• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 8 - Unexpected Social Affairs

A day or so later, Twilight paces in front of the desk in Arc’s office nervously. Arc sits in his chair calmly looking out the window.

“You really should sit down, Twilight.”

Twilight groans. “I can’t! Too worried!”

“Pacing won’t help with that.”

She stops long enough to trot in place. “Well, I have to do SOMETHING!”

Arc chuckles. “Shouldn’t we be talking about other things?”

“What could be more important than this?!”

“Maybe not ‘more important’ inasmuch as something we could do instead of pacing.”

Twilight stops and looks at him. “Oh?”

Arc smiles as he turns in his chair to face her. “I’m talking about our engagement. Remember, we still haven’t called back home to tell everyone yet.”

“Well, I want to do that face to face. Makes it that much more intimate.”

“Whatever you want to do.”

There is a knock at the door. Arc swivels to face his desk as Twilight answers it. Ashe stands on the other side. Twilight steps aside and beckons with a hoof.

“Please come in, Ashe!”

Ashe nods as she enters the office. “My father should be notifying me of the Council of Lord’s decision soon. I asked your Communication’s Officer to direct that call here so we can all hear it.”

Arc looks to his phone. “Good idea.”

Twilight sighs. “I’m just so nervous!”

Ashe sighs. “So am I. There’s never been charges such as these levied against a sitting lord before.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Never?”

“Nothing of this magnitude by someone of such rank, no.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “How do you think it will go, Ashe?!”

Ashe shrugs. “I’m not quite sure. Like I said...”

The phone ringing interrupts her. Arc lifts the receiver and speaks.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Lemon Hearts. I have a call on hold from Lord Gestal.”

“Put it through.”

“Yes sir.”

The line goes dead for a few moments. Arc takes the opportunity to press the ‘speakerphone’ button as he hangs up the receiver. A short time later Lord Gestal’s voice rings out through the speaker.


Ashe calls out. “We’re here, father!”

“Are Lord Arc and Princess Twilight there as well?”

Twilight hurries forward to put her front hooves on the desk. “We’re here, sir!”

Arc nods. “Indeed.”

“Very good. I’d like to inform all three of you that the council has voted unanimously to impeach Lord Goldstone effective immediately.”

Twilight grins. “Good!”

Arc lens forward. “It’s the first step anyways.”

Ashe nods. “And now he must plead his case in front of the king?”

“Yes, Ashe. The trial will commence in exactly three days.”

Twilight grimaces. “Has the king commented on this matter, sir?”

“He has, yes. In fact, King Guto wanted me to pass on his interest in seeing all three of you at the trial.”

Arc frowns. “Three of us?”

Ashe appears a bit taken aback. “I thought it was a closed doors affair, father.”

“It is, yes. However, a royal representative of Equestria is required to formally bring forth the charges against Lord Goldstone at the trial itself. Lord Arc is also permitted to attend as he is the commanding officer of the victim. And you my dear are expected to be there as our ambassador to Equestria, Ashe.”

“I will attend, father.”

Arc nods soberly. “As will I.”

Twilight calls out. “Do we need to know anything else, Lord Gestal?”

“Not at this time, no. You’ll be contacted the day before the trial as to what time to arrive.”

“Yes sir. We’ll be there.”

“I trust you will. Now then, on a bit of a lighter note, Lord Weller has a party scheduled for this evening. Upon hearing that you three were in the country, he asked me to extend invitations.”

“Where will the party be?”

“His private residence. Rest assured that it is beyond secure, your highness.”

Ashe nods. “His estate is nearly as well defended as my father’s, Twilight.”

“Then you can tell him that we will be in attendance.”

Arc smiles. “Indeed. I look forward to it as well.”

“And I shall come too, father.”

“Splendid. This is a formal affair though, so you’ll all want to look your best for it. Shall I send a carriage to ferry you three here?”

Twilight shakes her head. “While that is appreciated, I do prefer my own chariot, sir.”

“And I’ll ride in with them, father.”

Gestal sighs. “I would still appreciate you riding in our family carriage though, Ashe.”

Ashe sighs. “Very well then, father. Go ahead and send it over at the proper time.”

“Very well, Ashe. I’ll see to it that the message is passed along. Looking forward to seeing you again.”

“Until then, father. Goodbye.”

Arc presses the ‘speakerphone’ button and turns to Twilight.

“Step one complete.”

Twilight grins. “He’s halfway gone!”

She turns to Ashe before continuing.

“How will the trial work exactly?”

“Similarly to a normal trial, the king will call for you to state the charges against Lord Goldstone. You’ll be asked what you know before any other pertinent evidence is presented to the king along with additional testimony as requested.”

Arc looks to Ashe. “Whom can make the request for ‘additional testimony’?”

“The prosecution, the defense, and the king.”

Twilight grimaces. “Anything else we should know?”

“Just don’t speak unless asked a direct question and remember that the king is the ultimate authority in this matter. Make him angry or disrespect our laws and he’s likely to throw the entire case out.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “So let’s say the case is successful and we convince the king. What then?”

“Lord Goldstone will be immediately deposed and publicly defrocked of his lordship.”

Twilight sinks back. “And if we lose?”

“Then he will return to his post on the Council of Lords and continue ruling with the other members.”

Arc frowns. “It would be as if nothing ever happened.”

Ashe nods soberly. “Right.”

Twilight stomps the floor with a hoof. “We can’t let that happen!”

Arc puts a hand on his desk as he nods. “Agreed.”

Ashe sighs. “I’ll be there too in an effort to make sure these claims are taken seriously, as will my father. Hopefully the king takes note.”

Twilight sits down on her haunches. “So I guess there’s really nothing more to be done right now.”

Arc looks to Twilight. “Well... there is one thing we should do.”

A short time later Arc and Twilight step out of a portal into Arc’s quarters. Twilight takes a deep breath and smiles.

“It’s good to be home.”

Arc smiles. “So the castle is ‘home’ for you now?”

Twilight giggles. “Well... it kinda is for me. But I actually meant being back in Equestria.”

Arc nods as he walks over to his phone. “Admittedly, I too am glad to be back here. If only for a short time.”

Picking up the receiver, he waits for the operator.

“Switchboard. What can I do for you, sir?”

“I’d like you to tell Captain of the Royal Guard Flash Sentry to report to my quarters along with his secretary.”

“Yes sir. Will there be anything else?”

Arc shakes his head. “That will be all.”

He hangs up the telephone and turns back to Twilight. Motioning to the couches in front of the fireplace he speaks.

“Why don’t we sit down?”

Twilight nods. “Sure.”

Taking their places together, Arc casts a Flame Spell on the wood in the fireplace. It immediately ignites, casting a warm glow over the room in an effort to overpower the otherwise overcast day. A short time later there is a knock at the door. Arc turns his head and calls out.


Flash Sentry enters along with Raven. Arc motions to the couch in front of them.

“Please be seated.”

They do so. Arc smiles at them.

“How are you two doing?”

Flash Sentry salutes. “I’m pretty well established here now, sir. In my role as the head of security, I mean.”

Raven nods. “And I’m doing my best to support him in that role along with Lieutenant Hammer, sir.”

Twilight smiles at the stallion. “I’m told the castle’s never been more secure.”

“Thank you, your highness.”

Arc clears his throat before continuing. “We’ve called you two here today to inform you that Twilight and I have just returned from a visit to the Griffon Kingdom.”

Twilight nods soberly. “We were able to gain an audience with the griffon whom leads the Council of Lords.”

Raven shrinks back instinctively. “About... what happened to me back then?”

Arc looks to her. “Yes, Raven. Rest assured that it was a very private meeting though.”

Flash Sentry appears hopeful. “What did he have to say?”

Twilight picks up where Arc left off. “That he was very upset at viewing the crystalized memory of yours, Flash Sentry.”

Arc nods. “This morning, when the Council of Lords reconvened, he brought forth the charges and called for an impeachment vote.”

Twilight smiles. “They unanimously voted in favor of impeachment.”

Raven appears relieved. “That’s good!”

Flash Sentry looks to his commanding officer. “What happens now?”

“In a few days they’ll be a trial in which he can plead his case. The king himself will act as the judge. If we can prove our case then and there the king has the power to remove Goldstone from his post and punish him accordingly.”

Raven shudders. “Do I have to testify as well?”

Twilight bows her head. “You may have to. After all, the king may not accept the video evidence or have questions for you of his own.”

Flash Sentry turns to Arc. “Sir, might I be permitted to accompany Raven when that time comes?”

“Yes indeed. But you’ll also be there as a witness to the event.”

“Good. I’d like to tell my side of that night too.”

Raven looks to Twilight. “Will the court be... open to the public?”

“Normally something like this would be kept quiet. However, since it involves a lord, Ambassador Ashe has made a motion that it be broadcast live to the entire country via radio.”

Raven appears suddenly nervous. “Live?!”

Arc nods. “She says it’s to show the nation that the monarchy and council are dedicated to meting out justice even at the highest echelons of their government. At least that’s how she presented her request.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “Do you think he’ll go for it?”

Arc shrugs. “No idea. And we won’t know for sure until the day of the trial itself.”

Twilight smiles at Raven. “We wanted you to be the first to know of what’s going on with your case. And that we’re not going to let this matter go.”

Raven looks down at her hooves. “Thank you, Princess Twilight.”

Arc sighs. “We’re going to do our best here. But no promises that the king will side with us.”

“And I appreciate that, sir. Um... what should I do now then?”

“The day of the trial I’ll come back to get you and Flash Sentry. You can wait aboard The Equinox and listen to the trial in my quarters via a transmission from my earring. When you’re called to testify I can open a portal to bring you right there safely.”

Twilight nods. And send you back afterwards.

Raven wrings her hooves nervously. “I... I don’t know if I can...”

Flash Sentry puts a fetlock around her neck. “It’s okay, Raven. Remember, I’ll be with you the whole time.”

“But... but I don’t think I can see that filthy scoundrel again without breaking down!”

“Your testimony might be the thing that brings him down though!”

Twilight bows her head. “Right. Without it they may just let him go.”

Arc grimaces. “And he’ll just keep doing it to others.”

Raven takes a deep breath. “I’ll try my best.”

Flash Sentry smiles at her. “That’s all we can ask.”

Twilight looks to the mare. “Is there anything else we can do for you, Raven?”

“Um... could I please lie down now? I think I need some time alone to think.”

“Of course.”

Arc stands. “Take Raven back to her room, Flash Sentry.”

“Yes sir.”

Getting to his hooves, he helps Raven off the couch and slowly toward the door. As it closes behind them Twilight’s ears droop and she sighs.

“Raven... I wish we could do more to help her.”

Arc sighs. “Taking down Goldstone would help.”

“I know. But that might not be possible.”

“We have to stay positive, Twilight.”

“What happened to her... I just can’t imagine something like that being done to a mare against their will!”

“I’m assuming it does happen though.”

Twilight nods. “Occasionally, yes.”

“What’s Equestria do about it?”

“They get a trial, of course. However a conviction generally requires a mare to undergo a medical examination shortly after the event occurs.”

“Swabbing for evidence?”

“It makes for an airtight case, yes. Every filly is taught what to do if such a thing happens to them. To tell somepony and get help as soon as possible. You should talk to Dinky about it before too long.”

Arc sighs. “I did that a while back.”


“She and I talked about touching inappropriately and how to handle it.”

“Did she understand?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at first, no. She confessed that she was touched under her tail some time back. However, when I pressed her for details about the incident she told me it was during a routine medical exam. And her mother was there too.”

“Doctor Horse?”

“Yup. I did run it past Derpy after the fact, of course. She told me that he was just giving her a physical. This was shortly after Kronos... aged her up.”

“That does make sense, yes. Dinky was so young back then and wouldn’t have known the difference. But it’s still good that you had that talk with her.”

“Yes, well... we should probably get back to the ship. After all, we didn’t actually tell anyone we were leaving.”

Twilight gasps. That’s right! Let’s go!

Powering up his crystals, Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal. The pair step through together and return to The Equinox. Later that evening they proceed to the Cargo Hold together. Stepping onto the open air chariot they look over to see Ashe standing next to her father’s carriage waiting for them.

“I’m ready to move out when you two are.”

Arc turns to Ashe. “Is your carriage going to be in the lead or are we?”

Ashe shrugs. “Either way works for me.”

She turns to Twilight before continuing.

“What do you want to do, princess?”

“Well... if it’s not too much trouble, I’d rather go first.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Twilight?”

“The citizens really seem to like it when I drive by. Um... that IS okay, right?”

Ashe shrugs. “I haven’t heard any complaints from the Aviary, so I’m going to say it is, yes.”

Arc fans himself with a hand. “Then let’s get moving. This heated carriage is a bit too warm when inside a climate controlled ship.”

Twilight giggles and nods to the stallion across the room. He presses a button to open the Cargo Bay doors. As they do so, the stallions hitched to the carriage begin walking. Ashe’s carriage follows them into the city. As before, the citizenry hurry out of their homes to see Twilight. She waves happily at as many as she can. A short time later they enter a gated estate with guards everywhere. They stop in front of the doors as a spiffily-dressed butler approaches them and offers a talon to Twilight.

“Good evening, your majesty.”

“Oh! Um... hello!”

She takes his talon as another griffon hurries forward with some temporary stairs. Placing them before her, Twilight descends the carriage as Arc follows closely behind. The butler releases her hoof and bows.

“Lord Weller has been expecting you, Princess Twilight. Please follow me to the Ballroom.”

Nodding, she follows the griffon as Arc stays by her side. Entering the mansion she stops as the butler turns around, confused.

“Is something wrong, your highness?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Oh, no. I’m just waiting for Lady Ashe.”

The butler raises an eyebrow. “You... wish to enter the Ballroom... with her?”

Twilight appears confused. “Yes. Is there something wrong with that?”

“N-no, your highness.”

He turns to Arc before continuing.

“Shall we be off, sir?”

“I’ll wait for her too.”

The butler gasps. “Sir?!”

“Is that a problem?”

“N-no, sir! Not at all!”

A few minutes later Ashe walks in. She looks to the pair, a bit skeptically.

“What are you waiting for?”

Arc shrugs. “Just you.”

Twilight smiles. “Didn’t want you to be left behind.”

Ashe frowns. “I’m confused.”

“I think Twilight wants us to walk in together.”

Ashe looks to the pair nervously. “That’s a bit... um... how should I put this... inappropriate.”

Twilight frowns. “How so?”

“Entering a Ballroom is typically done alone. Pairs doing so together are a sign that they are romantically involved.”

Arc gestures to the butler. “That explains his response.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “Yes, I... suggested that the three of us should go together.”

Ashe puts a talon to her forehead and sighs. “I suppose trios aren’t out of the question. However, a foreign princess, an ambassador, and a lord would certainly turn heads for the wrong reasons.”

Arc nods soberly. “So we should let you go first then?”

Ashe shrugs. “Or you two could.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Wouldn’t that send the wrong message though?”

Ashe shakes her head. “Not in your case, no. A princess would certainly have her protecter close at all times.”

“Well, I think you should go first, Ashe.”

“Very well. I’ll show you the proper way to enter too.”

Walking down dimly lit corridors together they eventually come to a well-lit archway. Ashe turns to Twilight.

“Just watch what I do and try your best to imitate it.”

The butler picks up a receiver and speaks into it. A few moments later he looks to Ashe. She turns to the pair as she walks toward the doorway.

“That’s my cue.”

Entering the light from the Ballroom she curtsies slightly as a griffon just inside the door calls out in a deep and loud voice.


Walking slowly into the room, she disappears from sight. A few moments later the butler again speaks into the receiver and looks to Twilight. Arc motions for her to step forward as he does so as well. As they enter the light, Twilight does as Ashe did as Arc stays one step behind her and to her right as the announcing griffon does his thing.


They enter the room as all eyes turn to look at them. Twilight smiles as Arc extends a hand to her. Putting her hoof into it, she allows herself to be led into the room by Arc. A servant approaches the pair with a tray of crystal glasses and extends one to her.

“Fine wine, your majesty?”

“Oh! Um... I don’t...”

Ashe walks over and takes a glass from the tray as she interrupts her. “Now, now, your highness. Mustn’t offend our gracious host.”

“I... suppose not.”

Twilight takes the glass from Ashe’s talon with a Telekinesis Spell. The servant holds the tray out to Arc, but he holds up a hand.

“Thank you, but I’m on duty.”

Bowing slightly, he backs away as Lord Weller and Lord Adalbert approach the pair.

“Ah, Princess Twilight Sparkle! So good of you to come!”


Twilight nods regally. “Thank you for the invitation, Lord Weller.”

Arc turns to Adalbert. “Hello again, sir. I take it there was no... lasting damage from our previous encounter.”

Adalbert laughs heartily. “None whatsoever! Thank you for the workout though!”

Weller joins in the amusement as Twilight raises an eyebrow.

“My apologies, but might I ask what the joke is?”

Arc looks to her. “The last time I saw Lord Adalbert he was leading griffon forces toward the Crystal Empire.”

Weller chimes in quickly. “At the behest of Hero of Light Decimus, I might add.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her cheek. “Ah! I do remember Cadance informing me about that. Tell me, how did Arc convince you to do otherwise, sir?”

“With poise and grace, your highness.”

Ashe appears impressed. “Really?”

Arc smirks. “And by that he means a gauntlet to the beak.”

They laugh heartily as Twilight forces a smile and sips her wine. Enjoying the moment for a bit longer, Weller turns back to Twilight.

“It wasn’t exactly the most prosperous time in either of our nation’s histories, I believe.”

Adalbert shrugs. “I enjoyed it.”

Twilight smiles at their host. “Rest assured that Equestria doesn’t hold such a thing against the Griffon Kingdom. “

Arc nods. “We understand that you were merely acting on the faulty information provided by Decimus.”

Weller bows his head. “And for that we apologize.”

Adalbert smiles at Arc. “But thanks for the exercise.”


Weller looks to Twilight soberly. “Your highness, might we move this conversation somewhere a bit more... private?”


Leading the group from the Ballroom, he escorts them into a parlor of sorts. A roaring fire in front of a pair of couches comes into view. Several trays of delicacies sit on the coffee table before them. Weller motions to the couches as he closes and locks the doors behind him.

“Please have a seat.”

Everyone does so as he pulls a bottle of wine from a silver ice bucket next to the door.

“A bit of food and sip of wine are in order, I believe.”

Adalbert holds out a glass. “I’ll drink to that!”

Ashe does the same. “As will I.”

Twilight levitates her glass from earlier. “Thank you, but I’m fine.”

Arc holds up a hand. “I’ll pass. Duty to the princess, and all that.”

Weller smiles as he pours. “Understandable, Lord Arc.”

Setting the bottle down on the table, Lord Weller looks at Twilight and holds up his glass.

“To Equestria and our future relationships.”

Twilight nods and clinks her glass against his as Adalbert turns to Ashe.

“And to your work keeping our two nations together.”

Ashe smiles as she holds up her own glass. “I’ll drink to that.”

The pair tip their glasses as Arc looks to Lord Weller.

“You have a beautiful home here, sir.”

“Thank you, Lord Arc. It was built by my great-grandfather.”

Adalbert turns to Twilight. “Most of the mansions in the Griffon Kingdom were built generations ago.”

“Very impressive. I wouldn’t have guessed it by looking at them.”

Ashe chimes in. “They take a lot of maintenance, of course. However, nearly every residence is apt to keep them up. As do most citizens back in Equestria, I’ve noticed.”

Weller smiles. “Yes, we’ve all read the reports you’ve sent back, Lady Ashe. Most impressive the things you’ve witnessed.”

Adalbert smirks. “I was more impressed by the fighting spirit of its forces.”

Ashe looks to Twilight. “Lord Adalbert is referring to my report regarding the assault on Light’s Hope.”

“An amazing read!”

Weller nods. “Indeed. However I would like to say something to Princess Twilight now.”

“Me, sir?”

“Yes, your highness. It’s about the reason for your visit.”

Adalbert nods soberly. “And what it entails.”

“Lord Adalbert and I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for the inexcusable antics of our colleague.”

Adalbert snorts as he looks away. “The spinless coward.”

“We all voted to see him put on trial for his misdeeds, naturally.”

“He’ll have a chance to defend himself just like anyone else would, naturally.”

“However, it is still possible that he’ll simply be able to walk away from this.”

Twilight frowns. “But how?!”

Adalbert grunts. “Prosecuting a lord is very tricky. Even with the evidence against him, Lord Goldstone may be able to convince the other nobles to petition the king on his behalf.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “To what end?”

Weller sighs. “In order to maintain his freedom.”

Twilight gasps. “But how would that happen?! I mean... if the king finds him guilty won’t that be the end of it?!”

Adalbert shakes his head. “Not really. A guilty verdict only means that he needs to be punished in some way. The law states that he’d be removed from the Council of Lords, yes. However, he could just be ordered to pay a fine to the injured parties.”

Arc grits his teeth. “No prison sentence, or anything?”

Weller frowns. “Not if enough nobles get behind it, no. You see, the king holds the authority only because the nobility wills it so. Should they not be kept happy, he could be deposed via a coup or assassination.”

Adalbert downs his glass in one gulp before speaking. “That would cause nothing but instability in our land as the nobles will fight with one another to establish dominance and crown a new king.”

“While we do sympathize with the plight of the victim, please understand that even without his title, Lord Goldstone is still a force to be reckoned with.”

Adalbert scoffs. “All his connections in the economic sector have kept him on the noble’s tongues as a wizard of a business mogul and financial advisor for as long as I can remember.”

Ashe sets her glass down. “I do understand that the king needs to think of the nation as a whole. However, there must be SOMETHING that could be done about Goldstone.”

Weller sighs. “As I said, it all comes down to how many nobles back him before and during the trial.”

Adalbert clenches a talon angrily. “Bring em all on! I’d relish the chance to put some of those fools into boxes!”

Ashe sighs. “Please, Lord Adalbert. You know they wouldn’t take to the streets themselves.”

Weller nods. “Yes, they’d hire mercenaries to do such things for them.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Equestria will be forced to accept whatever verdict the king passes down, naturally. However the nobles are not his only concern.”

Ashe smirks. “Lord Arc is right. The treaty says that justice must be done to anyone found guilty of a crime against a citizen of Equestria.”

Twilight takes a sip of her drink. “Our treaty could potentially be imperiled if the king doesn’t take action against Lord Goldstone.”

Weller looks to the monarch nervously. “Rest assured that he will weigh all of the options before making a verdict.”

Adalbert groans. “Much as I hate to admit it, this matter is significantly bigger than one mare.”

Arc nods. “I agree.”

Ashe turns to him, clearly surprised. “What?!”

“He’s right. This IS bigger than one individual’s feelings. However, there is a matter even grander than the potential toppling of a monarchy.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “What could possibly...?!”

Arc interrupts her as he looks to Weller. “Think about it this way. Instead of bemoaning the situation as it stands, consider how your nation got to this point in the first place.”

“I don’t understand your meaning, Lord Arc.”

“Power totally and fully consolidated within a monarchy and federal ruling body. You have five individuals whom hold literally all the power in this country. And three of them are quaking in fear due to the potential future actions of one of them.”

Adalbert frowns. “While I admit that we don’t exactly have the perfect system here, Lord Arc, I must also point out that Equestria also has the same style of government. Four princesses versus our four lords and a king.”

Twilight nods. “That is true, yes. However each princess is taught to think about the consequences of their actions to the country as a whole.”

Arc gestures to Twilight with a wave of his hand. “That and they are available to hear their subjects problems on a near daily basis.”

Ashe chimes in. “I should point out that in addition to the princesses, Equestria also has robust local governments and city councils to rule on a more... personal level. Each town has such things and while they do still answer to Canterlot, the day to day affairs of that city or town are coordinated by the locals and their representatives whom they elect.”

Twilight looks to the lords sitting before her as she leans forward and places her hooves on the table. “Don’t you see? Power blossoms when spread among the population. However it just corrodes and pollutes the land when held exclusively by an elite few. Its influence should be like nutrition to the public. But in this case it’s more like a cancer.”

Weller bows his head. “I cannot disagree with your analysis of the situation, Princess Twilight. However at this point in time there is little that can be done to change things here in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Arc shakes his head. “And that’s exactly why nothing will ever change. Because you believe it to be impossible.”

Ashe stands. “It CAN be done! I’ve seen it in action! Remember, Equestria itself was very similar to our own land over a thousand years ago! Nothing but fighting, bloodshed, and the three pony races vying for dominance! However one stallion changed all that by instituting Equestria’s first princesses whom united the races under one banner! And that banner was one of freedom and safety! Not of slavery and exploitation!”

Twilight puts a hoof on Ashe’s talon. “Please calm yourself, ambassador.”


Arc interrupts her. “Things will change here, Ashe. Either by the will of the politicians or the citizens.”

Ashe looks away. “Without rights they can do nothing, Lord Arc!”

“I disagree. If enough of them get behind an idea it can’t be stopped.”

Weller grimaces. “You’re referring to the rebels, Lord Arc?”

“In a manner of speaking.”

Adalbert snarls. “Fools, all of them! Do they truly think they can hope to stand against the might of the Griffon Kingdom’s forces?!”

Twilight shrugs. “Perhaps they may one day.”

Weller sighs. “But they’ve been nothing but quiet for some time now.”

Ashe smiles wickedly. “Perhaps it’s the calm before the storm. You never really know when or where they’re going to strike next.”

Arc gestures toward a large window nearby overlooking the city. “And they’ve been driven to do some very brazen things in the past.”

Twilight looks to the lords evenly. “Should nothing be done to pacify the public, I foresee them growing in both numbers and strength.”

Adalbert folds his talons over his chest. “What do you propose we do then, Princes Twilight?! Roll over and turn our nation over to THEM?!”

“I would suggest that you start not by doing, but by listening.”

Ashe nods fervently. “With an open mind, she mean.”

Twilight continues. “Hear out what their grievances are and address them.”

Weller looks to Adalbert. “It wouldn’t hurt to try new things.”

Adalbert grunts. “Sounds like a lot of work to me.”

Arc shrugs. “You have to start somewhere.”

Ashe motions to the door. “Indeed. But perhaps we should return to the festivities? I haven’t had the chance to greet my father yet this evening.”

Weller stands and puts his glass down. “A good idea. And thank you for the talk, Princess Twilight.”

Twilight nods. “Thank you for listening.”

Adalbert turns to Ashe. “You just keep sending reports back and we’ll keep reading them.”

“I will, yes.”

Returning to the Ballroom they immediately spot Lord Gestal chatting with a number of nobles. Seeing his daughter he quickly excuses himself and walks over to her. Extending a talon to him, he takes it and smiles.

“You look radiant, my dear!”

“Thank you, father.”

Gestal looks to Twilight. “All that fresh air and quality food, I’m sure.”

Twilight smiles. “We do have quite a bit of both.”

“Father, why don’t you and Princess Twilight share a dance?”

Gestal looks to Twilight and extends a talon. “Would you do me the honor, your highness?”

Twilight glances over to Arc whom makes a slight nod as he smiles. Looking to the lord she extends a hoof.

“I’m not very good at such things, but yes.”

Gestal smiles. “Then I shall lead.”

The pair head for the dance floor together as Ashe looks to Arc.

“Might I have a dance with you as well?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “A dance?”

“It seems only fair considering my father is dancing with the princess.”


Extending her talon to him, Arc takes it and leads Ashe to the floor. She puts her other talon on his shoulder as Arc puts his hand on her hip. As the next song starts she lowers her voice and speaks.

“Those fools.”

“Adalbert and Weller?”

Ashe nods. “They just keep writing off the rebels along with anything else that isn’t right in their faces!”

“They can’t keep doing that forever, you know. Eventually something’s going to be done that can’t just be swept under the rug.”

“Such as...?”

“I’m not going to give you any ideas.”

“Can’t blame me for trying.”

“I suppose not.”

Ashe sighs. “However, I would like to be honest with you about something.”

“What is it?”

“I do believe that the rebels would be very effective with proper leadership.”

“Any group would be, yes.”

Ashe nods. “Maybe that’s why they’re so quiet these days.”


Ashe leans in close to Arc and rests her head on his shoulder. Lowering her voice, she whispers in his ear.

“Just say the word and I’ll bring you to them.”

“For what purpose?”

“To be led by you.”

Arc frowns. “That would do little to help the situation.”

Ashe sighs. “Remember, I’m a griffon first and foremost. It’s in my nature to be loyal to my country and its inhabitants.”

“I suppose that’s true.”

“But if you ever change your mind, my offer still stands.”

“You just worry about why we came here and stay on target.”

Ashe smirks. “Yes sir.”

Meanwhile, a figure watches them from a corner of the room. Frowning, he turns and walks away. Leaving the Ballroom, the griffon makes his way out a side door. Keeping to the shadows he shakes his head and sighs as he removes a party mask. Tossing it to the ground, Gaston grunts as he muses to himself.

“Ashe... how could you do this to me?! I know we parted on less than friendly terms the last time we met! But I never thought I’d see you in that freak’s embrace!”

Clenching a talon, he seethes.

“I’ll show you what a real griffon is capable of, Ashe!”

Several hours later the party breaks up. Gestal, Ashe, Arc, and Twilight descend the front steps together. Gestal smiles at Twilight as he speaks.

“Thank you for the dances, your highness. They warmed this old griffon’s heart.”

“It was nice to talk to you again, sir.”

Ashe nods. “And it gave Lord Arc and I some time to chat.”

Gestal chuckles. “That it did. Just be sure that Princess Luna doesn’t catch you.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Luna?”

“I heard from the king that you and her are an item, Lord Arc.”

“Ah! Well... she’s very... trusting of me in that regard.”

Twilight smiles. “Yes, Luna isn’t much for needless confrontations fortunately.”

The open air carriage arrives. Ashe looks to Twilight as it does.

“Might I ride with you back to the ship?”

“If you’d like to, certainly.”

Gestal frowns. “You really should take the armored carriage, Ashe. After all, you’re an ambassador now.”

“Thank you for your concern, father. But I can’t live in fear behind guards my whole life. If I’m going to be taken seriously as a leader, both here AND in Equestria, I need to show that I’m willing to take some risks.”

Gestal sighs. “Very well, my dear. Please be safe out there.”

Arc smiles at him. “We’ll watch out for her, sir.”

Twilight grins. “Right.”

Gestal nods and watches as Arc extends a hand to Ashe. She takes it and allows herself to be helped into the open air carriage. Silently he follows the carriage with his eyes as it snakes its way down the drive toward the road. As it turns and vanishes from view he whispers to himself.

“Be safe, Ashe.”

The carriage makes its way down the street. Ashe turns to Twilight sheepishly.

“Sorry for my outburst during that private meeting earlier.”

Twilight smiles. “It’s fine. After all, you’re very... close to this particular matter.”

Ashe sighs. “However it’s still something that I can’t even begin to change. Either as Lady Ashe, an ambassador, or even as my... other former occupation.”

Arc waves a hand dismissively. “Let’s not talk about that last one, shall we?”

Twilight nods. “Agreed. The past is in the past.”

As they return to the common streets the citizenry again come out to see Twilight. Waving and cheering, they give her another warm welcome. Twilight turns to Ashe.

“They seem so genuinely pleased that I’m rather embarrassed.”

Arc chuckles. “Maybe some of them are cheering for Ashe here. After all, she IS the daughter of Lord Gestal and an ambassador.”

Ashe sighs. “Trust me, I’m not that well-liked by the public.”

“Why’s that?”

“Nobles aren’t exactly endearing. And an ambassador is viewed as a politician. Another group hated by the common folk.”

Arc smiles at her. “Yes, well... perhaps you could change that, Ashe.”


“Show them that there’s more to you than just your wealth, title, and family connections.”

“How though?”

Twilight giggles. “By doing a good job representing them abroad, for starters.”

Arc grins. “And being seen with Twilight here certainly doesn’t hurt.”

“I suppose that’s...”

She is cut off as a scream rings out. Arc looks up to see a robed individual on a rooftop pointing something at them. As they fire, Arc pulls his shield from the ring to deflect their shots. Loud, ‘plings’ ring out as the crossbow bolts are effortlessly stopped and fall to the ground. The throngs of griffon citizens flee in terror. Shining Armor points a hoof at the assailant and yells.


Even before he speaks the Pegasi guards are on them, along with Arc’s squad, while the Unicorns cast a barrier over the carriage. As they do so the Earth Ponies form a defensive perimeter around it. Dropping their weapon, the assailant flies away but is chased by the guards over the rooftops. Arc looks to Twilight and Ashe.

“You two okay?!”

Twilight nods nervously. “Y-yes, I’m fine!”

“As am I!”

Gritting his teeth, he turns back to look at the rooftops. Touches his earring he speaks.

“Hero of Light Arc to all Equestrian forces! Capture the attacker alive! Repeat, I need them still breathing!”

Ashe leans forward and calls out into his earring as well. “This is Ambassador Ashe! That goes for the griffon forces as well! Take them and anyone caught aiding them into custody!”

Arc taps his earring, severing the connection as he looks around at the residents taking cover as best they are able. Shining Armor calls out to the Unicorns and Earth Ponies.


Those pulling the chariot continue on. The Unicorns follow them as they keep up their Barrier Spell while the Earth Ponies maintain their vigil. A few minutes later Shining Armor runs over to the chariot and salutes as he looks to Arc.

“Sir, I’ve just received word that the assailant has been captured!”

Arc grins. “Good! Have them taken back to The Equinox at once!”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Arc?”

Ashe frowns. “They should be detained in one of our nation’s detention facilities!”

“In time they will, yes.”

He runs his fingers over the shield as he continues.

“However, first I want to hear their reasoning for this unprovoked attack... personally.”

Quite some time later they arrive back at The Equinox. The carriage enters the ship via the Cargo Hold door. As it clicks shut Shining Armor looks around for a few moments before calling out.


The Unicorns cease casting as the Earth Ponies step back. Arc hops down and helps Twilight and Ashe off the chariot. Shining Armor runs over to them and looks to Arc.

“My apologies for the failure of security, sir.”

Arc sighs. “Everyone did their part and no one was hurt.”

Twilight turns to her brother. “What of our assailant?”

“They were captured by the Hero of Light’s personal guard and brought back to the ship.”

Ashe appears hopeful “Can we see them?”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “They are currently being examined by Nurse Redheart.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Were they injured?”

“Yes sir. Apparently they put up quite the fight when cornered.”

Twilight nods soberly. “I’d like to interview Arc’s squad then. Perhaps we can learn something from them in the interim.”

Ashe gasps. “But you should be kept under heavy guard with such a dangerous individual aboard!”

Twilight puts a hoof on Arc’s arm. “I believe I’ve adequately protected.”

Arc nods. “I’ll personally guard you as long as this griffon is aboard, Twilight.”

He turns back the Shining Armor before continuing.

“Have my squad report to my quarters for a debriefing at once.”

Shining Armor salutes. “Yes sir.”

Twilight looks over at Shining Armor as Arc leads her toward the stairs. “And notify us of the condition of that griffon the moment Nurse Redheart knows something.”

Ashe grimaces as they walk. “Of all the times...”

Arc interrupts her. “Let’s not say any more until we come to my quarters.”

Arriving at his room, Arc pushes the door open for Twilight and Ashe. Motioning to the guards around Twilight’s room to approach him he speaks.

“The princess with be here with me for some time as we do our best to get to the bottom of a recent attack on her life! This room will be guarded as heavily as her own room until such time as the situation is rectified! Understood?!”

The guards salute silently. Arc turns to Shining Armor as he approaches.

“Allow my squad entry as soon as they arrive.”

“Yes sir. They are merely awaiting reinforcements to arrive before leaving the Infirmary. I imagine they’ll be here shortly.”

“Thank you. We’ll get to the bottom of this.”

He closes the door and turns back to Twilight and Ashe.

“We should probably sit down.”

Ashe looks to Twilight. “Especially you.”

“I-I’m fine!”

Arc looks to her. “Then why is your hoof shaking?”

Twilight sighs. “I’ve never been shot at before.”

Ashe takes her hoof and leads her over to the couch. “Believe me when I say that the first time is the hardest.”

Arc walks over to a cupboard and pulls out a glass. “That it is.”

Removing a bottle from his ring, he pours the contents into the glass. Walking over to Twilight he hands it to her. She takes a drink and appears surprised.

“What is this?”

“One of my favorite drinks from Earth. It’s called Fruit Punch Gatorade. You like it?”

Twilight smiles and nods. “That I do!”

Arc sits down next to her and puts a hand on her fetlock. “Sorry.”

“For what?”

“The attack.”

“That wasn’t your fault though, Arc.”

Ashe nods soberly. “And you did shield us both from harm.”

“I was careless. You shouldn’t have been driving around so unprotected, Twilight.”

“But that was my choice!”

Ashe bows her head. “While that is true, I have to agree with Lord Arc on this. You’re too tempting a target, Twilight.”

Arc sighs. “For the rebels, yes.”

Ashe frowns. “I did get a glimpse of the griffon though. They weren’t wearing a rebel’s cloak.”

Twilight gasps. “Are you sure?”

“I am, yes.”

“That’s good! I don’t really want an entire organization after me.”

Arc sighs. “Well, someone really wanted to risk taking a shot at you.”

Ashe folds her talons over her chest. “With all that security around us they had to know they wouldn’t get away though.”

Twilight looks to the door as a light knock rings out. “Sounds like the ones with the answers are here.”

Arc stands and walks over to the door. Unlocking it, he opens it to see his squad standing there at attention.

“Come in.”

They do so and remove their helmets respectfully as Arc leads them over to stand before Twilight and Ashe. They bow respectfully as Arc takes his place next to Twilight and speaks.

“How is the prisoner?”

Max sighs. “Not the greatest, sir.”

Hugh frowns. “They evaded nearly everypony’s attempt to capture them!”

Viktor smirks. “We were able to coordinate with one another to corner them though.”

Xenos grins. “Then I got the jump on them.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Got the jump?”

“Literally. I dropped down on them from above while the other three kept their attention focused on them.”

Max nods. “However they were knocked unconscious during the effort.”

Hugh bows his head. “We’re sorry for that, sir.”

Arc waves a hand dismissively. “No matter. They’re alive at least.”

Ashe frowns. “Not for long.”

Twilight appears surprised. “Ashe?”

“The Griffon Kingdom doesn’t tolerate attacks on nobles. Much less with deadly weapons.”

Arc nods soberly. “Much less on royalty as well I would assume.”

Turning to his squad, Arc speaks.

“Anything else you can tell us about this individual?”

Max shudders. “Just that they were VERY highly trained.”

Xenos grins. “Yeah. I think they might have even been able to give you a run for your money, sir.”

Hugh smirks. “I’d take that bet.”

Viktor shrugs. “He’d have his hands full trying to get them on that slippery serpent.”

Ashe frowns. “I’m more interested as to why they were shooting at the princess in the first place.”

Twilight’s ears droop as she speaks. “Yes, well... I don’t suppose I can please everypony.”

Arc clenches a fist. “We’ll know when they talk.”

Max appears hopeful. “Do you think they will, sir?”

“All we can do is try.”

Ashe smiles wickedly. “I know some folks whom could certainly help in that regard.”

Arc sighs. “If I can’t get them to talk I may just take you up on that, Ashe.”

Twilight gasps. “Arc?!”

“We have to know why they did what they did, Twilight.”

There is a knock at the door. Standing again, Arc walks over to it. Opening the door he spies Shining Armor on the other side. He salutes before speaking.

“Sir, I’ve just been informed that the prisoner has regained consciousness.”

“And their condition?”

“Nurse Redheart didn’t go into detail. She simply requests that you come see her in the Infirmary at your earliest convenience.”

“All right. I’ll head over there with Ashe in a few minutes. Do you think you could stay with Twilight until I return?”

“Yes sir.”

They enter the room together and return to the others. Arc turns to his squad as he speaks.

“Stay here with General Shining Armor. Ashe and I will be heading out to visit the griffon in the Infirmary.”

Twilight frowns. “Shouldn’t you take them with you, Arc?! I mean... this individual sounds dangerous!”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “I believe Arc is worried more about your safety, Twilight.”

Arc nods. “Right.”

Ashe clenches a talon. “I’ll watch his back.”

Shining Armor sighs. “You really shouldn’t be going either, ambassador.”

“Regulations state that the prisoner has the right to griffon counsel though. And as this ship is an extension of Equestrian soil that job falls to me.”

Twilight nods. “She’s right. But please be careful you two.”

Arc nods. “We will.”

Heading for the door, the pair walk toward the Infirmary together. Arc turns to Ashe and lowers his voice.

“Are you sure this isn’t some kind of rebel attack?”

“I am, yes. After all, I ordered Twilight to be left alone during her stay here. That and they weren’t dressed in the traditional robes.”

Arriving at their destination Arc and Ashe head over to a bed completely surrounded by guards. Redheart pushes past them and approaches the pair.

“Thank you for coming.”

Arc gestures to the bed. “I wanted to hear about this griffon’s condition personally.”

Ashe nods soberly. “How are they?”

Redheart looks over her clipboard. “Two broken wings, a smashed talon, a broken paw, and innumerable bruises.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “All that damage from Xenos jumping on them?”

Ashe shrugs. “Well, he IS rather large.”

Redheart nods. “I was able to speak to them while initially examining the patient. The one knowns as Xenos reported that they continued fighting them even while pinned to the ground.”

Ashe smirks. “That’s not surprising. After all, this griffon has to know being caught for something like this is a death sentence.”

“Can we talk to her, Redheart?”

Redheart sighs. “You can try. However they haven’t spoken a word to me, or anypony else since arriving.”

Stepping aside, Redheart allows Arc and Ashe to pass. The guards follow suit and soon the pair are standing next to the bed. Arc frowns as he looks down.


Ashe gasps. “The youngling from before?!”

She stares at the pair but gives no indication of talking. Arc turns to a guard.

“Go wake up Natalya and Gallus. Tell them I need them both here immediately.”

Nodding, they hurry away. Returning a few minutes later the brother and sister are allowed to approach the bed. Natalya is the first to speak.

“We came as quickly as we... Gabby?!”

Gallus looks at the bandages and restraints. “What the heck happened to her?!”

Arc sighs. “She was injured when my squad tried to apprehend her.”

Natalya facepalms. “So she tried to get inside the ship AGAIN?”

Gallus frowns. “Couldn’t they have treated her a bit better though?! I mean, come on! She’s pretty messed up!”

Ashe shakes her head. “The guards used adequate force to restrain our prisoner here. She’s going to be charged with high crimes and treason most likely.”

Natalya gasps. “For trying to get into and Equestrian airship?!”

Arc puts a hand on Natalya’s shoulder as he looks her in the eye. “No. She... she tried to assassinate Princess Twilight.”


Gallus scoffs. “But how?!”

Ashe folds her talons over her chest. “With a crossbow as our chariot passed by.”

Natalya frowns. “That’s impossible! She’s a pacifist!”

Gallus nods matter-of-factly. “Right! She doesn’t even like the sight of a weapon!”

Arc shrugs. “We all saw her do it though.”

Redheart turns to him. “Are you certain of that, sir?”

“Considering all the eyes that were on her during the flight I doubt she could have just been flying by innocently.”

He picks up the tattered black robe she had been wearing before continuing.

“And I recognize this as a magic cloak.”

Ashe nods. “Which are highly illegal here in the Griffon Kingdom I might add. It allowed her to get into position completely unseen.”

Natalya looks to her sister fearfully. “Tell us it’s not true, Gabby!”

Gallus nods. “It has to be some kind of misunderstanding!”

Gabby looks at them but still says nothing. Natalya grabs her talon and holds it as she looks her sister in the eye.

“You have to say something! The penalty for crimes such as this are...!”

Gallus cuts her off. “Natalya! Don’t scare her any more than she already is!”

Redheart looks to Arc. “Sir, if I might interject.”

Arc nods. “Go ahead.”

“Gallus just mentioned that his little sister must be scared.”

Ashe shrugs. “It’s a logical conclusion after the chase she just endured, yes.”

“I don’t believe that’s the case though.”

Arc frowns. “Elaborate.”

Redheart motions with a hoof to the screen next to the bed. “Her vitals are all consistent with a young griffon whom is sedentary.”

Gallus appears confused. “But shouldn’t they be like that? I mean... she IS just lying there quietly.”

“Normally, yes. However considering what she just went through, in addition to the fact she’s surrounded by soldiers aboard a foreign airship, the tension of the event should be registering on the monitors.”

Natalya gasps. “From the stress, I assume?”

“Even if she had been mistakenly arrested, there’s no way she should be able to stay that calm. Especially after the bubbly showing she made the last time she was here.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “So you’re saying she’s innocent?”

Ashe scoffs. “That’s not possible.”

Redheart sighs. “I’m saying that there’s more going on here than meets the eye, sir.”

“Do you have a theory?”

“It’s a bit far-fetched. However, she may be under some form of magical conditioning.”

Natalya frowns. “Magical...?”

Gallus’ eyes grow wide. “So she’s been forced to do this MAGICALLY?!”

“It’s possible, yes.”

Arc appears hopeful. “Is there some kind of test you could run to know for sure, Redheart?”

“If I’m right about this a simple dispel should reverse the effects.”

Redheart turns to Arc before continuing.

“With your permission, sir.”

Arc looks to Natalya. The young griffon grimaces but says nothing as she continues to hold her sister’s talon in hers. Sighing, Arc nods.

“Do it.”

Her horn aglow, Redheart casts the spell. Gabby suddenly goes limp as Natalya tries to prop her sister up.


Groaning, she slowly raises her head to look Natalya in the eye groggily.

“What... am I doing back here?”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “Uh... you don’t remember?”

Gabby shakes her head. “No, I...”

She gasps in pain as she tries to move. Looking herself over, Gabby turns to her siblings again.

“What the heck...?!”

Natalya puts a talon on her sister’s shoulder. “Don’t try to move. The guards won’t like it.”


Blinking a few times, she shakes her head to clear her vision. Looking around again she is able to see the multitude of guards. Shrinking back, she calls out nervously.

“Am I in trouble?”

Gallus groans. “I’d say so, yes.”

Natalya chimes in. “What do you remember?”

“Well... I remember you and Gallus taking me home and walking me up to my room. Then you talked a lot about... things I don’t really remember.”

Gallus frowns. “Weren’t you listening at ALL?!”

“I tried to! I really did! But...!”

Ashe interrupts. “Please continue with your story, miss.”

“Natalya told me to take a nap and think about what I had done.”

Arc looks to her. “Did you?”

“I must have, as that’s the last thing I remember.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “Last thing?!”

“Right. What’s wrong with that?”

Gallus sighs. “It’s been a couple days, Gabby.”

“Guess I was more tired than I thought.”

Ashe frowns. “You weren’t asleep though.”

“I wasn’t?”

Arc shakes his head. “Apparently not.”

Gabby motions to her injuries. “Was I sleep flying again?”

Natalya shakes her head. “Not... exactly.”

“Then what happened?”

Gallus bows his head. “You... may have taken a shot at Princess Twilight.”

Gabby gasps. “WHAT?! HOW?!”

“With a crossbow.”

“But... but there’s no way I would have ever...!”

Ashe frowns. “Miss, we caught you in the act!”

She gestures to the bandages before continuing.

“You sustained those injuries when the guards tried to apprehend you.”

Gabby shakes her head vehemently. “No! No, that’s not possible!”

Gallus sighs. “Trust me, Gabby. You did.”

Natalya points to Arc. “It took all of Lord Arc’s personal guard to take you into custody as well.”

“This is all a big mistake though! How can I prove my innocence here?!”

Ashe steps forward. “I’ll represent you during your trial, of course. However it’s likely that Equestria will want to extradite you for this.”

“Extra-what now?”

Natalya looks down at her sister sadly. “Extradite. It means to take you back to Equestria to stand trial.”

Gallus sighs. “Which might actually be a good thing for you, Gabby.

Arc nods. “Right. I don’t think you’d do well being tried here.”

Gabby appears confused. “Why not? What’s the penalty for... what I did?”

Ashe frowns. “Execution.”

Arc steps forward. “Let’s not be too hasty, Ashe.”

“It’s clearly an open and shut case though. There isn’t really any good defense for what she did.”

Redheart gasps. “But she was clearly hypnotized!”

Ashe sighs. “Something that the Griffon Kingdom won’t believe is possible, seeing as no one has magic here.”

Gallus looks to Arc. “Sir, I know my sister is a bit of a pain. But I really think she’s being set up here.”

“Agreed. So let’s see if we can’t talk through it.”

Arc turns to Gabby and holds up the remains of the magic cloak.

“Ever seen this before?”

Gabby shakes her head. “No, never. What is it?”

“A magic cloak. It’s able to make someone invisible.”

Something falls onto the floor. Arc stoops down to pick it up. Ashe looks at it a moment before speaking.

“What’s that?”

Arc unfolds the paper. “A note of some kind.”

Natalya appears hopeful. “Maybe it’ll give us a clue!”

Gallus looks to the paper. “Can you read it aloud, sir?”


Clearing his throat, Arc speaks.

“Agent G. Enclosed in this package you will find a magic cloak along with a fully automatic crossbow. You are to take these items and use them to assassinate Princess Twilight and Ambassador Ashe. Upon completion of the deed proceed to the predetermined spot for extradition and payment. As usual, destroy this note after reading it. Glory to the Griffon Liberation Army!”

He turns to Gabby before continuing.

“What do you have to say for yourself?”

Gabby puts her face in her talons and says nothing as she begins to cry. Natalya looks to Arc pleadingly.

“Please sir! This has to be some kind of...!”

His earring chirps. Touching it, he speaks.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Lemon Hearts. Lord Gestal has contacted us to inquire of the condition of Princess Twilight and his daughter.”

“Tell him they are both completely unharmed. I’ll have Ashe call him when we finish interviewing the prisoner.”

Gabby breaks into fresh sobs at this. Lemon Hearts continues.

“Yes sir. He also wanted to send a contingent of soldiers to transport the prisoner to the Aviary for intensive questioning.”

Arc looks to Natalya and Gallus before he turns to the sobbing griffon before him. Sighing, he continues.

“Tell him... that we’ll be keeping her here for the time being.”


“She’s currently under medical observation by Nurse Redheart and can’t be transported at this time.”

“Yes sir.”

“Ashe will reaffirm this when she calls him later. Arc out.”

Cutting the feed, he looks to Ashe.

“Make sure he understands just how injured she is right now.”

Ashe frowns. “He may press to have her turned over to our forces though. After all, I’m sure my father isn’t happy about me being shot at. Moreso since a princess was sitting next to me at the time.”

“Then tell him that she won’t be in any condition to hurt anyone else.”

Natalya appears relieved. “Thank you, sir!”

Gallus nods. “We really appreciate this.”

Arc picks up the robe and looks it over again as he clenches the note in his other hand.

“It’s alright. After all... I do believe there is more to this matter than we know.”

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