• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Late Night Treatments

Walking down the dark corridors, And muses to himself.

“Hammer or Auriel.”

Stopping to look out a window over Canterlot, he sighs.

“Have to get one or the other. But which one?”

Groaning, he puts an arm on the glass.

“I guess I should get Auriel. After all, family comes first.”

Rolling his eyes, Arc continues.

“What am I saying?! Hammer and Mio are related too! They’re sisters!”

Pacing in front of the window Arc muses to himself.

“Mother… daughter. Sister… sister. Which is closer?!”

Stopping, he grins and snaps his fingers.

“I got it! Let fate decide!”

Reaching for his ring Arc pulls out a single bit.

“Okay… heads I get Auriel. Tails I get Hammer.”

Flipping the coin, he lets it fall to the marble floor with a dull ‘clink’ sound echoing out. It spins round and round for a long moment before stopping on its edge. Arc frowns.

“What the… fate must not like me right now.”

Pulling it back to himself with a Telekinesis Spell, Arc plays with it absentmindedly in his palm via the same spell as he considers the problem.

“Let’s see… Hammer didn’t really want Mio coming here in the first place, so she might not be happy to see her. Brightwing may or may not be Auriel’s mother, so I’d hate to get her hopes up over a false alarm.”

Sighing, Arc turns and walks down the corridor.

“But I’d rather start with her than potentially face an angry Hammer.”

Arriving at Auriel’s quarters he raises a hand to knock but stops himself. Taking a deep breath Arc pushes the door open gently and steps inside the room. Using only the moonlight coming through the window to guide him Arc slowly walks around the stacks of books and notes scattered around the floor. Sidestepping a half-assembled machine Arc looks toward the bed as he muses to himself.

“Almost there.”

Preparing to take the last couple steps, Arc’s foot catches a bottle. Losing his footing he stumbles forward. Half falling into the bed, Arc is able to prevent himself from landing heavily on Auriel by putting his arms out on either side of her. The sudden movement of the mattress causes her to open her eyes and turn on the bedside lamp.

“What the…?!”

Spotting Arc, she smiles sleepily down at him.

“Oh… um… hello.”

Giggling, Auriel lowers the sheet to expose a bit more skin before continuing.

“Care to join me?”

Arc sighs as he stands up. “Sorry about that. I just really needed to see you.”

Auriel tosses the sheet away to show Arc everything. “Well then, go ahead.”

“Not quite what I meant.”

Auriel grins. “I know. But I still loved baring all for you.”

“In any case, can I see that badge your mother left behind?”

Auriel appears confused. “The one we used to get into that base on Earth?”

Arc nods. “Yup.”

“Um… sure.”

Swinging her shapely legs over the side of the bed Auriel sits up and pulls open a drawer in her bedside table. Reaching inside she pulls out the card and hands it to Arc.

“Here you are.”

Arc accepts the badge. “Thanks. I just wanted to see it for a moment.”

Looking at the picture in the light of the bedside lamp Arc is silent for a long moment. Eventually he turns to Auriel and looks her up and down.

“I… need you to come with me.”

“Where to?”

“It’s… complicated. But I’ll explain later.”

Auriel hurries over to her wardrobe. “Okay. Just let me put on a robe, or something.”

“Actually, could you just get dressed?”

Auriel looks over her shoulder with a mischievous grin on her face. “Want to watch?”

Arc groans. “You been hanging around Ember and Hammer lately?”

“That I have. How did you…?”

“It shows.”

Auriel sighs. “Sorry.”

“No, no. I’m not upset about that. It’s just… well… they’re kinda… forward.”

“Is that bad?”

“Not really, no. Look, I’m sorry for how I worded that earlier, but can we talk about this later?”

Auriel raises an eyebrow. “I… suppose so.”

Grabbing fresh clothes Auriel hurriedly pulls undergarments from a drawer as Arc waits for her on the bed. He respectfully faces the door as she does so. Auriel calls out as she steps into her panties.

“If you want to watch I’m okay with it.”

“Just trying to give you some privacy.”

“I… um… n-never mind.”

Finishing her task, Auriel grabs a brush and hurriedly runs it through her hair. After making herself presentable she turns back to Arc and does a little twirl.

“How’s this?”

“Just fine. Would you please follow me?”

Nodding, Auriel takes his arm as he leads her toward the door. Stepping out into the darkened corridor they begin walking. She turns to him happily.

“So… how was Earth?”

“It was… busy.”

Auriel giggles as she lays her head on his shoulder. “Yes, that much I know.”


“I can smell Derpy’s scent on your clothes.”

“Is that bad?”

Auriel shakes her head. “Not at all. I was told about your trip to Earth with her and Dinky. It’s only natural to spend quality time together when given the opportunity. Although I do hope you two used the time to the fullest.”

“We spent the day watching television in bed. Not exactly the most productive day.”

“Then I would have to say yes.”

“To what?”

“You using your time wisely.”

“Well… we did have a nice time. And it gave us a chance to talk about a few things.”

Auriel smirks. “I won’t inquire to the details.”

“But you certainly have the right to.”

“Perhaps. However I’m sure you’ll tell all of us of anything we need to know on your own.”

“That I will. You see, Derpy and I…”

Auriel interrupts him. “I’ll wait to hear it with everyone else.”


“It wouldn’t be fair for me to hear before they do, after all.”

“Um… okay.”

“Thank you for understanding, Arc. Know that I do trust you to do what’s best for all of us and am just trying to reciprocate that.”

Arc looks away. “I… um…”

“Arc? Is something…?”

“Yes, Auriel.”

“What can I do to help?”

“I need you to… assist me in… um…”

His voice trails off. Auriel steps in front of Arc forcing him to stop. Looking up at him she smiles.

“Arc, please understand that I would very much like to help you with whatever it is that you need me to. But I can’t really do that if you don’t talk to me.”

“Yes, I know that. However this is very… um… complicated.”

“Then why don’t you start at the beginning?”

Arc sighs. “I will. But let’s keep walking.”

Auriel nods. “Very well, Arc. While I don’t understand what’s going on I’ll trust your judgement.”

Arc holds out an arm to Auriel to latch on to and the pair continue down the corridor together. Coming to the Infirmary, Arc stops for a moment before taking a deep breath and entering. Walking over to the privacy curtain strung shut he calls out.

“I’m back.”

Redheart steps out and approaches Arc respectfully.

“No changes since you left, sir.”

“Good… I think. Um… would you please excuse us?”

Redheart nods. “Yes sir. I’ll just head to the back to assist Doctor Whooves with his work for the moment.”

Arc watches her disappear into the back before turning to Auriel.

“Auriel, I… um…”

“Arc… whatever it is, you can tell me.”

She puts her hand on his cheek and smiles as Arc nods and takes a deep breath.

“Alright. Today Derpy and I spent the day watching television in bed like I told you earlier.”

“Nothing wrong with that.”

“Right. But as we were finishing up one last show, Scootaloo and Brightwing… they… um… teleported above our bed.”

Auriel grins slyly. “And can I assume you two weren’t… dressed for the occasion?”

“You’d be correct. But that wasn’t the real problem.”

Auriel appears confused. “What could be…?”

“Brightwing had made a new potion of sorts. She had promised Scootaloo that she could be there when it was tested.”

Auriel groans. “Aw… I should have asked to come too.”


“She asked me for some blood to use as a catalyst recently. I’m assuming it was the same potion.”

“Probably. In any case, when we started asking questions about the potion Brightwing teleported to… um… Hammer’s sister’s campsite outside of town.”

“For what purpose?”

“She had somehow altered Mio’s machine to use the potion.”

“As a fuel source?!”

Arc nods. “Something like that.”

“Did it work?!”

“It did, yes.”

“Interesting. I’d like to speak with her about this synthetic fuel as soon as possible.”

“That… might be a bit tricky.”


“Brightwing is… gone.”

“Back to the Dragon Lands?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I mean that she literally doesn’t exist anymore.”

Auriel gasps. “So she died?!”

“Not… exactly.”

“Arc, you’re not making any sense.”

“I know. So I guess I need to just come out and say it.”

Taking a deep breath, Arc looks Auriel in the eye.

“Brightwing used the machine to bombard her own body with some kind a strange magical energy.”

“And it made her… what, exactly? Disappear?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. She… turned herself into a human.”

“With a potion?”

“Indirectly, but yes.”

He motions to the curtain before continuing.

“And she’s in that bed on the other side of the screen.”

Auriel steps toward it. “I’d like to see her for myself.”

“That’s… probably for the best.”

Allowing Auriel to pass, she pulls back the curtain and looks at the woman lying on the bed before her. Unmoving, Auriel stares at her for a long moment before speaking.



“Are you… is this really… Brightwing?”

“It is.”

“And you say you saw her do… whatever it was that she did with the potion?”

“With my own eyes, yes.”

He puts a hand on Auriel’s shoulder as she slowly steps toward the bed. Following her closely Arc waits silently as the young demon reaches into her pocket and pulls the badge out. Looking it over for a time her gaze turns to the bed before returning to the picture. She does this several times before speaking.

“It… certainly looks like her.”

“That it does.”

“Is she… okay?”

“Redheart and Doctor Whooves have both looked her over. They say that she’s more or less just exhausted and in need of nutrition.”

“It’s possible that her body simply needs to rest after undergoing such a metamorphosis.”

“Makes sense. After all, such a thing must be very hard on the body.”

“Assumedly, yes. However we won’t know the extent of her mental damage until she awakens.”

“And no one really knows just how long that will take.”

“Not exactly, no. But I’d like to hear what the doctor has to say about this matter.”

“I’ll go get him and Nurse Redheart.”

Turning, Arc heads for the back. Accompanying the pair of medical professionals to the bedside they walk over to Auriel. The doctor is the first to speak.

“You wanted to see us, miss?”

Auriel nods soberly. “Yes. What is my mother’s condition?”

Redheart looks over a clipboard. “She’s very weak. However all her organs are functioning normally.”

Whooves flips the page. “A quick brain scan showed that her mental faculties are still functioning, albeit sluggishly.”

Auriel grimaces. “Does that mean she has some mental… degradation?”

Redheart sighs. “It’s certainly possible. However we won’t know until she wakes up.”

Whooves puts a hoof on the side of the bed. “Even if she does it’s not likely to be severe enough to cause major impairment.”

Arc frowns. “So it’d be along the lines of mild... dementia?”


Auriel appears hopeful. “But she could still be fine, right?!”

Whooves nods. “Yes indeed, miss. However, as we said, there’s no way to know for sure until she regains consciousness.”

“Is there ANYTHING else we can do?!”

Redheart shakes her head. “No, miss. Now then, we should give her some peace and quiet.”

Auriel turns to Arc. “Might I be allowed to stay by her side?!”

“That’s up to the doctor here.”

“I don’t see why not. But I do recommend that you get some rest yourself, ma’am.”

Redheart turns to a clock. “Yes. It is quite late.”

Arc looks out a nearby window. “Or early as the case may be.”

Whooves points a hoof at the bed next to the patient. “We can push this cot closer if you’d like, miss.”

“Thank you.”

Arc smiles. “I’ll take care of it.”

Stretching out a hand Arc picks up the bed with a Telekinesis Spell. Carefully moving it into position he sets it down.

“How’s that, Auriel?”

“It’s fine, thank you.”

The doctor motions toward his quarters as he speaks. “Well, I’m going to try and get some more sleep before sunrise. Should there be an emergency the instruments will send an alarm to my quarters.”

Redheart smiles. “I’ll stay on site to help with the other patient if need be.”

“Thank you. That would be nice, Nurse Redheart.”

Auriel appears confused. “Other patient?”

Arc sighs. “Mio.”

“She’s here?!”

“Yes. Brightwing apparently attacked her.”

“Is she alright?!”

Redheart nods. “We’re currently treating her for frostbite, a slight concussion, as well as an infection due to prolonged exposure to the elements.”

Doctor Whooves sighs. “Just like your mother’s case, rest is the best thing for her right now.”

“Their conditions will be reevaluated in the morning.”

Arc smiles. “Thank you for your time you two. We won’t keep you any longer.”

The pair nod and step back. Redheart closes the curtain behind them as Auriel turns to Arc.

“Have you told Hammer yet?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I… thought you should be told about your mother first.”

“But you’re going to now, right?”

“Might just wait for morning on that.”


“Hammer wasn’t exactly happy to hear that Mio was trying to get to Equestria when I told her about it earlier.”

“So you think she might be mad?”

“It stands to reason.”

Auriel gasps. “But that’s her SISTER!”

“I know.”

“So she should know now!”

“I suppose I could wake her up, yes.”

“Do it!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You’re awfully passionate about this, Auriel. Something up?”

“I just think she deserves to know. Right away.”

Auriel turns to her mother lying on the bed before continuing.

“After all, I’m very glad that you came to get me when you found my mother.”

“The difference was that I figured you and her would actually get along. Hammer and Mio… not so much.”

Auriel sighs as she puts a hand to her forehead. “I’m sorry Arc. While I’m sure you know best, I just feel that…”

Arc interrupts her. “No Auriel… you’re right.”

“I am?”

“Yes. For better or worse Hammer needs to know the truth. And right away.”

“Agreed. Be Honest and let Hammer come to her own conclusions.”

“I will. But are you going to be okay over here?”

Auriel nods. “Yes. I’m just going to sit here and keep my mother company.”

“Alright. I’ll go see Hammer and check in on you when I can.”

“Okay. However if she needs you more feel free to give her some attention.”

Nodding, Arc heads for the Infirmary door.

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