• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 14 - Traditions

The next morning Dinky awakens early to a strange sound in the hallway. She quickly gets up to find her father trying to pull something big and green through the small attic hatch. Walking forward, a bit confused and still half asleep, she looks up to him.

“Dad? What are you doing?”

“Sorry to wake you, sweetheart. I was just bringing down my tree from the attic.”

Dinky yawns. “What for?”

“So we can decorate it.”

“Decorate it? Like a cake?”

Arc laughs as he walks down the stairs with the tree. “Not exactly. Why don’t you go get cleaned up and we’ll talk about it more after breakfast.”

Dinky sleepily stumbles back to the room for clean clothes. “Okay.”

Derpy is just sitting up. She looks to Dinky.

“What’s all that noise out there?”

She opens the dresser and shakes her head. “Dad was pulling a tree out of the attic.”

Derpy stands up shakily. “…what?”

Dinky takes her mother’s hand as the pair head for the bathroom together. “I don’t get it either, mom.”

The pair quickly shower, brush their teeth and their hair before heading downstairs to the scents of French Toast and eggs. Arc stands in front of the stairs.

“Good morning you two.”

Derpy turns to him. “Good morning, Arc. What’s this I hear about a tree in the attic?”

“It’s in a corner of the Living Room at the moment.”

Dinky narrows her eyes. “That doesn’t really clear it up, dad.”

“Sorry. After breakfast I’ll show you what we’re going to do with it.”

Arc’s squad comes up the stairs along with Sereb as Arc puts the French Toast on the table.

“Morning boys. Any luck with that footage yesterday?”

Viktor shakes his head. “No sir. From what we saw there wasn’t anything that even loosely resembled Magic Nullifier technology.”

Hugh sighs. “Which makes it all the more surprising that such an effect was possible!”

Arc nods as he set out the eggs. “Well, humans like to make electronics small.”

Xenos looks confused. “Sir?”

“The first calculator humans invented took up an entire room and must have cost a fortune. Today they fit in the palm of our hands. If humans can figure out how something works, we can make it tiny.”

Max frowns. “That doesn’t really put our minds at ease, sir.”

Arc shrugs. “Mine either. But that’s reality.”

Ember comes downstairs and stumbles into the kitchen half asleep.

“Any idea how or when I got to bed?”

Xenos grins at her. “I carried you.”

Ember wobbly makes her way over to a chair. “I can walk, you know!”

Sereb shakes his head. “Last night you could not.”

Arc and Dinky look up, concerned.

“Something happen?”

“Did you get hurt, Miss Ember?!”

Viktor chuckles. “Nah! She just stayed up too late going over that footage over and over again.”

Ember sits down in a chair. “Well, there has to be SOMETHING there!”

Arc nods. “Agreed, Ember. However, like I was telling the others, it might just be too small for us to see.”

Ember yawns hugely as she lays her head down on the kitchen table. “Great…”

As Dinky puts the orange juice on the table and sits down Arc joins them. “Well, let’s give that problem a rest for now and just enjoy our breakfast.”

Dinky grins. “Yeah! Let’s eat!”

They sit down together and enjoy the food. Ember sluggishly drinks coffee as she looks up at Arc with her bloodshot eyes.

“So… what’s on the agenda for today?”

Arc chuckles. “First, Dinky and I are going to put up the Christmas tree. Everyone is welcome to help though.”

Sereb turns his head toward the living room. “That strange not-tree in the next room?”

Arc nods. “Yes.”

Hugh looks confused. “Not-tree?”

Sereb shakes his head. “Just because something looks as it does, does not mean it is what you think it is.”

Xenos raises an eyebrow at this. “Um… what?”

Arc chuckles. “I think what he’s trying to say is that the tree is fake. Although some people do go out and cut down a real pine tree for Christmas.”

Viktor looks to Arc. “You don’t?”

“No. It just always seemed like such a waste of a perfectly good tree.”

Dinky smiles at him. “Couldn’t we just… I don’t know… put it back outside after Christmas?”

Derpy looks at Dinky. “I don’t think that’s how it works, sweetie.”

Max nods. “Right. That would be like you picking a flower by its stem and then trying to put it back in the ground.”

Arc takes a sip of his soda. “I think we can spare a tree and just use my old fake one.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Arc, why not just drink coffee?”

“I don’t like the taste. Not a fan of things that are bitter. Whether that’s food, drink or people.”

They finish their meal and head for the Living Room.

Max looks at the tree standing in a corner of the room. “So… what should we do first?”

Arc walks over to a box and opens it. He pulls out a large, flat clothing gift box with a large number of wires wrapped around it.

“First we have to start with the lights. Thankfully we use these instead of actual candles. Xenos, would you please pull the tree away from the wall for me?”


He does so. Arc walks around the tree, starting at the bottom and working his way up, the string of lights goes up. Dinky watches.

“Why are the lights wrapped around that box?”

Arc unrolls the lights as he walks around the tree. “When I was a boy, my father would sit on the couch for over an hour every year untangling these very lights.”

Derpy frowns. “Untangling?”

“Yes. If you simply coil them up like you would a rope, the next year they will undoubtedly be a mess!”

He holds up the box in his hands.

“However, I found if you wrap them AROUND something, like this box, they stay mostly untangled.”

Sereb watches Arc work. “Yes, we can see that.”

Viktor nods. “Saves time and aggravation!”

Arc nods. “Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best!”

Before long the lights are hung. Xenos pushes the tree back into the corner. Derpy looks to Arc.

“What’s next, Arc?”

Arc picks up a nearby box and pulls out some festively colored bulbs. “Now we put on the decorations. You see these little hooks on the tops?”

Ember look over. “You mean those paper clips?”

Arc shrugs. “Hooks, paper clips… same thing.”

He turns back toward the tree.

“We’re going to hang these ornaments on the tree’s branches… just like so.”

Arc demonstrates and steps back.

“Got it?”

Ember nods. “Seems simple enough.”

Derpy looks confused. “Why do we put these ornaments on the tree now?”

Arc shrugs. “I’m not sure. Probably just to make it look nicer! You’ll see when we’re done decorating.”

Everyone pulls some decorations from the box and gets to work as Arc turns on the radio.

“Can’t decorate a tree without some festive music.”

Dinky smiles as a beautiful song begins to play. “That song’s pretty! What is it?”

“It’s called ‘Silver Bells’ by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans.”

Derpy looks to the radio. “Is it new?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. It was written over half a century ago. Since then it’s become a big hit around this time of year.”

Max chuckles. “What’s it about?”

“Well… it’s telling how most towns and cities used to be back then. People listening to it today like to hear about the good old days, I guess.”

Dinky shrugs. “I guess it really could mean any number of things to any number of humans.”

Ember nods. “What do you think it will mean to you, Dinky?”

Dinky takes a moment to think before stretching her small arms wide. “It will remind me of this! Spending time with my family, decorating a tree and having fun doing it!”

A short time later the box of ornaments is emptied. Dinky looks to her father excitedly.”

“Now what dad?!”

Arc picks up a small box up from the end table. “The last thing we need to do is put this on top of the tree.”

Derpy looks over as Arc opens the box. “A… star?”

Arc nods. “Yes.”

Max raises an eyebrow. “Begging your pardon, sir. But wouldn’t it have been easier to put that on top of the tree at the beginning?”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Yeah! Now you’d need a ladder or something!”

“I suppose you’re right. But my dad always insisted on putting the star on last.”

Derpy looks up at the treetop. “How did he do it?”

Dinky giggles! “Was he really tall?”

Arc shakes his head. “He isn’t much taller than I am. What he would do was pick me up as high as he could and have me put the star up. It was our tradition.”

Ember looks confused. “What’s the star for anyways?”

“It represents the ‘star’ the magi from the east followed to find baby Jesus. The story goes that it led them to the very house in which he was living.”

Viktor nods. “How does a star lead to a specific house?”

“My opinion is that the term ‘star’ was referring to a light that floated above them, and not a literal star like we see at night.”

Max chuckles. “That makes a bit more sense.”

Ember thinks a moment. “Wait a minute! Baby… Jesus? Didn’t you tell me that was the name of your world’s Hero of Light?”

Arc nods. “Something like that.”

“Was he a great warrior too, dad?”

“No sweetheart. He came to Earth to save humanity though.”

Derpy’s eyes grow wide. “From what?”

“Our own human nature, I suppose. If you were to study our history, you would see that nothing else even comes close to matching the horrendous things we’ve done throughout the ages.”

Xenos grins. “So he came to stop it?”

“No. He came to show us there was another way. That we could follow the narrow path of righteousness, rather than the highway to eventual destruction that we were on. You see, every human has to choose how to live their life. We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us.”

Ember nods. “A sobering thought.”

Max smiles. “But very true I might add.”

Arc looks over to Dinky.

“Would you come here please, sweetheart? Right now there’s something I want you to do for me.”

“Okay dad!”

Arc kneels down in front of her.

“I have a very important job for you.”

“What is it?!”

Arc hands her the star. “I’m going to pick you up so you can put the star on the top of the tree.”

Dinky grins widely at him. “Just like your dad did?!”

“Yes, sweetheart. Can you do it?”

“I sure can!”

Arc picks Dinky up. She is giddy with excitement. Holding her up, she can just reach the top with her little hands. Dinky sets the star in place happily.

“There we go!”

Arc pulls her back and gives her a hug. “Good job, sweetheart!”

Dinky happily embraces her father. “I couldn’t have done it without your help, dad!”

Still holding Dinky, Arc walks over to the light switch. “Derpy, can you close the curtains for a moment please?”


She does so before returning to Arc’s side. He turns off the lights. Ember taps her foot impatiently.

“Soooo… are we just going to hang out here in the dark now?”

Arc kneels down to plug in the lights. “Not for long.”

The tree lights spring to life as the room is bathed in pretty multicolored light. The ornaments reflect and shine merrily. Arc’s squad can only stare in awe.

“Oh my Celestia!”


“I never thought a tree could look so… beautiful!”

“We need things like this back in Equestria!”

Derpy walks over to Arc. “Wow! They’re pretty! Like fireworks!”

Dinky smiles. “I wish the other foals back home could see this! They would love it!”

Ember puts her hand in Arc’s palm and gives it a quick squeeze. “This is incredible, Arc! Thanks for sharing it with us.”

Arc sighs. “Humanity is rather violent, callous and spiteful. However, that isn’t to say we can’t choose be anything different. I think I like this holiday the most, as to me at least, it signifies the ability to walk the high road. Hope… for a brighter future.”

Dinky grins. “That’s really pretty, dad!”

“Like you, sweetheart.”

Max nods as he stares at the tree. “This will look even better tonight when the sun goes down.”

Xenos chuckles. “That it will.”

Arc nods. “Yes. I couldn’t wait that long though!”

Dinky grins. “Neither could I!”

Derpy walks over to the curtains behind the tree and slowly opens them.

“Oh my! Look outside everypony!”

Dinky laughs. “That’s ‘everyone’, mom. You see…”

Dinky stops talking as she looks out the window. Slowly she walks over to it and peers outside before calling out to her father.

“What… is it?”

Arc walks over to join Dinky. He puts his hands on her small shoulders as they look out the window together at the white flakes falling from the sky.

“That’s snow, sweetheart.”

Derpy moves to stand next to her daughter. “The snow here is even prettier here than back in Equestria!”

Max shrugs. “Really? I think it looks about the same.”

Viktor nods. “Agreed.”

Xenos looks out the window. “I… I think I see it too!”

Hugh smiles. “Yeah! It is prettier for some reason!”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “How?”

Arc looks over his shoulder. “Because we all have each other to share it with.”

Sereb nods. “Experiences shared with loved ones make the best memories.”

They stare out the window together as the light, fluffy snow continues to fall. The phone rings, and Arc moves to answer it.

“I’ll get it.”

He picks up the receiver.


A familiar voice on the other end speaks.

“Arc. It’s me.”

Arc frowns. “Oh… what is it?”

“I was just wondering if you and I were still up for our annual Christmas tradition.”

“If you still want to. Somehow I just thought you would be too busy this year…”

Arc narrows his eyes


Ember grits her teeth. “Frank?!”

The caller chuckles. “I have been quite busy! However, I would never pass up an opportunity to make the world a little brighter!”

“As long as that’s all we’ll be doing, I’m still game. Just do me one favor though.”

“Oh? And what’s that?”

“Just let me buy all the supplies this year.”

Frank shakes his head. “That would be quite costly! I could…”

“Just… let me do it, okay?!”

“Very well. See you there at the normal time?”

Arc nods. “I’ll be there.”

“Good! See you then!”

“Yeah. Until then.”

Arc hangs up the receiver. Derpy looks confused at Ember’s reaction.

“What was that all about, Arc?”

He turns to face the others. “Every year around Christmas, Frank and I return to the town where we grew up.”

Sereb frowns. “For what purpose?”

“We bring presents to the orphanage where we lived for so many years. You see… Christmas is a rather sad time for orphans, as this is a family holiday. The two of us bring presents and spend the day there playing with and mentoring the orphans there.”

Dinky looks confused. “I thought the orphanage staff didn’t care about them?”

“Well, back then that was true. However the last couple of years we were there a new director took over.”

Ember sighs. “Did anything change?”

“Yes. For starters, she actually did her job. The old director didn’t really do much, as they were tenured and on their way to retirement.”

Max frowns. “Lazy leaders make for poor followers.”

“Right. Things have improved for them. However, there is still much to be done, as funding for the facility isn’t exactly pouring in.”

Xenos nods. “So what do you do?”

“Presents at Christmas and helping with building maintenance is what me and Frank did in the past. In this small way, we helped bring a smile to their faces. I only wished we could do more.”

Ember grins. “Maybe the Hero of Light could!”

“Like what?”

Ember shrugs. “Well… I don’t know, Arc! It always feels like you have the solution to everything though!”

Max grins. “She’s right, sir! You always seem to know just what to do and how to do it!”

“Thanks, but I don’t really know what TO do about this one.”

Dinky walks over at takes her father’s hand. “We’ll let you know if we think of something, dad!”

“Thanks sweetheart.”

The music on the radio is suddenly interrupted.

“We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a special news bulletin! The winter storm has caused numerous accidents along the highway. State officials have sent additional manpower, but are asking anyone with rescue or medical experience to report to the Angel Grove Police Department. We now return to our regularly scheduled programing.”

The radio resumes playing Christmas music. Cherry calls out to Arc.

“Is this a job for us, Arc?”

He nods and calls forth his armor. “I would say so. Although I would say it’s not a good idea to drive in this.”

Sereb returns to his normal form. “May I be of assistance?”

Ember calls forth her own armor. “I might as well go with you, Arc! Someone needs to watch your back.”


He opens a portal and looks to his squad who are already putting on their coats.

“We shouldn’t be seen together. Take this portal. It leads to an alley just outside the police station. Report for duty there and I’ll do the same in a few minutes.”

Xenos grins. “Let’s see if we can’t help some folks out!”

Hugh nods as he glances out the window. “Probably plenty to do in all this!”

Viktor turns to Arc. “I’ll keep my ears open for anything useful!”

Max salutes. “We’ll do our best, sir!”

“I know you will. When you’re done we’ll meet at the Angel Grove Police Department. They’ll probably have some kind of temporary shuttle service there.”

Derpy smiles. “We’ll have supper waiting for all of you when you get back!”

As his squad walks through the portal Arc turns to her. “Thanks Derpy! Sorry we don’t have more time to watch the snow together.”

Dinky looks out the window at the increasingly heavy snowfall. “It’s okay. By the looks of things, it won’t be tapering off anytime soon!”

Ember turns to the large wolf. “You ready, Sereb?”

“I am.”

Arc mounts him along with Ember.

“Be good for your mother, Dinky. I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

Dinky nods. “I will! Be careful out there dad!”

“We will!”

Arc, Sereb and Ember enter the portal and vanish from sight. Dinky takes her mother’s hand.

“They’ll be all right!”

Derpy nods. “I know. Besides… your father isn’t one to just sit back warm and safe while others are suffering.”

“Right! After all, our family helps others whenever possible!”

Derpy smiles at her. “Is that our tradition now?”

“Sure is! Someday, I want to be just as good at it as dad is!”

Derpy smiles as she pats her daughter’s head. “I’m sure you will, dear. I’m sure you will.”

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