• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - Vehicles for Meetings

Arc stands next to the pilot’s seat and looks out the main forward window.

“My own ship. Never would have guessed this was waiting for me!”

Ember joins him and puts a claw on his shoulder. “You deserve it.”

Sereb walks over. “The princesses have left the ship. We should also depart.”

Soarin looks to Arc. “What is our destination, sir?”

“I suppose we should head back to Ponyville.”

Tight Ship salutes. “Yes sir. Thunderlane, make it happen.”

“Aye sir.”

Lemon Hearts turns to the captain. “Sir, our ship is still unnamed. What designation should we use?”

Moon Dancer looks over. “As per regulations, we have to use our project name for the moment.”

Wrangler chuckles. “Right! Unless the Hero of Light already has a name in mind.”

“Not yet, no.”

Soarin nods. “’Experimental Ship #3’ it is then, Lemon Hearts.”

“Aye sir.”

Cherry sighs. “It certainly isn’t much.”

Arc shrugs. “We’ll have to give it some thought.”

Sereb nods. “That we will. A ship with as grand a master requires and equally powerful name.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Equally powerful name, huh?”

Ember looks over. “You think of something, Arc?”

“Maybe. I need to think about it. In any case, let’s get underway.”

Tight Ship nods. “Yes sir. As soon as we have clearance the ship will take off. Perhaps you would like to rest in your new quarters?”

“Um… kinda.”

Rose looks to him nervously. “Arc?”

Sereb frowns. “Is something amiss?”

“I… I dunno.”

He turns back to the captain.

“Just… get us back to Ponyville as soon as possible.”

“You should probably rest now, Arc. I’m detecting quite a bit of activity in your cerebral cortex.”


Arc and company leave the Bridge. The crew looks to one another confused. Thunderlane turns to Lemon Hearts.

“That wasn’t the Hero of Light I’m used to seeing.”

“Agreed. He was just so… scattered.”

Soarin looks to the captain. “I believe I understand what the princesses were talking about earlier.”

“Yes. The Hero of Light most certainly needs to rest.”

Meanwhile, Arc and company walk down the corridor toward his quarters Rose turns as they come to the door.

“Sereb, why don’t you and I head to the Cafeteria?”

“I am a bit hungry.”

Arc nods. “Go ahead you two. I’ll see you later.”

“Care to join us, Ember?”

“She probably wants to stay with Arc right now.”


The wolf raises an eyebrow as he turns around. “Very well.”

Sereb and Rose walk away together.

“Rose, why are we really going to the Cafeteria?”

“To get you something to eat, of course.”

“Is that all?”

“No. Arc is feeling very… conflicted right now.”

“What do you mean?”

“We can talk about it over a glass of water.”

“Very well.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Ember enter his quarters. After closing the door Ember grabs Arc’s hand.

“Come over here!”

“What?! But why?!”

Ember turns to Arc as she leads him to the bed. “Just do it!”

Half throwing him, Arc lands on his back in the center of the very posh bed.

“Not this again, Ember. I…”

“Just trust me.”

Hopping up into the bed herself, Ember lies down next to Arc on her back.

“It should happen any time now.”

“What will?”

“You’ll see if you’re patient.”

“Uh… okay. But what should we do in the meantime?”

Ember sighs. “I think we need to talk, Arc.”

“What about?”


“I don’t understand.”

“How about your inability to say no, for starters?!”

“What are you…?”

“Right now you’re currently working on finding out where Princess Celestia is, what the Shards are up to, worrying about your friends Shelly, Lily, and even Frank.”


“That in addition to your friends here in Equestria! To say nothing for Derpy and Dinky!”

Arc sighs. “I do feel bad for leaving them for such a long time.”

“Then DO something about it! You’re the Hero of Light for crying out loud! All that power and authority you have is going to be the end of you!”

“It is?”

“YES! Minerva, Wiseman, the rebels in the Griffon Kingdom, the Little Hooves Orphanage, Sweet Apple Acres and Cherry Hill Ranch! And don’t even get me started on Yakyakistan, the Crystal Empire, Abyssinia and the Council of Lords!”

Cherry pipes up. “I think what Ember is trying to tell you is that you’re trying to either investigate or help everypony at the same time.”

“But they need me to…!”

Ember glares at him. “You’re ONE HUMAN! Do you honestly think you can help them ALL?!”

Arc furrows his brow. “Well, what SHOULD I do then?! Let the world crumble around me?!”

“No! But you need to let others help too! I mean, take your exploits on Earth! The last time we went into battle was the FIRST time you let your squad help! I mean REALLY help!”

“What are you talking about?! They do all kinds of stuff!”

“Yeah! From a safe distance!”

“I’m not going to get them killed!”

“Of course you’re not! They never get to prove themselves!”

Arc turns away from Ember.

“I’m doing my very best here, you know.”

Ember puts a claw on his shoulder. “I know. That’s what has me worried.”


“That you give and give and GIVE! You don’t make time for yourself.”

Cherry sighs. “Or for your family.”

Ember continues. “Derpy and Dinky know you love them. I know they’re really understanding about your schedule, and all. But you once told me you adopted Dinky because she needed a full time father.”

Arc sighs. “I… I know. Believe me, it bothers me more than you can understand. But what can I do about it?”

Cherry giggles. “We’re going back to Ponyville. Spend some time with them for starters. You miss them and they miss you.”

“What about the peace summit?”

Ember frowns. “Rose can handle the organization process herself.”

“But if she needs help…”

Cherry interrupts him. “Then Twilight can help her. She lives for this sort of thing, after all.”

“So what is my role in this again?”

Ember frowns. “To show the delegates that you’re there.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Smile and wave?”

Cherry sighs. “Hopefully, yes.”

Ember looks Arc in the eye as she speaks. “I know that just reminds you of your time as Lord Regent. But those simple acts made all the difference to the commoners.”

“Yes. It gave us somepony to looks up to. All of us could go to sleep knowing someone brave and powerful was sitting on the throne. That we were safe and secure.”

Arc nods. “Protecting Equestria and my loved ones was the only reason I took that job, you know.”

Ember nods. “Yes. And you did it well. But that’s looking at the big picture. What about the individuals?”

“My family. I… I have to go see them.”

Cherry calls out. “Yes, you do. After all, what good is prosperity if you have nopony to share it with?”

The sound of the engines starting can be heard. Ember grins and tugs at Arc’s shoulder.

“Here it comes! Lie on your back! Hurry!”

Arc does as he is told. A few moments later the ship lifts off and flies south. The pair are pushed deeper into the soft bed. Ember sighs contentedly.

“Ahhhh! That feels good!”

Arc gasps. “It felt like I was being picked up by a cloud! How have I never noticed this?!”

Cherry sighs. “Because you were always too busy.”

“But I’ve been in a similar bed aboard the Lunar Destiny when we’ve taken off plenty of times before.”

“Yeah. But back then you were taking every opportunity to rest you could get. As soon as you hit that pillow, you were OUT!”

“I guess you’re right.”

Cherry sighs. “Speaking of which, why don’t you take a nap? Make sure you’re well-rested for when we land.”

“I… suppose I could go for some rest. But I have a few things I’d like to get done first.”

Ember turns to him angrily. “Such… AS?!”

“Call my guys and see how they’re doing. Check in with Sunburst on our research projects. Look at the onboard library to learn a bit more about the cultures we’re going to be interacting with at the…”

Ember sits upright.



“Because you are going to lie there and REST!”



She angrily rolls over on top of him.

“Ember! What are you…?!”

“I am going to lie RIGHT HERE and make sure you don’t get up! Now REST!”

Ember roughly lays her head down on Arc’s chest and mutters indignantly under her breath. Arc sighs and does as he is told. Before long Ember falls asleep. Arc puts his arms around her as the ship makes its way toward Ponyville.

“Thanks Ember. But I don’t think I’m the only one who needs to take some time off.”

A short time later the ship touches down behind Light’s Hope with a small bump. The jostle is just enough to wake the pair up. Ember looks around.

“Wh-what? You better not be trying to get away, Arc.”

“Uh, no. We’re here.”


“Ponyville I would assume.”

Ember sits up quickly and looks out the window. “What?! But we just took off!”

“You dozed off. We both did.”

She blushes as they both stand. “Well… you’re soft!”

“Um… thanks. I think.”

She grabs Arc’s hand. “Come on! Let’s go!”

“Where to?”

“I don’t know! Let’s just go!”

They leave Arc’s quarters together. Rose and Sereb are waiting for them in the corridor.

“Did you rest well?”


“Arc, should I go see mother about upgrading my sensors?”

Arc thinks for a moment before replying. “For now just have her look you over to make sure everything’s okay since your directives were removed. I’ll join you there later.”

Sereb nods. “I am certain Twilight would like that.”

Ember turns to Rose. You probably shouldn’t say anything to her about the peace summit though.

“Why not?”

Arc sighs. “Because Twilight is… easily excited.”

Sereb rolls his eyes. “That is an understatement.”

Ember chuckles. “Yeah. She’d probably have the whole thing planned out by the time we got there. Uh… wait a minute. Why don’t we just do that?”

“Because she’s busy with the whole artificial sun idea with Auriel.”

Rose tilts her head to one side in confusion. “Then why am I going there?”

“Mother/daughter bonding time.”

Sereb looks to Arc. “Truly?”

“Yes. Twilight is Rose’s only family, right? She can go there while I see my own.”

Ember shrugs. “It has been awhile after all.”

“Right. Now let’s get going.”

They disembark the ship. Flash Sentry and Sandstorm Mirage meet them at the base of the gangplank.

“Welcome back, sir.”

“Is everything well on Earth?”

“Um, that’s kinda complicated. How are things here in Ponyville?”

Flash Sentry looks down the path towards town. “Pretty quiet.”

“It’s been business as usual, sir.”

“Good. Now, I’ll need to see the two of you in my office sometime after lunch about our future plans.”

“Is something up, sir?”

Ember shrugs. “Kinda.”

“Let’s just say things might be getting busy here soon. All will be explained later.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc and company turn and head toward town. Flash Sentry and Sandstorm Mirage head back towards the building. Sandstorm Mirage looks hopeful.

“You don’t suppose this has anything to do with Princess Celestia, do you?”

“I hope so. We haven’t heard anything in that regard in so long.”

“You think she’s okay?”

Flash Sentry sighs. “I doubt it. But the commander will figure something out. Of that I’m sure.”

Meanwhile, Arc and his friends head toward Ponyville. They pause in front of the Little Hooves Orphanage as Rose turns to Arc.

“I’ll head to mother’s house now.”

Cherry calls out after her. “Have a nice time, Rose!”

Arc nods. “Yeah. Tell Twilight I’ll see her later.”

“Okay. Bye!”

They part ways. Arc, Ember, and Sereb walk into the building together. Ember looks to Arc.

“So should we go see Derpy first?”

Sereb sniffs the air. “I believe she is busy right now with lunch preparations.”


He looks at his pocket watch.

“It looks like the lunch bell should be ringing in a few minutes anyways. We can catch Dinky as she comes out of her classroom.”

Ember grins. “She’ll like that.”

Sereb sits down. “Yes, she will.”

A short while later the bell rings. The foals and several older looking griffons hurry out the door happily. Dinky, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle are the last ones out. Arc calls out after them


They turns around. Dinky’s eyes light up as she sees her father. Running over to him she jumps into his arms so hard Arc is nearly knocked over. They embrace happily.

“Someone’s getting stronger! I missed you sweetheart!”

Dinky happily nuzzles her father. “And I missed you too, dad!”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle walk over.

“Hi there, Arc!”

“When did you get here?!”

“Not long ago.”

Dinky looks up to him, an expectant look in her eyes. “Are you staying long?”

“I think so, yes.”

Dinky throws her hooves in the air happily. “YAY! Can my friends stay the night then?!”

“That’s up to your mother, sweetheart.”

Sweetie Belle and Apple Blooms turn to each other.

“That’ll be really cool!”

“Sure will! We haven’t done since the time Arc figured out we have powers!”

Arc nods. “Any news on that?”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle look nervously away. Dinky sighs and looks her father in the eye.

“Kronos has been talking to all of us a lot lately.”

Ember frowns. “What about?”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shuffle on their hooves nervously.

“We’re not supposed to tell anypony.”

“Not even you, sir.”

Arc sighs. “I don’t think I like where this is going. Kronos isn’t hurting you, are they?!”

Dinky shakes her head. “No dad. But what we’re doing is important. Please just trust me on this.”

“Okay, Dinky. But if he, she, or it ever says or does anything that makes you feel uncomfortable you tell me, okay?”

Arc turns to the other two fillies.

“That goes for you two as well.”


“We will!”

Sereb looks to them. “Arc is simply worried about you.”

Ember nods as she folds her arms over her chest. “As am I!”

Arc sets Dinky down. “Right. Now why don’t we have some lunch together?”

Dinky leads everyone toward the Cafeteria. “Sure! But we’ve been helping mom serve lunch since you left.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Then when do you three eat?”

Apple Bloom giggles. “After everypony goes outside for recess.”

Arc looks surprised. “But doesn’t that stop you from spending time with the others?”

Sweetie Belle shakes her head. “Nah. We’re pretty good at getting things done quickly these days.”

Sereb looks to Dinky. “How so? Magic of some kind?”

“Yeah! The magic of teamwork!”

Arc laughs. “I’m sure you do fine!”

They enter the Cafeteria together. The other students are lined up at the lunch buffet filling their trays with food. Derpy flies out of the Kitchen with a pot in her hooves. Dinky and her friends run over to help her.

“Mom! Dad’s back!”

“He is?”

Apple Bloom nods happily. “Yes, Miss Derpy! He’s right over there!”

Derpy looks over to see Arc, Ember and Sereb walking toward them. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom take the pot from her as she runs over to Arc. He stoops down to give her a hug. She throws her hooves around his neck.

“Arc! Welcome back! We’ve missed you so much!”

“And I’ve missed both of you as well.”

Derpy gestures to the buffet. “Are you three hungry? There’s plenty for everypony!”

Ember nods. “A bit, yes.”

Sereb looks around. “Perhaps we could help you serve the little ones before joining you for a meal, Miss Derpy.”

Arc lets go of Derpy. “Sereb’s right. If we all pitch in, it’ll go pretty quick.”

“Okay, let’s do it!”

Dinky runs behind the buffet with her friends. “Yay!”

A short time later the school foals hurry outside to play. They leave Arc and company to clean up the Cafeteria. Ember loads plates of food for each of them.

“I’ll get us some grub before we throw the rest out.”

Arc looks around the room. “Thanks Ember. You know, this really isn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”

Dinky looks over as she pushes a cart of dirty dishes toward the Kitchen. “It didn’t start out like this.”

Apple Bloom loads the leftover food onto another cart. “Yeah. The first day this place was a mess!”

Sereb turns to her. “Disorganized?”

Sweetie Belle looks over as she wipes down a table with a soapy cloth. “Kinda. The real problem was that nopony really knew how much work it was to pull off meals of this size!”

Derpy sighs. “I had to work extra hard to clean this place up. Miss Pommel found me still cleaning after the school day was over.”

Dinky grimaces. “She wasn’t too happy about it.”

Apple Bloom nods. “Right. The next day when the same thing happened, she made everypony come back inside from recess to help clean the place up!”

Dinky points a hoof to her cart. “Now everypony takes their empty trays to this cart and stacks them up.”

Derpy walks over to Dinky and helps her push the cart over the threshold and into the Kitchen.

“Loading them into the dishwasher is much easier now.”

Ember follows them with another cart. “That’s good to hear.”

Dinky turns back as she and her mother begin loading the dishwasher together. “It really wasn’t their fault. I mean… you saw how things were at the New Beginnings Orphanage, dad.”

Arc nods as he dumps uneaten food in the trash. “Yeah. I don’t think they ever had such a thing as leftovers there.”

Derpy turns back to Arc with Dinky. “Well, all we have to do now is wipe down the tables.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle run into the Kitchen.

“We already did that!”

“The Cafeteria is now officially clean!”

“Well done everypony. Dinky, why don’t you and your friends go outside and play now?”

Dinky turns to her mother. “Oh, that reminds me! Can Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle spend the night?!”

Arc shrugs as Derpy looks over to him. “I told them to ask you. It is your house, after all.”

“It’s fine with me, sweetie. They’ll have to ask their families though.”

Arc chuckles. “Ember and I are heading into town in a bit. Should I talk to Rarity and Applejack?”

Dinky grins. “That would be great, dad! Thanks.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders run out the door together and join the others in a game of tag. Arc and Derpy look out the window together.

“She’s growing up so fast.”

“That she is. Sorry for being absent for so long.”

Derpy sighs as they head back to the Kitchen. “It’s okay, Arc. Dinky and I understand the responsibility you have.”

Arc frowns as they sit down together. “It’s no excuse. You shouldn’t have to raise Dinky alone, my friend.”

Derpy puts a hoof on Arc’s shoulder. “Arc, while I appreciate your feelings on this matter, the fate of the nation is much more important than us.”

Arc shakes his head as Ember and Sereb begin to eat. “I don’t see any difference.”

Sereb nods. “While I admit Miss Derpy and Miss Dinky are very important, the fate of the world may very well be in the balance.”

Ember shrugs. “True. But they ARE Arc’s world, after all.”


Derpy smiles up at him. “And you’re ours. But please, for our sake, do your best to stay focused on the task at hoof.”

“I’ll try. But fortunately I’m going to be in town for a bit.”

Ember turns to Derpy. “Arc’s supposed to lead a peace summit sometime soon.”

Derpy gasps. “Oh my! In Ponyville?!”

Sereb nods. “At his base.”

“Yes. The princesses and I are hoping to improve Equestria’s relations with the rest of the world.”

“A noble goal. But why aren’t they holding the summit in the castle?”

Ember sighs. “The other guests were against it.”

“Other guests?”

Sereb chuckles. “Ember will be representing the Dragon Lands in this affair.”

“How about you, Sereb? Will you represent the Forsaken Tribe?”

“With your permission, I’d like to accompany the Matriarch during the summit, Arc.

“That’s fine. As the Warchief, you probably should be with her.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

Ember turns to Sereb. “I’m sure you’re excited to see your mother again.”

Sereb sighs. “Not… particularly, no.”

“Oh? Not too close?”

“My brother Kane was always the favored pup. He received all the attention and accolades. I was the one watching enviously.”

Derpy frowns. “I do wish I had a better relationship with my family.”

“Miss Derpy?”

“My mother died giving birth to me. And my father… wasn’t exactly kind and nurturing.”

“Isn’t that better than being ignored?”

Arc slams a fist on the table. “No!”

Everyone stops eating and looks at him, confused. Derpy puts a hoof on Arc’s hand.

“You don’t need to react like that, Arc. I’ve been able to move past it. Mostly thanks to you and our friendship.”

Arc frowns. “For the longest time I’ve wanted to visit Trottingham.”

Ember looks surprised. “Really? Why?”

“So I can punch everyone who lives there in the nose! Especially the pompous oaf who lives in the biggest house in town!”

Derpy shakes her head. “Please don’t. Like I said, I’ve moved on.”

“Someday I’ll probably go there for something or other. But if that’s what you want, Derpy, I won’t intentionally cause any trouble.”

Derpy smiles happily at him. “Thank you, Arc. I knew you’d understand.”

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