• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 20 - Diplomacy and Dates

Sometime later Arc emerges from the restroom shakily. Rose turns to him.

“Arc! How do you feel?!”

Arc smiles weakly, holding his stomach. “Like I’ve been shot in the throat AND the rear!”

Rose moves to help him to the door. “Let’s get you back to your room, shall we? You can lie down and…”

Arc glares at her. “I’m not lying down!”

“Okay. What do you want then?”

“I… I don’t know! Just take me to my room, okay?!”

“Very well.”

They arrive at Arc’s VIP suite. Rose opens the door and helps him inside.

“Can I get you anything?”

“Something… sweet.”

“Arc, are you sure? You were in the bathroom for such a long time for your…”

“Something sweet NOW!!!”

“Okay. I’ll get you something from the Cafeteria.”

Arc nods happily. “Good! Hurry!”

Rose leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

“I have to tell Princess Luna about this!”

Heading for the Observation Deck, Rose finds Luna looking out the window with Flash Sentry standing guard behind her.

“Your highness?”

Luna turns around. “Rose! Is Arc alright?!”

“Well… he’s out of the Bathroom.”

Flash Sentry chuckles. “That’s a start. Where is he now?”

“I took him back to his room.”

Luna breathes a sigh of relief. “Good. He needs rest.”

Rose fidgets nervously. “Um… that’s not what he’s doing in there.”

Flash Sentry looks confused. “What else could he be doing?”

“Demanding sweets for starters.”

Luna frowns. “What? Why?”

“My preliminary scans show that this brain waves are rather… odd.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “We know that. I mean, the commander wasn’t exactly acting like himself earlier.”

Luna nods. “Agreed. But one does act a bit different when ill.”

“That’s just it! His brain waves are that of a much… younger individual.”

“Are you saying the commander thinks he’s a colt again?!”

Rose sighs. “Perhaps not THAT young. It’s a decent example.”

Luna frowns. “This is not good! The ceremony is tonight!”

Flash Sentry turns to Luna with Rose. “We’ll protect you tonight, your highness.”

“That we will!”

Luna heads for the door. “Let’s go see him.”

They make their way down the corridor together back to Arc’s room. He is toying with the window, but turns to Flash Sentry as they enter.

“I’m glad your back! This window seems to be stuck!”

“Sir, the windows are all secured from the bridge for security.”

Arc glares at him. “Well, I want some fresh air!”

Luna walks cautiously over to him. “Arc, how are you feeling?”

Arc goes back to tugging at the window. “Fine! Why?!”

“I believe the Sanguine Azolla may be taking a toll on your body.”

“Nah! I feel great!”

Flash Sentry sighs. “We should probably head back to Canterlot for some of the cure, sir.”

Arc frowns at him. “Remember your place, lieutenant! I go where I want!”

Luna sighs. “Arc, you’re not well. I’m going to tell Captain Tight ship to take us back to Canterlot Castle and get some of the medicine from Doctor Whooves.”

Arc angrily turns to Luna and points a finger at her. “You forget YOUR place too, missy! I’m the Hero of Light, and I’m staying right HERE!”

Rose pleads with him. “Please Arc! We only want you to be well again.”

“Hey! Where are the sweets I sent you to get me?!”

“Oh! I… um… I’m sorry!”

Arc stomps toward the door. “Get out of my way you worthless tin can! I’ll get them myself!”

Luna positions herself in his path. “Arc, calm down! Rose didn’t do anything…”

“Right! She didn’t do anything! Like what I told her to! Now MOVE!!!”

Arc forcibly pushes Luna out of his way. Flash Sentry angrily lunges at him, slamming his commanding officer against a wall. Arc hits his head on a nearby shelf and falls to his knees. He shakes his head

“I… what happened?”

Arc looks up, clearly dazed.

“How… how did I get here?”

Luna frowns. “You walked here with Rose after the… incident in the Bathroom.”

Rose nods. “Yes. I thought you needed rest.”

Arc slowly stands up. “Okay. Why am I on the floor then?”

Flash Sentry grins sheepishly. “That was me, sir. I… may have knocked you down after you attacked Princess Luna.”

“I did WHAT?!”

His head snaps to the princess.

“Are you alright, Luna?!”

“I’m fine. You just pushed me.”

Arc looks at his bandaged hand. “Was it the Sanguine Azolla?”

Rose sighs. “Most likely, Arc.”

“You should really open a portal back to Canterlot Castle, sir. Doctor Whooves can administer the cure and have you back to normal in no time.”

Arc nods. “Y-yeah. I think that’s probably a good idea right now.”

He touches his ring, but nothing happens.

“What the…? Where’s my armor?!”

Rose tilts her head, confused. “You lent it to Miss Cherry, remember?”

“I… I did?”

“Yes. She’s visiting her sister in Dodge Junction.”

Arc shakes his head. “Cherry has a sister?”

Luna frowns. “This isn’t good! You’re getting worse, Arc!”

“Y-yeah! My mind… it feels like… I… I don’t know! All I know is without my gauntlet, I can’t open a portal!”

Flash Sentry turns to Luna. “This is bad! What do we do, Princess Luna?!”

“We have to go back to Canterlot right away! Lieutenant, tell Captain Tight Ship…!”


Arc brings his fist down on a nearby dresser, smashing it to pieces. He falls to his knees breathing heavily and sweating.

“I… we… this has to be done!”

Rose looks confused. “Arc, what’s the rush?”

Flash Sentry kneels down next to Arc. “Sir, this is really important to… um… a lot of ponies. But… I know she’ll understand if we need to put the signing off for a few days.”

Arc puts a hand to his drenched forehead. “Can’t… focus… need treaty! Need NOW! Raven… need us… succeed! Younglings… counting on… it!!!”

Rose puts an arm around Arc as he tries unsuccessfully to get up. “Arc, hold on! We’ll get you to the Infirmary!”

Arc looks up to her slowly as he brushes sweat from his eyes. “I… who’s there?!”

“It’s me, Arc…”

He grins at her.

“Cherry?! You came back!”

Rose sighs. “No, Arc. I…”

Luna shakes her head quickly and motions for Rose to keep the ruse going.

“…I mean, I’m just here for a bit.”

Arc pulls Rose into an embrace and strokes her hair tenderly. “Cherry…”

“I’m happy to see you too… dear. But you need to see Nurse Redheart right away.”

Arc sits back down on the floor as he pulls Rose into his lap. “I will. Just give me this moment with you, my dear!”

Rose nods happily. “Of course, Arc.”

Flash Sentry whispers to Luna. “This is fortunate, your majesty.”

Luna nods as she looks back at the couple on the floor. “That it is. I was wondering what we were going to do with him tonight.”

“Yes. We couldn’t exactly leave him here alone. He’s a danger to others, and himself!”

“Do you think Rose can handle him, lieutenant?”

“She has to. For all our sakes.”

A short time later Arc stands up shakily with Rose’s help. She puts an arm around his shoulders.

“Come, Arc. This way.”

Arc nods and takes her other hand in his. “Of course, Cherry!”

Luna and Flash Sentry follow the pair to the Infirmary. Nurse Redheart approaches them. She looks Arc up and down.

“Oh dear! Sir, how do you feel?!”

Arc grins. “I’m GREAT! Cherry’s just being overprotective of me.”

“He’s… um… acting strangely, nurse.”

Rose turns to Arc.

“Now then, dear, I want you to let the nurse examine you.”

“I’m just fine. But if you want me to, I’ll do it.”

Arc lies down on the examination table as the others explain his strange behavior to Redheart. She sighs.

“I was afraid something like this might happen.”

Luna shudders. “Something like… what happened to me?”

Redheart nods. “Yes. Human biology isn’t well known to us. My guess is he got a bit too much Sanguine Azolla into his system.”

Flash Sentry looks over his shoulder. “How much could have been on that bolt tip?!”

Redheart sighs. “I can only surmise that his species is more susceptible to it than the princesses were.”

Luna sighs. “What do we do?!”

“He’ll need the cure to be brought back to normal, I’m afraid.”

Arc calls out from the bed as he holds Rose’s hand. “We’re not leaving without that treaty!”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “He’s very insistent that we complete our mission here, nurse.”

Luna lowers her voice. “Is his life in danger?”

“I’ll examine him and then answer that question, your majesty.”

Nurse Redheart walks over to the bed and gets to work. Flash Sentry turns and whispers to Luna.

“Is he really all right over there, your highness? I mean… I’ve never seen him like this before!”

“Arc is strong. Both mentally and physically. He will pull through this.”

“How can you be so sure, Princess Luna?!”

Luna looks over at Arc. His gaze is transfixed on Rose.

“Because he has a reason to go on, lieutenant.”

“I… understand.”

Luna smiles at the affection being lavished on Rose. “We should all be so fortunate.”

Sometime later Nurse Redheart looks up.

“Sir, your tests show the Sanguine Azolla is affecting your brain.”

Arc does not takes his eyes off Rose. “Nonsense. I feel amazing!”

Luna walks over. “Is he in danger?”

“No, your highness. The amount in his system is just enough to impair him. But not enough to put him down like you and Princess Cadance.”

Flash Sentry puts a hoof to his chest. “That’s a relief!”

Rose turns to Redheart. “So… what next?”

“Like I said earlier, he’ll need the cure to be brought back to normal.”

Luna considers this. “Are you certain he’ll be okay if we stay to sign the treaty?”

“Currently, yes. The only way he’d be in any danger is if he was somehow infected with more Sanguine Azolla.”

Flash Sentry shrugs. “I don’t see that happening aboard our secure ship.”

Redheart nods. “Yes. In any case, I recommend plenty of rest. And under no circumstances is anyone to do or say ANYTHING that might upset him!”

Rose looks confused. “Why is that?”

“Because his reaction would be unpredictable at best.”

Flash Sentry shudders. “That much we do know. Earlier he went to push Princess Luna, and I just lost it!”

“Lost it, Flash Sentry?”

Luna nods. “The lieutenant knocked Arc into something, hitting his head.”

Rose sighs. “That did seem to bring him around though.”

Redheart turns to Flash Sentry. “Studies have shown that slapping someone hysterical can sometimes bring them back to their senses. However, I don’t recommend attempting such a treatment. For you OWN safety!”

Flash Sentry gulps. “I’ll keep that in mind, nurse.”

Arc turns away from Rose for a moment. “I have a question.”

Redheart turns to him. “Yes, sir?”

“Who are you guys talking about?”

Rose thinks for a moment. “Um… someone aboard was injured by a poison bolt. They’re very sick.”

Arc sits up. “They were?! Who did this?!”

Luna puts a hoof on Arc’s chest. “Don’t worry about it, Arc. The griffon army is looking for the perpetrator.”

Rose nods. “Yes, dear. They’ll find who did this.”

“Well, we should be out there helping them! If somepony is out there hurting others…!”

Flash Sentry interrupts him..” Sir? What did you just say?”

Arc looks confused. “What I was TRYING to say is, if somepony is hurting others we need to get out there and help track them down.”

Luna shakes her head. “That might be seen as meddling, Arc.”


“You’ve been telling me how the griffons are very proud race. If we go out there to ‘help’, they might see it as an insult.”

“I… suppose that’s true. Unless things get out of hoof, I’ll just…”

Luna frowns. “Out of what, Arc?”

“Out of hoof. The griffons can take care of one problem though, right?”

Flash Sentry nods. “Yes sir.”

Luna sighs. “That they can. Well, I need to start getting ready for the banquet.”

Arc stands up. “As do I! Mustn’t keep the Council of Lords waiting.”

“You should probably stay here, Arc.”

“Um… why Luna?

Redheart steps over. “Because of your condition, sir.”

“I am FINE! It’s everypony here who are acting strange!”

“Arc, please. Just rest! I’ll handle the ceremony and come right back.”

Flash Sentry nods. “We’ll see to it, sir.”

Luna turns to Flash Sentry. “Actually, Ro… Cherry should probably stay with Arc.”

“I should?”

Luna nods. “To make sure he’s comfortable.”

“Very well, your highness.”

Rose turns to Arc.

“You hear that, dear? We can stay together!”

Arc takes Rose’s hand. “Nothing would make me happier! But I really should be at the ceremony with Luna.”

“Please Arc! Just stay here with Cherry! I’ll be fine! You deserve some time off after all the hard work you’ve been doing.”

Flash Sentry nods. “I’m sure the military has found the assailants by now, sir, and everything can go on as planned.”

Arc frowns. “Well, I’ll ask Natalya about it when she gets here.”

Luna heads for the door. “In any case, I need to get ready now.”

Arc looks over. “Do you need me to help again, Luna?”

“No, thank you. We have plenty of time.”

Arc turns to Rose. “Why don’t you lend Luna a hoof, Cherry? I’m sure she’d like an extra set of eyes to make sure she looks her best.”

“I don’t mind. Can I assist you, Princess Luna?”

“I… uh… suppose so. But I don’t want to take away your guard, Arc.”

Arc laughs. “I don’t think anypony is foolish enough to try and take ME on!”

Luna shifts uneasily. “What I meant was, I don’t want to separate you from you… fiancé.”

“It’s just for a bit. Then we’ll be together again.”

Rose nods. “Well… I’ll do it. If you promise to wait for me in your room, Arc.”

“I will, Cherry.”

Luna nods. “Very well. Flash Sentry, escort Arc to his room. Then I want you to come see me.”

“Yes, your highness. Right this way, sir.”

Arc walks toward the door with the lieutenant. “Lead the way.”

They walks toward his room as Luna and Rose head in the other direction. Rose helps Luna put on her dress and begins to brush her mane. A short time later here is a knock at the door.

“I’ll get it.”

Rose opens the door to find Flash Sentry waiting patiently.

“Reporting as ordered. Is the princess ready to see me?”

“She’s dressed, yes. Come in.”

Rose steps aside to allow him entrance before closing the door behind him. Luna turns to meet him halfway.

“Did Arc give you any trouble, lieutenant?”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “No, your highness. However, he did want me to pass something on to Miss Cherry. Er… I mean Rose here.”

“Oh? What was it?”

“Um, he… wanted me to tell you… ‘don’t take too long’.”

Rose appears confused. “He wants me to hurry up?”

Flash Sentry nods nervously. “Yes. But the look in his eyes made me feel a bit… uncomfortable.”

Luna turns to Rose. “Maybe you should just stay here with me.”

Rose shakes her head. “No, ma’am. I was built exclusively for Arc. If he wants me, I’ll be there for him.”

Luna nods soberly. “You are very brave, Rose. However please remember you are not just an object to be used.”

“Yes, your highness. But if that’s what he wants, I will comply.”

“Very well. But only if that is your desire as well.”

Rose nods and looks toward the door. “I should probably head over there, your highness. Mustn’t keep Arc waiting.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “Go ahead, Rose. I’ll finish helping Princess Luna get ready.”

Rose looks back to Luna. She nods as the android heads for the door.

“Stay safe out there you two.”

Rose leaves the room. Flash Sentry walks over to Luna.

“I don’t like this, ma’am!”

“Which part? Helping me or Rose’s dilemma?”

“Miss Rose is certainly willing. That and the commander certainly deserves some… rest. But this just feels wrong! I mean, the way he’s talking! Anypony… hooves!”

Luna sighs as she turns back to the mirror to do her hair. “She is doing so of her own free will. There is nothing we can do to stop her and Arc from… doing what a mare and stallion in love do. Regardless of his mental state.”

“I understand that, your highness. But I don’t believe this is what the commander would want.”

“Yes, well… we cannot stop this. At the very least he will be sleeping with one of his own kind. So to speak, that is. But right now there is something else I need you to do.”

Meanwhile, Rose makes her way to Arc’s cabin. She smiles to herself as she walks.

“Mother… I’ll make you proud of me tonight! At last I’ll be able to make Arc happy!”

She knocks on the door before entering.


Arc stands up from the bed. “Cherry!”

He hurries over to Rose and takes her hands in his.

“Thank you for coming, my dear!”

Rose gives his hands a squeeze, happily. “I couldn’t stay away, my love!”

Arc pulls her into an embrace. “I’ve missed you.”

“But I’ve only been gone about fifteen minutes.”

Arc strokes her hair as he holds her. “It’s felt like forever, Cherry.”

She looks up at him, smiling.

“So, what should we do?”

Arc grins. “Want to go on a date?”


“Sure! Why not?”

“Well… Princess Luna asked us to stay here.”

Arc turns up his nose. “Luna? HA! I’ll go where I want!”

“Please, Arc! She did ask very nicely.”

“Very well. Whatever makes you happy, my dear!”

He takes her hand.

“Let’s go to the Mid Deck. There’re games and whatnot down there. We should be able to find something fun to entertain ourselves.”

Rose puts an arm around Arc’s midsection as they leave the room. “Just being with you makes me happy, Arc!”

They head to the Mid Deck and arrive at the Game Room in short order. Arc turns to Rose as they enter.

“So what do you want to play? A Board game? Ping-pong? Whatever you want to do.”

Rose points at a nearby door. “What’s in there?”

“I’m not sure. Fancy a look?”


They open the door and step inside a room with a large felt table. Rose looks confused.

“What… is this?”

“A pool table. It’s a game we had back on Earth. I guess it’s here too. Want to play?”

“I don’t know how.”

“I can teach you.”

Rose giggles. “That sounds like fun!”

Arc racks up the pool balls and points to a row of sticks on the wall.

“Can you bring two of those over, Cherry?”


She hands Arc a stick as he sets down the white ball. Arc crouches down, stick in hand.

“You see… you hit the cue ball with this stick like this…”

He proceeds to do so. Hitting the cue ball and sending it smashing into the others, a striped ball falls into a pocket.

“Guess I’m stripes.”


Arc nods. “You see, some of these balls have stripes on them. I have to knock all of them into these pockets without sinking your solid colored ones or the black eight ball.”

He takes aim again, but fails to sink a ball. Arc shrugs and steps back.

“Oh well. Your turn, Rose.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I missed. Now then, just stand like I did and do your best.”

“Okay, I’ll try.”

She hunches over and pokes at the cue ball, missing it completely.

“I’m sorry!”

Arc chuckles. “Don’t be. Go ahead and try again.”

She does so. This time Rose aims a bit too low. The ball jumps off the table and clatters against the floor.

“I guess I’m not very good at this game.”

Arc walks over and picks up the ball. “You’ll get the hang of it.”

He sets the ball down on the table and puts his hands on hers.

“Try holding it like this, my dear.”

Rose smiles happily. “Yes, that feels much better.”

Rose jabs at the cue ball again. This time she makes contact and knocks a solid ball into a nearby pocket. She giggles as she looks up at Arc still hunched over her.

“This is kinda fun!”

“I knew you’d like it, Cherry.”

Rose looks up at him and gives him a small kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you for showing me how.”

“It’s my pleasure. Now then, you sank a ball so it’s still your turn.”

They continue their game. Rose looks over to him as she scans him.

“So how are you feeling?”

“Fine. Why does everyone keep asking me that?”

Rose gently takes his bandaged hand. “I’m sorry, my love. We’re all just worried about you.”

Arc looks down at his hand and frowns. “What the…? When did that happen?!”

“You don’t remember?”

He puts a hand to his forehead. “Not at all! Um… can I ask you something a bit… strange?”


“Where are we exactly?”

“The Griffon Kingdom.”

Arc’s eyes grow wide. “WHAT?! Princess Luna should be resting!”

“Why’s that?”

“She just woke up from her coma! How she’s walking around is beyond me!”

“Arc, that was quite some time back.”

“I wouldn’t call a week or so that long ago!”

“But it’s been months!”

Arc shakes his head. “That’s not possible! I remember it clearly! Maybe we should take you to Nurse Redheart to get checked out.”

“I will if you want me to, but… let’s just say she’s going to have a hard time examining me.”

“Are you afraid of medical exams?”

Rose looks away sheepishly. “A little. You see, I have some rather scary memories that involve me lying on an examination table.”

Arc nods. “I see. Well, just try not to overexert yourself now.”

“I won’t. Now how about we get back to this game? I’m having fun here.”

“If that’s what you want, my dear.”

They continue playing pool for some time. Each of them wins one game. As they come to the end of their third it’s Arc’s turn to shoot. Rose smiles at him happily.

“Get that black ball in and you win, Arc!”

Arc grins as he closes one eye to focus on his target. “Let me show you how this is done!”

As he shoots, Arc suddenly grabs his head. A sudden intake of breath is heard as his pool stick clatters to the table. Rose drops her stick and rushes over to him.

“ARC?! What’s wrong?!”

He looks up at her, weakly. “I… I don’t know. My head just feels a little funny. Like something inside is trying to get out. Crazy, huh?”

“Not really. How do you feel now?! Shall I call for Nurse Redheart?”

Arc shakes his head and straightens up. “No. It… it’s passing.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to visit the Infirmary?”

“Yeah. Hey, look!”

He points to the eight ball. It sits just in front of the pocket.

“Why don’t we just call it a tie, Arc?”

“Okay. Um… how about we get something to eat in the Cafeteria?”

“If you’re hungry I can make you something.”

Arc smiles at her. “How about we do it together, Cherry?”

“I’d like that!”

Arc and Rose put the pool sticks back on the racks and turn off the lights as they leave. As Arc closes the door behind them the movement of air causes the black ball to fall neatly into the pocket. Meanwhile the pair walk down the corridor together arm in arm.

“So, what do you want to eat, Arc?”

Arc shrugs. “I don’t know. How about something with cherries?”

They laugh together as they enter the empty Cafeteria. Arc looks around.

“I guess we’re going to be doing the cooking. Not sure why I never assigned somepony to staff this place permanently.”

“Well, that’s not really your job, now is it dear.”

Arc shrugs. “Kinda is. I mean, I’m still the Lord Regent. That is until the princesses retake their thrones.”


Arc puts a hand to his chin. “I’ll mention this to Kibitz when we get back to Canterlot. I’m sure there’s somepony around who can do the job.”

“Yes. But I for one am glad there isn’t.”

“Really? Why’s that?”

Rose turns around as he closes the kitchen door behind them. She presses her body against his as Arc takes her in an embrace.

“Because it means you and I can spend some alone time together.”

Arc smiles as he kisses her forehead. “Yes. I’m sorry I’ve been so busy lately. Leading Equestria really is a full-time job.”

Rose smiles at him. “I understand.”

She leans forward and whispers in his ear.

“We’ll have to make up for lost time then.”

Arc grins. “Agreed!”

Meanwhile, Luna and Flash Sentry make their way toward the Bridge. Entering, Captain Tight ship announces them.

“Royal on the Bridge!”

Everyone stands respectfully and salutes as the captain approaches them.

“Are you departing now, Princess Luna?”

Luna nods. “Yes. I just need a mare’s opinion on something first.”

“Certainly, princess.”

He gestures for the crew to approach. They stand before Luna.

“I neglected to bring my Hoof Maidens. Would you three be so kind as to look me over?”

Moon Dancer nods. “Yes, your highness.”

The three walk all around her for a few moments. Lemon Heart rubs her chin with a hoof.

“This bow is a bit loose here. Shall I?”

“Please do.”

Lemon Hearts gives the bow a bit of a tug to fix it.

Moon Dancer points a hoof at Luna’s head. “That dress crown is a bit off as well, your majesty.”

She adjusts it with her magic and steps back.

“Much better!”

Wrangler looks down. “The only other thing I can see is a spot on one of your Hoof Protectors.”

She walks behind Luna and carefully removes her hoofware. Giving a quick shine with her fetlock, Wrangler puts it back.

Soarin nods. “I believe you’ll be the hit of the evening, Princess Luna.”

Luna frowns. “Perhaps. However, I just want to get this done and over with! We need to get Arc back to Canterlot as soon as possible!”

Tight Ship nods soberly. “How is he?”

“Not especially well. Rose is keeping an eye on him at the moment. She’ll let you know if something changes.”

Soarin appears confused. “Begging your pardon, ma’am, but shouldn’t he be confined to quarters?”

“I already suggested he rest. That did not go over well with him. Should he get out of hoof, do not approach him.”

Wrangler chuckles. “Want me to hogtie him, your highness?!”

“The Chief Medical Officer has advised us in this matter already. Redheart’s instructions are to keep him as calm as we can.”

Flash Sentry nods. “We pushed him a bit too far earlier.”

Moon Dancer gasps as she looks to the lieutenant. “Oh dear! What happened?!”

“It didn’t end well.”

Lemon Hearts appears nervous. “And if things should get out of hoof?”

“Just get out of his way. We don’t need any more injuries.”

Luna nods in agreement with Flash Sentry. “Yes. Let Rose handle him. She’s significantly more durable than we are.”

Tight Ship sighs. “And if he gets away from her?”

“He wouldn’t dare leave the love of his life behind. In any case, we need to be off. Come lieutenant.”

“Yes, your highness.”

The pair leaves the Bridge as the crew looks to one another uneasily. Thunderlane calls over from the pilot’s seat.

“The Hero of Light out of his mind now of all times?!”

Moon Dancer shrugs. “It couldn’t have been helped. After all, he saved Princess Luna back there.”

Lemon Hearts nods. “Right! If he hadn’t acted when he did, she might be in the same dire straits as he is right now.”

Wrangler narrowing her eyes. “Not sure which would be worse. Dealing with an out of control alicorn, or a crazed Hero of Light.”

Tight Ship returns to his chair. “That Rose must be quite competent for her majesty to put such faith in her. We should follow her orders to the letter.”

Soarin takes his place next to the captain. “And if something goes wrong?”

Wrangler sighs as she removes her hat. “Then I pity the fool who gets in his way.”

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