• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 16 - Helping Out

Arc and the others rise early the next morning and head downstairs to a warm kitchen filled with the scent of cherries! Ruby and Cherry are hard at work cooking breakfast.

Arc smiles as he enters the kitchen with the others. “Mmmmm-mmmm! That sure does smell good, Cherry!”

Ember nods! “If it tastes as good as it smells, we're in for a treat!”

They all sit down around the kitchen table for a hearty breakfast! Arc sips a cup of fresh cherry tea, humming.

“The best part of waking up, is cherries in your cup!”

Dinky laughs! “Shouldn't that be ‘ARE cherries in your cup’ dad?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. It's from an old coffee commercial when I was a kid.”

Auriel looks confused. “What's a commercial’?”

Ember nods. “Do tell, Arc.”

“Well, it's an advertisement for various products for sale.”

Dinky nods. “Like a billboard?”

“Kinda. But these were on TV.”


Arc laughs! “It's short for television, which is... um... I guess the best way to describe it would be a large box that sits on the table, or is mounted on the wall. There's a large plastic screen that projects pictures on the panel by means of... Okay, think of it more like a movie theater at home, only smaller.”

Everyone appears puzzled.

“Sorry. I just can't think of a better way to describe it.”

Auriel’s eyes light up! “I wouldn't mind seeing this ‘TV’ you speak of someday.”

Dinky giggles! “Me too! It sounds kinda cool!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Not me! I'm not going to just sit around staring at some box on a wall!”

Arc smiles. “Well, if the sages of Canterlot ever figure out a way to send me back to Earth, I'll show you!”

Cherry looks over, worried! “Arc! You're not planning on going back to your old home, are you?!”

“Not to stay Cherry! If the opportunity presented itself I would indeed like to return to my house to grab a few of my possessions. Then I would come right back home to Equestria!”

Ruby nods “Do you ever miss your home on... Earth was it?”

Arc shakes his head. “Sometimes. I don't have any family to speak of back there, and only a couple friends. The only thing that WOULD make me want to go back for an extended visit would be to see if I could track down my father and say goodbye to my friends. It's been so many years since I saw him.”

“What happened to him?”

“I don't know, Auriel. He just for all intents and purposes, disappeared!”

“Was it by some kind of magic?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Ember. I mean, I know he's out there somewhere. There's just no way to find him that I can think of.”

Dinky smiles at her father. “If you go back to look for him, I'll help!”

“Thanks sweetheart! Hopefully one day you can meet your grandfather! I'm sure he would love you as much as I do!”

Breakfast is served and everyone sits down to share the morning meal together! Arc looks to Cherry.

“So what do you do at the festival, Cherry?”

“I run a large booth selling cherries and cherry-based dishes! Ruby and I will be very busy today cooking all the dishes we’ll be selling at the festival!”

Ruby nods. “Other than Harvest Season, which is almost over, this is our busiest time of year! It's now that we can showcase our products and hopefully gain the attention of some of the larger movers and shakers!”

Dinky looks over happily! “Can we help?!”

Cherry smiles at the anxious filly. “No dear. You and the others are on vacation! This is a time for you to rest and have fun! Not slave away in a kitchen!”

“Truth be told, I was kinda hoping to help out as well, Cherry. Back on Earth I was pretty good in the kitchen myself!

Auriel turns to Arc, surprised! “You can cook, Arc?”

Arc nods. “Back then, if I wanted to eat something, I had to learn to cook it myself! I was also a pretty avid gardener back in those days as well.”

Dinky nods. “I remember you telling me that a while back dad! Why don't you have a garden anymore?”

“Believe me sweetheart, I would love to! But I just don't have the time! Hopefully next spring will be different!”

She looks at her father hopeful. “Do you think you could show me how to grow something?!”

Arc smiles at Dinky. “That sounds like fun! While I can't make any promises about the future, I will do my best to make some time.”

Auriel looks over sheepishly. “May I join the two of you? I too would like to see how plants... come to exist.”

Dinky nods happily! “Sure Auriel! You can join us!”

The group finishes their meal. Arc helps them clear the table.

“What can we do to help?”

Cherry smiles! “You don't have to, but if you really want, you can help Ruby and I in the Production Facility!”

Ruby nods. “I'll join you there after I wash these dishes, sister!

Dinky throws her little hooves in the air! “YAY!”

Cherry heads to the back door. “Follow me everypony!”

Ember, Auriel, and Cherry leave the Kitchen and head for the front door. Dinky turns to her father.

“Dad? Aren't you coming?”

“In a little while, sweetheart. I'm going to give Ruby a hand with these dishes. Go ahead and join the others now.”

“Okay dad! Don't be too long!”

Dinky trots out the door after the others. Arc picks up a dish towel and dries the clean dishes as Ruby passes them to him.

“Thank you for offering to help, Arc! That was very Kind of you!”

“It's my pleasure! But I also wanted to talk to you about something.”

“Oh? And what would that be?”

Arc looks to Ruby, concerned. “I know I already asked this but, how is your sister doing? Really.”

“Just fine! Her heart is fit as a fiddle and we owe it all to you!”

Arc nods. “That's good to hear. But... it's not really what I was asking.”

“I'm sorry Arc, but I really don't understand what you mean then.”

“Please forgive me if I'm overstepping, but... I can't shake this feeling that something is bothering her.”

Ruby sighs. “Well... there really isn't a single clean-cut answer to that question. As you know, she's been through quite a bit lately!”

“Yes. I wouldn't wish what happened to Cherry on anyone! But is there more to it than that?”

“To tell you the absolute truth... there is. She's been acting strangely since I came back to Cherry Hill Ranch.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Now that you mention it, when we first met that fateful night you said you were just here for a visit. You and you sister seemed very close from what I could tell. What exactly made you move away in the first place?”

Ruby looks down at the soapy water sadly. “This may be a bit hard to believe, but Cherry and I haven't always been on the best of terms.”

“Sibling rivalry?”

“I guess that would be one way to put it. But we weren't really competing in anything other than trying to prove the other wrong!”

“So, you both had an idea of how the ranch was supposed to run and neither of you liked the other's ideas?”

“Exactly! I thought that we should try to expand our exports to the surrounding countries. Cherry thought we should do as our parents and grandparents had done and kept our product out of the hooves of what they referred to as ‘non-ponies’.”

Arc frowns. “Isn't that a bit... xenophobic?”

Ruby nods. “That's what I said! But it's what our ranch had always done. Cherry was always the good filly and did what our traditionalist parents told her to. I was the rebel who wanted to try new things!”

“I admit I don't really understand the international politics of this world. Is there some reason for not doing business with other countries?”

Ruby shakes her head. “Nothing that can be substantiated! Our ancestors were strict isolationists, but we’re talking hundreds of years ago! While I'm not proud to admit it, our parents were more or less relics of a bygone era.”

“How widespread is this ‘pony superiority complex’?!”

“It more or less ended about the same time that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna came to power to unite the three pony races. That one event brought about a lasting relationship between all pony-kind and a rather fragile peace with the surrounding nations.”

“Can I assume the princesses had a hand... er, hoof in that?”

“Yes. They signed treaties with the other countries of the world to rid us of the constant bickering and minor skirmishes that had plagued the land up to that point! If they hadn't, the world as we know it would be VERY different!”

The pair are silent for a time as they continue with their chore.

Ruby looks down wistfully. “I suppose your world must be much simpler in that regard, as I have been told that the human race dominates the entire world!”

“You would be surprised. Maybe you, Cherry, and I can talk about this more later.”

Ruby smiles at Arc. “Yes. I would like that!"

The pair finish their task and dry their hands/hooves. As Arc and Ruby head towards the door to rejoin the others, Ruby suddenly stops.

“Arc, can I tell you a secret?”

“Sure. But only if you want to, of course.”

Ruby looks nervous. “It's about Cherry and I. We both... uh... like you a lot.”

Arc nods! “Yes I know. I like the two of you very much as well!”

She blushes a bit. “No, no! I mean, we both REALLY like you! Please understand that I'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable or anything! I just… I thought you should know! Sorry! I'm not very good at this…”

Arc smiles and kneels down to her level. “Well I think you were very brave to tell me! Cherry said roughly the same thing when I was here last time. However I didn't realize you had your eye on me as well.”

Ruby looks to him, surprised! “What?! Cherry had the courage to talk to you about this as well?! She's always been the more reserved of us! For her to go so far out of her comfort zone must have been very hard for her!”

She looks a bit pained as she continues.

“So... does that mean you and Cherry are... an item, as it were?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, we're just friends. She asked if I could ever see her as my special somepony, but... I told her I was too busy. Now that I'm the Hero of Light, that statement is more true than ever.”

Ruby looks sadly down at her hooves. “So, I guess if Cherry wasn't able to become your special somepony I don't really have a chance either. Do I?”

“What makes you say that?”

“Well, Cherry is so much more beautiful than I am! She also smarter, a better cook, and a has a better personality! I'm just… me!”

Arc looks Ruby in the eye.

“Don't think that you’re any less a catch than you sister is, Ruby! You have your own redeeming qualities!”

“I do? Like what?”

“Well... I do think you’re quite brave. Remember when we rescued your sister?”

Ruby nods. “Yes, but you and Ember did most of the heroics there!”

“True. But it was you who rallied the townsponies to fight back against Buffalo Bull's gang. You inspired them!”

“I guess so, but...”

Arc interrupts her. “You're also very loyal! When you sister was dying, did you leave her side?”

“No. But she would have done the same for me!”

“That and... I don't mind saying that I do think you’re quite pretty too! I'm sorry I don't have time to have a special someone, but Equestria won't protect itself.

Ruby leans forward and Arc gives her a hug. She gives him a small kiss on his cheek before leaning back on her haunches.

“Thanks for being Honest with me, Arc. It really means a lot to Cherry and I! That and it couldn't have been easy for you to turn a mare as beautiful as Cherry down!”

Arc sighs “Maybe one day things will be quieter in Equestria and I can finally think about such things. However, that day is not today! Well, we should probably rejoin the others now.”

“Yes. There is so much to do before the fair officially starts tomorrow!”

The pair head over to the Production Facility where the others are hard at work baking cherry pies, cherry fritters, cherry cakes and a number of other cherry-based concoctions. Cherry smiles at them as they enter.

“Thanks for coming you two! We have quite a bit to do, and not much time to do it!”

Ruby nods! “I hope sales are better than last year!”

Arc looks confused. “Isn't this a cherry-based holiday? Why wouldn't your cherry dishes sell?”

Cherry shrugs. “I'm not really sure. The answer to that question has been eluding me for years!”

Ruby looks over at Arc and winks! “Maybe our Problem Solver here can figure it out?”

Cherry laughs! “That would be fantastic! But don't feel that you have to Arc. You've already done me a favor in coming here to help out!”

“I'll see what I can do. Tell me Cherry. What does your menu look like?”

Cherry points a hoof at a checklist on the wall. “We have quite the diverse spread planned for this year. Have a look!”

Arc walks over to the paper and studies it carefully.

“I have a couple ideas. Mind if I give them a try?”

Cherry leads Arc over to a smaller kitchen area. “Certainly Arc! You can experiment over here!”

Arc walks over to a sink and washes his hands. “Thanks!”

Cherry smiles at him! “No, thank YOU!”

She walks back to the others as Arc gets to work.

Ruby turns to her sister and whispers. “That was rather nice of Arc to try and fix this problem for us.”

Cherry looks over at Arc as he works, starry-eyed! “Yes it was! Oh, what a stallion!”

“I agree, sister.”

Arc works for several hours on a number of different dishes. About noon, Cherry calls for everyone's attention.

“Alright everyone, it's time for lunch. Great work so far!”

Everyone walks toward the door as Ember heads over to Arc’s counter.

“Arc? Are you coming?”

“Yup. Say, can you give me a hand here?”

“Sure. What can I do?”

“Help me carry these dishes into the house. I want everyone's opinions on how I did.”

Arc and Ember carry several dishes from the Production Facility into the house. Cherry turns to them as they enter.

“Lunch will be ready in a few minutes everypony! I hope you're hungry!”

Dinky nods happily! “I could eat a whole pie!”

Auriel giggles! “I second that!”

Ruby sees the plates in their hands. “What do you two have there?”

Arc sets his dishes on the counter nearby. “Just a couple dishes I came up with. I was hoping to get some feedback on them after lunch.”

Ember looks at the plates in her claws. “Well... I have to be honest with you. They do look a bit... strange.”

Ruby chimes in quickly! “I'm sure they're very tasty!”

The group enjoys a nice lunch together. Afterwards Arc passes out his creations.

“Now I want everyone's honest opinions on these. If they don't taste good, I want to know.”

Dinky smiles as she is given a plate! “Don't worry dad! You can count on us!”

Auriel nods. “Yes. I will try my best to like what you have made!”

Arc puts a dish in the center of the table. “Um, thanks. Anyways... the first dish I made is Cherry and Peanut Chocolate Bark.

Auriel looks at the food suspiciously. “This doesn't look like the bark on the cherry trees outside.”

Dinky’s eyes light up! “It's chocolate, Auriel!”

“What is ‘chocolate’?”

Ember drools slightly! “It's one of the greatest culinary discoveries of our time! Second only to Saffron's Roast Cockatrice!”

Everyone takes a piece.

Cherry nods. “This is really quite good!”

Auriel’s eyes grow wide. “I can't believe it! These are even better than pancakes!!!”

Arc chuckles. "I'm glad you like them. It’s a simple recipe where you mix chocolate and cherry chunks in a bowl and pour it into a shallow pan to harden."

Dinky looks at the plate as she takes another. “Seems really simple!”

Arc laughs. “Sometimes simple is best, sweetheart! Now, next I have some Cherry Scones.”

Dinky and Auriel talk together!. "What's a 'scone’?”

Cherry laughs. “Now that was just too cute!”

“It's kinda a mix between a muffin and a single serving cake. They're not nearly as sweet as a cake though.”

Everyone takes a bite.

Ruby nods. “I like it!”

Cherry smiles. “This is really impressive Arc!”

And lastly, try my Cherry Cereal Bars. They're made with a mixture of oats, bran, and dried cherries. To hold the two together I added equal parts peanut butter and honey.”

Dinky munches away happily! “This is like an entire breakfast in my hooves!”

Ember shrugs. “Eh... this isn't really my thing here Arc. Sorry. I think it was the bran.”

“Oh well... can't please everyone.”

Ruby nods approvingly. “The flavor isn't overpowering with sweetness like I thought it would.”

“Quite the culinary feat you’ve come up with Arc. Forgive me, but you don't really seem the type to be a chef.”

“I'm just full of surprises."

“Cherry! We should add these dishes to our line-up!”

Ruby quickly looks over to Arc.

“That is, if it's all right with you Arc.”

Arc smiles. “Sure. All three of these dishes are pretty quick and simple to make.”

Cherry nods. “But where did you get the ideas to make these?”

“Well, I've made all these before back home on Earth. The only changes I made were to tweak some of the ingredients to be more pony friendly. Oh, and to include cherries of course! I hope this will be of some help to you two.”

Ruby nods! “Well, it certainly couldn't hurt! If they don't sell, we'll eat them ourselves!”

Dinky giggles! “As tasty as they are, I’d buy them!

“Would you mind teaching us how to make these delectable treats Arc?”

“Sure! They're all fairly easy to make once you learn how!”

Arc and the others spend the rest of the day in the Production Facility making the dishes he came up with as well as many of the original dishes! After supper they sit on the front porch and enjoy the warm breeze and each other's company.

Cherry sighs contentedly! “Thank you for all your hard work today everypony!”

“It was so much fun baking with you today, dad!”

“Yes Dinky. I too enjoyed our time together! We'll have to do this more often!”

Auriel looks to him, quizzically. “Are there other things that you can cook, Arc?”

Arc nods. “Yes. However there are probably as many recipes out there as there are ponies in Equestria.”

Auriel nods, clearly impressed! “Fascinating! I must study the science of cooking more thoroughly!”

Cherry laughs! “Cooking is more of an art than a science!”

Ruby smiles. “Well, it could also be considered a science, sister.”

Arc nods. “I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle.”

Ember shrugs. “Art... science... who cares! My belly is happy!”

The group enjoys a good laugh together!

Arc continues chuckling slightly. “So what's on the agenda for tomorrow, Cherry?”

“Ruby and I need to get to town early and set up our booth. The rest of you should go and enjoy the festival!”

“Can we help at your booth, Miss Cherry?”

Cherry smiles at Dinky. “Don't you want to have fun though?”

“Helping out IS fun!”

Ruby looks playfully at Arc. “I wonder where she learned THAT from?”

Arc laughs! “I haven't the faintest idea!”

“It's all right with me as long as Arc is okay with it, dear!”

“Fine with me. I wouldn't mind lending a hand later as well.”

Cherry looks to Arc, happily! “That would be wonderful Arc! But please take time to enjoy yourself too!”

“That reminds me! I believe you mentioned the other day that those who attend the festival dress up in costumes.”

Ruby nods. “Yes. It's a tradition that was started to try and get ponies into a festive mood! You don't have to dress up though!”

Dinky nods happily! “But it does sound like fun!”

Auriel sighs. “Maybe. But we didn't bring any costumes!”

Arc laughs! “Are you kidding Auriel! We've got the best outfits around!”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “I'm not sure I get your meaning, Arc.”

“You can go as a Dragon Warrior, Ember.”

Ember shrugs. “I guess so! But to tell you the truth, I would rather go as something other than a dragon!”

Dinky looks confused. “Like what?”

“I don't know! But I wouldn't mind a change! Any ideas?”

Cherry points a hoof out the window towards town. “There’s a Costume Shop near the Train Station. You shouldn't have any trouble finding something that suits your fancy!”

Ember grins! “Thanks! It’ll be fun playing dress-up!”

Auriel sighs. “I guess I can go as a demon then.”

“You don't have to. This is a time for being something you're not, after all!”

Auriel smiles. “Thank you. But I'm very happy being what I am!”

“Awww... please dress up, Miss Auriel! It'll be fun!”

“Well... maybe if I see a costume I like.”

Cherry claps her hooves together happily! “That's the spirit! What about you Arc?!”

“I think I'll just go as myself.”

Ruby frowns. “That's no fun Arc!”

Arc smiles. “That may be true, but somehow I doubt they have any costumes there that would fit me. And if anyone starts trouble, I can just put on my armor and ‘Problem Solve’!”

Ember sighs. “Arc. Do you EVER take a break?!”

“Of course! This whole trip has been quite restful so far!”

“But all you've done is work!”

Arc smiles and nods. “Time spent helping my friends isn't what I would call work, Cherry. Besides, I'll have plenty of time to rest the next time I'm hospitalized.”

Auriel thinks for a moment. “Pardon me Arc, but I don't recall you resting for very long when I helped you to the hospital recently.”

“I guess you've got me there, Auriel.”

Cherry turns to Arc, horrified. “Recently?! What happened?!”

Auriel looks uncomfortable

“Well... um... I...”

Ruby notices how this subject seems to bother Auriel.

“Well, I think we should all be getting to bed soon. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day after all.”

“Good idea, Ruby. Come along, Dinky.”

“But I'm not even tired!”

Dinky yawns.

Arc turns to Cherry. We'll have to pick this conversation back up another time, Cherry.”

“Well alright. But I'll hold you to that!”

Arc and Dinky retire to their room as do Auriel and Ember. Cherry and Ruby stay on the front porch for a few minutes longer.

“Don't worry Cherry. I'm sure it was nothing.”

Cherry turns to her sister, frantically! “Nothing?! You don't spend time in the hospital for NOTHING!!!”

“Sister, please! Look at Arc! He's fine!”

Cherry lowers her voice. “Ruby, you don't think Auriel had anything to do with it, do you?!”

“She really doesn't seem the type to hurt others. And like she said. She HELPED Arc to the hospital, remember?”

“Well, I suppose you're right. I'm probably blowing this way out of proportion. But I don't think I'll be able to put this out of my mind until I hear the rest of that story!”

Ruby stands up. “Come now sister. The two of us should follow suit and get to bed ourselves. As I said, tomorrow will be a busy day.”

“Yes... you're right. Thanks for being there for me Ruby. It's just...”

Cherry lowers her head and looks at the porch floor. Tears begin to fall.

“...it's just... I worry about him! There's no way he's taking care of himself! Equestria NEEDS him! I need him...”

Ruby smiles at Cherry. Spreading her hooves wide and beckoning her sister over. “Come here Cherry.”

Cherry buries her face in Ruby's chest and sobs!

“I'm sorry Ruby! It's just... I love him SO much!!!”

“It's okay Cherry. I... understand how you feel. Go ahead and let it all out now.”

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