• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Two Truths

Derpy and the others walk through the forest together. Rose points to a spot some distance ahead.

“There’s Stableton.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “It really IS here!”

Fluttershy raises an eyebrow. “Why is that so surprising?”

“I dunno. Maybe just the fact that a whole TOWN is here without anypony knowing about it.”

Derpy sighs. “Nopony lives out here anymore.”

Rarity shudders. “Other than Tempest?”

Applejack frowns. “I sure hope that’s true. Can you imagine having her for a neighbor?”

Pinkie grins. “Yeah! I’d bring her a pie!”

Rarity turns to Derpy. “Do we know which house is hers?”

“It was this way I think. Rose?”

“Yes. Follow me.”

Leading the way, Rose walks down the overgrown streets. Eventually they come to a moderately kept up house. Derpy nods soberly.

“That’s the one.”

Applejack turns to the others. “So… do we just… knock?”

Derpy shrugs. “Last time Tempest kinda found us, so I don’t really know how we should…”

The door opens and Sereb walks out. Turning to them, he smiles.

“I thought I heard something out here.”

Rose gasps. “Sereb?”

“Tis I.”

Rarity appears hopeful. “Are they…?!”

“Just fine. This way.”

Turning, he walks back into the house. Entering, they see Tempest dozing on the couch. She straightens up as they enter.

“What are you…?!”

Sereb growls. “These are the families of the fillies.”

Tempest looks at Derpy. “Now I remember you. Dinky’s mother.”

“Is she okay?!”

Tempest turns to Sereb. “Show them to the bedroom.”

Sereb motions with a wave of his paw. Walking to a door, he pushes it open with his magic and steps aside. Inside they find Dinky, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle asleep on a large bed. Hearing the floorboards creak, two of them slowly open their eyes and sit up.

“Sweetie Belle! Are you alright?!”

“I’m fine, mom.”

“How about you, Apple Bloom?!”

Apple Bloom yawns. “Just really tired.”

She puts a hoof on Dinky’s back as Derpy approaches.

“Is she… okay?”

Sereb nods. “Yes. Just very tired.”

Rainbow Dash turns to the others. “We should get them to a doctor as soon as possible!”

Fluttershy nods. “Yes. They’ve had quite a journey.”

Tempest enters the room with Arc’s helmet under her fetlock and clears her throat. Rose turns to her.


“I think this belongs to you.”

She holds out the helmet. Derpy takes it and looks it over.

“Cherry? Can you hear me?”

“Yes, I’m here. And you don’t need to worry about the fillies. Tempest took very good care of them.”

Rarity appears relieved. “Thank you very much. I hope Sweetie Belle wasn’t too much trouble.”

“They weren’t any trouble at all.”

Applejack grins. “Well, thanks just the same.”

“My scanners show all of them to be in perfect health, if just a bit fatigued.”

Rainbow Dash turns to Rose. “Anything we can do for them?”

“I recommend a nice long rest in a warm bed.”

Tempest rolls her eyes. “Yeah. That’s what I said when we got back here twenty minutes ago.”

Sereb nods. “Dinky had to be carried.”

Derpy looks to Tempest. “We appreciate the help. Now we should probably be going.”

“Back to Ponyville?”

Applejack nods. “Yup. They have beds waiting for them there.”

“I can help you with that.”

Pinkie grins at Tempest. “Do you have a hot air balloon, or something?!”

“No. But I can open a portal back to Arc’s base for you.”

Derpy smiles. “That would be very helpful, yes.”

Tempest nods and calls forth Light’s Bane. Opening a dark portal, the others step back instinctively. Fluttershy hides behind her tail.

“Wha… what is THAT?!”

Tempest rolls her eyes. “Just a portal. Step through and it’ll take you back home.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “We should probably take it. After all, it is a long walk.”

Rarity nods as she looks to Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. “That and these fillies have been through a lot.”

“Dinky more than us.”


Sereb turns to the others. “The portal is quite stable. We’ve taken a couple of them since starting this journey.”

Rose looks the swirling energies over. “I can confirm that.”

Derpy smiles as she picks Dinky up and lays her in Sereb’s saddle. “Let’s go.”

They walk though one at a time. Derpy stops and looks to Tempest for a long moment before wordlessly putting her hooves around the mare’s neck.

“Thank you for taking such good care of my baby.”

Tempest grimaces. “No… problem.”

Stepping back, Derpy walks through the portal and vanishes. Tempest snorts and closes it as she muses to herself.

“Hugs. Ugh.”

Turning back toward the bed, she puts a hoof on the quilt.

“It was… nice to have company, I suppose.”

Meanwhile, Derpy steps out of the portal and looks around. Light’s Hope stands before them. Sereb heads for the front door and pounds on it. Rose appears confused.

“What are you doing?”

“There are plenty of beds here. That and I don’t think any of us have the strength to walk to town right now.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “I could, but… let’s just stay here.”

Applejack sighs. “If we can, that is.”

Rarity appears confused. “But there’s nopony here anymore. Who would…?”

The door opens and Max steps outside. Seeing the disheveled manes of the mares before him he quickly steps aside.

“Come in, everypony!”

Turning his head, he calls out.


Viktor, Hugh, and Xenos run down the corridor toward them. Spotting their guests, they hurry to help them. Picking up Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, they walk down the corridor. Viktor motions ahead.

“This way.”

Xenos nods soberly. “We’ll take you to the barracks.”

Hugh sighs. “It may not be much, but it’s safe and the sheets are clean.”

Rose looks to Derpy. “Why don’t you take Dinky to Arc’s room? I’m sure she’d be happy to wake up there.”

Max turns and nods. “Right. We all know the commander wouldn’t mind.”

Derpy nods. “Thank you. That does sound good.”

Entering Arc’s quarters with Max and Rose, Sereb heads for the bedroom with Derpy. Carefully laying the unconscious filly in the bed he helps Derpy in next to her and heads for the door.

“I’ll be in the Living Room. Call if you need anything.”

Turning to walk slowly back to close the door he sees that the pair have already fallen asleep in each other’s fetlocks. Smiling, he quietly closes the door behind him. Meanwhile, Xenos and Viktor carry the other two fillies into the barracks as Hugh holds the door open for them.

“Take any bunks you want.”

“They’re all about the same.”

“Right. But they do the job.”

Laying the two fillies together in a bunk, they step back and head for the door together.

“We’ll let you all rest now.”

“Pleasant dreams.”

The others flop down on bunks and are soon asleep. Heading for Arc’s room they spot Max and Rose leaving it. Viktor is the first to speak.

“How are they?”

“Sereb says they passed out as soon as their heads hit the pillow.”

Viktor turns to Xenos. “What do you suppose happened?”

“No idea. But at least they didn’t appear hurt.”

Rose nods. “Most likely the culmination of a long journey and what transpired on it. As far as Dinky is concerned, that is.”

Max raises an eyebrow. “Where were they?”

“We caught up to them at Tempest’s house. What happened before that point is unknown at present.”

Xenos stomps the floor angrily. “Tempest?!”

Hugh gasps. “They must’ve been desperate to go to her for help!”

Max puts a hoof to his chin thoughtfully. “Maybe. Or perhaps she was the only one that could help them.”

Viktor sighs. “We’ll ask when they wake up.”

Rose looks to Max. “Perhaps we should prepare a meal for them. It would appear none of them have been eating properly.”

“Good idea.”

Xenos grins. “To the kitchen!”

They walk down the corridor together as Rose looks to the door and sighs.

“Whatever happened, Dinky… I hope it was worth it.”

She turns and follows Arc’s squad. As the sun reaches its noonday position Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle awaken. Sitting up, they look around.

“Where… are we?”

“No idea. But there’s Rarity!”

“And Applejack!”

They get up and run over to their respective family members.


“Ugh… Sweetie Belle? What are you doing up? Go back to bed.”

Apple Bloom giggles. “Can’t stay in bed all day, Applejack!”

“Wha… Apple Bloom!”

She jumps out of the bed.

“Are you okay?! Tempest didn’t hurt you, did she?!”

“I’m fine.”

The others sit up. Rainbow Dash grabs her pillow and covers her head with it.

“Can everypony please keep it down? I need my awesome-sleep.”

Fluttershy sits up and looks them over. “Both of you seem okay. Are you?”

Sweetie Belle nods. “Yes. Everything’s fine. I think anyways.”

Pinkie grins. “Maybe all they need is a good meal!”

Apple Bloom puts a hoof on her belly. “That does sound good.”

“But first we should get cleaned up.”

Rainbow Dash points a hoof. “There’s a locker room and showers over here.”

Applejacks grins. “That does sound nice. Come on, Apple Bloom. I’ll wash your back if you wash mine.”


“This way, Sweetie Belle.”

“Aw… but the water makes me feel funny.”

Everyone heads for the showers. Rainbow Dash is the first to speak.

“This feels good!”

Applejack nods as she rinses her sister’s mane. “I know, right. Usually I’m not much for this sort of thing.”

Pinkie grins as she looks to the others as she sports a shower cap and floaties. “But we all REALLY needed it!”

Fluttershy giggles. “Yes, we did.”

Rarity calls over from lathering up Sweetie Belle. “You know, this reminds me of when we used to have spa days.”

Applejack chuckles. “We haven’t had one of those in a while.”

Pinkie grins. “That was fun! Except for the time I dropped a cake into the tub!”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “Well, we were the ones telling you to slow down!”

Fluttershy sighs. “Now, now. It’s in the past.”

Apple Bloom trots in place with Sweetie Belle. “Can we hurry up, please?”

“Yeah. I want to check on Dinky.”

Applejack smiles. “Rose scanned her and said she’s going to be fine.”

Rarity nods. “Right. She’s just a bit tired. Derpy’s with her though.”

Pinkie runs over to Applejack with a bottle of shampoo. “Let me help!”

She pours shampoo in her friend’s mane and begins rubbing it in.

“You sure are grubby!”

Applejack sighs. “I guess. Say, somepony get to work on Pinkie’s mane. I think there might be some sticks in there.”

Fluttershy giggles. “Let me take a look.”

She walks over and begins lathering up the curly mane.

“This’ll take quite some time to fix. But I’ll do my best.”

Rarity giggles. “And while you’re doing that, I’ll tend to your mane, Fluttershy.”


Rainbow Dash flies over. “And I’ll wash yours, Rarity.”

Pinkie laughs. “Shampoo train! But what about you, Rainbow Dash?!”

“Apple Bloom and I will take care of it!”

“Yeah! We’re already cleaned up!”

They get to work pulling the mud, sticks, and thistles from each other’s manes. Soon everyone is covered in a thick coating of suds. Looking at each other they giggle loudly. Turning to hear the sound of hoofsteps approaching, Sweetie Belle turns and points.

“Hello, Mister Xenos! Are you here for a shower too?!”

Xenos blushes heavily at the scene before him. “I… uh…”

Apple Bloom grins. “We can all pitch in to help you!”

Xenos quickly sits down on his haunches and places his hooves in front of his… you know… “No, no! I just… came to wake you all for… lunch, I guess.”

Applejack looks over her shoulder as her wet mane and soap runs down her back. “We’re going to be awhile yet. I hope that’s okay.”

“It’s fine! Um… please come to the cafeteria when you’re… done!”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head to remove the mane from her eyes. “We’ll get done as fast as we can! I’m hungry!”

“N-no rush! It still needs to cook! I-I’ll let you get back to… um… getting cleaned up now!”

Turning awkwardly on his haunches, Xenos stands and quickly runs out of the room. Apple Bloom turns to her sister.

“What’s wrong with him?”

“We’ll explain it when you’re older.”

Sweetie Belle turns to her mother. “Does it have something to do with us being in here?”

“Kinda. You see… um… a stallion sometimes gets a bit… warm when seeing mares doing things like this.”

Rainbow Dash grins slyly. “Yeah! Especially if they don’t get with a mare for a long time!”

Fluttershy sighs. “They’re all alone out here, so I doubt they have.”

Apple Bloom appears confused. “What does that have to do with it?”

Applejack bows her head. “Well, since everypony else just started trying to explain it… he was getting aroused.”

“Oh! I get it now!”

Sweetie Belle nods. “Me too! It’s like when Rarity goes to her room at night and starts moaning while calling our Arc’s name!”

Rarity gasps and turns beet red. “SWEETIE BELLE!!!”

“What? Is that not normal?”

Rainbow Dash falls over laughing. “Didn’t know you had it in you, Rarity!”

Pinkie grins. “Well, you stand kinda funny when Arc’s name comes up in conversation and shift your flank a lot!”

Rainbow Dash grins mischievously. “Yeah, I do. But you all know why.”

Apple Bloom looks up at her sister. “What’s she mean, Applejack?”

“We all wanted Arc to… um…”

She sighs.

“…breed us.”

Sweetie Belle looks to Rarity. “Is that true?”

Rarity nods. “Yes, it is.”

Apple Bloom appears confused. “But why?”

Pinkie giggles. “Because we all love him, silly!”

“I don’t understand.”

Fluttershy steps forward. “Well, you and your friends said that it’d be nice if Arc was your father, right?”

Sweetie Belle nods. “Yes. But what does that have to do with breeding?”

Applejack smiles sheepishly. “We wanted that too, yes. But in addition… fillies of our own.”

Apple Bloom gasps. “You wanted to be a mother, Applejack?”

“I did, yes.”

Rarity smiles. “When you find somepony to spend your life with, all you can think about is being with them.”

Fluttershy blushes happily. “Yes. And doing… certain things.”

Rainbow Dash takes several steps awkwardly toward the two fillies. “You want to get closer and closer, until you touch. Then you want to get even closer!”

Sweetie Belle frowns. “How can you get closer than touching?”

Pinkie giggles wickedly. “They go INSIDE you!”

Rarity frowns. “PINKIE!”

“What?! That’s what happens!”

Applejack rolls her eyes. “She’s right. We all wanted him inside us. I’m sorry if this comes as a shock to you two. But we’ve all talked it over, and really wanted that.”

Rarity nods. “Indeed. I hope you’re not too upset.”

Sweetie Belle appears confused. “Upset? No way!”

Apple Bloom giggles. “Yeah! We’d love it if Arc gave you all foals!”

“We’d all be one big happy family!”

“And we want you to be happy too!”

Xenos listens from around the corner. Slowly walking out the door he sits down on the cool corridor floor to… calm himself down.

“The commander really did have quite the harem forming! I knew he was popular, but this…!”

He sighs and looks down between his legs.

“I better stay sitting a bit before I head back to join the others. They’re never going to believe this though.”

Sometime later everyone finishes showering and brushes their manes. Heading down the corridor they sniff the air. Fluttershy turns to Rainbow Dash.

“What is that?”

Rainbow Dash drools. “It smells like pizza!”

Applejack chuckles. “Let’s go find out.”

Heading for the cafeteria, they find Derpy and Dinky sitting at a table together. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom run over to them.

“Are you okay, Dinky?!”

“You’re not hurt, are you?!”

Dinky shakes her head sadly. “I’m okay. But I… um…”

Derpy puts a hoof on her shoulder. “Please, sweetheart. Let’s get some food in your little belly before you tell everypony the news.”

“Okay, mom.”

The squad emerges from the kitchen each carrying a pizza. They set them down on the buffet before putting various slices on plates and setting them before the mares.

“Everypony eat up.”

“Just be careful. They’re still pretty hot.”

“Yeah. We’ll get some drinks for you all directly.”

“I hope water’s okay. We don’t actually have anything else right now.”

Derpy smiles at them. “That’s fine.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Hey, this is pretty good! Did you guys make this?!”

Max nods. “Yes. It’s the commander’s recipe.”

Dinky smiles. “I thought it tasted familiar.”

Pinkie gasps. “His secret recipe?!”

Hugh shakes his head and looks toward the kitchen. “Not exactly secret anymore. He wrote it down so Saffron could make it once a week.”

Rarity grins. “It really is quite tasty.”

Apple Bloom munches away happily. “I love the olives!”

Sweetie Belle sighs contentedly. “It’s like a hot salad!”

The squad heads for the kitchen. Returning with Rose, they begin pouring glasses of water for everyone as Max turns to Dinky.

“So how did it go?”

Viktor looks over the group. “Everypony looks to be okay.”

“We’re fine, I guess. But my dad isn’t.”

Xenos bows his head. “Yes. All of us were very sad to hear about his…”

Dinky shakes her head fervently. “You don’t understand! He’s alive!”

Rose sighs. “Dinky… we all miss him, but…”

“I saw what happened!”

Rarity gasps. “What?!”

Rainbow Dash jumps up. “How?!”

Apple Bloom looks away sheepishly. “We went to the Nightborn Citadel and…”

Hugh’s eyes grow wide. “Woah, woah, WOAH! You went WHERE?!”

Sweetie Belle nods. “Tempest convinced them to let us in.”

Viktor gasps. “She did?! Why?!”

Sereb pipes up. “Because she also wanted to know the truth. It was a long and arduous journey, but we were successful in our mission.”

Dinky nods. “Right! They let us use an ancient artifact known as the All-Seeing Eye. After we took it to the Castle of the Two Sisters I was able to see into the past.”

“What did you see, sweetie?”

Dinky grits her teeth angrily. “I saw Princess Celestia STAB my dad from behind!”

Fluttershy is clearly frightened by this. “She did WHAT?!”

“Then she blasted him out the window! All in cold blood!”

Applejack frowns. “This is pretty serious, Dinky. Are you saying she murdered him?”

Dinky shakes her head. “No. My dad survived.”

Sereb appears hopeful. “How?!”

“He floated downstream on a log. After he reached a quiet riverbank he stopped there.”

Pinkie gasps “Was he hurt bad?!”

“It looked like it, yes. Some Timberwolves attacked him and hurt him even worse though.”

Rainbow Dash shudders. “How did he get away?!”

“He didn’t. Somepony is a dark cloak ran up and shot the wolves with a crossbow.”

Rarity looks relieved. “Did they help him?!”

“I think so. They dragged him away somewhere. The next vision was of him in a hospital before I saw him on some kind of homestead with what looked a robed foal.”

Rose raises an eyebrow. “Was he still injured?”

“It didn’t look like it, no.”

Sereb growls. “We need to find him right away!”

Dinky shakes her head. “In all honesty, I don’t think we do.”

Apple Bloom gasps. “What?! But why not?!”

Max nods. “Because if he’s staying there he has a good reason.”

Xenos grins. “The commander always has a plan.”

Viktor turns to Hugh. “What could it be though?”

“Maybe he’s biding his time. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike back at Princess Celestia.”

Rose appears confused. “Um… isn’t that a bad thing?”

Sereb growls. “Is he not still the Hero of Light?”

Derpy nods with conviction. “Yes, he is.”

Rarity frowns. “That means he’s the only one who can legally assault a princess.”

Rainbow Dash smacks her hooves together. “And it sounds like she NEEDS to be assaulted!”

Fluttershy draws back at this outburst. “Calm yourself, Rainbow Dash. That kind of talk will only make trouble.”

“Yeah! For HER!”

Sweetie Belle sighs. “We need to have faith in Arc’s plan.”

Apple Bloom shrugs. “Whatever it is.”

Max nods and turns to Xenos. “Yes. But somepony should notify Princess Luna.”

Xenos frowns. “Won’t she just tell her sister?”

Hugh shakes his head. “I don’t think so. That and she may need to retake the throne if and when the commander takes Princess Celestia down.”

Viktor grimaces. “She is next in line, after all.”

Derpy looks to the others. “Why don’t we finish eating and see about catching the afternoon train to Canterlot?”


“Yes, Dinky?”

“We can teleport, remember?”

“Oh… right.”

Sereb grins. “There’s also the gauntlet.”

Sweetie Belle nods. “That may be more prudent.”

Rarity appears hopeful. “Can I… see it please?”

Sereb looks to Dinky. She nods. Opening his saddlebags, the wolf removes the bundle and sets it on the table. Dinky unwraps it and picks up the gauntlet.

“Here you go.”

Rarity takes it in her hooves and looks it over. Smiling, she rubs her face with it and sighs contentedly.

“It’s not the same as his real fingers. But this is indeed a close second.”

Max sighs and motions for the others to follow him back to the kitchen. Entering, they turn to him.

“What’s up?”

“Yeah. Things were just getting good.”

Max frowns. “They need some time to talk amongst themselves.”

“You sure that’s not the only reason?”

“What do you mean?”

Xenos smiles. “We can tell you’re still thinking of Miss Shelly.”


Hugh grins. “You talk in your sleep.”

Max sighs and bows his head. “You’re right. Every night my she comes to me as I dream.”

“But she’s back on Earth.”

“And there’s no way back. Not since the commander ordered the S.P.E.A.R. destroyed.”

“I know that. But I just can’t give up the idea that maybe someday her and I will be able to see one another again.”

Hugh sighs. “But you told us she didn’t want anything to do with you ever again.”


“Then why…?”

Max sighs happily. “When you love somepony… you… you just can’t accept that. Ever.”

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