• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 6 - Homecoming

The next morning Arc, Natalya, and Hammer wake up at roughly the same time. Hammer turns to Natalya as she stretches.

“Morning. Sleep well?”

Natalya nods as she stands. “Yes, I did. Not really sure why though.”

Hammer grins as she pats the mattress next to her. “It’s all in the hide.”

Natalya appears confused. “All in the… what now?”

Arc sits up. “I think Hammer meant the sheets.”

“Nah. Well, I guess yeah actually. But I originally meant the sheets and blankets.”

Arc chuckles. “Those are nice too, yes. But it’s the perfect balance between firm and soft in the mattress that makes for the perfect night’s sleep.”

Hammer hops out of bed. “We can argue about this more over breakfast. I’m starving!”

Arc turns to Natalya. “Hungry?”

“Kinda, sir.”

Hammer walks quickly over to the door. “Then let’s fix that, shall we.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Uh, Hammer?”

Hammer looks over as she moves to turn the knob. “Yeah?”

“Aren’t you forgetting something?”

“Not that I can think of, no.”

Natalya looks the young woman over. “I believe Lord Arc was talking about you forgetting to dress.”

Hammer frowns as she looks down at herself. “But I’m wearing clothes!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “You really want to go to breakfast in just shorts and a t-shirt?”

Hammer sighs. “Yeah, I guess I could stand to at least put on my uniform before heading out.”

Natalya nods. “That would probably be for the best, yes.”

Arc motions to the bathroom with a wave of his hand. “After you, Hammer.”

Hammer grins as she grabs her uniform. “Let’s go, Arc!”

Natalya looks to Arc. “Um, sir?”

Arc turns to her. “Yes, Natalya?”

“Might I talk to you privately?”

Hammer groans. “We’re gonna be late for breakfast though!”

“It won’t take long.”

Arc turns to Hammer. “I’ll catch up with you in a bit.”

“Fine, fine. Have your chat.”

Entering the bathroom, Hammer closes the door behind her as Arc turns to Natalya.

“Now then, what is it you wanted to say?”

Natalya wrings her talons nervously. “I, uh... just wanted to thank you for allowing Lieutenant Hammer to stay here with us. Admittedly, I was a little... apprehensive about spending the night alone with a male. That was my first time, you see.”

“You are quite welcome. And I just want to say that you should feel free to tell me if there’s anything else I can do to make you feel more comfortable with this... situation.”

Natalya nods. “If I do, I’ll be sure to say something right away. But, um… I do think Lieutenant Hammer is waiting for you just inside the bathroom.”

Hammer sticks her head out and frowns. “How’d you know?!”

Natalya grins. “It was simple really. After the door closed there wasn’t any other sounds of movement in there or water running.”

Arc chuckles. “I think she’s got you, Hammer.”

Hammer grunts. “Yeah, yeah. So get in here and let’s get changed, Arc!”

Arc heads for the bathroom. “Fine. You didn’t have to wait for me though.”

Hammer smirks as he enters the bathroom with her. “Just didn’t want you to miss the show.”

A short time later the pair leave the bathroom together. Arc motions for Natalya to follow them as they head for the outer door. Together, they step out of his room and into the corridor. However, they are surprised to find Gallus waiting for them. Natalya is the first to speak.

“Gallus? What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to talk to you, sis.”

He looks to Arc cooly before continuing.


Natalya frowns. “You can’t demand such things aboard Lord Arc’s ship! Remember, he’s still...!”

Arc interrupts her. “It’s alright, Natalya. Go ahead and talk to your brother.”

Hammer motions down the hallway. “We’ll see you in the cafeteria.”

She and Arc walk away together. Gallus watches silently as the pair turn and make their way down the stairs toward the Mid Deck before returning his attention to Natalya and lowering his voice.

“Are you okay, sis?!”

Natalya appears confused. “I’m just fine. Why wouldn’t I be though?”

“Did Lord Arc... do anything to you?!”

Natalya shakes her head. “No, not at all.”


“Right. We just kinda went to sleep after a short talk.”

“And after that?”

Natalya rolls her eyes. “I wouldn’t know what happened after I fell asleep, Gallus.”

Gallus looks at his sister’s tail. “Um... does your backside feel... hurt, or anything?”

Natalya groans. “No, Gallus. Believe me when I say that everything under my tail feels just fine.”

“Did he touch you in any way?”

“Like I said, we just went to sleep and that was it.”

“Are you sure?”

“Very! Look, Lord Arc had Lieutenant Hammer and I share the bed with each other while he slept on the couch!”

Gallus grimaces. “Did she...?”

Natalya groans. “Before you ask, no the lieutenant didn’t do anything to me last night either!”


“Is that why you were waiting for me out here?”

Gallus nods. “Yeah. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”

Natalya smiles at him. “And I do appreciate that. But please believe me when I say that absolutely nothing even remotely inappropriate happened to me in that room last night.”

That’s good to hear. Um... but I would like it if you’d keep me in the loop on this.”

“Regarding what Lord Arc does to me, you mean?”

Gallus blushes slightly as he turns away. “It sounds really bad when you say it like that. I’m just worried about my big sister’s safety, that’s all.”

Natalya sighs. “Even if I did tell you about any mistreatment I might be subjected to, what could you do about it?”

Gallus clenches a talon. “Make him regret it, for starters!”

“Gallus, you have to remember that Lord Arc is one of Equestria’s greatest warriors, has diplomatic immunity here in the Griffon Kingdom, and is literally above the law back in Equestria. There is no scenario here in which you attacking him would be of any help to me.”

“So what do you expect me to do then, huh?!”

Natalya puts a talon on his shoulder. “Trust me.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “Trust?”

“Just don’t do anything against Lord Arc. No matter what he does to me, okay?”

“Fine. But only if you promise to bring any misconduct straight to Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia.”

Natalya nods. “Very well. That I can do.”

“Thanks. And I do want you to know that I’m not trying to be difficult here, Natalya. I just want to know if something bad happens to you.”

“You have my word that I’ll tell you if he does, Gallus. That and allow you to accompany me to reporting it to the princesses. But why don’t we catch up with the others and have some breakfast now?”

Gallus sighs. “Sure. Why not?”

Making their way to the cafeteria, Gallus and Natalya find the others waiting for them as they sit around several platters of eggs, toast, and pancakes. Twilight motions to a seat as she smiles at them.

“Good morning, you two. Now that you’re here we can get started.”

Natalya sits down next to Gabby. “Thank you, Princess Twilight. But you didn’t need to wait for Gallus and I.”

Gallus nods. “Right. We just needed a few minutes.”

Gabby looks to Ashe. “Does this mean we can eat now, miss ambassador?!”

“That’s up to the princesses.”

Celestia smiles at the young griffon and nods. “I believe so, yes.”


Reaching out, Gabby grabs a talonful of pancakes as Natalya groans.

“Gabby! You should let the princesses go first!”

Gallus frowns. “And use the serving utensils, for crying out loud!”

He turns to Twilight before continuing.

“Sorry about this.”

Twilight smiles. “It’s fine. Your little sister is a growing griffon, after all.”

The others each serve themselves as Arc turns to Ashe.

“I’m almost certain I already know the answer to this, but you haven’t heard anything more regarding our case, have you?”

Ashe nods. “Actually, yes. Early this morning a courier brought a package with a partial reply.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “You mean an envelope, right?”

Ashe shakes her head. “No, it was a package. Several hundred papers made up the bulk of the document.”

Celestia sighs. “And I thought Equestria was heavy on paperwork.”

Natalya shakes her head. “Were they by any chance more forms for us to fill out?”

Gallus groans. “Probably.”

Gabby calls out with her mouth full. “I’ll help!”

Ashe sighs. “These were actually what’s known here in the Griffon Kingdom as ‘Statements of Tentative Ownership’.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “What exactly does that entail?”

Natalya looks to Ashe. “Yes, I’ve yet to hear of this myself.”

“During processes, such as the one facing us, that take a significant amount of time and paperwork to properly formalize, the powers that be in the government will often issue these papers to allow the one taking possession of an estate to legally begin moving into their new position.”

Arc puts a hand on his chin thoughtfully. “So it’s like giving us the power of attorney?”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “What’s that?”

“It’s where someone is legally allowed to take action on behalf of another.”

Ashe shrugs. “I suppose you might say that it’s similar to what you’re describing, Lord Arc. Only this is a precursor to full ownership of an estate.”

Natalya appears confused. “So where does that leave our case?”

Ashe reaches down and pulls out a paper from her pack next to her on the floor. “Well... according to this document, you can now legally take possession of your father’s former estate.”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “Whoopie.”

Gabby giggles. “We’re going to see dad’s room?!”

Natalya turns to her little sister. “His house actually.”

“You mean we’re going home?!”

Gallus groans. “Dad’s manor, Gabby. Not ours.”

“What do you mean?!”

Natalya sighs. “Our father lived in a different estate, remember?”

Gallus frowns. “Wait a minute! How did you not know that, Gabby?!”

“No, he lives with us!”

Gallus shakes his head. “Just because he has a room that he never EVER used doesn’t mean he lived with us.”

Gabby shrugs. “He might’ve been there when we were all gone though!”

“No, Gabby. He was always away.”

Celestia chimes in nervously. “Perhaps it would be wise for you three to avoid such a place.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Uh... why?”

“Painful memories.”

Arc nods soberly. “I too found it difficult to return to my childhood home when I aged out of the Farburg Orphanage all those years ago. The memories of my childhood there with my mother still haunted me.”

Gallus shrugs. “That doesn’t mean much to us though. After all, you can’t miss what you never knew.”

Gabby glares at her brother. “We knew dad though!”

Natalya sighs. “Barely. After all, he was always working.”

Twilight chimes in. “Is there anything we could do to help you right now, Natalya?”

“I think that I need to just go and face whatever is over there.”

Gallus nods as he puts a talon on Natalya’s shoulder. “Yeah. We can figure this thing out together.”

Gabby raises a talon. “Me too!”

Ashe looks to the siblings. “As the estate is legally the property of Lord Arc, I’ll still need to add you three to the list of authorized visitors to the estate first. I can take care of that after breakfast though.”

Twilight grimaces at the thought of more paperwork. “How long will that take?”

“ A couple hours. Normally such a thing would take significantly longer, of course. But I’ll have my father personally sign the forms. That will speed things up tremendously.”

Gabby throws her talons up happily. “Hooray!”

Hammer looks to Ashe. “And Arc?”

“He’s already been added to the list, what with being the primary shareholder.”

Celestia sighs. “It sounds as if everything is in order. Well, other than getting the keys, I would imagine.”

Twilight appears confused. “Keys?”

Arc chuckles. “Yes, I would imagine that the locks on those estates must be pretty sophisticated. Considering all the treasures inside.”

Natalya grimaces. “That could pose a problem for us.”

Gallus frowns. “How so?”

“Because those locks are unpickable.”

Arc clenches a fist. “Worst case scenario, I could always break down the door for you three.”

Hammer cracks her knuckles. “I’ll help.”

Ashe shakes her head. “Estate doors are quadruple reinforced with nearly unbreakable alloys.”

Hammer pulls her gun. “Nothing a few shots through a window wouldn’t cure.”

Celestia shrugs. “While I’ve never actually considered it, I would imagine that the windows are equally resilient to burglary.”

Ashe nods. “Very. As with the doors, they too are extremely durable.”

Twilight looks to Natalya. “So how DOES one get into an estate without a key?”

“Manors are almost never empty, Princess Twilight. Servants and guards stay within at all times, of course, so there’s always someone there to open the door.”

Ashe puts a talon to her chin thoughtfully. “There have been a few times throughout history that a manor has been emptied and the key lost.”

Hammer frowns. “So do they just have another one made by a locksmith, or something?”

Ashe sighs. “No. They call the military to bring in a battering ram.”

Arc chuckles. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Celestia looks to Arc. “I believe she’s speaking literally.”

Ashe nods. “That I am.”

Hammer scoffs. “So, if some absent minded noble loses their house key it becomes a legit miliary mission to get inside by breaking the door down?!”

Ashe shakes her head. “A wall, actually.”

Natalya sighs. “I’ve heard that such is the weakest point in a manor’s defenses.”

“It is, yes. However, not just any wall will do, as most of them are equally reinforced.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin as she thinks. “So an upper floor wall then?”

“A basement wall actually.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “But how would such a thing even be done?”

“I’m told that it requires digging up a large portion of the front lawn in order to expose the outer basement walls. Then the battering ram is lowered down and used to make a large enough hole for the skinniest of footpads to crawl through.”

Arc chuckles. “Then they open the door for the occupants and all is well.”

Ashe nods. “Something like that.”

Natalya sighs. “I really do want to see what our father had in his estate, naturally. But not if it means destroying it in the process.”

Ashe nods. “That and you couldn’t request such an act from the military yet, as such a thing is of course VERY expensive. And as it currently stands, the paperwork for control of the assets are still pending.”

Gallus turns to Natalya. “The old guy might’ve had a spare key in his room at our place.”

“I suppose it’s possible. After all, we never actually went in there.”

Gabby raises a talon. “No, I did!”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “Of course you did.”

Gabby nods fervently. “It’s a REALLY nice room! I used to go inside just to jump on the bed a lot!”

Arc looks to Natalya. “Well, if you really feel that way, why not do as Gallus suggested and check your father’s room at your house for a key, Natalya?”

Natalya fidgets for a few moments as she speaks. “It’s... not exactly a place I’d like to be though.”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “Come on, sis! Dad’s dead, gone, and buried in his mausoleum! What, do you think he’s going to ground you from beyond the grave, or something?!”

Gabby giggles. “Yeah! I’m sure he wouldn’t mind!”

“Well... I suppose we should investigate his estate.”

Celestia nods approvingly. “And with a key is the only way you’re going to accomplish that particular goal anytime soon.”

Twilight looks to Natalya. “I’d be willing to come with you if you’d like.”

Arc smiles at the siblings. “As would I.”

Ashe chimes in. “Technically, Lord Arc really should be there anyways. From a legal standpoint, that is.”

Hammer pats her gun. “You can count on me to secure the place.”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “I really don’t think his place is boobie-trapped.”

Gabby appears confused. “What’s that mean?!”

Celestia sighs. “Hidden traps to... discourage would-be intruders.”


Gallus raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean ‘good’?!”

Gabby waves a talon dismissively. “We’ll be fine! After all, we’re not intruders! At least I don’t think so.”

Arc shakes his head. “Kinda are. That and those kinds of traps don’t exactly discriminate between friend or foe.”

Twilight looks to Ashe. “Are such things common in a noble’s estate?”

Ashe shakes her head. “Not typically, no. After all, the noble and his family would be at risk.”

Natalya turns to Arc. “I do believe we’ll be fine. Due to his position our father was a very secure individual, naturally. However, I don’t see him risking his own safety to possibly catch an intruder that couldn’t have gotten in anyways due to the building’s own security and guards.”

Arc stands. “Then why don’t we get moving?”

Twilight raises a hoof. “I too would like to take this chance to see another estate’s interior. This is, if it’s okay with Natalya.”

Natalya nods. “Of course, your highness.”

Twilight runs to the door as she calls out. “Just let me get my notebooks and I’ll be ready to go!”

Celestia smiles proudly as she watches Twilight leave the room. Turning to Hammer, she speaks.

“Lieutenant, please take good care of Twilight during this trip.”

“I’ll do my very best, Princess Celestia.

Natalya quickly chimes in. “You’re welcome to come as well, your highness.”

Celestia shakes her head. “No, thank you. After all, my place is here. Out of the public eye.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “Really?”

“That and I’m told that Twilight is considered something of a celebrity here in Griffonstone. I wouldn’t want to get in the way of her rising popularity.”

Hammer nods soberly. “It’s also not wise for you two to be out and about together. Security, and all that.”

Celestia stands and nods. “Correct. Therefore, I shall leave this matter to you, lieutenant.”

She heads for the door as Hammer looks to Ashe.

“Anything special I should know about regarding security?”

Ashe shakes her head. “Nothing that you wouldn’t have to watch out for back in Equestria, no.”

She turns to Arc before continuing.

“But might I have a private talk with you about a rather... personal matter, Lord Arc?”


Gabby frowns. “Wait a minute here!”

Ashe looks to the youngling. “Yes, miss?”

“I thought my big sister was supposed to be engaged to Lord Arc!”

“That is correct, yes.”

“Then why are you leaving with him?!”

“I just want to talk to him alone.”

Gabby hops up on the table as she looks to her brother. “We should come too!”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “Uh... why?”

“To make sure Lord Arc doesn’t cheat on Natalya with Ambassador Ashe!”

Natalya gasps as her eyes grow wide. “GABBY!”

“What?! We wouldn’t want Lord Arc to accidently put an egg in the ambassador’s...!”

Gallus puts a talon over his little sister’s beak as he turns to Ashe. “Better head out before she keeps going.”

Ashe nods nervously. “Y-yes, I think we should.”

Standing, Ashe and Arc head to his office. Closing the door behind her, Arc motions to the chair in front of his desk.

“Have a seat, Ashe.”

“Thank you, I think I will.”

She sits down as Arc takes his place in the comfortable office chair behind the desk. Folding his hands and resting them on the blotter he looks to Ashe and speaks.

“Now then, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?”

“First, I wanted to thank you again for doing all of this. Coming along and helping Natalya with this mess, I mean.”

“It was the least I could do.”

Ashe looks around nervously. “The second matter I would appreciate you keeping to yourself though.”


“It’s about... my relationship with the rebels.”

Arc nods soberly. “Understandable. Did something happen?”

“More or less. On my way to take the forms to the Aviary, I met up with my former commander in a side room.”

“For what purpose?”

“He wanted to talk to me about my reasons for being back so soon. But I didn’t tell him about your engagement to Natalya. Just that you were getting married to someone.”

Arc appears relieved. “Thank you. For all our sakes, that is.”

“I... also informed him of my intention to... resign.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Resign?”

“As the leader of the rebels, I mean.”

“You kinda did that some time ago when you took the role of the Griffon Kingdom’s ambassador to Equestria though.”

“Not really. Remember, none of them know my true identity. Save for my commander, that is.”

“Now ‘former commander’, I would imagine. As I’m assuming you promoted him to leader upon your departure.”

Ashe nods. “That I did. After all, they’ll need someone to organize and lead them.”

Arc sighs. “I’m not really sure if that was the best course of action though.”

“Neither am I admittedly. But things couldn’t keep going as they had been. What with me being gone and not knowing what happened.”

“Well... it’s not like I could really do anything about your decision at this point.”

“Nor could I. For better or worse, I’m no longer in charge of that particular movement.”

Arc looks to her evenly. “If I may, Ashe. What will you do now?”

“About what exactly?”

“Regarding your efforts trying to fix the Griffon Kingdom, I mean.”

“My feelings about the state of my nation remain the same. Change still needs to come about for the commoners as a whole. But I do see things improving slightly with our alliance.”

“You would know better than I in that regard. But I do believe you when you say that it’s true.”

“Ultimately, the only thing that’s going to change for me is that I’ll be putting my full effort into helping my fellow griffons with my current position as ambassador.”

“A noble goal. But how though?”

“I’m going to start with trying to get more Equestrian businesses to invest in the Griffon Kingdom. That should help boost wages and force those running the domestic sweatshops to either better their working environments or face a mass exodus of their employees.”

“Something Celestia could probably advise you on better than I could.”

“I’ll have to sit down with her and Princess Luna at some point. Together I’m hoping the three of us can come up with some more ways to improve the commoner’s lives here in the Griffon Kingdom.”

“Good. They certainly need it.”

Ashe becomes suddenly serious. “Um... there is one las thing I would like to talk with you about though.”

“What is it?”

“It’s in regards the conversation I had with my former commander in the Aviary.”


“I asked him not to take any action against the Equestrian princesses in the future.”

Arc frowns. “Like assassination attempts?”

Ashe nods. “Yes. But anything really.”

“And did he agree?”

“Once I convinced him that Equestria and their leaders are trying to help our citizens, yes. So, we have his word that the princesses, and any other citizens of Equestria, will be more or less safe here in the Griffon Kingdom.”

“Can he be trusted to uphold that promise though?”

“He’s always done what I’ve asked in him in the past. Moreso when our citizens are on the line.”

Arc frowns. “I’m still remembering what happened to your carriage, Ashe.”

“That was purely a terrible accident on their part. As I told you before, their plan wasn’t to hurt the civilians. Just ransack my father’s estate.”

“Tell that to those that were hurt. Or worse.”

“Believe me when I say that I’m sure they’ve learned their lesson.”

Arc nods. “I sure hope so. For everyone’s sake.”

There is a knock at the door. Reaching out with a Telekinesis Spell, Arc reaches out and opens it from his desk. Twilight steps inside with a notepad and several pencils levitating near her. Trotting in place excitedly she looks to Arc.

“I’m ready to go!”

Arc stands as he chuckles. “That you are.”

Twilight looks to Ashe. “Oh! Sorry! Did I come at a bad time?!”

Ashe shakes her head as she too stands. “No, Princess Twilight. We were just finishing when you knocked.”

“That’s good.”

Arc looks past Twilight as he speaks. “Are the others back there?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, they said we could meet them in the Cargo Hold.”

Ashe looks to Twilight nervously. “That could be a bit of a problem, your highness. You see, the carriage only holds four riders comfortably.”

“Natalya already volunteered to let Gabby perch on her back.”

Arc puts a hand on his shoulder. “I’m guessing that’s kinda like a piggy back ride. But it would still be pretty crowded, as I’m kinda... big.”

Twilight giggles. “Not to worry, Arc. I have the solution.”


“You can just hold me on your lap.”

Ashe shrugs. “I suppose that would work, yes.”

Twilight eyes light up as she gasps. “Wait! I just had an even better idea!”

Arc chuckles. “What’s that, Twilight?

“The open air chariot! It could hold all of us easily!”

Ashe grimaces. “That would be a major security risk though, your highness.”

Twilight smiles hopefully. “I know. But I do miss smiling and waving at the citizens.”

Arc smiles at her. “Getting used to being a princess now, Twilight?”

“I suppose I am. Mostly I just like making others happy though.”

Ashe sighs. “They do really like seeing you admittedly.”

Arc turns to Twilight. “It’s your call on what vehicle we take.”

Twilight grins. “Then I want to go in the chariot!”

Ashe looks nervous. “Are you sure, Princess Twilight?”

“I am, yes.”

Arc reaches for his phone. “Then I’ll have some guards sent over from Canterlot to pull it.”

Twilight facehoofs as she groans. “I forgot that we didn’t bring any with us this time!”

“It won’t take but a short while to have some brough over via portal though.”

Ashe looks to Twilight. “And it would be best to have some extra soldiers surround the chariot to maintain a perimeter as well.”

Arc nods soberly. “Agreed.”

A short time later Arc, Twilight, and Ashe enter the Cargo Bay together. Hammer, Natalya, Gallus, and Gabby are waiting for them. Twilight looks to the griffon siblings apologetically before speaking.

“Sorry for making everypony wait!”

Natalya bows respectfully. “It’s fine, Princess Twilight.”

Gallus shrugs. “That and it’s not like we have anywhere we need to be right now.”

Gabby hops up and down happily. “Can we get going now?!”

Hammer looks to Twilight. “That’s up to the princess.”

“I’m ready, yes. But there’s been one slight change of plans.”

Ashe looks to the chariot parked in a corner. “Princess Twilight would like to take her chariot over my father’s carriage.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “If that’s okay with everypony else, that is.”

Natalya nods. “Whichever method of transport you wish to take is fine with us, your highness.”

Arc pulls his gauntlet from his ring. “Just let me get us some guards.”

Powering up his crystals, Arc opens a portal back to Equestria. A few moments later a number of Royal Guards emerge and quickly form ranks. Standing at attention before Arc they wait patiently for him to speak.

“Princess Twilight, myself, and the rest of our party are going to be heading into town. I need the four strongest of you to pull the chariot while the others maintain a perimeter around it.”

Hammer steps forward and points as she talks. “You, you, you, and you will be pulling! Hop to it!”

Hurrying forward, the stallions hitch themselves to the chariot as Arc leads Twilight over to it. Helping her up, he watches as the others also board and sit down behind her. Getting on last, Arc motions to the guard at the door controls. He presses a button and the large outer doors slowly begin to open. Hammer motions to several guards to take point as she looks to them.

“You lot will be in front! You all will be on the sides! And the rest of you will guard the rear! Let’s keep everyone safe, you hear?!”

They salute and rush to their designated places. Hammer walks over to the chariot and hops up onto it as she looks around. Making sure everyone is in their assigned place, she calls out loudly.


The carriage starts to move as Hammer sits down in the back. Arc looks to Natalya as they roll down the gangplank.

“Think you could call out directions to the stallions pulling us?”

Natalya nods. “Yes sir.”

Twilight turns around. “There’s an intercom button to your left.”

Arc chuckles. “Handy.”

As they leave the Skyport and enter the city, innumerable griffons rush from their homes and businesses to line the streets. They cheer and wave at Twilight as she smiles and waves back happily. Gabby does the same as she turns to Gallus.

“Look how happy everyone is to see us!”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “I wonder why.”

Gabby giggles as she continues waving. “It’s a mystery to me too!”

Natalya turns to her sister. “They’re actually excited to see an Equestrian princess.”

Arc chuckles. “Yeah, it’s like this every time Twilight goes out.”

Hammer grimaces as she scans the crowd. “They love it. I don’t.”

Ashe sighs. “I would imagine such a thing does make for a rather... unsecure trip though.”

Natalya shrugs. “Yes, well... it is the princess’ wish though.”

Gallus shrugs. “She can’t die either, right?”

Gabby giggles. “That sounds like fun! I could play forever!”

Arc looks around as he speaks. “With any luck we won’t have to test that theory.”

Sometime later the chariot pulls into a gated section of the city. The griffon guards stationed outside turn back those whom try to follow the chariot. Twilight sits down on her haunches and rubs both cheeks with her hooves. Arc turns to her, concerned.

“You okay, Twilight?”

Twilight nods as she moves her jaw side to side a few times. “Yes, just a bit... sore from all the smiling.”

Natalya looks to the princess. “We’ll be at our estate in just a few minutes, Princess Twilight.”

Gallus looks to Twilight’s cheeks. “An ice pack or cold compress might do the trick.”

Gabby giggles. “Or a nice, hot bath!”

Ashe sighs. “I don’t think such a thing would be... proper.”

Twilight smiles at them. “Thank you, but I think I’ll be okay.”

A few minutes pass before Natalya calls out into the intercom.

“Take a left into the upcoming drive.”

Obeying, the stallions pull the chariot up to a large mansion set a short distance from the road. Parking in front of the main door, they stop as the other guards hurry forward to extend the steps. Twilight descends first and looks around, clearly impressed.

“This is a really nice place you have here, Natalya!”

Arc chuckles. “It sure is well-kept.”

Hammer gasps. “And big!”

Gabby puffs out her chest proudly. “Twenty four rooms!”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “For just the three of us I might add.”

Natalya sighs. “It is a bit much, I admit. But why don’t we go inside before talking more?”

Hammer nods soberly. “Sounds good. After all, I want to get Twilight out of the open as soon as possible.”

Walking up the steps, Natalya reaches into her satchel and pulls out a key. However, before she has the chance to use it, the door opens and a very stuffy looking griffon greets her.

“Welcome home, Mistress Natalya.”

“Oh! Um...”

Gallus steps forward. “Hey, Heathcliff.”

Gabby waves excitedly. “We’re back!”

Heathcliff nods and steps to one side dutifully. “That you are.”

Natalya regains her composure. “We, uh... need a cold compress for Princess Twilight’s cheeks.”

Heathcliff motions for them to enter. “Right this way, your highness.”

They enter the Main Hall together as Heathcliff closes the door behind them. Hammer looks to Twilight as she speaks.

“How’re you holding up?”

“Just fine. The pain’s already gone.”

Arc appears hopeful. “So you’re okay then?”

Twilight nods. “That I am.”

Heathcliff bows respectfully. “Shall I cancel that cold compress then, your highness?”

“Yes, please.”

“Very good, Princess Twilight.”

Natalya looks around. “Um... where are the rest of the servants, Heathcliff?”

“They left shortly after receiving their final pay, ma’am.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow, confused. “Final pay?”

Heathcliff nods. “Yes, Mistress Natalya. A message from the bank with the monthly wages informed them that such was the final disbursement they could authorize due to an unexpected shift in legal status.”

Natalya sighs. “The death of my father.”

“Precisely, mistress.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “Then why are you still here, Heathcliff?”

Gabby appears confused. “Where else would he be though?!”

“If you recall, I was assigned here by Lord Goldstone himself to look after and care for you three.”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest. “But now that Lord whatshisname has kicked the bucket you’re not getting paid anymore, right?”

Heathcliff shakes his head. “No, ma’am. However, that hasn’t changed since the day I was sent here.”

Arc frowns. “Wait a minute! Does that mean that you’re... his property?!”

Heathcliff nods. “Yes, Lord Arc. I’ve been a slave since long before any of my wards were born.”

Gallus gasps. “WHAT?!”

Natalya’s eyes grow wide. “But... but, you never said anything about that to us!”

Heathcliff smiles at her. “Such were part of my orders. I was to look after you, care for the manor, and not speak of my status to anyone.”

Twilight steps forward. “I don’t understand. If Lord Goldstone is dead, aren’t you free now?”

Ashe shakes her head. “Slaves aren’t released upon their master’s death in the Griffon Kingdom, no.”

Gallus folds his talons over his chest angrily. “Yeah. They’re just transferred to whomever inherits an estate.”

Hammer looks around. “Like they were furniture, or something?!”

Heathcliff shrugs. “Such is not my place to say.”

Natalya sighs. “I don’t... really know what to say right now.”

“Then why not start with the reason for your return home, mistress?”

Gallus steps forward. “We’re looking for a key to our dad’s estate.”

Gabby jumps on her brother’s back. “Maybe there’s one in his room here?!”

Heathcliff shrugs. “It is worth looking into, I suppose. Shall I lead the way?”

Natalya nods. “Please do.”

Bowing slightly, the butler leads the group over to a grand staircase and proceeds to climb them. On their way Twilight looks to him and speaks.

“Um... sir?”

Heathcliff turns to her. “Yes, Princess Twilight?”

“I, um... was wondering if there was something I could do for you.”

“Something, your highness?”

Hammer chimes in. “I think she means getting you out of here.”

Ashe shakes her head. “According to the law, slaves cannot be freed. The closest one could come to doing so would be to simply allow them total freedom of movement and action. However, their ownership papers would still list the master as their legal owner.”

Arc nods soberly. “As I did for Natalya.”

Heathcliff appears confused. “Mistress Natalya? You’re...?”

Natalya sighs. “Yes. Lord Arc owns me.”

“Then I suppose he will also inherit your father’s estate along with this one.”

Gallus shrugs. “Looks like it.”

Gabby frowns. “Except for my room! It’s MINE!”

Heathcliff turns to Arc. “You have my word that I will do my very best for you in the future, Master Arc.”

Arc chuckles. “That won’t be necessary.”


“I don’t really like the idea of owning someone.”

Hammer nods soberly. “Yeah! That’s just plain sick!”

Natalya looks to Arc. “Could you possibly extend the same leniency to him that you did for me, sir?”

Arc nods. “Of course.”

Heathcliff raises an eyebrow. “I don’t understand, Mistress Natalya.”

“Lord Arc declared me a slave in name only. In truth, I’m allowed to do whatever I wish back in Equestria.”

Gallus grins. “She and I work at the Little Hooves Orphanage together.”

Gabby nods. “Lord Arc also lets her keep all of the money she earns there!”

Natalya shrugs. “Granted it isn’t a lot, mind you. But enough for me to live a simple and comfortable life.”

Twilight turns to Heathcliff. “We could take you there too, if you’d like.”

“I am bound to this place until given new instructions, Princess Twilight. What a slave wants isn’t something that matters here in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Natalya looks to the butler. “Well then, what is it that you would like to do, Heathcliff?”

“If allowed, I would like to remain in your service, Mistress Natalya.”

Gallus groans. “Come on! What is it that you’d REALLY like?!”

Heathcliff sighs. “In truth, I’ve heard talk recently regarding the land known as Equestria far across the sea. The gardeners and delivery griffons spoke of it often when carrying out their tasks around the manor. I had originally thought their words to be merely propaganda they heard from our nation’s leadership. A way to give us all some sort of false hope.”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest. “So what exactly have you heard?”

“That slavery is not permitted there, for starters.”

Twilight nods soberly. “Yes, we do not allow anypony to own another sentient creature.”

“And that the land is green and ripe with good food and water.”

Ashe smiles. “That it is.”

“They spoke often of good paying jobs and plentiful opportunities for the commoners too.”

Natalya grins. “It’s true, Heathcliff. All of it.”

Gallus smirks. “Compared to the Griffon Kingdom, it’s practically paradise.”

Gabby giggles. “They have lots of sweets too!”

Heathcliff puts a talon to his chin thoughtfully. “I’m not sure how I could make it to such a place though. After all, it’s quite late in life for me to start anew.”

Arc chuckles. “Who says you have to start anew?”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Arc?”

Arc turns to Heathcliff. “Tell me, what are your duties here?”

“Caring for my master’s younglings, cooking, cleaning, and minor repair work, sir.”

Arc looks to Natalya. “And how good did he do at that?”

“Very well, sir. Heathcliff has always done right by all of us.”

Gallus shrugs. “He’s a pretty good butler, yeah.”

Gabby grins. “I like the sweets he makes!”

Arc nods. “There could be work for him at the orphanage.”

Natalya appears confused. “Doing what though?”

“Probably helping in the kitchen mostly. But his official duties would be up to the matron to decide.”

Gallus looks to his sister. “He could probably do what Natalya and I do, yeah.”

Gabby gasps happily. “That sounds like fun!”

Ashe pats her saddlebags. “If you’d like to have him join us when leaving for Equestria, I can fill out the proper paperwork and file it with the Aviary, Lord Arc.”

Arc gestures to Heathcliff. That’s up to him to decide.

Heathcliff chuckles. “A decision all my own. It’s been a long time since I had to make such a grand thing on my behalf.”

Hammer shrugs. “What’s there to think about?! It’s a choice between freedom and literal slavery!”

Heathcliff gestures to their grand surroundings. “I have indeed been a slave for many, many years. However, as you can see, my cage has always been a very beautiful one. The food I partook of in addition to nourishing my wards has been some of the best a slave could ever hope for. I was never beaten, berated, or abused either.”

He turns to Gabby and winks before continuing.

“Well... most of the time.”

Gabby bows her head. “Sorry, Heathcliff.”

Natalya gestures to the room around them. “We’re planning to liquidate my father’s assets and invest them via the banks. That includes this house.”

Gallus chuckles. “It’s not going to be ours for much longer.”

Ashe looks to Arc. “Technically it belongs to Lord Arc at the moment. Tentatively, that is. Should he desire a manor of his own within the Griffon Kingdom, this would a prime property for him.”

Arc shakes his head. “I have no use for this place though.”

Natalya nods soberly. “Neither do we.”

Gallus shrugs. “Don’t think we’ll ever be coming back after this thing is done with either.”

Gabby sulks. “I’m still taking my room with me though!”

Arc looks to the griffon. “If you’d like, I would be willing to give it to you, Heathcliff. With Natalya’s consent, of course.”

Natalya nods. “Yes, if it means he has a place to live.”

Heathcliff smiles and shakes his head. “Thank you. But what use would an old griffon like me have for such a large estate?”

Hammer looks to the elderly griffon. “So what do you want to do, fellah?”

“If it pleases you, Mistress Natalya, I would like to continue in your employ.”

“My employ?”

Heathcliff nods. “I assume you could use my services in your new home. Cooking, cleaning, and maintenance.”

Natalya looks away nervously. “We... actually don’t have a place of our own over there yet.”

Gallus nods. “Yeah. Natalya and I share a room in the orphanage as part of our employment agreement.”

Gabby frowns. “Hey! I live there too!”

Gallus glares at his little sister. “Only by special permission from the matron though!”

Natalya sighs. “I don’t think Miss Pommel would allow another guest in our room. It’s really not that big to begin with.”

Gabby appears hopeful. “What about that house you said you were buying, Natalya?!”

Gallus groans. “That deal was nowhere near complete when we left though.”

Natalya shrugs. “Right. He’d have nowhere to go.”

Arc turns to Twilight. “How about Light’s Hope?”

“Your base, Arc?”

Hammer frowns. “But that’s a military facility, Arc!”

“True. However, I have private quarters there that need to be maintained.”

Ashe looks around. “Similar to his former role here, I would imagine.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “That may very well be, Arc. And, of course, you are fully able to decide on whom will staff your base. However, I really don’t think such a thing would be a full time job.”

Gabby quickly chimes in. “He could cook too!”

Hammer chuckles. “I’m sure Saffron would probably appreciate the extra help.”

Natalya looks to her caretaker. “It would certainly be something a bit... different than what you’re used to, Heathcliff. But believe me when I say that you would be infinitely better off in Equestria versus staying here.”

“I admit that it’s a very... interesting idea. However, I don’t think a military base would be the place for me in the long term.”

Gallus looks to his sister. “Could we hire him ourselves?”

Natalya shakes her head. “Our wages aren’t enough to do something like that though.”

Gabby frowns. “But aren’t we rich, Natalya?!”

Natalya shakes her head. “Remember, all that wealth actually belongs to Lord Arc.”

Arc shrugs. “Maybe legally. But like I said before, I would pass all of it on to you to do with what you pleased, Natalya.”

Ashe looks to Natalya. “And as such, you could choose to hire him to keep your house. Or whatever duties you decided on.”

Gallus shrugs. “Maybe ‘hiring’ Heathcliff isn’t the best way to go about doing it though.”

Gabby appears confused. “What else is there though, Gallus?!”

“We could just have him live with us, rent-free. I mean... he did spend a decent sized chunk of his life looking after us.”

Twilight turns to Heathcliff with a smile. “An interesting idea they have there.”

Hammer grins. “Sounds like he’s certainly earned a nice pension to enjoy his golden years.”

Heathcliff stops as he pulls out a set of keys as they arrive at a large double door. “In any case, here we are. Lord Goldstone’s suite.”

Natalya smiles at him. “Thank you for escorting us here, Heathcliff.”

Gallus nods. “Yeah. Think about what you’d like to do in the future though.”

“I shall, yes.”

Heathcliff looks to the three siblings before continuing.

“However, as was stated earlier, it is very likely that this manor will be sold in the near future. You three would do well to pack what things you would like to keep, lest they be liquidated along with the rest of the estate.”

Gabby giggles. “Right! Like my whole room!”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “The new place we’re getting is smaller than that, Gabby.

“You mean I’ll have a smaller room?!”

Natalya shakes her head. “Gallus means that the house as a whole will be smaller than your current room.”

Gabby gasps. “WHAT?! But... but you can afford...!”

Heathcliff interrupts her as unlocks the door. “Now, now. Why don’t we take care of this matter before attempting to tackle another?”

“But, I...!”

Heathcliff continues. “That and there is a jar of strawberry jam with you name on it in the pantry, Gabby.”

Gabby turns and runs the opposite way. “Let’s go!”

She runs down the corridor as Heathcliff turns to Twilight and bows respectfully.

“By your leave, Princess Twilight.”

“Yes, of course. Thank you for bringing us here.”

Heathcliff walks slowly down the corridor as he follows Gabby. Gallus turns to his older sister and sighs.

“I think I’ll head over to my old room and see what I want to bring with me too.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “You don’t want to see our father’s room?”

Gallus shakes his head as he moves to walk away. “Nah. Remember, he and I didn’t exactly see eye to eye on much of anything.”

“Alright. I’ll go in there and take a look around.”

Twilight turns to Natalya. “Might I be allowed to see the room with you two as well? I’m interested to know just how griffons decorate their personal spaces when money is no object.”

Natalya nods. Sure. Um... follow me.”

Taking the last few steps toward the door, Natalya puts a talon on the doorknob and turns it. Pushing the door open she enters first as the lights immediately, and automatically, turn on. They attune themselves to the muted sunlight coming from behind the clouds. It shines weakly through a number of lustrous floor to ceiling windows which are adorned with magnificent curtains with golden sashes. Arc enters with Twilight by his side as they all take in the scene before them. Natalya is the first to speak.

“This is... incredible!”

Hammer looks around. “I’ll say!”

Twilight nods, wide-eyed. “Even Princess Celestia’s room in Canterlot Castle pales in comparison to this one!”

Arc sighs. “Marble floors, vaulted ceilings, hand carved wood paneling. Some serious thought and money went into this place.”

Twilight turns to Natalya. “How does this compare to the rest of the house?”

“Our home here is quite extravagant admittedly. However, it’s nothing like this room’s furnishings.”

Arc walks over to a mirror overlooking a vanity. “Opulent, yes. Lovely, of course. But functional, not really.”

Natalya appears confused. “Sir?”

“Take a look at this vanity here.”

The pair walk over as Arc picks up a brush and continues.

“For example, this brush here appears to be made out of gold, studded with precious stones, and fitted with some kind of exotic animal hair.”

Twilight looks it over. “It appears to be mongoose.”

Hammer makes a face at this. “Mongoose? Those rat-like things that eat snakes?!”

Natalya nods. “Yes, lieutenant. They’re extremely rare here in the Griffon Kingdom and as such products made with them command a hefty price.”

Arc points at the handle. “While it feels as though this would work very well, I must point out that the gemstones in the handle make it rather cumbersome to hold.”

Twilight frowns. “Now that you mention it, this does appears to be made more for show than actual practical use.

Hammer scoffs. “Kinda silly to make something THAT pretty.”

Arc nods as he picks up a small hand (or talon in this case) mirror. “Agreed, Hammer. But it’s the same with the matching mirror here. Gold and covered in gemstones. While someone could certainly use this for its intended purpose as it stands, the gems in the body of it are indeed rather sharp. Or, at the very least, will make this item very uncomfortable to hold over a longer period of time.”

Twilight points to another item on the vanity as she looks to Natalya. “What’s that?”

“A cologne bottle.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “It is?”

Natalya nods as she picks it up. “Yes. However, this one is especially precious. It’s actually a meticulously hollowed out gemstone with a carefully fitted stopper.”

Twisting the cap off, she puts her talon over the opening and turns the bottle on its side momentarily before demonstrating.

“The cologne is pressed into the chest feathers via the talon in this manner to emanate from the user all evening.”

Twilight nods. “This is a very interesting design. But Arc’s point still stands as it appears to be more for looks than an actual useful item.”

Arc shrugs. “Agreed. I mean, a normal glass bottle would be much easier to hold in my opinion.”

Twilight looks the ‘bottle’ over as she speaks. “How long would such a thing take to create?”

“Several weeks, as it must be done very slowly and meticulously with precise tools and a steady talon. One wrong move and they could accidently carve a hole in the side, rendering the gem useless for such a purpose.”

Arc nods as Natalya sets the cologne bottle down. “Another example of functionality taking a back seat to appearances.”

Natalya sighs. “As you’ve probably seen a number of times already, the Griffon Kingdom is rife with such things, Lord Arc.”

Twilight frowns. “Some of what we’ve seen here are also true back in Equestria, I might add. I’ve seen the nobility of Canterlot riding around on platforms that are carried by several stallion’s backs before.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “On their backs?”

Natalya appears confused. “Why don’t they just use wheels instead?”

Twilight shrugs. “It’s like Arc said earlier. Functionality took a back seat to appearances. The nobles I mentioned just wanted to stand out from the rest.”

Arc looks out the window. “That’s not surprising. The nobility here are very similar to their Equestrian counterparts in terms of their attitudes.”

Natalya joins Arc in gazing out over the city. “I have to partially disagree, sir. They may act similar, but unlike here in the Griffon Kingdom, the nobility of Equestria doesn’t have unlimited power with which to oppress the commoners.”

Twilight nods soberly. “True. But that’s mostly due to Princess Celestia passing various legislation that limits what can and can’t be done by the wealthy. That and there are basic rights afforded to all Equestrian citizens regardless of their personal status or income.”

Hammer grins hugely. “And things like that assumedly allowed Equestria, and its citizens, to flourish.”

Arc turns and looks around the room again. “Right. However, why don’t we table this discussion for the moment and get to looking for a key?”

Natalya nods as she turns her attention to a nearby dresser. “”Agreed, Lord Arc. However, it will most likely take quite a bit of searching, as my father was notoriously...”

Twilight calls out. “Is this it?”

Arc and Natalya walk over to Twilight whom is holding a strange looking key in the center of her hoof. Natalya’s eyes grow wide as she takes it.

“This must be it! Wherever did you find this, Princess Twilight?!”

Twilight gestures to the vanity. “It was just lying in the center drawer here.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Seriously, Twilight?”

Arc looks the key over. “But it could go to anything really. Another lock around the house here somewhere. Even just a spare key for this manor itself.”

Natalya shakes her head. “I do know what the keys to our home here look like, sir, as I have one myself. This one is certainly different. But it’s definitely a manor key.”

She points to a thin, black line running down the length of the key before continuing.

“This bit here is the giveaway.”

Twilight squints. “What is it?”

“A bit of guardanium that all manor keys have forged into them, your highness. It reacts to a special slot within the lock which allows the key to be turned. Without it the key wouldn’t work.”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest. “So it’s like a really expensive way of preventing unauthorized copies?”

Natalya nods. “That’s true, lieutenant. After all, a noble’s manor is often filled with many valuable treasures. It also makes such an important key unmistakable.”

Twilight grimaces. “And valuable, I would imagine.”

“Yes, your highness. And as such it’s not uncommon for such a thing to be kept under lock and key.”

Arc nods understandingly. “And to just let the servants open the front door for you in when you arrive home.”

“Exactly, sir.”

Natalya looks at the key again before continuing.

“This one has to be for my father’s estate though, as it was kept in such an intimate place within his room.”

Arc appears hopeful. “So does that mean we can head over there now?”

Natalya nods. “Yes. After all, his servants would have all left by now, as their pay would have been stopped just like our own staff’s was.”

Twilight looks out the window as she speaks. “And they would have vacated the premises.”

“After receiving their final pay, yes. It’s also likely that the estate was professionally emptied with guards verifying everyone had left before locking the door and closing it behind them for value retention.”

Hammer turns to Natalya. “We should probably tell Gallus and Gabby about this now.”

Natalya sighs. “I’d rather just go over there and take care of things myself though.”

Twilight puts a hoof on her shoulder. “But they’re also Lord Goldstone’s younglings. Don’t they have a right to be there as well?”

“Yes, I suppose so, your highness. However... it’s just really... difficult for all of us to process this.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “If they don’t want to come that’s fine, Natalya. But that choice really should be up to them to make.”

Natalya nods sadly. “That’s true, yes.”

Twilight looks to Natalya. “Would you like me to tell them?”

“I... would like that.”

Twilight heads for the door as she speaks. “Then leave it to me.”

Hammer follows her. “I’ll come with you, princess. Can’t be leaving you unprotected, after all.”

Arc calls out after the pair. “We’ll meet you in the Main Hall in a bit, Twilight!”

Twilight shouts from the hallway. “Alright! See you there!”

As the sound of Twilight’s hooves and Hammer’s boots clopping down the corridor ring out, Natalya turns to a nearby window and looks out it sadly. Arc walks over to her and puts a hand on his friend’s shoulder as he speaks.

“I’m with you, Natalya.”

“And I thank you for that, Lord Arc. Admittedly, it’s... more than some fiancées would do.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But we’re just doing this on paper.”

Natalya turns to him and blushes heavily. “Y-yes, of course! Sorry for making it sound like you were in love with me!”

“It’s okay. I, um... would like to tell you something though.”

“What is it, sir?”

“That I’m very proud of you for the way you’ve handled this whole situation so far.

Natalya bows her head. “Just doing my duty as the oldest, sir.”

“I suppose you are, yes. But everything you’ve done since we arrived here has been to try and protect your siblings from this whole mess.”

“They shouldn’t have to go through any of it.”

“Neither should you though.”

Natalya sighs. “Someone has to though.”

“The only good thing here is that everything should all be over and taken care of very soon.”

“Yes... with our marriage, that is.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “If you’re willing to do it that way, yes.”

Natalya nods. “I am. But what choice do I have?”

“This probably is the best choice for everyone concerned admittedly. It spares your siblings from being prisoners to the estate as well as allowing you to maintain financial security and freedom.”

“I’m still a little nervous though, sir.”

“Anyone would be, considering what we’re going to do. But I’ll do what I can to help you through this time as best I’m able.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Natalya turns to him and bows respectfully before continuing.

“It’s... more than a slave such as myself deserves.”

Arc bends down and puts a finger under her beak. Raises it to look him in the eye, Arc speaks.

“You deserve to be free, Natalya. But this is the best I can do for you.”

Natalya smiles sadly. “Again, I thank you.”

Arc looks toward the door. “We should probably get moving. Twilight and Hammer will be getting to the Main Hall soon, I would imagine.”

Natalya sighs as she stands and heads toward it with Arc. “Probably. But I’m not sure that my siblings are any more anxious to get into our father’s estate than I am.”

“What exactly are we planning to do there?”

“Go through my father’s effects mostly. That and learn about him if we can.”

Arc appears confused as he opens the door for her. “Learn?”

Natalya nods as they step out into the corridor together. “Lord Goldstone was my father, yes. But I actually know very little about him other than that single fact.”

“So you hope to learn about his past.”

“And what exactly he was after.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “After?”

“What drove him to work so hard. Obtaining more money than anyone else in the land, I mean.”

“It doesn’t make much sense to me either. After all, at some point I would say one would want to retire and start enjoying that which they had spent their entire life acquiring.”

“I’d also like to learn more about any other family members I may have.”

“There aren’t genealogy papers on record?”

Natalya shakes her head. “Normally, yes. However, I’ve never been able to find them via public inquiry.”

She sighs before continuing.

“In fact, that’s part of the reason I joined the military.”


“I figured that if I got high enough up the ladder, I could gain access to the confidential files containing the information I required.”

“So you’re saying that for some reason Goldstone redacted his own family records?”

Natalya nods. “So it would seem, yes.”

“But why?”

“That’s one of the things I’m hoping to find out today. But, um...”

“Something wrong, Natalya?”

Natalya struggles to find the words. “I just... I’m kinda worried about what I’ll find. After all, my father was a very shrewd griffon. If he redacted our family records, I’m sure he did so with good reason.”

Arc frowns. “Probably to hide something.”

“Most definitely, yes. However, what that could be is beyond me.”

“Only one way to find out, I suppose.”

Natalya nods as she looks out a nearby window as they pass it. “It’s likely he had them transferred to his personal manor. Hidden away where no one would ever find them.”

“All we can do is try. Maybe they’ll be there. Maybe not.”

“With luck, I’ll have my answers before the sun goes down.”

Arriving at the Main Hall sometime later, Arc and Natalya see Gallus, Gabby, Hammer, Twilight, and Heathcliff waiting for them. Twilight is the first to speak.

“Looks like we’re all together again.”

Gabby groans. “I still want to eat more though!”

Heathcliff chuckles. “The snacks will still be here when you return, Mistress Gabby.”

Gallus nods. “Right. Besides, you’ll give yourself a stomach ache if you keep eating like that.”

“I’m a growing youngling though!”

Hammer shrugs. “Well, it still pays to eat healthy.”

Twilight nods. “Right.”

Natalya turns to Gallus. “Aren’t you bringing anything from your room?”

Gallus looks at the corridor behind him. “I put some stuff aside, yeah. But no point in dragging it to dad’s place. I mean... we’ll be coming back here later I would imagine.”

Arc appears confused. “We will?”

Hammer shrugs. “It is their home, after all.”

Gabby grins. “Yeah! No need to stay on Lord Arc’s ship now that we have our manor back!”

Natalya puts a talon to her cheek thoughtfully. “I... suppose that’s true. And I don’t see Ambassador Ashe having any problem with it as long as we hold to the letter of the law here as well.”

Twilight looks to a nearby telephone. “Agreed. I’ll contact her later and inform her of the changes if you’d like.”

“We’ll... have to think about it, Princess Twilight. But thank you just the same.”

Twilight nods. “Very well. Just let me know what it is that you’d like to do.”

Heathcliff bows respectfully. “Shall I accompany you, Mistress Natalya?”

“To our father’s manor?”

Heathcliff nods. “After I was originally enslaved many years ago, I served Lord Goldstone in his personal estate. If it pleases you, I can guide you through its many halls to wherever it is you wish to go.”

Arc looks to Natalya. “That would be really helpful if you’ve never been there before.”

“I haven’t, no.”

Gallus sighs. “Then it sounds like we’ll need a guide. That is, unless we want to just wander through the place aimlessly.”

Gabby hops up and down. “That kinda sounds like fun to me!”

Hammer groans. “It’d be really time consuming though.”

Twilight shrugs. “Well, we don’t exactly have much of anything else to do until the powers that be in the government process our paperwork.”

Arc turns to Natalya. “So what’s it going to be?”

“I suppose a guide would be of help to us over there. But I don’t really think the cold air would be good for Heathcliff.”

Heathcliff smiles. “A thick winter coat would help ward away the cold.”

Hammer nods. “And the chariot is heated.”

Arc kneels down to touch the floor. “How about this though? With your permission, Natalya, I could place a sigil here in the Main Hall.”

Twilight nods. “That would allow Arc to open a portal for Heathcliff to your father’s manor when we arrive there later.”

Gallus grins. “And help us get back here when we’re done over there too.”

Gabby hops on her brother’s back. “Nifty!”

Arc looks to the butler. “You okay with that?”

Heathcliff bows respectfully. “I will do whatever is asked of me, Lord Arc.”

Hammer shrugs. “Guess that’s settled.”

Twilight motions to the front door with a wave of her hoof. “Shall we be off then?”

Natalya nods. “I guess we’d better.”

Arc chuckles. “Ready to face your adoring fans again, Twilight?”

Twilight giggles. “Sure.”

Gallus looks to Twilight. “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that.”

Heathcliff nods. “The route to the late Lord Goldstone’s estate is fully within the Noble’s Gardens. There will be no commoners to slow your advance.”

Gabby pouts. “Aw! I really like them waving to me!”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “It was Twilight they were looking at!”

“And me too!”

Arc clears his throat loudly as he creates a sigil on the floor in front of him. “In any case, we should get moving.”

Heathcliff calls out after Arc as he and the others all head for the front door together. “I shall wait here for your... portal, sir.”

Arc nods as he holds the door open for the others. “We’ll try not to keep you waiting.”

Closing the door behind them, Arc descends the stairs and steps into the chariot along with the others. Looking to Natalya, he speaks.

“Um... do you know where this estate is?”

Natalya nods as she points a talon to the horizon. “Not to worry. Everyone knows where Lord Goldstone lives. Or ‘lived’, I suppose.”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “Yeah. It’s the biggest, tallest, most well-kept manor in the country.”

Turning to look in the direction indicated, Arc and company see a very tall manor some distance away over the treetops. Twilight gasps.

“It’s just so tall!”

Hammer smirks. “For a house, yeah.”

Gabby claps her talons together happily. “We’ll be there in no time!”

Gallus sighs. “Great.”

Natalya looks to Arc. “I’m ready whenever you are, sir.”

“Then let’s get moving.”

Turning to the stallions pulling the chariot, he motions to the towering manor in the distance.

“We need to go there. See if you can find a route.”

Hammer claps her hands. “And make it snappy! Time’s a wasting!”

Twilight looks over Arc’s shoulder at the armored stallions before them. “But I don’t mind a few wrong turns. After all, it will give me a chance to see more of these beautiful estates.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, I guess we don’t really have a pressing need to get there as soon as possible.”

Natalya sighs. “I suppose not.”

Gallus leans back against a cushion. “So we’ll get there when we get there.”

Hammer grins as she looks to the stallions. “Onward!”

Nodding, they turn to face forward and begin walking. Pulling the chariot down the drive, they turn onto the street and begin their short journey.

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