The Ones To Which I Cried 68 stories
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Through scientific invention, Twilight shielded her eyes from witnessing the inevitable deaths of her friends. 

And her wife.

It worked. 

For a while.

In the latent space, Twilight searches for an image of Rarity she can still see.

An experiment in dramatic verse prose poetry. Sentences metered in iambic pentameter.

First place winner of the Science Fiction Contest III!

Cover art (and art within) illustrated by me.

Chapters (1)

Seven years have passed since Grand Pear moved to Vanhoover, and time has dulled the pain of leaving Pear Butter behind. Though the scars remain, life for the Pear family has done its best to return to normal.

But one day, a letter from Ponyville comes in the mail.

Featured on Equestria Daily! 10/3/17

Featured by The Royal Canterlot Library 9/7/18!

Russian translation!

Paul Asaran
Seattle's Angels
Ghost Mike

Chapters (3)

Roseluck's garden is more than just a flowerbed. It's a reminder of times long since past.

Featured on Equestria Daily! 5/28/2019

Preread by Carapace & FamousLastWords.

Chapters (1)

Everyone always tells Twilight that the ones who love us never truly leave us.

But that's a lie. It's always been a lie.

Things that live must also die. It's simply the cycle of life, and that cycle doesn't care about love or the pain it causes.

Until one day, that cycle is broken by a forgotten figure from her past: a little tortoise who's not so little anymore.

This story is, first and foremost, a gift for the incomparable Mushroom, who clearly must be some sort of undiscovered species of fungus dog since we definitely don't deserve her. I have it on good authority that this story gave her Many Feelings, and I hope it gives them to you, too. :)

This also won first place in the of the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting '2021 Gift Fic Exchange' contest portion, which is neat.

Cover art commissioned from the lovely Shaslan!

Chapters (1)

On Flurry Heart's twelfth birthday, Cadance tells her daughter she will never die.

Haunted by the loneliness of her young immortality, Flurry Heart finds unexpected solace in the only other pony who could possibly understand her — the filly preserved for eternity within the Gardens of Canterlot.

Flurry could not have forseen that an apparition of that filly would appear before her, and only her.

Something brought them together. Flurry intends to uncover what.

Written for the 4th Annual Cozy Glow Short Story Contest where it took second place!

Prompts used: Flurry Heart and Cozy Glow develop a strong friendship that turns into something more and Possessions.

Cover art illustrated by me.

Gracious reccomendation/review by:

Chapters (1)

Having been actively ruling Equestria for hundreds of years, Twilight finds herself in one of those moments where emotions spontaneously drift across her mind. She wanders around Canterlot Castle in the middle of the night with no real destination or purpose. Walking just to walk. Thinking just to think. It is only after tens of minutes of being weaved in a spider web of pent up emotions, that Twilight finds a sorrowful comfort written in the simplest of words. What could they be and mean to a pony who has seen so much in her life?

(Note: The formatting of the story is much too altered on mobile. To get the full intended effect and best experience, please consider reading on PC!)

My submission for Thousand Word Contest II under the Experimental category.

Cover Art made by me ^^

Chapters (1)

In her short life, Diamond Tiara has accomplished so much. And today, she has achieved her goal of becoming mayor. Sheʼs elated, of course, but what does that mean for her future?

In her long life, Mayor Mare has accomplished so much. It is time to step aside and spend her days in peaceful retirement. Sheʼs elated, of course, but how does one leave behind the past when itʼs defined you for so long?

The past and the future meet in the middle and together, come to an understanding about the present.

Featured: 05/31/2023 - 06/01/2023
Written for: The May 2023 Pairings Contest
Chinese translation by: Beholder123

Now with Patreon!

Chapters (1)

The Firework Lotus Celebration, a grand festival which celebrates the dawn of a new year, is a tradition held near and dear to Spike's heart. But when the winds of change threaten to take this special time away from him, Spike is forced to make a difficult decision. Which is more important: what he knows to be right, or what he feels to be right?

And as Spike soon discovers, it's a choice best made with the help of some friends.

Inspired in part by (believe it or not) this comic.
Cover art by Sophie-Y.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has been waiting for-freaking-ever for her first edition, autographed hard cover edition of the newest Prancy Drew novel.

Three times- THREE times it's been improperly delivered, and Twilight has HAD IT with the town's mail system and the town's mail mare!!

Edited by : Docontra Thank you so much!!!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow’s face darkened. “Cozy, I’m not asking you. I’m telling you. I need to know how we end.”

Something flashed through Cozy’s face, something Rainbow vaguely thought of as fear. But it passed and Cozy hissed, rubbing her forehead. “Fine. You want to know how you two end?”

There was a second of silence filled by the wind.

Cozy’s eyes burned red when she spoke again. “One of you will destroy the other.”

A gift for Shaslan.

Chapters (1)