• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 4 - Rest and Responsibilities

Arc and company leave the study together to rejoin Shining Armor, Gallus, and Natalya in the corridor. Gestal turns to Twilight and extends a talon.

“Again I apologize for this matter, your highness. Rest assured that I shall do all in my power to see to it justice is served.”

“Thank you, Lord Gestal.”

Arc turns to Shining Armor. “We should return to the ship so that Princess Twilight can notify Canterlot.”

Shining Armor salutes. “Yes sir.”

Ashe looks to her father. “I’m sorry that I have to leave so soon. However, duty calls.”

Gestal smiles at her. “Such is the life of a civil servant, Ashe. Do what you must.”

Shining Armor leads the way down the corridor with Gestal as the others follow. Natalya turns to Twilight.

“Are you all right, your highness?”

Twilight appears confused. “Huh?”

Gallus looks her over. “Natalya’s right, Princess Twilight. You do look a bit flushed.

Shining Armor stops and turns around. “Princess?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her forehead. “I’m fine. Just a bit... tired, I think.”

Arc holds up his gauntlet. “Shall I open a portal back to the ship?”

“No, no. I’d... like to take the carriage again.”

Gestal smiles. “I am glad you enjoyed the ride, your majesty.”

Arc chuckles. “Must have.”

Twilight nods. “It wasn’t so much the act of riding, but the sight of the populace.”

Natalya grins. “They did appear happy to see you, princess.”

Gallus shrugs. “I’ll say. If the guards hadn’t intervened a time or two, they might have stormed the carriage.”

Gestal frowns. “That cannot be allowed. I shall personally speak to the guards before you leave, Princess Twilight.”

Twilight waves a hoof dismissively. “It’s fine, Lord Gestal. They did their jobs very well, after all.”

Coming to the Main Hall, Gestal steps back to allow Arc’s squad to surround her. She turns to him and bows her head respectfully.

“Thank you for your time, Lord Gestal.”

“It was a pleasure, Princess Twilight. And I hope you enjoy your stay in our land.”

Nodding, Twilight turns and allows the guards to lead her out the door. Passing the rest of the soldiers they form a perimeter around their ward and safely escort her to the carriage. Arc motions for Sereb to join him and mounts his steed. Sereb looks over to the carriage as Ashe enters last.

“Can I assume that your meeting was successful, Arc?”

“On this end, yes. But whether or not Lord Gestal will be able to do anything about it is another matter entirely.”

Sereb growls lightly. “Perhaps we will have to make... alternative arrangements?”

Arc frowns. “No, Sereb.”


“I think you’ve been hanging around Ember a bit too long.”

“Perhaps her thoughts and opinions are rubbing off on me. Is that a bad thing?”

“Not really. Well, at least as long as you don’t try to act on them.”

“I shall try to restrain myself.”

A short time later Arc spies the guards at the front of the procession beginning to move. Looking down at Sereb he speaks.

“You about ready to go?”

“I am, yes. Are we going to maintain our position behind the others?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Why do you ask?”

“Considering the ride over I thought you may have liked to ride in front of the carriage to enjoy some of the accolades.”

Arc shrugs. “I’m not much for that sort of thing.”

Sereb smirks as he begins walking. “But you are certainly worthy of it.”

“Twilight’s the real celebrity here.”

“Many spoke her name on the way here, yes. However nearly as many uttered yours as well.”

“Not sure why.”

“You too are a hero to the public, my friend. They spoke of the upturn in this nation’s economy as well as the younglings you took to Equestria.”

“What kind of things about the younglings?”

“How you were right to take them off the streets and give them a home.”

Arc sounds relieved. “Ah! Good.”

“What else would they say?”

“At the time I was kinda worried they would think I was kidnapping them, or something.”


“I mean... younglings are loaded onto a ship which then flies west. And none of them are ever seen or heard from again.”

“Such a thing does sound nefarious when you put it like that, Arc.”

“You and I know that they’re fine, of course. However the citizens just have to take our word for it.”

“And Lady Ashe’s reports as well.”

“Not sure if those ever went public.”

“It would stand to reason that they did.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Why though?”

“To reassure the public of the treaty. “

Arc sighs. “I suppose they could have spun it to be something they came up with.”

“It was spun, yes. However probably not in the way you think, Arc.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I saw a poster on a billboard which made reference to the Little Hooves Orphanage.”

“Such as?”

“My apologies, but I only saw it out of the corner of my eye as we were passing.”

Arc looks around. “Where was it?”

“On a bulletin board just before we turned onto the road that led to the mansion. We passed it a few moments ago sadly.”

“I’ll have to remember that.”

Arc’s earring chirps. Touching it he calls out.

“Arc here.”

Shining Armor cries out anxiously. “Sir, I just spoke to Ashe via the intercom! Apparently there’s something wrong with Twilight!”


“She reports the Twilight is sweating profusely, is complaining of a headache, feels cold, and is reportedly nauseous!”

“Tell the guards to double time it to the ship! I’ll alert Nurse Redheart to prepare the Infirmary!”

“Yes sir!”

A short time later the carriage stops in front of the gangplank. Sereb rushes over to the door with Arc whom jumps out of the saddle. Motioning for his squad to stand aside as the door opens he hops inside. Spying Twilight lying on the bench with Gallus and Natalya flapping their wings over her he quickly opens a portal behind him, picks up Twilight, and runs through it. Natalya, Gallus, and Ashe step out of the carriage as the portal closes and turn to Shining Armor whom is approaching them and calling out for answers.

“What happened?!”

Natalya grimaces. “I don’t know! “

Gallus shrugs. “One minute she was fine. The next...”

Ashe cuts in. “It just seemed to hit her all at once!”

Shining Armor grits his teeth. “Let’s get to the Infirmary!”

Running toward the ship they hurry up the gangplank as Ashe stops and turns to the rather confused guards.

“Secure the carriage! Griffon infantry, you will forget you saw any of this!”

Saluting her, she reciprocates before following the others into The Equinox. Meeting them at the Infirmary, Ashe spies Arc tearing Twilight’s dress off as Redheart quickly begins examining her.

“Thank you, sir. I’m not much for taking those things off myself.”

Twilight looks around, confused. “Where... am I?”

Redheart speaks as she works. “The ship’s Infirmary, your highness.”

Arc pats her fetlock. “Just let the nurse examine you, Twilight. We’ll get to the bottom of this.”

He turns to the others before continuing.

“I need to know exactly what happened.”

Ashe shrugs. “It’s a mystery.”

Gallus nods soberly. “Like I said earlier, it just seemed to hit her all at once.”

Arc looks to the medic. “Should we try to figure out what happened here on in the corridor, Nurse Redheart?”

Redheart does not look up from her instruments. “Here’s fine. I’ll listen in.”

Twilight sits up. “Me too.”

Arc pushes her back down. “Lay still, Twilight.”

She grumbles as Shining Armor looks to the others.

“Let’s talk through it.”

Arc nods. “Right. What happened after the carriage door closed?”

Natalya puts a talon to her chin thoughtfully. “Well... it started moving sometime later. But Twilight appeared to be just fine.”

Twilight nods. “I felt okay then, yes.”

Ashe turns to Shining Armor. “She seemed a bit off to me about the time we turned onto the main road though.”

“Off in what way?”

“Just... a bit fidgety.”

Gallus sighs. “I saw it too, but just figured her dress was uncomfortable, or something.”

Twilight groans. “It kinda is.

She looks to the tatters of the dress strewn on the floor nearby before continuing.

“Well... was, that is.”

Natalya waves a talon to demonstrate. “She started doing this at the crowd again when they saw the carriage. Like she did on the way there.”

Redheart looks to Twilight. “Any symptoms at that time, your highness?”

Twilight shakes her head. “None.”

Arc frowns. “Could it have been some kind of poison?”

Shining Armor gasps. “From the food?”

Redheart shrugs. “Possibly. However, one would think that an alicorn’s body could handle pretty much anything they ate.”

Ashe folds her talons over her chest defensively. “It’s not likely. All my father’s staff are heavily vetted and the head chef has been with us since I was a youngling.”

Natalya gasps. “Could it have been a servant?”

Gallus grunts as he puts a talon to his belly instinctively. “They could have poisoned all of us!”

Arc shakes his head. “Possible, but not likely. Were that the case we’d all be having symptoms by now.”

Ashe nods. “As would the chef.”

Shining Armor raises an eyebrow, confused. “The chef?”

“He heavily samples every dish as he’s plating it. Says it’s to make extra sure it’s fit for a lord.”

Natalya sighs. “That would have left just the time between plating and when the food was brought out.”

Arc looks to Shining Armor. “Someone certainly would have seen something.”

“Unless all the staff were in on it.”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “Not likely.”

Arc turns to Gallus. “Oh?”

“I’m sure you’ve already noticed this, sir. But it’s almost impossible to get griffons to work together.”

Natalya nods soberly. “He’s right. Everyone would have wanted to be in charge. Do the planning... and the deed.”

Gallus narrows his eyes as he looks to Ashe. “Unless they DID have a leader!”

Ashe gasps. “What?!”

“You could have ordered them to work together to put some special ‘seasonings’ on the princesses’ plate!”

Shining Armor frowns. “Ambassador?”

Ashe shakes her head vehemently. “No! I would never...!”

Gallus interrupts her. “Or maybe her father did it!”

Natalya glares at him. “Gallus! That is Lord Gestal you’re talking about!”

“Even you can’t deny that it’s not impossible though, sis!”

Arc sighs. “But it is unlikely.”

Shining Armor appears surprised. “Arc?”

Arc gestures to Ashe as he speaks. “Think about it. Would he risk having poisoned food on the very table he and his own daughter were eating on?”

Natalya puts a talon to her chin thoughtfully. “That does make sense. After all, it is common knowledge throughout the land just how much Lady Ashe means to Lord Gestal.”

Gallus looks to Ashe suspiciously. “But that doesn’t prove neither of them didn’t do it either!”

Arc puts a hand on Twilight’s fetlock. “True. But I don’t believe Ashe or her father were responsible for this. After all, poisoning an alicorn is nearly impossible as it stands.”

Redheart chimes in. “That’s true. One of the few things we know about them is the fact that their bodies can neutralize such things quicker than it takes to start feeling sick. Even if Princess Twilight had been drinking pure poison, she should have been fine.”

Twilight looks to the ambassador. “Right. I believe Ashe when she says that it wasn’t her or her father.”

Gallus gestures to the bed. “Well, SOMETHING really powerful put you in that bed, your highness!”

Redheart nods as she looks to Twilight. “That is true, yes. However, I think I may have just solved our little mystery.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “What is it, Nurse Redheart?”

“Not just yet, princess. First, I need to know a few things.”


“First off... how do you feel right now?”

“Just fine actually.”

“No symptoms whatsoever?”

“Right. Can I get up now?”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “Stay where you are, Twilight.”

Redheart continues. “Next, can you tell us when exactly your symptoms started.”

Twilight points a hoof. “Gallus said...”

Redheart interrupts her. “No, your highness. I meant that I wanted to know when YOU first noticed the symptoms.”

“Oh, well... it was about halfway down the main road.”

“I see. And can you tell me what the conversation was about?”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Conversation?”


“I wasn’t talking. Just smiling and waving.”

Natalya nods. “That’s correct. Gallus and I were talking though.”

Redheart turns to her. “Elaborate.”

“Well... I remember commenting about the crowd having swelled since we had passed that morning.”

Gallus picks up where his sister stopped. “And I pointed out that the original crowd had probably told everyone they knew whom had just passed in Lord Gestal’s carriage.”

Twilight smiles. “I do remember that, yes.”

Natalya scratches her head. “Then I said something to the effect that I recognized some of the faces from the other side of the street.”

Shining Armor raises an eyebrow. “Other side?”

Gallus nods. “Right. Princess Twilight waved to the west side of the street on the way to Lord Gestal’s manor. However on the way back she was visible to those on the east side of the street since we were traveling in the opposite direction.”

Redheart looks to Ashe. “Anything else you can add to this, ambassador?”

“I remember that I made a comment about the citizens not being able to get enough of seeing Princess Twilight.”

Natalya frowns. “And that’s when I noticed that something wasn’t right with Twilight.”

Gallus sighs. “We helped her lay down, but then she started sweating really bad.”

Ashe nods soberly. “Both Gallus and Natalya started fanning her with their wings as I called the general on the radio.”

Shining Armor turns to Arc. “And I immediately notified you, sir.”

“Right. Then I ordered the procession to speed up to get us here faster.”

Redheart nods. “And that led you to my Infirmary.”

Twilight sighs. “Your prognosis, Nurse Redheart?

“It would appear that Princess Twilight has been the victim of acute mental overload.”

Shining Armor frowns. “A what?”

Redheart looks down at her patient. “She had what is commonly known as a panic attack.”

Arc frowns. “Twilight?”

Twilight sighs. “I think she’s right.”

Redheart nods as she goes over her notes. “All her symptoms and vitals point to it, yes. While it’s possible that I could be wrong, the fact that it passed when she was removed from the situation that led to this...”

Ashe interrupts her. “Wait a moment, nurse! Are you saying that Twilight froze up from a public appearance?!”

“It would appear so, yes.”

Shining Armor puts a hoof to his chin and frowns. “I’m a bit skeptical of that myself. After all, Twilight wrote to Cadance and I in the Crystal Empire that she was doing regular public appearances just like Princess Celestia did in the past.”

Ashe nods. “I can confirm that, as she invited me on them several times.”

Arc looks to Ashe. “Any problems back then?”

“None at all.”

Twilight smiles sheepishly. “I... think I may know what happened.”

Redheart gasps. “Your highness?”

“It was mentioned that the public couldn’t get enough of seeing me. That kinda got me thinking just how much I’m being watched here. Scrutinized even.”

Shining Armor frowns. “But you must know that such things happen in Equestria too, Twilight.”

“True. But here the pressure is much greater. If I mess up my first diplomatic appearance it’ll be remembered for years to come.”

Ashe nods soberly. “There’s more to it than that though isn’t there, Twilight?”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “What do you...?”

Ashe interrupts her. “Every day you hold audiences to hear the cases of some of the nation’s biggest whiners. While I admit that most of those whom come before you have legitimate concerns, some of them simply need to learn to just work through an issue themselves.”

Gallus frowns. “Let me guess. The nobles?”

Twilight sighs. “Right.”

Arc looks down at his friend. “Was this a problem in Equestria?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Not at all. I mean, I did have stress, of course. But it was certainly manageable.”

Ashe turns to Twilight. “Could it have been the carriage itself?”

Natalya puts a talon to her chin. “Sensory deprivation.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “Sensory... what now?”

Shining Armor steps forward. “Deprivation. The carriage is heavily armored and soundproof.”

Arc nods. “So you felt cut off from those waving, Twilight? “

“Something like that. After all, the royal carriage back in Equestria is open-air. The citizens frantically waving at me, calling out, and even flying to try and get a glimpse over those in front of them... and I couldn’t hear even a bit of it.”

She turns to Redheart before continuing.

“What do I do though? I can’t back out of this because I’m scared.”

“I recommend ditching the carriage if at all possible and walking.”

Twilight giggles lightly. “The exercise would be nice.”

Shining Armor frowns. “That would be a massive breach of security though.”

Ashe nods soberly. “Yes. Anything could happen to her.”

Arc snaps his fingers as an idea comes to him. “What about using the carriage from Equestria though?”

Natalya frowns. “But didn’t Twilight say that it’s open air?”

Shining Armor nods. “That it is. No protection whatsoever from anything. Not even the elements.”

Gallus groans. “Well, we can’t just let her freak out every time she goes somewhere.”

Ashe looks to her friend. “What do you think, Twilight?”

“That I’d feel much better in the other carriage.”

Redheart shakes her head. “But it’s back in Equestria, your highness.”

Arc chuckles. “I can take a portal back and get it.”

Shining Armor turns to his sister. “It’s still not advised.”

Twilight frowns. “Well, I say it’s worth the risk! After all, I do want to have the trust of the public here! And I can’t really do that while hiding behind such protections!”

Arc turns to Natalya. “What if my squad formed a perimeter around her?”

“That would help with security. The guards could stay close so as to be able to rush in and save her if something came up.”

Twilight groans. “But then nopony would be able to clearly see me.”

Shining Armor sighs. “And we’d be unable to quickly ferry you to safety should something come up, Twilight.”

Ashe looks to Arc. “What about your steed?”


“She could ride him. That would allow the public to see Twilight and give her a way to escape if need be.”

Natalya grins. “And he has heightened senses as well.”

Shining Armor puts a hoof to his chin. “It would help, yes. But would he agree to it?”

Twilight shakes her head. “He and I don’t have a Life Pact.”

Arc shrugs. “I could ride behind you in the saddle, Twilight. Then Sereb wouldn’t complain.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. We’ve done it that way in the past.”

Natalya smiles. “It sounds like we may have a plan.”

Gallus turns to Redheart. “What do you think, nurse?”

“Plausible, yes. However I’d recommend some warmer raiments for both of you. Sitting does little to keep one warm. Even on short trips.”

Shining Armor nods. “I could contact the tailor back in Canterlot to make something for them.”

Arc shrugs. “Now all that’s left are your discharge orders, Redheart.”

Twilight appears confused. “Discharge?”

Natalya giggles. “Well, you ARE lying in a hospital bed, Twilight.”

Redheart nods. “You should rest for the remainder of the day, your highness.”

Twilight groans. “Very well. I have quite a bit of paperwork to...”

Redheart interrupts her. “I said that you need to rest, Princess Twilight. That means no work.”

“But I...!”

Arc chimes in. “Now, Twilight... Nurse Redheart knows what she’s doing.”

Shining Armor nods. “Right. After all, you’ve been going at it pretty hard for a while now.”

Natalya sighs. “Everyone needs a break sometimes.”

Gallus looks out the window. “And we’re going to get busy here soon.”

Arc smiles at her. “I’d be willing to keep you company today, Twilight.”

“You would?”


“But don’t you have more important things to worry about than me resting?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at the moment, no.”

Redheart turns to Arc. “Remember, the princess should have absolute rest and relaxation, sir. No stress if at all possible.”

“I’ll try to keep the conversations to pleasant things.”

Twilight groans. “Can I be released then?”

Redheart nods. “Very well, your highness. But please, for the sake of your own health as well as the needs of the country, rest well.”

“I will.”

Shining Armor motions to the door. “Why don’t you take Twilight back to her room then, Arc? I’ll see to it you two aren’t disturbed.”

Twilight frowns. “Unless absolutely necessary, right? I mean... if something comes up...”

Ashe holds up a talon. “We can handle it ourselves.”

Natalya nods. “Right. You just rest, Twilight.”

Gallus smirks. “Enjoy your day off. You probably don’t get many as a royal.”

Twilight giggles. “Alright, I will.”

Arc turns to Redheart. “Any other instructions?”

“Come back if the symptoms worsen or new ones crop up. Other than that, please just try to relax.”

Twilight nods as Arc helps her down from the bed. Turning to Shining Armor, she smiles.

“Would you please escort me back to my room, brother?”

Shining Armor smiles and nods. “Of course, Twily.”

Arc follows her toward the door as Ashe calls out.

“I’ll see to helping secure the area with the general.”

Arc looks back. “Thank you, Ashe.”

Natalya raises a talon. “Gallus and I will help as well.”

“We will?”

“Yes... we will.”

Walking down the corridor, Shining Armor motions for the guards to allow them entrance to the room. As Twilight enters, Shining Armor puts a hoof on Arc’s arm, pulls him momentarily aside, and lowers his voice.

“Take good care of her, sir.”

Nodding, Arc walks into the room and closes the door behind him. Turning to Twilight he motions to the bed.

“Let’s get you lying down.”

Twilight sighs. “Very well.”

Hopping up onto the bed, she lies down and rests her head on the pillow. Arc walks over and carefully removes her crown before setting it on the nightstand next to her. Pulling the covers over her he smiles.


Twilight nods. “I guess so.”

“Something I can do to help with that?”

“Actually, yes.”

“And what would that be?”

“I need someone to give me an honest opinion about something.”

Arc chuckles. “While I’ll certainly try, I also have to admit that I’m a bit biased.”

“What do you think I should do about the whole panic attack thing?”

“Honestly, I think you should be in the armored carriage, Twilight.”

Twilight frowns. “But why?!”

“Hey now, remember that you were the one whom asked for my opinion.”

“I suppose I did, yes. Then please tell me why you think I should be cut off from everypony else?”

“For your own safety, for starters.”

“But I can’t be killed!”

“Just because an alicorn can regenerate doesn’t mean they can’t die, Twilight.”

“What do you mean?”

Arc sighs. “The princesses don’t seem to age. Their bodies regenerate faster than time can affect them. That and I’ve seen Princess Cadance recover from a serious puncture wound right before my eyes.”

“But doesn’t that just prove my point, Arc?”

“Quite the opposite. All it means is that you can’t be killed by traditional methods.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “What other methods could be used?”

“What if your body was destroyed?”


Arc nods. “All at once, I mean.”


“Some sort of massive explosion. Something along the lines of an event which makes things cease to exist.”

Twilight frowns. “But things like that don’t actually exist, Arc.”

“They do back on Earth.”


“We call them nuclear weapons. They make a massive explosion which makes things closest to its target, for all intents and purposes, cease to exist.”

Twilight shudders. “At least it would be quick. But I don’t think anypony here in the Griffon Kingdom would have such a thing, Arc.”

“True, yes. However I was just pointing out that I do believe death to be possible for an alicorn.”

He puts a hand on her cheek before continuing.

“And I don’t want to lose you, Twilight.”

Twilight smiles up at him. “I understand that, Arc. And feel the same way about you too. You may not have the regenerative abilities of an alicorn, but you’re well protected within your armor. Still, I can’t help but worry about your personal safety when you go out on a mission.”

“You do?”


“But you never said anything about this before.”

Twilight sighs. “Of course not. After all, what kind of a mare would I be if I tried to stop you from doing that which you enjoyed?”

“Wait! You think that I like doing what I do?”

“You mean you don’t?”

Arc sighs. “I usually do, yes. However I’m just trying to make the world safer before I retire. Not to have fun.”

“And I just want to help others in any way that I can.”

They chuckle together slightly before Twilight continues.

“You’ve also never tried to stop me from carrying out my duties, Arc.”

Arc nods. “We both have jobs to do, yes.”

“And we have to do that to the best of our abilities.”


“Yes, Arc?”

“You don’t want to ride Sereb, do you?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, I really don’t.”

“What is it that you want then?”

“To treat my public appearances here in the Griffon Kingdom the same way I do back home in Equestria. In the open air while I smile and wave.”


Twilight interrupts him. “While I know it’s a risk, I really feel that I need to do things like that to remember whom I really am inside.”

Arc appears confused. “Who you are?”

“A servant of the public. Like the other three princesses are. They don’t lord their positions over other, nor do they treat anypony with contempt due to the difference in the stations.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “I always found that attitude refreshing.”

“And I think that’s part of the reason Star-swirl the Bearded made the princesses unaging.”

“Why’s that?”

“To see to it that nopony is ever born into a crown. Princess Celestia and Luna were raised in an orphanage. Cadance was found and brought up by Princess Celestia in Canterlot. And I was educated with the rest of the citizens before taking personal lessons for a long time.”

“You all started out just like everyone else.”

Twilight nods. “Just like you did, Arc.”


“Yes. You were born to normal parents whom raised you like any other human would. You came to Equestria suddenly and without a way home. However you were able to make do with your situation as it stood and made a living in Ponyville doing odd jobs for a time. And when your exploits were noticed by the proper individuals you were elevated to a much higher position.”

“As you were.”

Twilight smiles. “Right. So you see, we’re all the same, Arc. We were meant to be in these positions to help lead the country. And we all need to do our very best in all that we do.”

Arc sighs. “Such as you riding in the open-air chariot?”

“Yes, Arc.”


“Arc, I believe it to be the correct choice. Please support me in my decision.”

There is a long silence as the pair stare at one another wordlessly. Eventually Arc nods slightly and speaks.

“Fine. But I want to be by your side the entire time.”

Twilight grins. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

“You mean...?”

“Just because I believe it to be the right choice doesn’t mean I don’t want your protection, Arc.”

“I’ll do my very best for you.”

Twilight smiles. “I know you will, Arc.”

“But you’ll need to be at your best for tomorrow.”

“I... suppose I will, yes. Did you have something in mind to help me with that, Arc?”

“Why don’t we start you off with a nap, Twilight?”

“Well, admittedly I am rather tired after our meeting. However...”

She wrings her hooves and looks down nervously.

“...I’d... rather do something else first.”

“What is it?”

“Well... now feel free to say ‘no’ to this, but... would you please... bathe with me?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You want to take a shower with me?”

Twilight shakes her head. “This room has an actual bathtub installed. Princess Luna said this room was meant to be a relaxing place where one could collect their thoughts. So... would you like to do so?”

“I would actually. But I do have one condition though.”


“That you rest while I fill the tub and get things ready.”

Twilight appears confused. “Get things ready? All you have to do is get the water going.”

“Trust me, Twilight. There’s more.”

“Well... alright. I’ll lay down and rest.”

“Good. I’ll try to be quick.”

Heading for the bathroom, Arc closes the door behind him. Twilight lays down on the bed and muses to herself as she waits. Sometime later the door opens and Arc sticks his head out.


Twilight raises her head. “Are you ready for me?”

Arc nods. “I am, yes. May I carry you?”

Twilight giggles. “Please do.”

Walking over to the bed, Arc leans over and carefully picks Twilight up. Looking down at her he whispers in her ear.

“Close your eyes.”


“I have a surprise for you. Just keep them closed until I tell you to open them.”

Doing as she is told, Twilight shuts her eyes. Walking over to the bathroom Arc slowly lowers Twilight into the large tub of warm water. She sighs contentedly as he steps back.

“This feels wonderful! Can I open my eyes now though?”

Arc chuckles. “One second.”

The sound of the door closing rings out. A few moments later the sounds of soft classical music begin to play. A slight plop-plop and fizz-fizz precedes a floral scent filling the air as Arc turns to Twilight.

“Are you ready for me to get in?”

Twilight nods. “I am, yes.”

Removing his royal raiments, Arc drapes them over a nearby rack before walking over to the tub. Gently pushing Twilight forward he sits down behind her and pulls the mare into his lap. Turning her around to face him he speaks.

“Alright, Twilight. Go ahead and open your eyes.”

Doing so, she gasps and looks around. The curtains are closed completely and the lights are turned off. A large number of strategically placed candles adorn the room and cast a warm glow as a record player sitting on a table nearby plays music. Looking at the water she sees it is a light shade of purple.

“Arc?! But... what’s all this?!”

He puts a hand under her chin as she turns to face him again. “The results of my planning.”

“You... you planned all this?!”

Arc nods. “The ambiance, yes. However the timing was uncertain until a short time ago. I hope you like it.”

“Like it? I love it!”

“That’s good.”

“But why?”

Arc sighs. “It came to me during a conversation I had with the others a while back.”

Twilight appears confused. “Our friends?”

“Right. A couple times it’s been pointed out that you and I can’t really go out on a date due to my schedule and your job ruling the nation. That and our time together has been severely limited as of late.”

Arc motions to their surroundings before continuing.

“I wanted to give you a bit of a respite when the time was right. Spend some time with you in the tub. Maybe even bond a bit.”

Twilight smiles. “Well, I thank you for this, Arc. It’s wonderful and oh so romantic.”

“Glad you like it.”

“Perfect ambiance, perfect music, perfect mood, and a perfect position to hold me in.”

Arc strokes her cheek and smiles. “Only the best for the princess.”

Twilight giggles. “Thank you, kind sir.”

“Now then, why don’t you rest your head on my shoulder and just enjoy this?”

“Yes, I shall.”

Doing as Arc suggested, Twilight presses her body against his as she rests her chin on his shoulder. Putting his arms around her, Arc slowly begins stroking her mane as he whispers in her ear.

“Just let yourself go limp. I’ve got you.”

Nodding, Twilight does so. Arc continues stroking her mane and moves to her back. Rocking her back and forth ever so slightly as he does so she soon falls asleep. Smiling as he looks down at his special friend, he whispers.

“Rest well, Twilight. You’ve certainly earned it.”

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