• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 15 - Day Trip

The pair return to the Observation Deck. Apple Bloom looks up nervously.

“You two sure took a long time.”

“Yeah. Something wrong, dad.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, sweetheart. Your friend and I were just having a little chat and lost track of time.”

“What about?”

Babs sighs. “Me.”

Arc shrugs. “Something like that.”

Apple Bloom walks over to her cousin. “Are you going to be okay?”

Babs nods. “I think so. Arc’s going to have a talk with Applejack later about something or other.”

“Emerald Dream can probably advise us on this matter later.”

Sweetie Belle sighs. “I sure hope so, Arc. It’s hard watching you be like this, Babs.”

“Thanks, but I’ll be okay.”

They return to their table. Arc serves the cheese and crackers. Dinky points a hoof excitedly out the window.

“Dad! Look!”

They see the cherry orchards in the distance.

Apple Bloom grins. “We’re almost there!”

Cherry calls out to. “Do you suppose we could stop there, Arc?”

“Sure. We should at least say ‘hi’ to Ruby while we’re here.”

Dinky trots in place happily. “Yeah!”

Arc touches his earring.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts.”

“Lemon Hearts here. Go ahead, sir.”

“Slight change of plans. I’d like to land at Cherry Hill Ranch just ahead.”

Soarin looks over to the intercom. “Sir?”

“There’s someone there I’d like to visit.”

Thunderlane nods. “Aye sir. We’ll be there in about ten minutes.”

“Thanks. Arc out.”

He severs the connection. The Bridge crew looks to one another, confused. Wrangler turns to Moon Dancer.

“What the hay do you suppose this is all about?”

“Perhaps it’s some kind of secret rendezvous?”

Soarin nods soberly. “He did see the princesses earlier. Maybe it has something to do with some kind of Special Forces operation.”

Tight Ship chuckles. “That could be. But it’s more likely he’s just spending time with his daughter.”

Lemon Hearts sighs. “Well, it’s kinda an extreme way to do so. Don’t we have better things to do?”

Tight Ship shakes his head. “Not really. This is HIS personal ship, after all.”

Soarin nods. “That it is. We all received the same orders. To take the Hero of Light wherever his wishes to go.”

Wrangler looks over her panel. “I kinda thought we’d be heading into battle or something important though. Not doing stuff like this.”

Moon Dancer looks over to her. “Well, we did need to test the ship’s systems though.”

Lemon Hearts shrugs. “That may be. But this is kinda an around-about way to do it.”

Thunderlane grins. “Well I for one don’t mind! I just wanna fly!”

Wrangler frowns. “But…!

Soarin interrupts them. “Enough. We’re soldiers whom go where we’re told and follow our commanding officer’s instructions.”

Lemon Hearts turns around. “Captain. What do you think?”

“I believe the princesses have done what they have deemed important to the survival of our nation.”

Soarin turns to him. “Sir?”

“What I mean is, we should trust their collective years of wisdom and knowledge.”

Wrangler nods. “Yes sir.”

Lemon Hearts smiles. “We’ll do our best.”

Moon Dancer salutes. “For whomever is in command.”

Thunderlane grins. “And look good doing it!”

Soarin nods. “We all will, sir.”

“Very good.”

Thunderlane looks over his shoulder. “Captain. Why do you suppose the Hero of Light changed our plans to land instead of just flying over?”

“I’m sure after a lot of thought, he felt this was necessary.”

Soarin raises an eyebrow. “Really captain?”

Moon Dancer turns back to her panel. “Either that or he was hungry.”

Tight Ship cracks a smile. “Or that, yes.”

A short time later the ship lands. Ruby walks out of the house, confused. Arc steps out of the Main Hatch and down the gangplank as it lowers with Eidolon’s Ward at his side. The fillies follow behind.

“Arc? Cherry? Is everything alright?”

Arc nods as he kneels down to her level. “Yes. We were just out test flying my new airship.”

Ruby looks up, her eyes wide. “YOUR airship?!”

Eidolon’s Ward giggles. “Yes, Ruby! It really is his!”

“But… how?!”

Arc laughs. “A gift from the princesses. But we didn’t come alone.”

He motions for the fillies to step forward.

“Dinky and her friends decided to join us for this flight. This is Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Babs Seed.”

“Hi there!”


“Good morning.”

Ruby smiles at them. “Hello everypony. Welcome to Cherry Hill Ranch.”

Dinky waves a small hoof. “Hi, Miss Ruby! How’ve you been?!”

“Just fine, dear. My, you’re getting so big!”

She turns to Eidolon’s Ward.

“It’s good to see you again, sister.”

Eidolon’s Ward kneels down to give Ruby a hug. “I’ve missed you, Ruby.”

“Can you stay awhile? Perhaps for lunch? It isn’t much, but I’d love to have all of you.”

Arc looks back at the ship. “We should probably get back in the air soon. I didn’t actually plan on dropping in on you like this.”

“Can we take her with us, dad?”

“Yes, you’ll enjoy flying, sister!”


Arc nods. “Yes, I’d love for you to come with us, Ruby. That is, if we’re not keeping you from something else.”

Dinky looks at Ruby with puppy dog eyes. “Please!”

Ruby nods.

“Alright then. I wasn’t doing anything that pressing today.”

Eidolon’s Ward giggles. “Wonderful!”

Arc gestures to the ship. “Well then, shall we be off?”


They board the mammoth ship together. Sweetie Belle turns to her friends.

“Why don’t we head back to the Observation Deck and keep playing games?!”

Babs Seed sighs. “It’s kinda close to lunch for that.”

Apple Bloom turns to Dinky. “We could eat while we play!”

“That’s a great idea! Is it okay, dad?”

Arc nods. “I don’t see why not. Let me tell the crew.”

He touches his earring.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts.”

“Lemon Hearts here. Go ahead sir.”

“We’re ready to continue our trip as planned.”

Thunderlane looks over. “Yes sir. We’ll take off as soon as possible.”

“My guests and I will also be having lunch on the Observation Deck, if that’s okay.”

Soarin raises an eyebrow. “Sir?”

“I wasn’t sure if there was a rule or not.”

Wrangler chuckles. “Well, this is YOUR ship. Remember, sir?”

Eidolon’s Ward giggles. “I guess that means it’s okay!”

“Thanks everyone. Arc out.”

He touches his earring, severing the connection. A short time later the ship takes off. Ruby looks out the window with her sister.

“We’re so high up!”

Arc joins them. “That we are.”

Eidolon’s Ward nods. “I never get tired of this view. The land from this distance seems that much more beautiful.”

Apple Bloom looks to Arc. “Do you suppose this is what it’s like to be a pegasus?”


Ruby turns to him. “So where are you headed this time?”

“Just a test flight along the eastern Equestrian seaboard.”

Dinky grins. “That and it gave me and my friends some time together with my dad!”

Babs nods. “We’ve been playing games here all morning!”

Ruby giggles. “Well, with scenery like this it’s a wonder you were able to concentrate on playing at all.”

A short time later Lemon Hearts enters the Observation Deck pushing a lunch cart. She respectfully approaches Arc.

“Reporting as ordered, sir.”

“Thanks. This looks great.”

She looks to Arc as the fillies take the dishes to a nearby table.

“Everything going alright up here, sir?”

Arc nods. “That it is. Tell me, how is the ship doing?”

“Very well. Chief Engineer Stellar Flare reports the engines have been running smoothly nearly the entire trip.”

Ruby turns around nervously. “Nearly?”

“Every new ship has a few kinks to work out. The only issues were a few rattles and shakes upon takeoff.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Uh… they were taken care of, right?”

“Yes sir. Stellar Flare reported everything normal upon our most recent take-off.”

“Good. I hope my little detour isn’t going to put us behind schedule.”

“No, sir. Captain Tight Ship is going to use this opportunity to test out our top speed.”

Eidolon’s Ward looks over. “Test?”

Lemon Hearts nods. “Yes. You see, the top speed of a ship has many variables that can’t be properly estimated on a drawing board. It requires real-world testing to see what the ship can really do.”

“That makes sense. Is it safe?”

“Yes sir. We’ve run all the preliminary tests already. The engines are ready for this. With your permission we’ll begin.”

“Very well. Oh, be sure to have the name of the ship painted on the bow at some point.”

“I’ll inform the captain. Do you require anything else?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, thank you. My guests and I will amuse ourselves. The crew should focus on the tests and getting to know the ship.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Inform me when we’re nearing Baltimare though. I’d like to land there.”

Lemon Hearts salutes. “Yes sir. Well, I should be getting back.”


Arc and his guests eat their lunch and go back to playing games. Eidolon’s Ward turns to Ruby.

“Would you care for a tour of the ship, sister?”

“I would, yes.”

Arc smiles at the pair. “A little family time, huh?”

“Yes. One never knows just how long we have. I’m proof of that.”

“Have fun.”

Eidolon’s Ward and Ruby make their way down the corridor together.

“So how are you and Arc getting on, sister?”

“Just fine. Why do you ask?”

“Forgive me, but I’ve been a bit worried about you lately.”

“You have? Whatever for?”

“Well, the fact that you and Arc are always together.”

“You aren’t jealous are you?”

“No, no! It’s just every couple has their own separate time when they’re alone. You two don’t really have that though, do you?”

“A bit, yes. But I feel very fortunate to be able to get inside Arc’s head. His thoughts are… interesting to say the least.”

“You two are getting along then?”

“Very well, yes. But I did enjoy our time together while he was away in the Griffon Kingdom. Sadly, I don’t see something like that happening again though.”

“Why? Did something happen over there?”

“That it did. Where do I begin?”

The ship continues on its way. As the late afternoon light streams through the Observation Deck’s windows the ship touches down just outside Baltimare. The fillies look out the windows excitedly. Sweetie Belle is the first to speak.

“It’s just like Rarity said!”

Dinky puts a hoof to the glass. “Those buildings are huge!”

Apple Bloom frowns. “Well I don’t like it. There’s no trees, or anything green.”

Ruby smiles at her. “A lot of our ranch’s cherries are shipped here, you know.”

Eidolon’s Ward shrugs. “Well, this is the country’s main distribution hub.”

Arc muses to himself. “Kinda like Griffon’s Gate.”

“Did you say something, dad?”

“No, I was just kinda thinking to myself. Does anyone want to take a look around?”

Sweetie Belle nods emphatically. “That would be amazing!”

Babs Seed runs over. “I wanna see it too!”

Ruby turns to her sister. “It would be nice to finally see the city where our cherries end up.”

“I was here once before with our father when I was a filly. The city looks about the same back then from here.”

Arc heads for the door. “Well, let’s take a look. There’s actually someone I want to see.”

Dinky raises an eyebrow. “Really, dad? You know somepony here?”

“That I do.”

Apple Bloom looks up to Arc as they walk down the corridor. “You sure do know a lot of ponies.”

“True. I met her a while ago when I was investigating Tempest.”

Babs shudders as Ruby gasps. “Tempest?! That mare who crashed you surprise party?!”

“The very one. Her sister lives here.”

Eidolon’s Ward turns to Arc. “Cerulean Skies?”

“Yes. I’ve been wanting to check in on her for quite some time now.”

Sweetie Belle appears nervous. “Is she nice, or mean like Tempest?”

“Very nice. I’m sure all of you will like her.”

They head out the Main Hatch and down the gangplank. Arc touches his earring as they walk toward the city.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts.”

“Go ahead sir.”

“My group and I have left the ship and are heading into the city. How did the ship handle the trip?”

Soarin walks over to the comm. “Very well. I think pretty much all of the bugs have been worked out now.”

“Good. Go ahead and take the ship back to Light’s Hope.”

Wrangler raises an eyebrow. “Sir?”

“I can bring my group home via a portal.”

Tight Ship nods. “Understood sir. Shall we take off now?”

Yes. Whenever you’re ready.”

Thunderlane looks over his instruments. “We’ll be ready to go in a few minutes, sir.”

“That’s fine. Arc out.”

Moon Dancer looks to the captain as the connection is severed.

“This was just a simple pleasure trip to him?”

Soarin shrugs. “Sounds like it.”

Wrangler looks over. “Well, we DID need a proper flight in this thing to really see what it could do.”

Tight Ship nods. “Indeed. However, the Hero of Light had some other reason for coming here. Of that I am certain.”

Lemon Hearts looks confused. “How can you be so sure, sir?”

“When you’ve been friends with the princesses as long as I have, you learn to see through ulterior motives.”

Soarin frowns. “Sir, are you saying the princesses aren’t acting in good faith?”

“Not at all. But there are certain things they must do and say to adequately protect the realm.”

Wrangler turns back to her station. “Well, I for one don’t like it!”

Thunderlane sighs. “The Hero of Light has always acted in our best interest. We should do the same for him.”

Lemon Hearts nods. “I’m sure he’s doing his best out there.”

Soarin turns to Tight Ship. “Agreed.”

Tight Ship looks to the helm. “Thunderlane, get us in the air and back to base as soon as possible.”

“Aye sir.”

Meanwhile, Arc and his companions reach the edge of town. They walk the busy streets and look around. Dinky does her best to take everything in.

“This city is really hopping!”

Arc nods at her. “You know, this place is kinda like one back on Earth.”

Sweetie Belle raises an eyebrow. “It is?”

“Yes. It’s called New York City.”

Dinky giggles. “Is it just as busy?”

“More so from what I’ve been told. But I’ve only seen footage on TV. Never actually been there.”

Eidolon’s Ward looks around. “Um… ponies are staring at us.”

Babs looks confused. “I wonder why.”

Ruby giggles. “It might have something to do with you, sister.”

“She’s probably right. Maybe you should get back in my head, Cherry.”

“Yes, of course.”

The armor melts away as Arc steps into it. A few moments later Arc recalls Eidolon’s Ward to his ring. Sweetie Belle gasps.

“Where’s Miss Cherry?!”

Arc points to his head. “Right here.”

Cherry giggles. “Yes, I’m fine.”

Babs looks Arc up and down. “How’d you do that?!”

“Not really sure. But we should get moving before the shops close.”

They walk through the shopping district for a time looking in the numerous stores that line both sides of the street. Sweetie Belle stops suddenly.

“Hey! Look at this!”

Dinky walks over. “What is it?”

Apple Bloom looks at the store’s name. “Patches R Us?”

Cherry calls out. “Sweetie Belle? I thought your sister was a seamstress. What would you need with…?”

Babs smiles. “Hey, I think I see what you’re getting at!”

Sweetie Belle opens her saddlebag and pulls out a small dark red cloak. “We could get matching patches here for the capes Rarity made us!”

Apple Bloom grins. “That would look really nice!”

Dinky frowns. “I wish I’d brought mine.”

Babs sighs. “Me too.”

Arc walks over to them. “Why don’t we go get them?”

Ruby raises an eyebrow. “How, Arc? The Equinox left, remember?”

“I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet, places a sigil on the sidewalk, and opens a portal.

“We’ll pop back to Ponyville and grab the capes. Then we can come right back.”

Excitedly the fillies run through the portal. Ruby and Arc laugh and follow them. A moment later they find themselves behind Carousel Boutique. Sweetie Belle turns to the others.

“I’ll run inside and grab the extras Rarity made! Be right back!”

Dinky nods. “We’ll wait here!”

Apple Bloom hops up and down. “Hurry!”

Sweetie Belle hurries inside the shop. She scurries upstairs to her room and throws open the closet. Several matching capes are neatly hung up. Grabbing them with her magic she hurries downstairs and looks around for a moment.

“Rarity? Are you here?”

Deafening silence ensues.

“That’s strange. She was just saying the other day how busy she is. I wonder where she went.”

Shrugging she hurries out the door and back to her friends. Meanwhile Rarity looks out her bedroom window at Arc, Ruby, and the fillies below. She sighs as she slowly walks over to a picture frame on her dresser depicting her and Sweetie Belle.

“This really was a nice shot. A lot of things have happened since this was taken though.”

Rarity sighs as she stares at the photo. A single tear courses down her cheek. Meanwhile, Arc opens a portal back to Baltimare. They enter the shop as the fillies each put on a cape. A short time later they step back out onto the sidewalk to look each other over. Apple Bloom looks the cape over.

“These patches look great!”

Dinky giggles. “They sure do!”

Sweetie Belle smiles. “Yeah! Thanks Arc!”

“You’re welcome.”

Babs Seed walks over to him. “Thank you very much, sir. I can pay you back from my piggy bank when we get back to Ponyville.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no. They’re a gift to you and your friends.”

Babs looks confused. “What’s that?”

“What’s what, Babs?”

“A gift.”

Apple Bloom smiles at her. “Oh! It’s, um… Sweetie Belle, how would you explain this?”

Sweetie Belle puts a hoof to her chin. “Well, it’s um… when you get something from somepony.”

“Like at the store?”

Ruby shakes her head. “Not exactly. You see unlike the store, you don’t have to pay for it.”

“But Mr. Arc paid for it!”

Arc nods. “Yes. And I’m saying you can have it for free. That’s what a gift is.”

Babs sighs. “Sorry. I just don’t get it.”

Arc turns to walk down the sidewalk. “Follow me. I think my friend can show you what I mean.”

The group follows Are away from the shops and down several streets. Soon the shops give way to houses. Ruby turns to look at the gated mansions that line both sides of the street.

“These homes could house most of Dodge Junction!”

Babs gasps. “Wait! These are HOUSES?!”

Dinky nods. “Yeah! They’re big!”

Apple Bloom looks over at one, clearly awestruck. “How many ponies do you suppose live there?!”

Dinky shrugs. “A couple dozen easily!”

“I don’t actually know. Should we find out?”

Sweetie Belle looks to Arc, confused. “Sure! But how?”

“I’ll show you.”

Arc calls forth his armor as they approach a pair of guards standing at the entrance of one of the estates.

“We have some questions for you.”

“Yes, Hero of Light?”

Arc points to the house. “How many inhabitants live in this house?”

“None, sir.”

Ruby looks confused. “You mean it’s vacant?”

“Not exactly, miss. You see this is one of the homes belonging to the Jewel family.”

Arc nods. “I see. And where are they now?”

“At the moment they’re vacationing at another residence in Las Pegasus.”

Dinky’s jaw drops. “What do they do to afford all this?!”

“Mr. Jewel is a banking mogul.”

Arc nods. “How long do you suppose they’ll be on vacation?”

“It’s hard to say, sir. He and his wife are currently recovering from their last vacation in Manehattan.”

“I see. Anyone else in their family, guard?”

“No, sir. The Jewel family has no heirs.”

Babs looks confused. “So it’s just the two of them in that big house when they’re here?”


Arc nods. “I see. Thank you for your time.”

The stallions nod respectfully as Arc and company continue down the sidewalk. Arc turns to Babs as she shakes her head.

“How could ANYPONY have that much money?!”

Arc turns to her as he recalls his armor. “I’m not sure. But I imagine it’s due to multiple generations of work.”

Ruby thinks for a moment. “That does make sense. After all, I can’t see anypony having THAT much success without help.”

Apple Bloom turns to him. “Does your friend live in one of these houses, Arc?”

“Arc shakes his head. No. She’s still a few streets down.”

They continue walking, Cherry calls out.

“These houses look a bit more modest.”

Ruby nods. “Yes. I can imagine living in one of these.”

Sweetie Belle looks around. “Right. I think Rarity has some clients in this neighborhood.”

Babs Seed appears surprised. “Really? She must be very good at her job.”

Apple Bloom giggles. “She is! I remember her making clothes for Arc in the past!”

“Still does actually.”

Ruby smiles at him. “Really?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Just about every garment I own was stitched by her. All except one of my Magic Cloaks and my royal raiments.”

Dinky turns to her father. “Is your friend someone really powerful, dad? Like a politician, or something?”

“Not exactly. We’re getting closer though.”

They continue on. Soon the houses become smaller and closer together. Before too long they become shabby looking. Babs frowns.

“What happened here?”

Sweetie Belle shrugs. “All these houses look kinda… run down.”

Apple Bloom nods. “Yeah! Why don’t they just keep em up a little better?”

Ruby shakes her head. “They probably try to.”

Sweetie Belle looks to Arc. “Why don’t they?”

“Probably no money. It takes bits to buy paint, shingles, and siding after all.”

Dinky frowns. “But why don’t they just get jobs, dad.”

“That’s more difficult than you think, sweetheart.”

Continuing on they come to a small run-down house. Arc stops.

“Here we are.”

Babs looks to the house. “Who lives here?”

“My friend.”

They head for the front door. As they approach a young mare walks out the with a large pot on her back.

“Hi, Cerulean Skies.”

She quickly kneels. “S-sir! I…!”

Ruby gasps. “Look out!”

Arc dashes forward to catch the pot before it falls to the ground.

“I got it!”

“Th-thank you sir.”

“Did I catch you at a bad time.”

Cerulean Skies looks around nervously. “Kinda, sir. Was there something you needed?”

Arc sets the pot down on the porch floor. “There’s no need to be afraid. I just wanted to check on how things were going here.”

She smiles as small beads of sweat form on her forehead. “Just fine, sir. I was just bringing this soup outside to cook.”

Ruby looks confused. “Cooking outside?”

“It’s easier to serve everypony out here. My… uh… house isn’t too big.”

“Do you need a hand?”

Cerulean Skies shakes her head frantically. “No, no! I can handle it. sir!”

She backs away slowly.

“If you’ll excuse me, there’s a lot of…”

The front door opens and another mare walks out.

“Cerulean Skies, I have the ingredients you wanted all ready to…”

She stops as Arc and his friends come into view. Arc narrows his eyes.

“Hello again… Tempest.”

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