• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 17 - The Heart of the Apple

Arc looks over to the Demon King and Auriel, sadly. The sun has almost finished setting.

“I’m sorry, but it’s time.”

Auriel looks up, sadly. “Can’t he stay just a little bit longer?!”

King Malevolence shakes his head. “Auriel… please. This has to happen!”

“I… I know that! But…”

“Auriel. You’re a strong girl. Now I need you to keep walking this path for the time being.”

Auriel nods but says nothing. The king turns to Arc.

“Let’s go.”

He nods. As Arc casts the Matter Compacting spell on King Malevolence, he shrinks down to about a foot tall. Arc removes the magic cloak from his ring.

“Auriel. Would you like to carry your father?”

She nods. Arc puts the cloak on her as Ember picks up the king. She soberly hands Auriel her father.

“Here you go.”

Auriel nods as she accepts her ward and pulls him inside the cloak, whispering. “Thank you.”

Arc opens a portal to the outskirts of Redemption Village and motions for them to pass through. Ember does so first followed by Auriel. As usual Arc brings up the rear. In a moment they arrive at their destination.

“This way.”

Arc leads them toward the cave. The sentries part to allow them passage. As they approach the Gates of Tartarus, Auriel looks up at Arc, sadly.

“Do… do we have to do this?!”

Arc nods. “I’m afraid so.”

Ember sighs. “It really is for the best, Auriel. The princesses would have a fit if they knew he was out!”

The king sighs. “She’s right. Besides… our subjects need me.”

Auriel nods as Arc calls forth his cape from the Marquis and covers them. They walk through the barrier together.

The king looks around as Auriel sets him down. “Home again…”

Arc casts the Matter Compacting counter spell. In a few moments the Demon King is returned to his normal size.


“You’re welcome.”


Ember sighs. “Look, King Malevolence. I… I’m sorry for how I’ve acted today. Maybe someday things will be different between us.”


“I don’t! She has a bright and happy future ahead!”

Arc nods. “That she does. But in any case, we should be getting back to Ponyville.”


Auriel turns to leave, but does not walk away. “I…”

Arc turns back to her. “What’s wrong?”

“Father! I… I want to stay with you! I know it’s dangerous, but I don’t care!”



The king stomps the ground heavily. “I HAVE SPOKEN!”

Auriel nods her head sadly as the tears begin to flow. Arc walks over to her and puts an arm around her shoulder.

“Come on, Auriel. This way.”

The trio slowly returns to the barrier and passes through. Auriel turns back.

“Father… I… I’ll miss you!”


Ember takes Auriel’s claw in hers and leads her out of the cave. Auriel nods with determination.

“I’ll find a way, father! You and the other demons will have plants somehow! I promise!”

Arc opens a portal back to Light’s Hope. They step through. In a moment they arrive at their destination. Arc sighs as they reappear on the sigil.

“Ember, would you please take Auriel home?”

She nods. “Sure.”

Auriel says nothing as Ember leads her out the door and down the path. Arc powers up the sigil and teleports to Derpy’s house. He Blinks outside so as not to wake Derpy and Dinky.

“I guess I’d better get a move on.”

He makes the walk to Sweet Apple Acres. The farmhouse is dark. However, Arc spots a light on in the barn and walks toward it. He knocks lightly.

“Applejack? It’s me, Arc.”

A moment later the sound of hoofsteps can be heard from inside the barn. The door opens, revealing Applejack’s familiar face. She holds the door open for him.

“Come in! It’s a bit chilly out tonight!”

Arc steps inside the relatively warm barn. “Thanks. Sorry I’m a bit late. I had quite the day.”

“I… it’s okay, sugarcube! Sorry you had to come all the way back out here just to talk to little old me!”

Arc nods as she gestures to a couple bales of hay against the wall. “It’s no trouble. I’m always here for you and the others should you need me.”

Applejack sighs as they sit down next to each other. “I… guess you heard the argument between me and Filthy Rich this morning.”

Arc chuckles. “Anyone in a five-mile radius did.”

“Yes… well… it’s not something we’re proud of around here.”

“I won’t tell anyone.”

“Thank you.”

They are silent for a time.

“So, Sweet Apple Acres is having financial trouble?”

Applejack sighs and nods. “Yes. You see… these last few years have been bad for us!.The economy has been terrible, and while we’ve had good harvests, the customers have been tapering off.”

Arc nods. “I understand.”

“We… we made the decision to borrow some money from Filthy Rich to buy some farm equipment like a new cider maker.”

“How’s it working for you?”

“Great! No complaints whatsoever there. But… it doesn’t matter how much cider we make if we can’t sell it.”

She sighs.

“This was supposed to make our jobs easier around here. And while it did, now I have a lot more stress what with Filthy Rich coming by to harass us.”

“Can he do that?!”

Applejack nods. “I suppose so. He could have done a lot more than he has.”

“Like foreclose on you?”

“Right! His family and Granny Smith go way back though, so I don’t think he has the guts to try anything like that!”

Arc frowns. “Applejack… can I tell you something?”

“Oh course! Anything!”

“Keep this between us though, okay?”

“Uh… sure.”

Arc tells her about Cherry Hill Ranch’s own dealing with the Rich family. Applejack grimaces!

“So that’s been going on for three generations?!”

Arc nods. “That’s what Cherry and Ruby told me.”

“But how can he do that?!”

“By compounding the interest when they get behind.”

Applejack shudders! “A bad harvest can do that.”

He nods. “To say nothing for the economy.”

“What will Ruby do?!”

“The only thing she can. Work hard and do her best. I’ve been trying to think of something else she can do, but so far nothing’s come up.”

Applejack sighs. “I get the feeling that’s what Filthy Rich is hoping to do with us.”

“Interest payments that never stop. A steady source of income for him.”

“He’s offered to take apple products in trade!”

Arc shakes his head fervently! “Don’t fall for it! He did that to Cherry Hill Ranch and used his free stock to undercut them!”

“WHAT?! But… but that would…!”

“Yes. It hurt their business even more.”

Applejack sighs. “Great… what have I gotten us into?”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “You didn’t know, Applejack. All you were trying to do was make your orchard more productive. That’s not a bad thing.”

“But I may have just cost us EVERYTHING!”

“How about this. I’ll loan you the money to pay off Filthy Rich completely. No interest. Just pay me back when you can.”

Applejack looks up at him. “What?! But…”

“No one has to know. This isn’t the first time he’s done something like this to someone in Ponyville.”

Applejack frowns. “There’s others?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. But they wouldn’t be happy if I told you who they were.”

“I understand.”

“So how much is your debt?”

Applejack shakes her head. “Arc, I appreciate what you want to do for us. But I can’t let you do that!”

“Please reconsider! I really want to help out a friend!”

“That’s really very Generous of you and all. But this is our problem. We need to see it through ourselves.”

Arc sighs. “Well, I won’t try to force you then. But please know that my offer still stands if you change your mind.”

Applejack leans over to give him a hug. “Thanks, sugarcube!”

“Don’t mention it. I don’t like Filthy Rich trying to take advantage of others”

Applejack sits back on her haunches. “I appreciate that.”

“The stories I could tell you of what I’ve learned would make your mane stand up. But I get the feeling what I’ve heard is only the tip of the iceberg.”

“Arc? I just want you to know I think you do a darn good job of looking after things. Not just for Equestria! But us little ponies too!”

“I do what I can.”

She suddenly looks nervous and embarrassed. “That’s another thing I wanted to talk to you about.”


“I just wanted to… apologize for what I said and did… awhile back.”

“Forget it, Applejack. You weren’t yourself.”

Applejack frowns. “Well, it still feels wrong! I mean… I was all over you in Carousel Boutique that day! What I did was completely inappropriate and unbecoming, and I’m sorry for making you feel uncomfortable!”

“It’s okay. Really!”

Applejack turns to look Arc in the eye. “No it wasn’t okay, Arc! If some stallion I trusted had done that to me, I’d feel awfully dirty and betrayed!”

“You weren’t alone in what you did.”

“I know. Please understand that I… I wouldn’t normally… lift my tail like that. Just… just for somepony really special! That’s not to say you aren’t special!”

Applejack turns away and blushes heavily.

“Sorry. I’m not very good at apologizing for… doing things like that.”

Arc puts his arm around her. “I appreciate the thought.”

She lays her head on his shoulder and sighs. After a short time she looks up at him.

“Arc? Thanks for… you know… not doing certain things to me back then. You were a real gentlepony to me and the other girls back there”

Applejack blushes heavily but seems unable to turn away.

Arc nods. “That’s not what a true friend would do. Taking advantage of a mare who’s literally out of her mind isn’t sexy. It’s just sick!”

They are silent for a time, just looking at each other.

“You were really pretty in that dress though.”

Applejack blushes heavily, but says nothing.

“I didn’t tell anyone about the dress-up session I found you in.”

She breathes a sigh of relief. “Thanks! Nopony recognizes me from the photos in the magazines! I’d like to keep it that way!”

“I understand. Do you feel any better?”

“A bit. Truthfully, it’s going to take me awhile to come to terms with… what I did!”

Arc nods. “If you need to talk, I’m here. Just know that I forgive you!”

“There is one other thing you should know, Arc.”

“There is?”

“Yes. Um… have you spoken to Pinkie Pie lately?”

“I did the other day, yes. Why?”

“She… really thinks highly of you and all.”

Arc nods thoughtfully. “Does she? I think the world of her cupcakes!”

“No, no! I mean… she… she likes you! Now I’m not trying to meddle in her affairs, but she thinks the world of you!”

“I know.”

Applejack looks at him, clearly surprised! “You do?!”

“Yes. She pulled me aside a while back and told me.”

“Oh… I see. Well, the two of you will make a really nice couple! Your both so positive and caring!”

Arc looks down at his hands. “I… I told her it was too soon. Cherry and I… losing someone that important to you… it… it hurts! It hurts SO much!”

Applejack puts a hoof on Arc’s hand. “I understand. And I hope she does as well.”

“She did. Please don’t misunderstand me. I think Pinkie is a wonderful, cheerful, happy, fun mare and all! Maybe one day I’ll have the desire to get to know someone better again. But not just yet.”

“I’m glad she was able to tell you how she felt! She’s been eyeing you for some time now!”

“I’m sorry to say I never noticed. Pinkie Pie is very pretty inside and out, but…”

Applejack nods. “I understand. We both do, I’m sure.”


He stands up as Applejack stands with him.

“Well, I should probably let you get to bed.”

Applejack chuckles. “You too. I heard you’re an early riser just like me.”

“I have to get an early start to get my ‘to do’ list done.”

Applejack nods as they walk toward the barn door. “In any case, thanks for coming by! I know you’re really busy these days, what with trying to find you know who! Any luck on that?”

“Not yet. We’re just preparing for when we do find her.”

He opens the door and steps out.

“Good night, Applejack. Let me know if you ever need anything, okay?”

“I will! Good night!”

Applejack watches as Arc makes his way out of the barn and down the path toward town. She sighs happily as she blows out the lantern and heads for the farmhouse.

“What a stallion! I hope whoever he ends up with will make him very happy!”

Meanwhile, Arc makes his way back toward Derpy’s house. Cherry sighs.

“Applejack has the same problems Cherry Hill Ranch does!”

Arc nods. “So it would seem.”

“Filthy Rich is just going to keep taking advantage of everypony until he’s stopped!”

“You’re probably right.”

“Isn’t there something you can do about it, Arc?!

“I don’t think so. He’s always very good at staying within the law. If I tried to do anything, he’d be the victim, and I’d be in the wrong.”

“Argh! This is just so irritating! How can he do this to others?!”

Arc sighs. “Some humans are the same way. They don’t really care what they have to do or who they hurt! Their bottom line is all that matters to them!”

Cherry sighs. “Sounds like a meaningless existence to me.”

“Yet so many fall prey to its lure of riches. I’d rather be poor and happy than rich and miserable though.”

“Miserable? HA! Filthy Rich may be a lot of things, but unhappy doesn’t seem to be one of them!”

Arc chuckles. “You’d be surprised. I think getting wealth gives him some kind of high. However, the more he gets, the more he needs to keep that feeling. It’s really quite pathetic when you think about it.”

Cherry sighs. “I used to envy him. But if you’re right, I pity him.”

The next morning Arc awakens in his room. Derpy and Dinky are on either side of him asleep. Dinky slowly opens her eyes.

“Morning already?”

Arc nods. “Yes, sweetheart. Time to us to get up.”

Derpy sits up and stretches. “Good morning Arc.”

“Good morning Derpy. Did you two sleep well?”

Derpy nods. “Very!”

“Mom and I always sleep well when you’re around!”

Ember sits up.

“What a day we had yesterday!”

Arc nods. “Auriel seemed happy! Until we took her father back to Tartarus, that is.”

Ember nods. “I really felt sorry for her.”

She looks down sadly.

“And… I’ve never seen a demon… cry before.”

Arc nods as he and his family get up. “They feel sadness just like you and I do.”

“I know that. But… until yesterday I didn’t really understand it.”

They walk into the living room together. Dinky trots over to the kitchen sink and washes her face.

“Big plans for today, dad?”

“Not really. I need to go see Auriel this morning. Make sure she’s okay after yesterday.”

Derpy looks concerned. “Did something happen?”

“Kinda. I brought her father to Light’s Hope for breakfast.”

Derpy looks confused. “Isn’t her father the Demon King?”


Ember nods. “Not Arc’s best idea.”

Dinky looks over excitedly. “There was another demon here?! Was he big and scary?!”

“He was small after I shrunk him down.”

Derpy looks nervous. “I guess that kept you pretty busy yesterday.”

Arc nods. “It did. Sorry for not coming by for supper.”

“We understand. Just be careful!”

Derpy, Dinky, Ember and Arc make their way toward the door. They step outside into the chill morning air. Arc turns and waves after the pair as they walk toward the orphanage.

“Have a nice day!”

“You too, Arc!”

“Bye dad!”

Ember looks to Arc. “I’m heading to Light’s Hope to have breakfast with Natalya.”

“Okay. I’ll meet up with you there later.”

Arc turns and heads toward the Golden Oaks Library.

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