• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 12 - Vines Galore

Wrangler turns from her console to Arc.

“Weapons ready, sir!”


Sunburst screams out. “WAIT!!!”

The cannon’s energies hit their targets dead on. However instead of letting go, the vines strengthen their hold. Derpy gasps.

“Is it just me, or are those vines getting bigger?”

Sunburst groans. “Sir! Plunderseed Vines absorb most forms of magical energy!”

Wrangler raises an eyebrow. “Say what now?!”

Moon Dancer looks over her readouts. “It does appear that’s the case. As our weapon’s fired the energy was absorbed by the vines and transferred down into the ground.”

Arc frowns. “Back to the Mother, Sunburst?”

“Yes sir!”

Ember clenches a fist. “Great. If magic’s out of the question how do we stop it?!”

Sunburst sighs. “Unknown.”

Dinky gasps. “You mean you forgot?”

“No, no! I mean nopony alive remembers how to stop Plunderseed Vines other than Princess Celestia herself!”

Frank calls out. “What about the other two pony princesses? Could they help?”

“The entry in my book predates Princess Luna’s return and Princess Cadance’s arrival, sir.”

Arc groans. “Great. So what now?”

Sunburst sighs. “You may have to abandon ship, sir. While a costly decision, I’m sure the princesses would prefer the safe return of you and your companions over the loss of The Equinox.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Anything else you can tell us about this plant?”

“It’s very intelligent. Capable of learning even. Don’t try to deceive it though. It can see through most simple ruses easily.”

Auriel shudders. “So it’s like a cunning warrior then?”

“Precisely. The only other thing I can tell you is that it doesn’t like fire.”

Ember grins as a fireball forms in her palm. “What plant does?”

Arc nods. “Alright. We’ll take it from here, Sunburst. If we make it out of here in one piece I’ll let you know how it went.”

“Be careful, sir.”

“I will. Arc out.”

He touches his earring and looks at the others.

“Alright, here’s the plan…”

A short time later Arc, Ember, Derpy and Auriel rush out onto the deck. Arc turns to Ember.



“Don’t you have something to say?”

Ember shrugs. “Um… good luck to us?”

“No, no. Usually this is the part where you say my plan is terrible.”

“Nah. I’m kinda trying to move past that. I mean… with all your successful outcomes, I can’t really say you don’t know what you’re doing.”

Auriel looks over the railing nervously. “Forgive me, but I do believe this plan could use some more… um… planning.”

Derpy nods. “I’m worried for you as well, Arc.”

Cherry calls out. “Yes. This ‘plan’ might be a bit too simple considering how much is at stake here.”

Arc sighs. “I agree with all of you. But we don’t have time for that right now. If this thing gets any more powerful, it’ll rip The Equinox apart.”

Ember nods soberly. “The ship can be replaced, Arc.”

“Yes. However, Las Pegasus isn’t that far from here.

Auriel looks to Arc. “Lemon Hearts has already relayed your orders to evacuate the city. However relief ships from Canterlot will take quite some time to arrive.”

Arc looks over the railing at the vines below.

“I’d like to have this wrapped up by then. Now then, the vines appeared right after the artificial sun was lit, so it stands to reason that the essence’s reaction is drawing the vines up. We need to shut this experiment down and by doing so cut off its energy supply.”

Cherry giggles. “Like a fire without fuel?”


Auriel sighs. “I wish there was another way.”

Ember nods. “So do I. But this needs to be done.”

Arc grimaces. “Yeah.”

Derpy turns to Arc. “Let’s get started.”

“Here goes nothing.”

He removes the Spear of Righteousness from his ring and tosses it to Auriel. She appears surprised.

“Are you sure about this? I mean… don’t you need your spear.”

“I’ll be fine. Besides, I don’t like the idea of you going in there unarmed.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “But how will you…?”

Reaching into his ring Arc pulls out his guardanium knife.

“I always have more than one weapon. Positions everyone.”

Arc and Auriel hurry over to one side of the deck with Derpy as she calls forth her armor and the Spear of Hope. Ember proceeds to the other, but looks concerned.

“You sure you can do this, Auriel?”

Auriel nods soberly. “Yes.”

Arc touches his earring.

“Arc to Bridge.”

“You’re on speaker, sir.”

“Good. Thunderlane, get us underway.”

“Aye, sir.”

The engines rev up as the ship puts tension on the vines again. Arc again speaks.

“Give it a bit more. I want our restraints nice and tight for this.”

“How much more, sir?”

“As much as you dare.”

Thunderlane nods. “I’ll do my best, sir.”

The roar of the engines increases as the vines are drawn taunt.

“That’s it, sir!”

He grits his teeth. “Okay. On the count of three.”

Arc takes a deep breath as he and Auriel grab onto the railing.


Ember and Derpy fly upward at top speed together. As one they turn around and split off to their respective sides. Brandishing their spears they deftly slice through the two vines holding the ship. The Equinox lunges forward sickeningly as Arc yells out.


“On it!”

The ship flies away as fast as the engines will allow. Tight Ship turns to the helm.

“Get us back into a stable orbit, Thunderlane.”

“Aye sir.”

Twilight and Dinky walk over to the ORB.

“We have to be ready.”

Dinky nods soberly, her horn aglow. “Don’t worry. I won’t let my dad down.”

Meanwhile Derpy and Ember land on the plateau and take up defensive positions. Several vines snake their way up the sides of the plateau and toward the pair. Ember calls out.

“Here they come!”

Derpy tightens her grip on the spear. “Let’s keep the area clear!”

The pair engage the vines as Arc turns to Auriel.


Auriel shakes her head. “No, but let’s do it!”

She jumps onto the railing and looks over to Arc. As he grabs her hand she pulls him close and kisses his cheek lightly.

“For… for luck!”

Arc nods. “Let’s go!”

The pair jump together. Arc makes his way down to Auriel’s ankles. Grabbing them firmly he looks up at her.

“DO IT!”

Auriel grips the spear nervously and flaps her wings to aim their descent. She quickly gets into a gliding rhythm as the pair approach Ember and Derpy. As they pass overhead Arc raises his boots to avoid hitting Derpy in the face. With a mighty swing, Auriel cuts through several vines blocking her path. They touch down near the machine as Arc pulls his knife.

“Get this thing shut down!”

Auriel nods. “Right!”

They run over to the machine together. Auriel looks over the control panel as Arc turns to watch her back. Several vines hurl themselves at the pair but Arc cuts them to ribbons with a single slash of his blade. Ember calls out.

“Hurry up! They’re attacks are becoming more intense!”

Derpy gasps. “They must know what it is we’re trying to do!”

Arc continues to cut down any vines that approach Auriel. “How’s it coming?!”

Auriel shakes her head as she presses buttons frantically. “Something’s wrong! I’ve shut down the device, but the reaction isn’t slowing down!”

Arc touches his earring.

“Arc to Bridge! Twilight, the machine is shut down but the reaction is continuing! What do we do?!”

Twilight calls out from the ORB. “Hit the manual override, Auriel! It’s the yellow button on the far right side!”

Auriel does so.

“Override active! The reaction is slowing down!”

Ember grins. “The vines seem to be getting weaker too!”

Derpy smiles. “We just have to hold out a bit longer!”

Auriel breathes a sigh of relief. “Right. As the reaction continues to slow it stands to reason that the Plunderseed Vines should become sluggish and weak.”

Arc grins as he slices another vine that comes his way.

“See, Ember? Simple and easy.”

“I’ll congratulate you when this is all over! Until then, stay on your toes!”

Moon Dancer calls out over Arc’s earring.

“Sir! My instruments show a buildup of energy in the essence!”

Dinky gasps. “What?!”

Twilight turns to her. “That’s impossible! Where’s the energy coming from?!”

Moon Dancer shrugs. “No idea!”

Soarin grits his teeth. “Well, it’s coming from somewhere! Keep scanning!”

Meanwhile, the vines regain their strength and resume their attack. Ember takes a step back.

“This isn’t good!”

Derpy gasps. “We can’t hold out much longer!”

Arc calls out over his earring. “Twilight! What if we destroy the machine?!”

“What?! But there’s still an insane amount of latent energy inside the sphere! Without the device to help hold its shape, it could explode!”

Ember groans. “Can I assume that would be the end of us?!”

Auriel calls out as she turns and slashes at a vine. “Let’s just say it would be a quick death!”

Arc grimaces. “How’s the best way to do this, Twilight?!”

“There are two electrodes on either side of sphere’s array! If you destroy both of them at the same time it’ll slow the destabilization of the artificial sun! That should give you four enough time to fly to safety!”

Derpy looks nervous. “Should?!”

Twilight nods. “This plan has the highest chance of survival!”

Arc grins. “Let’s do it! I’ll take one while someone else hits the other!”

Auriel steps toward him. “Count me in!”

Ember shakes her head. “I should do it!”

“This is my fault! I started this mess! I’ll finish it!”

Ember sighs. “Fine! Get into position, you two! Derpy and I will cover you!”

They do so as Arc looks to Auriel and silently nods. He quickly opens a portal. Auriel grabs Derpy and Ember by the back of their armor and heaves them through it. As quickly as possible the portal closes. Lunging back toward her electrode Auriel smashes it as Arc does the same. The machine lets out a loud whine as the energy builds up inside it. Auriel leaps over the sphere and lands next to Arc.

“Let’s get out of here!”

She spreads her wings and takes flight as Arc again takes hold of her ankles. However, the vines grab onto Arc’s boots and pull the pair back down. As they hit the ground the vines wrap around the pair pressing them together. Twilight gasps.

“Oh no!”

Dinky cries out. “What’s going on?!”

Arc’s voice calls out over the Bridge speakers.

“Wrangler, is the ORB ready?!”

“Yes, sir. Twilight and Dinky charged it as best they could. “

“Good! Moon Dancer, raise shields!”

“What?! But… but how are YOU supposed to get to safety?!

“DO IT!”

Moon Dancer nods. “Y-yes sir.”

The shield forms around the ship as Dinky runs over to Lemon Heart’s station.

“D-dad! What are you…?!”

Arc grimaces. “I love you, Dinky.”

Her eyes grow wide.

“Wh-what are you saying?!”

“Be good for your mom, sweetheart. I’m so proud of you.”

There is a moment of silence before Arc continues.

“Tight Ship, see to it The Equinox and my daughter get back to Ponyville safely. Lemon Hearts… close the channel.”

“I… um… yes sir.”

Pressing a button, the connection is severed. Dinky runs over to the main window next to the pilot’s seat. She presses her face against the glass in an attempt to get closer. Meanwhile, Auriel gasps out in pain.

“This… really hurts!”

“I have an idea.”

He recalls his armor. Auriel’s body is suddenly pressed against his. Cherry gasps.

“Arc?! What are you…?!”

“She was being crushed against Eidolon’s Ward. That and I don’t think my armor will protect me from this.”

“Can’t you Blink the two of you back to The Equinox?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I’ve already tried several times.”

Auriel squirms. “The vines are draining your magic before the spell can be cast.”

Arc sighs. “Sorry. I guess we’re not getting out of this one.”

“Arc? I… um…”

“What is it, Auriel?”

“I’m scared.”

“Of the end?”

Auriel nods. “I never thought I would go out like this.”

“Just… lay your head down on my chest and close your eyes.”


She does so as Arc smiles and looks up at The Equinox some distance away.

“Goodbye, Dinky. I’ll be waiting for you and your mother with Cherry on the other side. Be strong, sweetheart.”

Auriel calls out. “Miss Cherry?”


“Does dying… hurt?”

“Not really. Don’t be frightened now. Arc and I will take care of you.”

Auriel shudders as she begins to quietly cry. “I… I don’t know where demons go when they die. But I really hope all of us will be together.”

Arc smiles. “Me too, Auriel. Me too.”

The machine lets out an ear splitting screech. It explodes as the countryside is bathed in a brilliant white light. No one on the Bridge speaks for quite some time. After the light dies down Dinky looks down at the darkness below.

“I can’t see anything! Miss Moon Dancer, can you detect my dad?!”

Moon Dancer shakes her head. “N-no, I can’t.”

Dinky hurries over to the Communication’s Station.

“Miss Lemon Hearts, can you… please open a channel to my dad?!”

“I… um…”

Tight Ship soberly nods. “We need to try. Open the channel.”

“Yes sir.”

She presses some buttons and steps out of her seat. Dinky takes her place in front of the microphone.

“Dad? It’s Dinky. Can you hear me?”

Nothing comes over the radio but static. Dinky continues.

“If you can hear me, please say something!”

The silence is deafening. Tears form in the corners of Dinky’s eyes as she continues.

“Dad?! Dad, are you there?!”

Again nothing but static fills the air. Her ears droop.

“I… I didn’t even get to say… goodbye.”

Frank and Twilight walk over and stand behind Dinky. Frank is the first to speak.

“Then tell him now.”

Dinky turns around. “Huh?”

Twilight nods as she forces a small smile. “Trust us. He’ll hear you.”

Dinky nods and speaks into the microphone again.

“Dad, I… I just wanted to say… how great a father you were to me. You were always there for mom and I. While I know you wanted to be with us more often than you were, your job kept you away from us quite a bit.”

She bites her lip before continuing.

“I just want you know that mom and I don’t hold it against you a bit. The time we spent together… it meant more to me than words can say. And while it came to a close sooner than I would have wanted, I… I’ll always… remember and cherish those times. Dad… I’ll do my very best to grow up into the mare you wanted me to be. That and I’ll take care of mom too. No matter what happens, she’ll always have me to protect and provide for her. Like… like you always did…”

The tears flow freely as Dinky bows her small head.

“Goodbye… dad. I… I’ll always love you.”

Dinky puts her face down on the console before her and buries her head in her hooves as she cries. Frank puts his hands on her shoulders as Twilight does the same. He leans forward and speaks into the microphone.

“I’ll see to it your daughter is safely reunited with her mother. Goodbye, Arc… my eternal friend.”

Twilight sadly nods her head in agreement as Frank wraps his arms around Dinky. She turns and cries into his chest. Clutching her to himself in one arm, Frank slowly stands and walks toward the door with Twilight at his heels. They leave the Bridge as Lemon Hearts closes the channel wordlessly. The crew turns to Tight Ship as Lemon Hearts speaks.

“Sir? What should we do now?”


They do so. Tight Ship walks over to the pilot seat and looks out the window at the empty darkness before them.

“Equestria has lost her favored son this night. While this land will never again be the same, we must press on, as the Hero of Light would have wanted us to do so. Rest in peace, sir.”

He slowly and respectfully salutes as the rest of the Bridge crew does the same, They stand there for a time before Tight Ship returns to the captain’s chair. Sighing he looks to Thunderlane.

“Keep us a safe distance from ground zero, but maintain our orbit of the area.”

Thunderlane looks to the captain, confused. “Sir?”

Tight Ship shakes his head. “No. Tomorrow morning we’ll do our best to recover what’s left of our nation’s hero. He deserves to be recovered for a proper funeral and interment. After that we’ll carry out our orders.”

Soarin raises an eyebrow. “Sir?”

Wrangler sounds confused. “Orders? From whom?”

Tight Ship sighs. “The Hero of Light’s final request. He told us to see to it his daughter and The Equinox were safely returned to Ponyville. We won’t let him down.”

The crew nods sadly as they sit down. Lemon Hearts turns to the captain.

“Shall I raise Canterlot, sir?”

Tight Ship nods sadly. “Yes. Inform them… that the danger to Las Pegasus has passed and that they can sound the all-clear signal.”

Lemon Hearts grimaces. “What about… the other news? The princesses will want to know.”

“After we return little Dinky to Ponyville we’ll head back to Canterlot. I will personally inform the princesses of what happened here tonight.”

The crew nods and returns to their stations as Tight Ship sighs and muses to himself.

“As much as I don’t want to tell them, they deserve to know.”

Meanwhile, Twilight and Frank arrive at Arc’s room. Twilight opens the door and allows Frank to step inside. He carries the still weeping Dinky over to the bed and lays her down.

“Go to sleep now, little one.”

Dinky looks to him through her tears. “I… I want my dad!”

Twilight bows her head sadly. “I’m sorry, Dinky. Frank and I will stay with you tonight if you want.”

Dinky silently nods

Twilight whispers through her emotions. “Good night.”

Her horn glows as she casts a spell on Dinky. The small filly’s eyelids grow heavy as she loses consciousness. Frank turns to her.

“How did you…?”

“Just a little Sleep Spell. She didn’t need much to fall asleep though.”

Frank nods and stands up. He gestures to the couch.

“Shall we?”

Twilight nods. The pair sit down and look out at the star filled sky as the moon looms before them.

“I… I can’t believe he’s gone.”

Frank nods. “Yes. It seemed like our Hero was invulnerable.”

“Arc was only here a little over a year, but… but he made numerous contributions to our country.”

“What about you?”


Frank smiles. “I could see that look in your eyes when he was near. You really liked him, didn’t you?”

Twilight nods sadly. “More than you know. Even when I messed things up, he was always there for me. Always willing and able to say things were going to be okay.”

Frank sighs. “Arc was always there for the Shards when they needed him as well. Even after he left, he still wanted to help set them on what he believed to be the right path.”

The pair are silent for a time.

“Twilight? Would you happen to know what happened to Derpy and Ember?”

“I saw Arc open a portal. Auriel shoved them through. He must’ve wanted to teleport them to safety.”

“So they’re okay?”

“Yes. Although where he sent them is anypony’s guess.”

“Well, they can both fly so I’m sure they’ll find their way to safety.”

“They’re probably at Derpy’s house back in Ponyville.”

Twilight sighs.

“Somehow I always knew this would happen.”

“An old saying from Earth… those who live by the sword must be willing to die by it. You see, Arc knew the risks, but still chose to fight.”

Twilight shakes her head. “That’s not what I meant. I always knew I would be the death of him. And now…”

Twilight begins to cry.

“And now I’ve KILLED him!”

Frank shakes his head. “This wasn’t your fault.”

“Yes it was! If I would’ve left him out of this he’d still be alive!”

“I know Arc didn’t see it that way.”

“Well, it’s the truth!”

She continues crying as Frank puts an arm around her shoulders.

“I wish I had something to say that would calm your heart.”

“Right now, I don’t deserve that!”

Twilight covers her face with her hooves and sobs uncontrollably.

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