• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Round Two

The carriage resumes its course back to Canterlot Castle. Luna watches the cart for a moment before turning back to Arc.

“Are you sure about this?”

“Which part?”

“Sending away the guards AND our ride!”

Arc shrugs. “I had to.”

“But why?!”

“It’s pivotal to the rest of my plan.”

Luna sighs. “I don’t quite follow.”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and places a sigil on the ground. “Sometimes less help is more.”


He chuckles as he steps onto the sigil. “You’ll see.”

Arc extends a hand to Luna.

“Shall we?”

Princess Luna appears to hesitate for a moment before putting her hoof in his hand. Arc leads her onto the sigil and activates it. A moment later they find themselves behind a large, round looking building. Luna looks around.

“Where are we?”


Luna looks confused as Arc leads her around to the front of the building. “But what are we doing here?”

“Picking up something that will make this plan of mine work.”

“Captain Shining Armor won’t like this!”

Arc shrugs as they approach the front door. “Don’t worry. I told the drivers to inform him of the change of plans. He won’t worry too much as long as you stay with me.”

“That’s true.”

He walks up to the door and knocks. A minute later it opens and Rarity looks up at him.

“Oh, hello Arc! How did your date with… SWEET CELESTIA!!!”

She quickly bows as Princess Luna comes into view.

“Y-y-y-your highness! This is indeed an honor!”

Sweetie Belle approaches to see what the fuss is about.

“Rarity? What’s going onnnnnn… ahhhh!”

She too bows as Rarity’s magic pushes the filly’s face down

“T-to what do we owe this honor, your majesty?!”

Luna shrugs as she turns to Arc. “I… actually have no idea.”

“Um… Rarity?”

“Yes Arc?”

“Can we come in?”

Rarity quickly shuffles to the side with Sweetie Belle to allow Arc and Princess Luna to step inside. Y-yes, of course! Please forgive me, Princess Luna!”

The pair step inside the warm shop. Arc closes the door behind them before turning to face the proprietor and her little sister. Luna turns to him.

“Now then, Arc. Perhaps you could explain to me why we’re standing in the middle of a clothing store.”

“Well, you see…”

He turns to Rarity and Sweetie Belle who are still bowing.

“You two can stand up now.”

They do so, albeit shakily.

“What can I do, your highness?!”

Arc approaches her. “Sorry to bother you so late, but I need a dress for Princess Luna.”

Sweetie Belle looks over at Princess Luna, confused. “You do? What’s wrong with the one she has on?”

Rarity’s face flushes crimson. “Sweetie Belle! HUSH!”

She looks apologetically to Princess Luna.

“Please forgive my little sister’s impertinence!”

“It’s fine.”

Rarity leads them into her studio. “My apologies, Princess Luna, but I don’t have anything in your… um… size. I can make you something quick as you please though!”

Arc walks over to the racks of dresses and picks up a simple yet beautiful black dress. “That won’t be necessary. I believe this one will do.”

Luna looks it over as Arc approaches with the dress in hand. “It is certainly lovely, but… it doesn’t have holes for my wings.”

Arc grins. “Exactly.”

“And it’s far too small for me.”

Arc turns to the proprietor. “Rarity, would you stand next to Princess Luna, please? “

Rarity nods. Confusion in her voice. “Very well.”

She quickly does so. Arc raises his hand and casts a spell. Princess Luna slowly begins to shrink until she is roughly the size of Rarity. Sweetie Belle’s eyes grow wide.

“Wow! What…? How?”

Luna frowns at him. “Arc! What is the meaning of this?!”

“Now you can fit into this dress.”

Rarity takes the dress from Arc and quickly runs over to her workbench. “I can alter it to accommodate your wings, Princess Luna! It won’t take me but a moment!”

Arc shakes his head. “That won’t be necessary, Rarity.”

She turns around and raises an eyebrow. “Come again?”

Arc walks over to her and takes the dress. “I’d like to see her in it as-is.”

Luna nods. Skepticism in her voice as she heads for the changing area. “Very well…”

Rarity hurries over. “Shall I assist you, your highness?!”

Luna disappears behind the heavy curtain. “Thank you, but I can manage.”

A short time later Princess Luna emerges in the new dress. Rarity looks very nervous.

“How does it feel, your highness?!”

“It feels… nice, I suppose.”

Arc nods. “What do you think, Rarity?”

She walks around Princess Luna slowly. “It does look very nice on you, your majesty!”

Sweetie Belle nods. “That it does! Even without wing-holes!”

Rarity turns back to Luna. “Shall I put them in now?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. We need this dress just like it is. Do you have some matching slippers?”

“I do.”

Sweetie Belle rushes off. “I’ll get them!”

The filly returns a moment later with the slippers. Rarity helps Princess Luna remove her royal hoof protectors, which are now far too large for her, before stepping back to look over her customer.

“That color goes well with your coat, your highness!”

Luna looks at herself in the large mirrors before her. “I suppose it does. But I hardly look like myself in this outfit, Arc.”

Arc walks over to Luna and carefully removes her dress crown. “Exactly.”

Rarity looks confused. “Arc, what is that all about?!”

“Dressed as she is, Princess Luna can walk the streets of Canterlot without drawing undue attention to herself. No crown, no visible wings and you’re roughly the size of a normal unicorn now.”

Sweetie Belle nods understandingly. “That and your dress covers your cutie mark! It’s perfect!”

Rarity smiles. “I must admit, it is quite the disguise.”

Luna looks at herself again in the mirrors. “You know, this might just work.”

The shop door opens and Sassy Saddles walks in.

“Sorry to come in this late, Rarity, but I saw the shop lights were still on and… “

She notices the mare standing in front of the grand mirrors.

“Oh I’m sorry, Rarity. I didn’t realize you had a customer at this hour.”

Sassy Saddles walks over her employer and levitates something over to her.

“Sorry, but I accidently headed home with your sewing tape in my pocket.”

Nervously, as she not so subtly points her head at the princess. “Th-that’s just fine! You didn’t have to come all the way back with it!”

Sassy Saddles looks over to Arc in his new suit. “Oh, hello Arc! What brings you here? I thought you would have been on your date with… with… with………….”

The blood drains from Sassy Saddle’s face as she realizes who is standing before her. She nervously backs toward the door.

“I-I-I’m sorry for intruding, your majesty! P-please forgive me!”

She quickly opens the door, bows and rushes out. Arc turns to Luna and smiles.

“That went well.”

“What do you mean?”

“She didn’t recognize you at all when she saw you.”

Rarity nods. “Forgive me, your highness, but you really don’t look like yourself at the moment.”

Sweetie Belle giggles. “You do look very pretty though!”

“This way you and I can walk the streets without you getting mobbed by the citizenry and having them stop to bow at your hooves”.

Luna turns back to the mirror and smiles. “Agreed. This might just be enjoyable yet!”

Arc nods. “Good! Rarity, we’ll take this dress.”

He pulls out a bag of bits and sets it on the counter.

Rarity shakes her head. “Oh no! I can’t take money for something like this!”

Luna turns to Rarity. “You worked hard on this dress, did you not?”

She instinctively bows as Princess Luna turns to look at her. “Y-y-yes your highness!”

“It would be a dishonor to the royal sisters to take something like this without compensating you.”

Rarity nods, not raising her head. “W-we can’t have that, now can we?! I’ll accept the payment, your highness!”

Luna nods. “Thank you for understanding.”

She turns to look at Arc.

“Shall we be off?”

“Yes. Thank you, Rarity.”

Sweetie Belle calls out after them as they head for the door. “Wait! What about your things, Princess Luna?!”

She points a small hoof at the crown and hoof protectors.

“I’ll come get them tomorrow if that’s okay, Rarity.”

“Y-y-yes, that’s fine!”

Sweetie Belle waves after the pair as they leave Carousel Boutique. “Bye Arc! Bye Princess Luna! I hope you two have fun!”

She closes the door and turns back to Rarity who is still bowing and shaking slightly.

“Um… Rarity? They’re gone.”

She does not look up. “Are you sure?!”

Sweetie Belle sighs. “Yes! Come on now! Get up!”

Rarity slowly does so as Sweetie Belle helps her up.

“Come on Rarity! Up you go!”

Rarity woozily stumbles around as she leans on Sweeties Belle. “Are… are you absolutely sure they’re gone?!”

Sweetie Belle helps her sister over to a couch. “Yes, Rarity! Geez, sometimes I wonder who the real big sister is here.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Princess Luna return to the back of Carousel Boutique and step onto the sigil. Arc calls forth his gauntlet.

“Now then… let’s get back to Canterlot.”

He powers up the sigil and the pair teleport back to the spot they stepped out of the cart. Luna shakes her head gently.

“Not sure I’ll ever get used to that.”

Arc removes the sigil from the ground and recalls his gauntlet. “Ready to go?”

Luna looks to him, confused. “Go? Go where?!”

Again offering his arm to the princess as he looks over the guide. “I looked over the guide for Canterlot while you were changing and found there was only one place that didn’t have a rating. Shall we?”

Luna shrugs. “I suppose it’s worth a try. Maybe it’s just a misprint.”

Arc leads Princess Luna down a small side street away from the main boulevard of Restaurant Row. Luna looks around.

“It’s certainly off the beaten path, isn’t it?”

Arc nods. “That’s promising.”

“I do wish I was as hopeful as you were.”

A short time later they arrive at a small building sandwiched between the backs of two larger restaurants. The building is well-kept with a fresh coat of orange paint, very ornate windows on either side of the teal door with a flower-shaped window and a happy looking picture of an elephant over the door.

“Wow! It’s like this little place is being squeezed out by the big boys.”

Luna gasps. “Arc, look!”

She points to a blank sign overhead, clearly upset.


Luna shakes her head. “That means this establishment has a zero hoof rating! The food here must be TERRIBLE!”

Arc sniffs the air. “My nose tells me otherwise. The smell kinda reminds me of Indian food back on Earth.”

“Is it… good?”

“Yes! Very flavorful!”

Luna again looks up at the blank sign over the door. “I don’t know about this…”

“I won’t try to make you eat here if you don’t want to. But you really should give it a try.”

“Very well, Arc.

“Good! Oh, I’m looking forward to this!”

Arc and Luna enter the small restaurant. The décor is as unique as the outside of the building with a lot of orange, yellow and red. They sit down on a comfortable bench behind a table. A few moments later a jovial, middle aged roly-poly unicorn stallion enters. He is tan in color with a brown mustache and mane. His tail is almost non-existent, and he wears an orange shirt with gold cuffs and trim. The stallion approaches them with two menus.

“Welcome to The Tasty Treat! A am the proprietor, Coriander Cumin! Can I start you two off with some of our freshly brewed Ginger Tea?”

Arc nods. “Yes please.”

He bows and returns to the kitchen. Luna looks up from her menu to gaze around the room.

“This place is certainly… unique.”

Arc nods he looks over the menu himself. “That it is. Perhaps the inhabitants of Equestria and Earth aren’t that much different after all.”

A few minutes later the owner emerges from the kitchen with two cups of tea. He sets them down in front of Arc and Luna with his magic before removing an order pad from his pocket.

“What can I get for you two tonight?”

Arc looks up. “Whatever your tastiest dishes are.”

Luna folds up her menu. “Make that two.”

“Very well then. Two orders of Curried Oat Cakes and two Marinated Grass Sandwiches.”

Arc quickly calls after him. “Uh, I don’t suppose you have any Pumpkin Chaaru?”

“Yes sir. Shall I bring you that instead?”

“No. In addition please.”

Coriander Cumin nods. “I shall have that right out, sir.”

He leaves to prepare their order. Luna turns to Arc, clearly impressed.

“I was not aware you were so cultured."

“It’s a little something I liked back on Earth.”

“What does it taste like?”

“That’s kinda hard to explain. You really just have to experience it for yourself.”

“I see.”

There is silence between them before Princess Luna decides to break it.

“So… what kinds of things do humans do after dinner when they go out for the evening?”

“Well, sometimes they go to a movie.”

“A movie?”

“It’s kinda like a play or show of some kind, but prerecorded and played on a big screen.”

I’m not sure I follow.”

Arc nods. “Another aspect of my world you just have to see to understand, I guess.”

Luna sighs. “Perhaps one day.”

Arc looks out the window as snow begins to fall. “If it wasn’t so cold outside I’d take you for a walk in the park. The plants look rather nice in the moonlight.”

“There is always Canterlot Conservatory. My sister and I used to go there often, but…”

She looks down sadly.

“You miss her. Don’t you?”

Luna nods. “Her absence makes me feel so guilty.”


“Please don’t tell anypony, but I’ve always been… jealous of her. Truth be told, when she was first missing I was a bit happy.”

Arc frowns. “That’s not exactly what I expected to hear.”

“Nor was it what I expected to feel. Back then I just assumed she was off on some retreat, or something”


Luna sighs. “But as the days went on, there was no sign of her. No correspondence, no calls, nothing. If the populace goes without audiences and public appearances for too long, they begin to panic.”

Arc nods. “That much I do know.”

She smiles at him. “Forgive me, Arc. I forgot you were the Lord Regent for a time.”

Arc sighs. “Not my favorite job.”

“May I ask why not? I was under the impression that humans loved power and prestige! No offense intended, of course.”

“It took me away from my family and friends, the hours were long, and it was extremely stressful.”

Luna nods. “It is not easy having the world on your shoulders. How my sister did it while I was on the moon is beyond me.”

“Hopefully we can ask her that question soon.”


A short time later Coriander Cumin returns levitating several plates and bowls. He sets them down in front of the pair.

“Can I get you two anything else?”

Arc shakes his head. “No thank you. This does look delicious!”

Luna nods as she looks over the spread. “I am inclined to agree.”

The pair begin to eat as Coriander Cumin returns to the kitchen. Luna’s eyes light up.

“This food really is something special!”

Arc nods happily. “I’ll say! It’s very similar to something I’ve had in the past!”

“Here in Equestria?! I think not!”

“It will come to me eventually. These flavors are similar, but at the same time very different.”

“So what do you think of your food, Arc?”

“The Curried Oat Cakes are wonderful! And the Marinated Grass Sandwich is certainly… unique.”

Luna appears surprised. “You don’t like it?”

“It’s not the taste, but the texture. Humans aren’t much for grass.”

“And the soup?”

“Very well-seasoned. Would you care to try some?”

Luna sniffs the bowl. “I would!”

Arc picks up a clean spoon and holds out a bite to Princess Luna. She accepts the spoon with her magic and taking a small sip.

“This is amazing!”

“That it is! Would you like a bowl?”

“I think so, yes.”

A few minutes later Coriander Cumin returns to check up on them

“How is everything tasting?”

Arc looks up. “Very good, thank you.”

Luna points a hoof at the soup. “Sir? Might I have a bowl of what my friend has?!”

Coriander Cumin nods and hurries back to the kitchen. “Right away ma’am!”

In short order he returns with a steaming bowl. Setting it before Luna, he nods at her.

“There you are! Enjoy!”

Luna picks up the spoon with her magic. “Thank you! I will!”

The pair finish their meal as Arc leans back and sighs contentedly.

“Now that… was a meal!”

“I agree!”

She lets out a small burp. Luna covers her mouth and blushes slightly.

“Pardon me!”

Arc chuckles. “No one is perfect.”

Luna nods and sighs. “Except my sister.”

Arc turns to her. “What?”


He stands up. “Well, should we get moving?”

Luna nods happily. “Yes! If I sit here much longer, I’m afraid I’ll want more!”

Arc stands up with Princess Luna as Coriander Cumin emerges from the back room with the check.

“Remember Arc, Canterlot Castle will…”

Arc pulls out a bag of bits and hands them to Coriander Cumin as he turns to his date. “Now, now! You paid for the last meal. I’ve got this one.”

He turns back to Coriander Cumin.

“The food was excellent, sir.”


Arc looks around the empty restaurant. “If I may ask, why aren’t they’re any other customers?”

Coriander Cumin sighs. “Because Canterlot’s premier food critic, Zesty Gourmand did not like my restaurant’s ‘feel’.”

Luna frowns. “What did she think of the food?”

“She did not try any. According to her, my business’ ‘feel’ was offsetting her taste buds… whatever that means.”

Arc nods. “Well, I’ll certainly be back with my friends at some point. Maybe they can help with your problem.”

“Thank you for the thought. But you need not trouble yourself with my problems, sir.”

Luna thinks for a moment. “Perhaps some of the Canterlot Castle’s staff could hold meetings here. I’m sure they would love the change of scenery and your cooking.”

“You work in the castle, ma’am?”

“Yes. In a manner of speaking.”

Coriander Cumin nods. “Thank you. That is very kind of you.”

Luna looks back at him and smiles. “I’ll be in touch.”

Arc smiles. “Me too! Next time I’m trying the rest of the menu!”

They leave as Coriander Cumin clears off the table and returns to the kitchen. He washes the dishes, dries them, and puts them on the shelf before locking the front door and flipping the sign to closed. Sighing, he walks back to the kitchen.

“My first real customers. Well, I suppose one has to start somewhere.”

He turns off the lights and heads to his room. Lying down on the bed, he stares up at the ceiling for a time before picking up a small framed picture of a young mare.

“I will make the restaurant successful, my dear. Maybe then you will return and cook by my side.”

Coriander Cumin looks at the picture for quite some time before setting it down and turning off his bedside lamp

“Good night my daughter. Good night… Saffron.”

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