• Member Since 15th Dec, 2018


Someday, I'll stop writing silly comedy stories. However, today isn't "someday".

Non-Eric Reedverse stories (Multi-chapter stories) 14 stories
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Total Words: 234,734
Estimated Reading: 15 hours



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Ex-queen Chrysalis stumbled across an old Equestrian law. It stated that as long as she said a certain phrase, no pony, not even alicorn princesses, could fight or punish her for eating love.

Naturally, Chrysalis exploited the hay out of her new favorite law.

Chapters (3)

Princess Twilight Sparkle had learned Pinkie Pie could break physics and her biology whenever she felt like breaking them. So, when Pinkie claimed that she had laid an egg, Twilight could have accepted it was possible with only moderate but short-term confusion.

However, the additional claim that Twilight, a mare, was somehow the egg's father broke even Pinkie Pie logic. As well as breaking the alicorn herself.

Special thanks to TheHardie-Boy for proofreading chapter 2!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Drill Sergeant Luna

Still lamenting her guards' quick and embarrassing loss against the now-reformed Changelings, Princess Cadance decided she should personally whip them into better fighting shape. Princess Luna electing to train Canterlot's guards herself was a change that worked wonders for them.

However, Shining Armor doubted if Cadance, possibly the kindest of the alicorn princesses, was emotionally capable of training her guards with the same degree of "tough love" that Princess Luna had with hers.

Fortunately, or unfortunately from the guards' point of view, Shining's worries proved to be wrong once Princess Cadance became Sergeant Cadance.

Enough will be explained to not require reading this story's predecessor first. However, check it out if you want to see the details of how Princess Luna's training of Canterlot's guards went and what led to it.

Chapters (4)

Canterlot Castle's Royal Guards haven't had the best track record when it came to doing their jobs as Canterlot's defenders. This hasn't gone unnoticed by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

When the sisters pondered the reason for their guards' ineffectiveness, Luna concluded that Celestia's motherly nature toward her guards – as well as all her ponies – had prevented her from ensuring they received the proper training. Therefore Luna volunteered to personally turn the guards into buff, mean, fighting machines.

That is, if the guards could survive what the Princess of the Night had in store for them.

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash challenged Discord to a "prank-off." The victor would become the inaugural Equestrian Heavyweight Prankster Champion, and Ponyville would be the de facto ring.

Thanks to a prank-off ruling forbidding even alicorns from stopping prank-offs from being declared and a consequences clause giving them protection (both to Princess Twilight's extreme dismay), Rainbow "Odds-beater" Dash and Discord "The Stone" were set to go all-out for the championship. Even bringing in the ultimate boom-or-bust factor was fair game...

The idea of Discord and Rainbow having a prank war was suggested by the informational dude as a special story I wrote celebrating my 4-year anniversary of writing on Fimfiction or writing period for that matter...

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle is a little filly with a big superpower. Shining Armor was more or less aware of this power, but he didn't know just how unstoppable it could be if unleashed.

However, once Shining finally learned what it could do by testing it, he decided to milk the hay out of his little sister's superpower while out shopping.

Unfortunately, things eventually ended with a pony in over their head.

Chapters (3)

While experimenting with new spells, Princess Twilight and Starlight Glimmer died when a spell backfired with fatal results. Due to a screw-up in paperwork, the pair's spirits were called to Hell.

Unfortunately, it was beyond Devil's power to send Twilight and Starlight to their rightful place in Heaven. Until God could eventually get them, they had no choice but to suck it up and settle into their new home.

However, one of them got a little carried away with making the best of their situation...

Chapters (2)

When some of Applejack's cows overheard offhand comments from Applejack and Starlight Glimmer about how everypony are equal, they felt like it didn't apply to cows. After what they wanted as a raise was rejected by Applejack, the cows went on strike.

Later, with Equestria experiencing a milk shortage, some other "things" mysteriously decided to back up the cows and join in the strike, causing mayhem. And that was in addition to those, including princesses, who were...unpleased with their lack of milk.

Lastly, this story was commissioned by yakopak.

Chapters (2)

After years of putting it off and literally running whenever he asked about it, Twilight Sparkle finally decided to tell Spike where foals come from. Luckily for her, it turned out it was no longer necessary.

However, the good news ended there. Once Twilight and Spike were summoned to Canterlot by the Cutie Map, the duo found themselves giving "the talk" to two ponies Twilight thought long had it.

Spike, not understanding the awkwardness of the conversation, was okay with it. Twilight on the other hoof...let's just say she wanted to reevaluate her life once it was all over.

Despite its name, this story is unrelated to the continuity of my story Rarity Gives "The Talk", though it does have a similar plot.

EDIT: featured through 06/13/21-06/15/21!

#1 on the feature list on 06/14/21!

Chapters (3)

Despite being forgiven by the Mane 7 for stealing their and their school's memories and even befriended her, Wallflower Blush's tendency to go unnoticed remained.

Hoping to end her new friend's unusual "skill", Twilight Sparkle used her magic and intelligence to create a special magical bracelet, which she believed would raise Wallflower's presence.

The good news is that Twilight's bracelet worked. Canterlot High School's students finally stopped overlooking Wallflower like she was invisible.

As for the bad news? Let's just say that being invisible would have been preferable for the introvert.

Last but far from least, special thanks to TheBrokenBrony for prereading chapter 1, and to The Sleepless Behlolder for prereading both chapters of the story and also providing the story's cover art!

Chapters (2)