• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Airborne

Arriving in Arc’s room aboard The Equinox, they look around. Hammer is the first to speak.

“Woah! This is a helluva nice place to sleep!”

Derpy smiles. “I’ve always liked this room.”

Dinky jumps on the bed. “Yeah!”

Arc emerges from his portal as it closes and looks to Hammer.

“Welcome to The Equinox.”

“It’s an… airship, right?”

Arc nods. “Yes. My personal flagship. Not sure why it’s in the Crystal Empire though.”

Rarity turns to him. “Princess Luna told Princess Cadance to take it with her when she returned to the empire after your funeral.”

Scootaloo grins. “Probably wanted to keep it out of Decimus’ hooves.”

Sereb nods. “A wise idea, yes. But for safety’s sake we should probably send Miss Derpy and little Dinky back to safety.”

Derpy gasps. “Leave?”

Arc sighs. “This is going to be dangerous. I need you two to stay safe.”

“But dad, I wanna help too!”

“Maybe next time sweetheart. Right now I need you and your mother to head back to the Little Hooves Orphanage. They’re probably really scared right now.”

Rarity sighs. “Short staffed too.”

Derpy looks up at him with a pleading look on her face. “I’d really like to stay as well, Arc.”

“I know, and I’m really sorry about this. But I’d feel terrible if something happened to either of you.”

“Can’t you stay too, dad?!”

Arc shakes his head. “You know I can’t, sweetheart. After all, someone in my position is the only one whom can legally do any of this.”

Derpy nods. “Dinky and I will go, Arc. But only on one condition.”

“What is it?”

“That you bring Rarity and the other Element Bearers with you.”

Rarity smiles. “Yes, I’d love to come!”

“But I…!”

“Please, Arc. Send us back to Ponyville with Scootaloo as the Scarlet Filly. She can gather up the others and have them head to the sigil behind Rarity’s shop.”

Sereb turns to Arc. “That might not be a bad idea.”

“You too, now?!”

“If they are here, it will be that much easier for you to keep an eye on them.”

“I’m not getting your logic.”

Hammer grins hugely. “That and I’d get to meet the rest of your future herd, Arc.”

Cherry giggles. “It’d be very nice for the them to be able to use this time to get better acquainted with one another.”

Arc sighs. “Fine, fine. But if we’re going to do it this way Derpy and Dinky might as well stay too.”

Derpy shakes her head. “While I’d certainly like to, if what Rarity says is true then Dinky and I are needed at the orphanage.”

“Yeah. The other foals need somepony there to help them keep it together right now. Just get this done as soon as possible, dad.”

“I’ll try, sweetheart.”

She and Derpy run forward and wrap their hooves around Arc as he hugs them back.

“Be good for your mother and stay strong for the other foals.”

“I will, dad.”

Derpy nuzzles him. “We’ll be waiting for word that you’re okay.”

Arc nods as he opens a portal.

“This will take you back to the storage room in the orphanage.”

Arc gives them a smile before motioning for them to head out. Nodding, they enter together as Arc calls out after them.

“Tell my friends to be packed and ready to go by this evening.”

Scootaloo turns and nods. “I won’t let you down, Big Brother.”

Arc watches as Scootaloo follows Derpy and Dinky. Closing the portal he turns back to the others.

“I guess all there is to do now is wait.”

Hammer elbows Arc with a mischievous look on her face. “Wish we could tour this flying fortress.”

“We can after the ship lifts off. Until then there really isn’t anything to do but kick back and relax.”

Sereb lies down on the floor and sighs contentedly. “I suppose.”

Arc recalls his armor and heads for the bed. Laying down on it he closes his eyes. A few moments later he feels Rarity and Hammer climb in after him. They snuggle up to his chest and giggle softly. He sighs contentedly.

“If nothing else, I’m glad you two are getting along so well.”

Rarity looks up at him, confused. “Really? Why wouldn’t we?”

Hammer chuckles. “You thought we’d be jealous, didn’t you?”

“Yeah. Most women don’t want to share a guy. Much less with as many marefriends as I have.”

Rarity giggles. “Well, Arc… as smart as you are, I would have thought you’d have figured this out by now.”


“My friends and I aren’t like most mares. We have a special bond with one another. It can’t be broken by something as silly as jealousy over a stallion. Or in your case… a human male.”

“What about you, Hammer?”

Hammer shrugs. “I see it less like a competition and more like a real family. Something I’ve always wanted. If those mares are anything like the people I’ve seen you with so far, Arc, they’re very happy when you’re around.”

Rarity nods. “That we are. Although that isn’t very often these days sadly.”

Hammer appears confused. “Oh? Why’s that?”

Arc groans. “My job as the Hero of Light always kept me very busy. I had little time for Derpy and Dinky. Sadly, even less for Rarity and our other friends.”

Rarity smiles. “But we never held that against you. After all, you were fighting to protect the entire kingdom and its citizens.”

“How could you wait though?”

“Because we knew that one day you would keep your promise to Dinky and retire to Ponyville. Even it if took years… perhaps decades… we were fully prepared to wait well into our golden years”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “That’s really impressive. I don’t think I could have done that.”

Arc chuckles. “Even I didn’t think you and the others were that dedicated to me.”

“We are, Arc. Don’t forget that.”

Hammer sighs. “Well, I for one feel kinda unprepared now.”

Arc turns to her. “Oh?”

“Your fiancées all sound extremely loyal. And I’m afraid that I’m just not at that point yet.”

Arc takes her hand. “It’s not a matter of being as good as someone else, Hammer. What’s important are your feelings and desires. Is this really something you want? Are you okay with having to wait? And is being part of a… unique family like this really something you would be happy with?”

“I think so, yes. But I’d like to see more of what this entails first.”

Rarity smiles at the young woman. “We’ll show you the ropes, miss. If there’s something about our culture you don’t understand please feel free to speak up.”

Arc nods. “It’s pretty simple when compared to some of the problems back on Earth.”


“For example, some problems there just don’t exist here. Smog, traffic, rampant crime, and hunger just aren’t things that are known to the inhabitant of Equestria. Oversees is another story though.”

Hammer grins. “Sounds good. Can I move here permanently?”

Rarity sighs. “We do have our problems. Political struggles lately, the threat of war, international incidents, and now tyranny.”

Arc clenches a fist. “Hopefully we can put a lid on those things before long. If we let him go too long, Decimus might just break things here beyond repair.”

Hammer nods soberly. “I’ll help with that. After all, if we can bring about peace soon, Arc will have time for a relationship.”

Rarity claps her hooves together happily. “That would be wonderful!”

“It’d certainly be simpler and less dangerous. But if you two don’t mind, I’d kinda like to take a little afternoon nap.”

Hammer yawns. “That does sound nice.”

Rarity smiles. “Yes, indeed.”

Putting his arms around both of them, they drift off to sleep. Several hours later, as the sun is setting Arc’s earring chirps. Startling him awake he sits up suddenly, waking the other two. Hammer frowns as she opens her eyes.

“What the heck?!”


“Sorry. It’s just my earring.”

Touching it, he calls out.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Sunburst. We’ve received confirmation that the ship is fully loaded and ready to disembark. Your squad has been ordered to report to the Bridge early on into your flight, and the crew should be getting permission to take off any time now.”


“Please act judiciously in this mission, sir.”

“I will. Arc out.”

He touches his earring, severing the connection. A short time later the ship takes off. Hammer grins as she looks out the window.

“This… is… AWESOME!”

Rarity smiles as she joins the woman. “I must admit, it’s a very invigorating experience.”

Sereb chuckles. “That it is.”

Arc stands and looks out the window as they reach their cruising altitude. Grinning, he looks down at the city as they fly over the wall. Hammer gasps.

“This land is gorgeous!”

Rarity nods. “Agreed.”

Sereb grins toothily as he looks down. “A land made of crystal can always shine.”

Arc smiles. “I thought so too when I arrived. But we’re outside the city limits now. Let’s head to the Bridge and announce ourselves.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Now?”

“No time like the present. That and we have a lot to do this evening.”

Rarity sighs. “I suppose so.”

Sereb heads for the door. “Let’s be off.”

Leaving the private cabin, Arc leads Rarity, Hammer, and Sereb down the corridor to the Bridge. The door slides open as they approach. Stepping onto the Bridge, Lemon Hearts is the first to see them. She cries out in fear.


Wrangler runs over to join her as she points a hoof. “What in tarnation?!”

Lemon Hearts hides under her station. “It’s a ghost!”

Moon Dancer approaches Arc cautiously. “That isn’t possible, as the existence of ghosts has never been scientifically proven.”

Thunderlane gasps. “Then how do you explain THIS?!”

Arc chuckles. “Simple. I’m alive.”

Soarin looks him over nervously. “Um… welcome back, sir?”

“Thank you.”

Tight Ship looks over Hammer and Rarity. “Returning from the land of the dead with two angels, sir?”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “What am I?”

Hammer chuckles. “Chopped liver at the moment it would seem.”

Arc gestures to the pair. “This is Hammer and Rarity. They’ll be helping during our mission.”

Soarin frowns. “Mission, sir?”

Arc removes the scroll from his ring and gives it to Tight Ship.

“This should explain everything, captain.”

Tight Ship looks the scroll over carefully before responding.

“This is indeed Princess Cadance’s hoofwriting. She says we’re to report to Canterlot for the earlier briefed mission. However the Hero of Light has his own objectives to accomplish which we are to help him complete in any way he deems fit.”

Wrangler appears confused. “Sir? That doesn’t make any sense. This is just a training mission.”

Moon Dancer nods. “It’s also a science experiment. We need to know just what exactly happens when ponies are kept from the outside world.”

Thunderlane grins. “Flying non-stop for a week should be a dream come true.”

Soarin sighs. “I get the feeling that it won’t be though.”

Arc nods. “Right. In any case, I need to speak to my squad regarding the upcoming mission specifics. Page them for me, Lemon Hearts.”

“Yes sir.”

She speaks into her microphone. A few minutes later Max, Xenos, Hugh, and Viktor enter. They look at Arc, confused. Max is the first to speak.


Xenos gasps. “When did you get back?”

“Several hours ago.”

Viktor points a hoof. “Is that… Hammer?!”

Hammer waves. “Yo!”

Hugh groans. “Make another friend, sir?”

“Kinda. It’s complicated.”

“Hello everyone.”

Max turns his attention back to Arc. “It’s good to see you again, sir. But might we ask to what we owe the pleasure?”

“A serious situation has come up. We’ll talk about it in my office.”

He turns to Tight Ship.

“Captain, you’re to continue with the mission as laid out. For now anyways.”

“Yes sir.”

“When are we scheduled to reach Canterlot?”

Soarin steps forward. “First thing tomorrow morning.”

“Good. I’ll check back in with you prior to that.”

He motions for everyone to follow him.

“Let’s go.”

Stepping through the door, the squad falls into step behind Arc. The bridge crew looks to one another, confused. Lemon Hearts is the first to speak.

“Sir, what exactly is going on here?”

Wrangler nods fervently. “Yeah! The Hero of Light went from being dead to ordering us on another mission!”

Soarin turns to the captain. “Is he even still the Hero of Light? I mean, that’s supposed to end with their death.”

Tight Ship holds up the scroll. “Yes, well… in any case, we have our orders from Princess Cadance. She still refers to him as the Hero of Light in this correspondence.”

Moon Dancer shrugs. “I suppose we have no choice but to obey then.”

Tight Ship frowns as he takes his seat. “That much hasn’t changed.”

Thunderlane looks over. “Sir?”

“We’re soldiers, and go where we’re told.”

Meanwhile, Arc leads the group down the corridor to his office. Motioning to the couches they all sit down.

“Everyone… we have a job to do.”

Xenos groans. “Yeah. Test how we last in virtual isolation up here.”

Hammer shakes her head and grins. “Nah. We’re going to be stretching our legs pretty soon.”

Hugh raises an eyebrow. “Exercise?”

Sereb nods. “Yes. The best kind though.”

Arc looks to them soberly. “A mission to Canterlot Castle.”

Max turns to Arc. “What kind of mission, sir?”

“Do you four remember the blacksmith and his wife from Ponyville?”

Viktor puts a hoof to his chin thoughtfully. “Yes sir. They reforged all the weapons in the armory when you took possession of Light’s Hope.”

“Well, they’ve been arrested.”

Hugh gasps. “Really?!”

Xenos frowns. “What for?”

“Speaking out.”

Max raises an eyebrow. “What else?”


Viktor grits his teeth. “That doesn’t make sense. Everypony has the right to say what they want.”

Rarity frowns. “Tell that to Decimus.”

Arc nods. “He ordered them taken to Canterlot Castle’s dungeon and held there on charges of treason.”

Hugh stomps his hoof. “But they were so nice! Could there be some sort of mistake?!”

Max seethes. “Yes. On the part of the new Hero of Light.”

Xenos shrugs. “Well, what can we do about it?”

Viktor sighs. “Right. He has full authority to act as he sees fit.”

Arc grins wickedly. “You forget that so do I. We all know of Decimus’ crimes against the princesses and the country. He can’t be allowed to continue on.”

Max nods fervently. “Are we going to take him out sir?”

Xenos chuckles. “Again?”

Sereb growls. “Hopefully.”

Arc shakes his head. “Sadly, no. Well, probably not anyways.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Again?!”

Arc nods as he turns to Hammer. “He’s died several times. But somehow he keeps coming back to life.”


“If I knew that, I’d stop him. But let’s get back to the matter at hand.”

He looks back to the squad.

“Breaking the Hammer’s out of the dungeon is actually the final objective of this plan.”

Xenos frowns. “Sir?”

“While we’re there we need to sabotage the construction of Celestia’s new airship.”

Max raises an eyebrow. “That’s going to be quite the challenge. After all, the shipyard is always quite heavily guarded.”

Viktor groans. “And they’ll be security everywhere else in the castle.”

Hugh looks to Arc. “How bad do we have to mess up that ship?”

“Bad enough that we destroy the O.R.B. system and the new weapons.”

Sereb growls. “Experimental, but supposedly very dangerous.”

Max gasps. “But they’ll just build another one, sir.”

Rarity grins. “Not if we take the plans.”

Xenos shakes his head. “Wouldn’t do any good, as Chief Engineer Stellar Flare could probably build them again from memory though.

Hammer laughs. “We’re taking her too.”

Viktor whistles. “We’re really shooting for the stars with this workload, sir.”

“I know it’s a lot to accomplish, yes. But we need to do everything at roughly the same time. As soon as we either blow up the bridge of the new ship or attack the dungeon they’ll put the entire castle on high alert.”

Sereb bares his teeth. “We’ll never get back in there after that.”

Arc nods. “Right. Now then, here’s the plans for the castle.”

He removes the blueprints from his ring and lays them on the table between them. Max gasps as he looks them over.

“These are pretty high level plans!”

Hugh nods as he points with a hoof. “Right! They even show all the secret escape routes!”

Xenos grins. “Looks like getting in and out will be simple and clean.”

Viktor sighs. “Assuming we can stay out of sight, that is.”

Hammer frowns. “Yeah. This is going to take a lot of planning.”

Arc nods as he stands up. “That it is. We’ll be there by tomorrow morning, so there’s time to plan something special. I’ll leave the blueprints here if you guys want to look them over before we turn in for the night.”

Max sighs. “It might be best to do that tomorrow morning, sir.”

Hugh yawns. “Right. Get a fresh take on it.”

Xenos looks toward the door. “We’ll mull it over in our bunks.”

Viktor chuckles. “That we will.”

Arc shakes his head. “Take a couple of the VIP suites, you guys. I need everyone at their best.”

Xenos grins. “Thanks, sir!”

Hugh turns to the others. “We’ll sleep like babies!”

Rarity giggles. “Believe me, babies don’t sleep that well.”

Hammer appears confused. “They don’t?”

Arc shrugs. “No idea. But I’ll see you guys bright and early tomorrow. Dismissed.”

They salute and leave the room together. Parting ways they pair up and enter the VIP suites as Arc heads for his quarters with Hammer and Rarity. Hammer turns to Arc.

“That went well.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “Did it?”

Hammer shrugs. “Well, they didn’t attack me.”

Sereb rolls his eyes. “Surprisingly enough.”

Arc grins. “I wasn’t expecting them to.”

Hammer turns to him. “How did you know?”

“Because you were with me.”

Rarity sighs. “Believe me, they were watching you like a hawk in there though. What exactly did you do to make them so suspicious?”

“I… might have shot at all of them on a few occasions.”


Arc nods. “Some of those shells really messed up Eidolon’s Ward.”

Rarity points a hoof. “She did that?!”

Sereb nods. “That she did.”

“I didn’t know it was Arc!”

“Things were different back then, Rarity. I trust Hammer not to do that again.”

Rarity frowns. “Very well. But I’ll be watching her too from now on.”

Hammer sighs. “Guess I deserve that.”

Sereb chuckles. “Yes, you do.”

Arriving back at Arc’s quarters, he walks to the center of the room and concentrates for a few moments wordlessly. Hammer raises an eyebrow.

“Uh… you okay over there?”

Rarity waves a hoof. “Shush.”

“What’s he…?”

“I don’t know. But leave him be.”

A few minutes later Arc opens his eyes and looks at the pair.

“Sorry about that. I was just talking to Scootaloo.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Talking?”

“Telepathically. Her and I can do that.”

Rarity appears hopeful. “Are the others ready?”

“Yeah. She just wanted to let me know that we’re getting a couple extra.”

Hammer appears confused. “Who?”

“You’ll see.”

Calling forth his gauntlet, Arc opens a portal. A few moments later Rainbow Dash flies through followed by Pinkie, Applejack, and Fluttershy. Scootaloo steps through with Auriel and Rose in tow. Rainbow Dash is the first to speak as she and the others hurry over to Arc.

“Good to see you again!”

Applejack grins. “Darn right!”

Pinkie’s mane deflates. “Things aren’t going the best right now.”

Fluttershy looks at Hammer. “Who is this?”

“Everyone, this is Hammer. She defected from our enemies to come and help us.”

Hammer sheepishly waves. “Um… hi there.”

Rose smiles at her. “Hello again, Hammer.”

Auriel looks to Hammer nervously. “H-hi.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow as she glares at Hammer. “Something wrong with your tongue?”

Hammer frowns. “What’s that supposed to mean?!”

“Oh, nothing. I’m just not too keen on being around a traitor!”

Applejack frowns. “Rainbow Dash!”

Hammer grits her teeth. “TRAITOR?!”


Rose sighs. “She was working for General Mustang and Colonel Diva though.”

Pinkie gasps. “You mean Sunset Shimmer?!”

Auriel nods. “That she was. But she and Arc have been through a lot since that time.”

Rose gestures to the filly with them. “Agreed. Much has happened since then according to Scootaloo here.”


Rainbow Dash stomps a hoof angrily. “Where was I when she was talking about that?!”

Applejack groans. “Eating loudly and then taking a nap if I recall.”

“Well, I don’t trust traitors!”

Hammer clenches a fist. “And I don’t trust horses, so we’re even!”

“I’m a pegasus!”


Cherry calls out. “Please, Rainbow Dash! Arc trusts her, so you should too!”

“Oh, I know all about trust! Remember, I’m the Element of Loyalty, after all! But it’s not something I just give out on a whim! That and she’s already betrayed the one’s she worked for originally!”

“Why you little…!”

Arc puts a hand on Hammer’s shoulder as she steps forward to confront Rainbow Dash.

“You’re right.”

Auriel appears confused. “She is?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. Rainbow Dash hasn’t said anything that isn’t true. Hammer left the military and her two sisters to work with me.”

Applejack gasps. “Your family too?”

Hammer nods sadly. “They wouldn’t see reason even when I showed them proof.”

Rose groans. “Irrefutable proof I might add.”

Arc looks over those assembled. “She took my side over her family. That’s not something one can just do on a whim, after all.”

Cherry sighs. “That was a rather scary time for all of us.”

Scootaloo steps forward. “It’s true. Their forces were planning to take us all out. But if you really want to talk about traitors… I’ve been in constant contact with Decimus.”

Rarity gasps. “WHAT?!”

Arc frowns. “We were, yes. He really respects the Scarlet Filly, and even offered her the wanted poster of me ahead of everyone else.”

Fluttershy’s eyes grow wide. “He trusted a filly with something like that?!”

Applejack groans. “Probably was banking on Arc not wanting to fight someone so young.”

Pinkie grits her teeth. “Only because he’s too chicken to fight Arc himself!”

“We’ve already fought. Remember, I vaporized him.”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “But that doesn’t make you a traitor, kid! You didn’t know he was a bad stallion, right?!”

“I did, yes. But I had to maintain my cover.”

Sereb nods. “Just as Hammer did.”

Hammer bows her head. “I was spying on my sisters at that point. When I heard they were going to ambush Arc I knew I couldn’t let them do it.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Why do you care what they do?!”

“Because I love him!”

Rainbow Dash misses a flap of her wings and crashes to the floor.

“Say what?!”

Applejack narrows her eyes. “When did this happen?!”

“Before he attacked my base!”

Arc sighs. “Yeah. And I wasn’t too happy with myself for doing that.”

“I already forgave you.”

Fluttershy looks to him. “What did you do, Arc?”

Rainbow Dash brushes herself off. “His job!”

“Right… kinda.”

Sereb sighs. “It was… complicated.”

“You see… I needed intel on the base. Ultimately, a way in. I met Hammer at the store one day by accident.”

Auriel giggles. “Dinky and I were trying on some new clothes while Arc waited outside.”

Rose nods. “They talked and Arc got her phone number.”

Pinkie gasps. “You were hitting on her, Arc?!”

“No. We were just talking.”

Hammer nods. “Yeah. I offered him my number because he was really smart!”

Rainbow Dash looks to the young woman suspiciously. “No other reason?!”

“Well… I did think he was cute too.”

Fluttershy looks to Arc. “What does that have to do with betrayal though?”

“I was just using her to get into the base back then.”

He looks at Rainbow Dash and sighs.

“If you want to see a traitor… here I am.”

“But… that’s…!”

“And I was seeing Hammer without telling you girls what I was doing, so I was also cheating on everyone.”

Applejack shakes her head. “That’s not cheating, Arc. You were just trying to save Princess Celestia.”

“Well I still feel bad about it.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “That just means you have a conscience, Arc. You’re not a traitor in the least.”

Rarity looks to Rainbow Dash. “Right. But neither is Hammer.”

“She most certainly…!”

“I’ve spoken to her and watched intently. And I have to say that so far I like what I see.”

Auriel steps forward. “She was always nice to us back on Earth. And that’s coming from a bona-fide traitor to her race like me.”

Sereb growls. “We shall all be traitors soon enough.”

Fluttershy appears confused. “What are you talking about, Sereb?”

Arc sighs. “The mission I have is to infiltrate Canterlot Castle and break out Steel Hammer and his wife, Silver Hammer.”

Rose frowns. “Break them… out?”

“They were arrested.”

Rainbow Dash explodes. “WHAT?! WHY?!”

Scootaloo grits her teeth. “Treason supposedly.”

Rainbow Dash grunts. “Decimus is behind this!”

Sereb sighs. “Apparently so.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. He’s the only bad traitor here.”

Rainbow Dash stomps a hoof. “Well, I’m taking him DOWN!”

Applejack puts a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “No, you’re not!”

“Who’s going to…?!”

Arc steps forward. “I will.”


Sereb nods. “It is treason to attack the Hero of Light.”

Rose sighs. “You would become a traitor to Equestria and hunted down.”

“Fine. But I want in on this mission!”

Arc chuckles. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “You’re letting me?!”

Arc nods. “Yeah. This is way too big to handle on my own, after all.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “That’s… surprising.”

Fluttershy gasps. “Yes. Usually you’re very insistent on doing things alone.”

Auriel turns to Arc. “Did something happen?”

“Back on Earth recently a great beast wanted to take me out. However I was able to take him down easily with the help of Hammer, Scootaloo, and Sereb.”

Sereb bares his teeth. “He wasn’t so tough.”

Scootaloo grins. “Not when we all worked together.”

“Right. In the past I just didn’t want to see anyone else get hurt. However I’ve come to the conclusion that it shouldn’t be done that way. If I’m going to take on bigger and more important tasks, I need to be able to share the risk.”

Applejack appears relieved. “That would make it a lot safer. Everypony would bear just a bit of the danger. I’ll join up too.”

Pinkie raises a hoof. “And if something goes wrong there’s others willing and able to step in and reinforce you, Arc! Like me!”


Rose smiles. “This is the best course of action from a tactical standpoint. I’ll help as well.”

Auriel nods. “Glad to see you taking this approach. We’ll take care of everything together.”

Rarity steps forward bravely. “Here, here!”

Sereb growls. “As usual I will guard your backside.”

Scootaloo jumps up on the table. “And I’ll be a second set of eyes!”

Arc smiles. “Thanks everyone. Now then we can brainstorm with my squad on a plan tomorrow morning.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “How hard could it be to run in, get them, and fly out?”

Hammer sighs. “There’s more to it than that.”

Sereb nods. “We also need to grab some files and sabotage the country’s new airship as well as take Stellar Flare and Hard Hat into custody.”

Applejack’s eyes grow wide. “Malicious destruction of property, assault, and kidnapping. Like Sereb said earlier, this will make us all traitors.”

Arc looks to his friend. “You okay with that, Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash nods fervently. “Yeah. Because he needs to go DOWN!”

Rarity nods. “I agree. But right now we should all get some rest.”

Auriel giggles. “Yes. That and figure out the other problem.”

Arc appears confused. “What ‘other problem’?”

“The question of who’s going to share your bed tonight, Arc.”

Arc sighs. “Some things never change.”

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