• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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*Chapter 7 - The Journey Home

Early the next morning, Ember rises and walks into the living room. She finds that Arc is already up and sitting in front of the fireplace holding his new spear.

“You’re certainly up early.”

Arc nods as he appears to be meditating on the floor. “I can feel that there is a tremendous power within this spear.”

“And you are doing, what exactly?”

Arc stands up. “I was trying to concentrate on the latent power within myself and the spear. I can feel the two, but getting them to connect has proven difficult.”

“Do you remember when we first met?”

Arc nods. “Fighting off the monsters together? Yes. Why?”

Ember points to the Spear of Hope standing against a nearby wall. “You were able to use the power within the Spear of Hope to save us both.”

“Yes, but I was never able to recreate the effects. I originally thought it was due to the fact that spear was linked to Derpy, but... well, who knows? Hopefully I can figure it out BEFORE I need it this time.”

Ember walks over to a nearby armor rack and picks up her chest plate. “In any case... are you ready?”

“Yes. I’m quite eager to get back to Dodge Junction.”

Ember laughs. “Looking forward to cashing in on your bounties? Be they many.”

Arc puts on his own armor and turns to Ember. “Not exactly. Truth be told, I’m more worried about Cherry Jubilee. We did leave with her in such a bad state.”

“Look on the bright side. We’ll see her on our way back to Ponyville. I’m sure she’s fine by now.”

Arc heads for the door. “I’m ready when you are.”

“Let’s be off then.”

The pair leave Ember’s house and begin their walk back to Dodge Junction. Teleporting back across the sea to the peninsula where they started, Arc and Ember retrace their steps back to the main road leading to Dodge Junction. However, upon their arrival they find the streets nearly deserted. The few ponies they do see appear depressed. Ember looks around, clearly confused.

“My it’s quiet around here.”

“This is certainly not normal pony behavior. Let’s hit the Saloon, Ember.”

She raises an eyebrow. “Is this really the time for that?”

“Back in Earth's wild west days, the saloon was where you went to get the latest news.”

Ember frowns. “Really?”

Arc shrugs. “At least that’s how it worked in the movies.”

They walk down the main street and enter the saloon. It is, for the most part empty, save for a couple of sad looking mares at a table in the corner. They look up at Arc as he enters and gasp. One of them points as they look to the other.

“Hey! There he is!”

“Maybe he can help!”

The mares run over to Arc. Looking them over for a few moments Arc speaks.

“Hey, I remember you two. You work for Cherry Jubilee, right?”

“Arc, was it? We really need your help?!”

Arc motions to the street. “Okay. Does this have anything to do with why everyone in town is acting so strangely though?”

“It's Cherry! She's not doing well!”

Arc looks into their hopeful faces. “What can we do to help?”

“Her sister Ruby is with her at the hospital now. The doctor is giving her Cherry's options. Can you head over there? She was saying how much she wished you were here when we spoke earlier today. You're so good at coming up with ideas.”

Arc nods. “We're on our way! Let's go Ember!”


Arc and Ember quickly rush out of the Saloon and down the street to the small local hospital. They quickly make their way to Cherry’s hospital room where the doctor and Ruby are talking next to her bed. Ruby appears to be at the end of her rope as she addresses the doctor.

“Doctor! There must be SOMETHING more we can do?!”

The doctor shakes his head sadly. “I'm sorry, but that is her only hope at this point.”

Ruby turns to them as they enter. “Arc! Oh, thank Celestia!”

She runs over and puts her front hooves on Arc’s chest, a look of desperation on her face.

“Please! We’ve got to help Cherry!”

Arc puts his hands on Ruby’s shoulders. “Calm down, Ruby. Please, start from the beginning.”

“I’ll try”

She takes a few deep breaths before continuing.

“Cherry was hurt worse than we originally thought the other day! The doctor here doesn't have the facilities to treat her!”

The doctor steps forward to explain. “Apparently when her ribs were broken, one of them must have nicked her heart. There is an immediate need for her to have surgery to repair the damage. However, we’re not set up for such extensive operations here. The nearest hospital that could do such a thing is in Ponyville.”

Ember looks over at them. “So, what are we waiting for?! Let's go!”

Ruby looked pained. “It's not quite that simple! You see, our train only comes through here once a week! It won't be back for another five days!”

The doctor sighs. “I've contacted the Ponyville Train Station to see if they could do something to help. However, I was informed that the only train there is privately owned by a stallion named Mr. Rich. They put me in contact with him, but...”

Ruby begins to cry as she interrupts the doctor. “Mr. Rich said that he would only send the train if we can come up with his asking price of ten thousand bits! No one in town has that kind of money! Please… can you help?!

Arc thinks for a few moments before turning to the doctor. “How much time does Cherry have?”

“I doubt she will make it another twenty four hours without help.”

Arc reaches into his satchel and pulls out a piece of paper. He looks at it for a moment before putting it back.

“It's worth it. Ember, you stay herewith Ruby.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Sure, but what will you be doing?”

“I have to make a call.”

The doctor points a hoof to the door. “There is a phone at the nurse's station.”


Arc leaves the room. Ember puts a claw on Ruby’s shoulder in an effort to reassure her.

“Don't you worry about a thing. I’ve never seen Arc let anyone down. If anyone can pull this off... he can.”

Ruby sighs. “I sure hope so.”

A few minutes later Arc returns to the room. Turning to the doctor, he speaks.

“Doctor, have Cherry at the train station in two hours. The train is on its way.

Ruby looks to Arc, clearly amazed. “What?! But, how did you…?”

Arc cuts her off. “I'll explain the hows later. Ruby, help the medical staff and accompany Cherry to the station. Ember and I will meet you there.”

Both he and Ember rush out the door together. Two hours later Ruby arrives at the train station accompanied by the doctor and a nurse whom are carrying her sister on a stretcher. They see the train coming down the tracks as Ruby trots nervously in place and mutters to herself.

“Arc… Ember… where are you?!”

There is a commotion behind them as Arc and Ember rush up to the platform, each carrying a large sack over their shoulder. Arc rushes over to Ruby and grins.

“Whew! We made it!”

Ember nods. “Close call there!”

The train stops and Ruby quickly opens the door to let the doctor and nurse board with her sister. Arc and Ember follow closely behind them. The doctor points to a large table on one end of the car.

“Set her down there.”

Arc hurries over to the doctor and nurse as they get Cherry situated on the stretcher. “Doctor, is everything ready?”


Arc runs toward the engine compartment. “Alright! I’ll notify the engineer that we can get underway!”

A few moments later the train begins to move. Ember looks over to Cherry for a few moments before Arc returns and addresses the medical staff.

“Doctor, is there anything we can do to help?”

“Thank you, sir, but there isn't anything to be done right now other than us watching the patient's vitals. However, if you could take care of Ruby it would certainly be of help to her.”

Arc looks over to the nervous mare nearby. She is pacing the car, nearly frantic. Sighing, he nods.

“I’ll do that.”

He walks over to Ruby and clears his throat loudly to get her attention.

“According to the doctor there’s nothing to do now but wait for the train to arrive in Ponyville. Why don't you sit down and try to rest?”

Ruby nods and sighs. “Alright…”

They sit down together across the compartment from Cherry. Arc puts a hand on Ruby’s hoof in an effort to reassure her.

“It’s going to be alright.”

Ruby looks at Arc, relieved. “Thank you for doing... whatever it took to get the train here. By the way, how did you do that exactly?”

“I'll show you. Ember, would you bring me one of those bags please?”

“Sure thing.”

Ember sets the bag in front of Arc. He opens it and Ruby's jaw drops

“Where… how…?”

The bag is full to the brim with bits. She turns to him as she finds her voice again.

“How much is that?!”

Arc closes the bag and turns back to Ruby. “Together the bags contain ten thousand bits. Filthy Rich said he would meet us at the station to collect his... fee.”

Reaching into his bag, Arc pulls out the paper from earlier. He hands it to Ruby who quickly unfolds it to see a wanted poster for Buffalo Bull with a reward of ten thousand bits for his capture. She looks up at Arc with tears streaming down her face.

“You... you used your own money to...! I... don't know what to say... other than I am utterly... in awe of... your Kindness and Generosity! Cherry and I could never repay such a debt though!”

Arc shrugs. “Don’t worry about it. I’m not asking to be paid back, after all.”

“But... why... why would you do this?!”

“What value can one put on a pony's life, Ruby? If me losing ten thousand bits is the price to pay in order to redeem you sister's life, I see it as a small price to pay.”

“I'll pay you back... someday... somehow...!”

Arc smiles at her. “Don’t worry about it. If I can see you and your sister smiling together again, we’ll call it even. Now please, rest. You look like you haven't slept since in days.”

“I feel as though I haven't. And I don't think I can right now.”

“Maybe I can help with that. After all, I've had to console my share of ponies before.”

Arc puts his hand on Ruby's head and carefully lays it down on the bench. He begins to stroke her mane gently. Ruby closes her eyes and softly speaks as she relaxes.

“Arc... thank you.”

A few minutes later she falls asleep. Arc continues to stroke her mane as he responds.

“Rest now, my little pony.”

The train continues on its way to Ponyville. Sometime later Ember returns from a trip to the engine and calls out.

“The engineer says we should be arriving in about five minutes.”

The doctor and nurse pack up their supplies and prepare Cherry for transport. Ruby wakes up and quickly makes her way to her sister’s side. Taking her hoof, she calls out to her.

“We're almost there Cherry! Hold on just a bit longer!”

Arc looks to the doctor. “How is she?”

“Not good. Her condition has deteriorated to critical. Let's not spare any time getting her to Ponyville Hospital.”

The moment the train stops Ruby opens the door. The doctor, nurse and Ruby all run toward the medical staff waiting for them at the station. Two pegasus EMTs take over for the doctor and nurse. They fly Cherry toward Ponyville Hospital as fast as they are able. Filthy Rich walks toward them and looks down his nose.

“Well, well, well… quite the drama we just saw. I assume you have my fee?”

Ruby glares at Filthy Rich. “YOU!!!”

Arc steps in front of Ruby. “Let me handle this. Ember, bring out the bags.”

Ember quickly does so and hands one of them to Arc. Filthy Rich looks at the bags greedily as Arc continues.

“Aright Mr. Rich… HERE’S YOUR FEE!!!”

He throws the bag at Filthy Rich whom is knocked onto his back by its weight, pinning his hind legs to the floor. Arc motions toward Filthy Rich with a wave of his hand. Ember flies toward him and, holding it over him, proceeds to drop it on his chest. Only the stallions head can be seen poking out from under the bags.

“Hey! I can't move! Get these bags off of me!”

The rest of the ponies on the platform go about their business. Arc walks over and puts a boot on one of the bags.

“Sorry, but we have to be going now. It must be so difficult for you, being BURDENED with such wealth.”

Arc, Ember and Ruby walk away leaving Filthy Rich pinned under his fee. Grunting, he calls out for aid.

“Somepony help me! Anypony?”

Meanwhile, Arc’s group arrives at Ponyville Hospital. They see the nurse from Dodge Junction just entering the waiting room. Ruby is the first to speak.

“Did... did she make it here in time?!”

The nurse nods. “I believe so, yes. He along with Dr. Horse are operating as we speak and should be done in just a few hours.”

Arc breathes a sigh of relief “Thank you nurse. For everything.”

“Just doing my job. But I still don’t understand how you can afford to be so Generous?! I'm just impressed beyond words!”

Ruby turns to him and smiles. “She's right, Arc! I don't really know what to say either.”

Arc nods. “Just doing my best to improve the pony view of humans.”

Ruby looks away nervously as she speaks. “Every filly in Equestria has heard the old stories about how humans are... well... evil beyond words. But you...”

She smiles and blushes slightly as she continues.

“...you're nothing like what we were told.”

“Thank you Ruby. I try. Now then, how about you sit down and rest. Ember and I will keep you company while we wait for word of you sister.”

Ruby nods as she allows Arc to lead her over to a nearby bench. “Alright. I am still pretty tired, after all.”

Several hours pass before Nurse Redheart enters the waiting room. She sees Arc and walks over to him.

“You'll be happy to know that the operation was a complete success and the patient is resting comfortably.”

Ruby jumps up from the bench happily. “Thank goodness! Can I see her?!”

Nurse Redheart shakes her head. “I'm sorry, but the doctor has ordered that she have no visitors for tonight. The patient must have complete rest.”

Ruby looks disappointed. “I see…”

“You should probably get some sleep too miss. You can see your sister in the morning.”

Nurse Redheart returns to her duties. Ruby sits down on her haunches and looks down at her hooves with tears of joy in her eyes.

“At least Cherry is… on the mend.”

She moves to stand, but collapses to the floor. Ember rushes over to her.

“Ruby! Are you alright?!

She looks up at Arc and Ember weakly. “I'm sorry... but... I haven't slept... in almost three days. I must... have finally... reached... my limit.”

Ruby is able to give Arc a small smile before passing out. Ember looks over to Arc and shakes her head.

“What are we supposed to do with her?!”

Arc picks Ruby up and carries her in his arms toward the doors. “I can think of only one place to take her.”

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