• Member Since 15th Dec, 2018


Someday, I'll stop writing silly comedy stories. However, today isn't "someday".

Eric Reedverse (One-shots) 21 stories
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Total Words: 68,804
Estimated Reading: 4 hours



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Soon after Princess Luna tried her first-ever video game out of boredom, playing them became her #1 favorite hobby by far. She especially loved playing them with other ponies. It was just too bad that her competitiveness and hot-bloodedness made ponies start "conveniently" claiming they felt ill when it was their turn to play with her.

However, Princess Celestia could tell the real reason, but couldn't bear telling her little sister out of fear of giving her Nightmare Moon flashbacks. Near her wits' end, Celestia asked Princess Twilight if she knew any ponies with both a fondness for video games and a personality capable of handling "Gamer Luna."

At Spike and Starlight Glimmer's suggestion, Twilight decided to ask Eric Reed, a human but also an experienced gamer, to be Luna's new gaming buddy. Unfortunately, Twilight forgot to warn Eric that Luna could become intense when she played games, which accidentally left him blind to what he was in for.

Things (probably) went as well as you might expect.

This story is also one of a still-growing series of stories that all take place after A Giant Adventure to Equestria. It isn't necessary to read any of them to understand this story, but "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" does show how and why the human OC Eric Reed is in Equestria and can't leave.

If you enjoy this story and would be interested in checking out any of my other stories with Eric, you can find the list of all current ones here.

EDIT: Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

While the two were in the middle of a reading session, Eric Reed decided to have fun with Princess Twilight and her perfectionist urges by slightly sliding her teacup from her preferred spot on her table any time she wasn't looking. She kept reacting in the way you might expect.

However, if Eric kept tempting fate by testing an alicorn's obliviousness, he could end up in a sticky situation.

This story is one of a still-growing series of stories that all take place after A Giant Adventure to Equestria. However, it is not necessary to read any of them to understand this story, but "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" does show the details of how and why the human OC Eric Reed is in Equestria even if the story isn't that great by my standards and improved writing abilities now.

If you enjoy this story and would be interested to check any of the other stories with Eric, you can find the list of all current ones here.

Chapters (1)

While hanging out with Starlight Glimmer, Eric Reed blurted out that he thought Rarity is a large ham, due to her habit of being overdramatic. As per his luck, Rarity happened to be in earshot and did not like what her human friend called her, albeit for reasons Eric didn't mean.

However, even if Eric tried explaining what he really meant by "large ham", Rarity might not take that answer well either.

This story is one of a still-growing series of stories that all take place after A Giant Adventure to Equestria. However, it is not necessary to read any of them to understand this story, but "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" does show the details of how and why the human OC Eric Reed is in Equestria even if the story isn't that great by my standards and improved writing abilities now.

If you enjoy this story and would be interested in checking out any of my other stories with Eric, you can find the list of all current ones here.

Chapters (1)

Trixie asked Eric Reed to help her with a "saw a person/pony in half" magic trick. However, once the trick being performed was imminent, it didn't appear as if the "trick" would be an illusion nor would "The Great and Powerful Trixie" use her magic to somehow protect Eric. All the latter knew for sure was that most of Trixie's reassurances appeared to be half-hearted.

It only grew more nerve-wracking for Eric when Trixie full-heartedly milked his worsening paranoia that the unicorn really might make him half the man he used to be, painfully.

This story is one of a still-growing series of stories that all take place after A Giant Adventure to Equestria. However, it is not necessary to read any of them to understand this story, but "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" does show the details of how and why the human OC Eric Reed is in Equestria.

If you enjoy this story and would be interested in checking out any of my other stories with Eric, you can find the list of all current ones here.

Chapters (1)

With the first-ever "Kite-con" drawing near and the Friendship Express a mere hour away from departing to Fillydelphia, Kite-con's location, Starlight Glimmer went to wake up Eric Reed. The latter had agreed to accompany Starlight as a consequence of losing a bet to her, but overslept.

However, while waking up Eric wasn't difficult, getting the human to stay awake and drag himself out of bed was a struggle. Even if Starlight would never try to hurt Eric, it didn't mean she'd go easy on him if he kept testing her temper...

This story is one of a long, growing series of stories that all take place after A Giant Adventure to Equestria. However, it is not necessary to read any of them to understand this story, but "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" does show the details of how and why the human OC Eric Reed is in Equestria that this story leaves out, and how his bond with Starlight formed.

If you enjoy this story and would be interested in checking out any of my other stories with Eric, you can find the list of all current ones here.

Chapters (1)

While playing the Equestrian version of Jenga with Eric Reed, Starlight Glimmer found herself facing seemingly imminent defeat. However, as a pony with a devious streak that rarely minds "bending" the rules, she chose to use her magic in unfair ways as a last resort. Obviously, she was met with objections from Eric.

But unluckily for Starlight, she forgot her human opponent knew how unicorn magic works quite well...

This story is one of a series of stories that all take place after A Giant Adventure to Equestria. However, it is not necessary to read any of them to understand this story, but "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" does show how and why the human OC Eric Reed is in Equestria and how his bond with Starlight formed.

If you enjoy this story and would be interested in reading any of the other stories with Eric, you can find the list of all current ones here.

EDIT on 08/26/22: Now has an audio hearing by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan!


Chapters (1)

It was just another day for Eric Reed as the "non-native bridge to pony society" for Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship. He was the only non-pony in Equestria who had fully accustomed to pony life who also wasn't native to not just Equestria, but to that world completely. A view even Spike can't claim to have.

However, even Eric's unique take on ponies couldn't prepare him for how to respond when Gallus confided in him that he had formed a crush on one of the Mane 6. So, Eric did what he had a tendency to do during times he was rattled.

He ended up putting his foot in his mouth, and not literally.

This story is one of a series of stories that all take place after A Giant Adventure to Equestria. However, it is not necessary to read any of them to understand this story, but "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" does show how and why the human OC Eric Reed is in Equestria.

If you enjoy this story and would be interested in reading any of the other stories with Eric, you can find the list of all current ones here.

Chapters (1)

Plagued with a sore back, Rarity asked Eric Reed, who works as a masseur at Ponyville's spa, for a massage to help with her back.

However, Rarity went on to enjoy the massage a little too much.

This story takes place after the events of my A Giant Adventure to Equestria story. However, it is not required to read it first to enjoy this story, other than to learn how and why Eric Reed is in Equestria.

Chapters (1)

While in the middle of a cuddle session, Sunset Shimmer and Eric Reed decided to play "Would You Rather?" It went smoothly until Sunset asked a big question that made Eric squirm, and she made sure he wouldn't get away without answering.

Contains mostly light-hearted fluff.

While it's not required to read either to understand this story, but to learn more how and why the human OC Eric Reed is in Equestria, check out A Giant Adventure to Equestria, or When Dating a Sunset... if you want to see how Eric and Sunset became a couple.

Chapters (1)

After Rainbow Dash and Eric Reed accidentally got Apple Bloom injured, they found themselves begging a furious Applejack for forgiveness – or at least hope she wouldn't kill them. They even claimed that they would do anything she dared them to do, even if it was painful.

Applejack would take her friends up on their offer with some dares. To win Applejack's forgiveness, Rainbow and Eric would have to cuddle, maybe even kiss, in public! They might have had little problems with it if they were a couple, but since they were not...

Entry for CategoricalGrant's CuddleFic Contest. If it wins, it probably means the end of the world is near.:rainbowlaugh:

This story takes place after the events of my A Giant Adventure to Equestria story. However, it is not required to read it first to enjoy this story, other than to learn how and why Eric Reed is in Equestria.

Chapters (1)