by the familiar sound of an excited giggle. “I’m really glad you love me too, Jazz.” She was just too cute. It took everything I had not to turn around and shower her with kisses right then and there. But such an outpouring of affection wouldn’t feel right. Misty was precious. She felt safe with me, just like I felt completely safe in her embrace. This was more than enough for now. We nestled in our little nook of the tree, hidden away from the prying eyes of the palace, Equestria, and the problems of the world, laying together and simply enjoying the magic of the moment. Our new relationship status wasn’t a secret for very long, though that was mostly my fault. Not wanting to intimidate her with intimate kisses, I suggested we trot along with our tails tied together. Of course, she had no idea what I was talking about at first, but the moment I’d swung my tail to wrap around hers and leaned against her, it clicked. At first, I was worried about the attention our public display attracted, but I think she was too distracted by her own excitement to notice. We were practically inseparable, trotting through our own lovely world. And seeing the thrill of it all play out on her face? Right when I thought I couldn’t possibly adore her more, that innocent smile as she said, “Wow, this is really nice,” was just…  If I had wings, I’d soar up the tallest tower and scream for joy. Misty was just too cute! Her friends—our friends agreed. Some far more than others. Pipp wanted to take way too many pictures, Izzy wanted to make “Traditional Unicorn Pair-up Pendants”—whatever those were—and I guess everypony else was there too. But between all the calmer well-wishes and friendly zaniness, the one that mattered the most to me was Sunny. She was just so happy for us. So genuinely happy. The wall I’d placed between us? Shattered. In a single flap of her alicorn wings as she embraced the both of us. She hadn’t even known I’d built one in the first place. Classic Sunny Starscout. The Elysian bliss couldn’t last though. We touched back down in the Bay and the two of us split from the rest of the group for just a little more innocent pleasure before the day ended. Browsing boutiques, sharing a couple’s sundae, taking a long walk on the beach; it was all so cliché to me, yet so perfect for us. Every old rom-com trope was a brand new experience to Misty and her infectious wonder made every moment a dream. I wished with all my heart we could just stay asleep. But the day drew to a close, and we sat together on a bench to watch the sunset over the water, holding hooves. Misty leaned her head on my shoulder, her warmth blanketing the melancholy in my heart. “Thanks for an amazing day, Jazz.” She sighed with content. I tightened my grip as I leaned against her mane. “Anything for you, Misty. I just wish it wasn’t already over.” “Yeah, me too. I can’t wait to do something like this again. I didn’t even know Maretime Bay had so many neat places.” Next time. I was looking forward to it so much. Next time would be filled with love and joy, just like this time. Next time would mean Misty would be by my side, far outside of Opaline’s grasp. “I’m sorry, Misty. About yelling at you earlier. I-I didn’t—” Misty squeezed my hoof tighter and lightly shook her head. “It’s okay, Jazz, I promise. I know you’re scared. I am, too. Please, don’t cry again.” I kissed her glowing mane. “I’ll do my best not to.” “Okay. Okay. So, umm…” Misty tapped her free hoof in thought as she tried to think of something to say. I waited, doing my best not to giggle at her wracking her brain. “Don’t get so flustered that you miss the sunset.” “But I’m trying to think of something to brighten the mood.” I tilted my head away and puzzled over the question. “How about we think of what to do next time you’re in town?” “That’s a great idea!” Misty exclaimed. Forgetting our tender touch, she whipped her head around to face me and whapped me with her mane. “What do you want to do?” “Maybe trying a different protective mane style,” I joked as I brushed some misty mane away from my muzzle. Her sincere smile tightened into an embarrassed grin as I laughed it off. “Or maybe we could do that thing Izzy suggested.” Misty’s grin caved to her nerves. “S-swap hooficures?” “You don’t want to?” I asked in slight concern. “It’s not that I don’t want to. You’re just so good at them, Jazz. I don’t want to mess up your hooves.” “Misty, you know that I’d absolutely love to have my hooves done by you.” I wrapped a foreleg around and reeled her back in for a quick kiss on her forehead. “If you’re that worried about it, I’ll gladly teach you everything I know. It’ll be worth it to get my very own, one-of-a-kind, Misty design.” “That does sound nice.” She slumped a little lower on the bench. “I wish I would’ve paid attention to those tutorials Opaline was always watching on your Ponygram. Maybe I’ll try to watch some when she’s not plotting the downfall of Equestria.” I froze on the spot and slowly turned to Misty. “I’m sorry. What did you say?” “Oh! Sorry!” Misty’s ears drooped as she chuckled nervously. “I didn’t mean to bring her back up again.” “Forget that. Did you say she watches me on Ponygram?” Her hooves shot to her mouth as she tried to look anywhere but at me. “Well, you know those amazing hooficure lessons you make during downtime at Mane Melody? I caught Opaline a couple of times, watching and following you along.” The more she talked about it, the more troublingly familiar it all sounded. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling my notifications. My hoof stopped over a conspicuous name: Opal4Evervescent. She’d left a few hooftaps and even commented a couple of times. Oh ponyfeathers, she was a follower! Equestria’s greatest threat was getting beauty tips from me! “‘A truly glorious tutorial. I will follow it to the letter once I'm at full power so that I may trample my foes into the ground with terrifying beauty upon my return!’” I quoted from my phone. “I thought it was just a weird roleplaying account…” My hooves were shaking as I looked up at Misty. “Should I block her? I should block her, right?” Misty blinked. “You’re asking me?” “You’re the one who knows her! Can she cast curses on me through my phone or something if I do?” My hoof hovered over the block button, but then I glanced over the rest of her self-indulgent feed. “Or maybe… maybe I should follow her back in case she lets something slip. Ponies say stupid things all the time online. Would that help you when you go back?” “I-I don’t know! I barely do anything on social media!” I stared at my phone, trying to think of an answer. She hadn’t taken any pictures of herself, just the occasional hooftap and ominous comment. Nothing else was here. So, I let my heart decide. My stupid, petty heart. “I banish you to the depths of the Canternet, Opaline!” I proclaimed to the heavens before stamping the block button under my mighty, perfectly polished hoof. “You will languish in fashion obscurity!” Misty giggled and looked over my shoulder as my hooves danced over the touchscreen. “What are you doing now?” “Just messaging a few of my beauty community mutuals to block her, too. If she’s going to attack Equestria, she doesn’t get to look good doing it.” I tagged a few friends and asked them to forward it along. I held my phone in front of Misty. “Will you do the honors?” She nodded eagerly and lightly tapped the screen. “And sent!” “Yeah! Take that, Opaline!” After sharing another laugh, I sighed with satisfaction at our little victory. It might’ve made me miss the sun sinking below the horizon, but I had my priorities. With the day finally over, so was our date, unfortunately. Misty leaned over and gave me another hug. “Thanks for everything today, Jazz. Today was the best day I’ve ever had.” I kissed her forehead. “Everyday is the best when I’m with you, Misty.” She giggled and pawed at my chest, lingering for a few moments longer. Neither of us wanted to get up, but one of us had to start. “I’ll walk you to the edge of town,” I said while getting off the bench. I turned around and offered her my hoof. “Okay.” Misty took it and reluctantly stood up. “Can we do the tail wrapping thing again, please? I liked it a lot.” Joy spread across my face. “I was just about to ask.” We leaned against each other, tails entwined as we walked side-by-side in silence. We didn’t need any words, feeling our hearts beat together. I loved her, and she loved me. That’s all that mattered. All that was left was to soldier on and wait for my Misty to return.