• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 13 - Ball-a-Rollin'

Sometime later, Arc and company hurry through the portal and into Arc’s basement. Shivering, Ember is the first to speak.

“If anyone needs me I’ll be in the shower!”

Max raises an eyebrow. “But I thought you took one this morning.”

Ember calls out from the stairs. “This one’s just to warm me up!”

The squad chuckles as she hurries upstairs. Arc clears his throat to get their attention as he pulls the box from his ring.

“I hope you four are enjoying playing with fire.”

Xenos appears confused. “Sir?”

“Ember could probably kick all of your butts if she really wanted to.”

Hugh grins. “Maybe. But if we all worked together...”

Viktor interrupts him. “Let’s not test that theory, shall we?”

Arc grins as he opens the box and pulls out Rose. “Smart.”

Max looks over. “Rose looks just like a little doll!”

Xenos nods. “Yeah she does!”

Hugh smirks. “Can I hold her?!”

Viktor grins. “I don’t think she’d mind.”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Rose is a person. Not a toy.”

Xenos raises an eyebrow. “Person, sir.”

Arc looks to him and narrows his eyes. “Yes. Do you have a problem with that?”

Xenos looks away nervously. “No sir!”


Carefully laying the miniature android on the table, Arc casts the Matter Compacting counter spell to return Rose to her normal size. Pressing the mole under her eye he waits for her to start up again. Doing so, she sits up and looks around.

“Hello again, everyone. Can I assume everything went well after I shut down?”

Arc nods. “Yup. I just floated back to the campsite and met up with the others.”

“Where is Ember then?”

Max jerks a thumb toward the stairs. “In the shower warming up.”

“Ah! That’s to be expected.”

Xenos appears confused. “Oh?”

“After all, she was outside all day with you four.”

Hugh shrugs. “We built a fire for her though.”

Viktor shudders. “That can only keep one so warm though.”

Arc turns to Rose. “In any case, you ready to head back to Canterlot?”

Rose nods. “I am, yes.”

Arc pulls the Rainbow of Light from his ring. “Alright. Let’s get...”

Max speaks up. “Um... sir?”

“Yes, Max?”

“When you have time, do you think I could talk to you about something... personal?”

“Sure. Just let me get Rose back to Canterlot Castle so she can transfer the drawings to Auriel and her mother.”

Opening a portal, Arc and Rose step through together. Appearing back in his room in the castle, Arc leads Rose out the door and down the hall. Turning to her, he smiles.

“Thanks for all your help, Rose.”

“You’re welcome. I enjoyed watching out for you.”

“I know you don’t have to do anything I ask of you anymore. But at the same time, that makes it even more special.”


“You help out willingly.”

“It’s what I want to do.”

Arc chuckles. “You’re certainly Twilight’s daughter.”

“Mother hasn’t had much time for me lately. But I do understand why though. Ruling a country isn’t exactly what I’d call easy.”

“You should go see her though.”

“Oh, but I wouldn’t want to get in the way.”

“I’m sure she misses you, Rose.”

“Well... to be completely honest with you, I haven’t exactly been the best daughter to her lately.”


“My work in the Crystal Empire kept me from even writing to her for over two weeks.”

“Believe me when I say that Twilight doesn’t hold that against you, Rose.”

“At this point she might want to.”

Arc turns to her. “Listen, Rose. You told me a few moments ago that you didn’t hold Twilight’s lack of time for you against her. But by the same token you also need to know that she understands your lack of contact as well.”

“Are you sure?”

“Completely. Look, why don’t you go to lunch with her? Audiences will be ending soon and I know she uses that time to give herself a bit of a break.”

“But I’d be interrupting that break then!”

“And she’d love that.”

Rose sighs. “Very well. But only if you’re completely sure.”

“I am.”

Rose looks to Auriel’s door as they arrive at their destination. “Just let me turn over this data and I’ll head over there.”


Knocking lightly, Auriel answers. She smiles as they come into view.

“Please, come in.”

The pair do so as Auriel turns to them.

“Did everything go alright?”

Arc nods. “Yup. Rose and I got in and out without any major incidents.”

Rose shudders. “Other than bumping into Stingray, that is.”

Maria calls out from the table. “Stingray?”

“She’s Hammer and Mio’s sister, mother.”


Arc groans. “Not the one we wanted to see at that time though.”

Auriel grins. “How did you deal with her?”

“I was in my Crimson form at the time, so I just showed her how much I outclassed her in terms of raw strength.”

Rose nods. “It worked, as she didn’t call for security, or anything.”

Maria clears her throat loudly. “While I am glad that both of you are unharmed, I must ask if you were able to get what I needed.”

Rose points to her head. “Everything is right here.”

Auriel puts a hand to her chin thoughtfully. “Wonderful! Now we just have to think of a way to get it out!”

Arc shrugs. “Rose could just go see Hard Hat. I’m sure he has blueprint, uh... printers, I suppose.”

Maria looks to the young woman. “Please do so. We need to get to work at once.”

Rose nods. “Yes ma’am.”

Leaving, Maria turns to Auriel.

“Do you think you and Mio could handle construction of the machine?”

“Yes, mother. And you’ll be working on the formula to use in it?”

Maria sighs. “That’s the tricky part. I’ll need to consult those blueprints myself to see what exactly happens to the potion after insertion.”

Arc steps forward. “Anything I can do to help with that?”

Maria shakes her head. “I don’t think so, no.”

Auriel nods. “You’ve already done more than enough, Arc. However we’ll take it from here.”

“Thank you. But please let me know if you two need anything.”

He turns to Auriel and looks her in the eye before continuing.

“I’m counting on you.”

Nodding, Auriel puts a hand on his cheek and smiles.

“And I promise that I’ll do my best, Arc.”

Leaning forward, she gives Arc a quick kiss on the cheek as the pair embrace. Giving her hand a quick squeeze, Arc turns and nods respectfully to Auriel’s mother before leaving the room. Maria sighs.


“Yes, mother?”

“May I ask you something?”


“What do you see in Arc?”



“He’s very caring. Strong, brave, smart, and... um... and...”

“Good looking?”

Auriel puts a hand to her belly. “I was just thinking how to say that without making my hormones go crazy.”

“Not sure if I agree with what you’re doing or not though.”

“Dating Arc?”

“No. Your whole ‘herd’ idea.”

“We’re all very happy together though, mother!”

Maria smiles. “That’s the only reason I’m not trying to come between you, my dear. Believe me when I say that I just want what’s best for you.”

“And I appreciate that. At first I thought you were going to point out that he’s a human and I’m a demon.”

Maria smiles. “That’s the last thing on my mind, dear. In truth, when you were born I was afraid that others would want to hurt you.”

“The demons?”

“You’re not like them, Auriel.”

“But neither are you, mother.”

“True. However you have to understand it from my point of view.”


Maria sighs. “I had wanted to return to Earth in order to be safe among my own kind. But you... you wouldn’t have been accepted there or in Tartarus. And that... bothered me.”

“And that’s why you wanted to turn yourself into a demon?”

“Yes. The technology would have been perfected on me and then used on you as well. Then me, you, and your father could have spent the rest of our days together happily.”

“But I’m happy being the way I am!”

Maria puts her hands on Auriel’s shoulders as she speaks. “I understand that. Which is why I wanted to be the one to say this to you.”

“Say what?”

“That this machine you’re going to build will be able to, in theory, turn you into a full-blooded demon.”

“Thank you, but I don’t think I want that.”

“Because of Arc?”

Auriel shakes her head. “No, mother. He’d love me no matter how I look. However I am very interested in this technology.”

“What for?”

“Because it may hold the key to helping Arc and the mares have children together one day.”

“That would take more work than you can imagine.”

Auriel grins as a knock rings out from their door. “Then we’d better get started.”

Meanwhile, Arc walks down the hallway absentmindedly. As he does so a voice rings out ahead of him.

“Hey there handsome!”

Looking up, Arc spies Hammer and Mio walking toward him. Smiling, he approaches them.

“I was just coming to see you two.”

“Mission go alright?”

Arc nods. “Like clockwork. Rose is printing up the plans and will run them over to Auriel and her mother so they can get started.”

Mio smiles. “I should probably head over there to join them then.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Uh... aren’t you forgetting something, Mio?”

“What’s that?”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest. “You have to ask your commanding officer for permission first.”

Mio frowns. “Seriously, Hammer?”

“I’m just messing with you, Mio! Go lend a hand, but don’t forget about proper meal breaks!”

“I’ll try not to.”

Mio walks away as Hammer turns to Arc.

“Hey, uh... can I talk to you about something?”

“Sure. What’s on your mind?”

“It’s about cupcake.”

“Rainbow Dash?”

Hammer nods. “Remember, I told you I’d help plan a date for you two if you confessed your true identity to Mio. You held up your end of the bargain and I’m working on mine.”

“Truth be told I had kinda forgotten about that.”

“Well I didn’t.”

“Kinda surprised Rainbow Dash herself hasn’t been asking about it.”

Hammer grins nervously. “I never actually told her about it.”

“You mean...?”

“Yup. It’s going to be a surprise.”

Arc frowns. “Not sure if that’s really such a good idea. Keeping something like that from her, I mean.”

“I kinda thought that too, so I ran it by Princess Twilight.”

“Good. She knows Rainbow Dash better than I do. What did she say?”

“That the surprise date was actually a good idea.”

“Oh? Why’s that?”

“She said that if Rainbow Dash knew about it too far in advance she’d start acting kinda weird.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Weird?”

“So apparently this has happened in the past where Rainbow Dash is waiting for something big to happen. She goes over it in her head too much and start to worry about messing up.”

“Can you give me an example?”

“Exactly what I said to Twilight. She told me that one time when cupcake was going to be competing in some kind of flyer competition. She got herself so psyched up thinking about it while waiting to go on that she was literally lying on the floor shaking.”


Hammer nods. “That’s what I’m told.”

“Never would have guessed it. Maybe you’re on to something with the whole surprise date idea, Hammer.”

“I’ll keep thinking about it and researching places you two could go. However with all the work I have going it’s going to be awhile.”

“That’s fine.”

“No, really. It’s looking like this ain’t happening until after Hearth’s Warming.”

“After what?”

“It’s Equestria’s version of Christmas.”

“Oh... right.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “How did you now know THAT?!”

“Sorry. I just... don’t actually know much about holidays here. Always off doing something somewhere. That and the past two years I’ve gone back to Earth to celebrate it with Shelly and Lily.”

“How’s she doing?”

Arc sighs. “Not the greatest. Lily told me last time I visited that the doctors still don’t believe she’s going to make it to Christmas.”

“I’m... sorry to hear that, Arc. But they might be wrong, you know. After all, Christmas is only a week away.”


Hammer appears relieved. “Now I’m glad this whole date thing is going to take a while. You’ve got a lot going right now.”

“Right. In fact, I was planning to spend more time over there during the day and come back to Equestria around suppertime. That would give us more time to spend together before... you know...”

“Yeah. You do that, Arc. We’ll be fine over here.”

“Keep me posted on any new developments though, okay?”

“I will.”

Calling forth the Rainbow of Light, Arc channels his magic into it an opens a portal back to his basement. Stepping out he spies Max sitting at the table waiting for him. Walking over he looks around.

“Where’d everyone else go?”

“Xenos is shoveling snow, Hugh is doing the dishes, and Viktor is fixing a lamp upstairs.”

Arc nods as he sits across from Max. “Sounds like everyone’s pretty busy.”

“I was going to help, but they suggested that I stay here and wait for you, sir.”

“That talk you wanted to have?”

Max smiles nervously. “Right. I... wanted to ask your permission for a very... specific time.”


“You told me that Shelly’s not doing so well.”

Arc sighs. “No, she’s not.”

“I’m noticed her sleeping a lot more on the video feed lately too.”

“You want to go see her?”

Max shakes his head. “No, sir. I wouldn’t want to cause Shelly any more pain than she’s already in. My request is regarding... the future.”

Arc smiles sadly. “Why don’t you just say exactly what it is you want, Max?”

“Alright, sir.”

Taking a deep breath, Max continues.

“As you’ve told us, Shelly isn’t going to last much longer. I know that we’re all doing our best to try and help her in our own way. But it’s still quite an uphill battle.”

Arc nods sadly. “Yes. Even though we gave Doctor Knowles everything she asked for she, Auriel, and Mio still might not be able to get a machine and a potion made in time to save her life.”

“So you also believe that her chances of survival are very slim?”

“Realistically speaking, yes.”

“While you have my word that I’ll do everything in my power to help you in treating Shelly, I... I just wanted to ask your permission to... be allowed to attend Shelly’s... um...”

Arc finishes the sentence for Max. “Her funeral?”

“Y-yes sir.”

“I’d be honored if you’d come, Max.”

Max breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you very much, sir.”

“You should be there, considering the events of the past.”

“But do you think Lily would disagree?”

“If she does I’ll vouch for you. I’m sure she’ll listen to me in this.”

“And I appreciate that, sir.”

Arc sighs. “It’s the least I can do. After all, none of this would have happened if I had just backed you up earlier.”

“I don’t hold that against you, sir.”

“Max, I want to make you a promise.”

Max appears confused. “Sir?”

“If Doctor Knowles is able to help Shelly... to bring her body back to a stable enough condition... I’d like for you and I to visit Shelly.”

“Why though, sir?”

“So I can make this right by coming clean. That everything you told her that night before our infiltration mission was totally and completely true.”

Max sighs. “Please don’t, sir. After all, there’s no reason for you to give her a reason to hate you too.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Max. There IS a very good reason.”


“You cared enough about Shelly to be honest with her when she asked. And I need to be willing to reciprocate that.”

“It’s really not important to me at this point, sir. After all, if she survives and is able to live on then I’ll be happy for her.”

“So will I. But if at all possible I’d like her to be made aware of what I ordered hidden from her.”

Max nods soberly. “I trust you to make the right decision then, sir.”

“If you don’t want to be there when I do it, or even see her face to face again I understand. You won’t be forced to do something you don’t want to do, Max. However this would be for her benefit.”

“Honestly, I don’t really know if I want her to ever see me again. I kinda want to hold on to our past and remember the good times.”

“If that’s what you want, then I won’t push you into it any further.”

“Thank you, sir. After all, I just want what’s best for Shelly. “

“So do I, Max.”

Max smiles sadly. “Even if that just means that I’m there to see her off.”

“Which might not be too far in the future if nothing changes.”

“Then you should probably see her as much as you can... while you can, sir.”

Arc nods and stands up. “Right. Time is in short supply so I’d best head over there and see how she’s doing.”

Max nods approvingly. “We’ll leave the lights on for you, sir.”

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