• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - Sisterly Love (Part 2)

A few minutes later Mio emerges from the bathroom. Hammer glares at her.

“What the heck do you think you’re DOING?!”

“Um... going to bed?”

“With help!”

Taking her sister’s hand, Hammer leads her to the bed. Helping her sit down she sighs.

“Look... I need to head back to my office and get some work done now.”

Mio groans. “Are you going to have the guards come watch me again?”

“Nah. I figured that wasn’t high enough security for a highly dangerous individual like yourself.”


Hammer motions to Arc. “So the Hero has volunteered to guard you personally.”

Arc nods. “I’ll take good care of her for you.”

Hammer grins and waves as she heads for the door. “Thanks. And I’ll be back here for lunch. Have fun, Mio!”

As Hammer leaves, Mio stares at the door for a long moment. Eventually she flops backwards into the pillows and lets out a long and contented sigh.


“You okay?”

Mio nods as she smiles. “I am now, yes.”

“Hammer does appear to be very... protective of you right now.”

“We have a... complicated relationship.”

“You’d know better than I. But in any case, why don’t we follow the doctor’s advice and get you moving around a bit.”

“What about Hammer?”

“We don’t have to tell her if you don’t want to.”

Mio groans. “Thank you, but I’d hate for her to get mad at you on my account.”

“Tell you what. If she does get mad I’ll just get her boyfriend to tell her that I was right in following Doctor Whooves orders.”

Mio frowns. “Arc?!”


Mio grimaces. “That’d probably work. She’s wrapped around his finger so tight it’s probably turning blue.”


“Is he around?”


“Then I’d rather stay here.”


“I don’t want to run the risk of running into HIM!”

“Not to worry. I can categorically say that he won’t show his face in the places I’d take you.”

“Are you sure?”


Mio smiles. “Well... alright then.”

Arc holds out a gauntlet to her. Taking it, Mio slowly stands. She puts a hand to her forehead and sways woozily.

“You okay?”

“Y-yes. Just a bit unsteady.”

Arc extends an arm. “I’ll hold on to you tight.”

Mio nods and slides her arm into his. Helping her walk out onto the balcony she looks out over the land before her.


“That it is.”

“I... haven’t been outside since you found me frozen in my sleeping bag. While it wasn’t a pleasant experience I am glad to finally be able to feel the sun on my face again.”

“Hammer’s kept you inside all this time?”

Mio nods. “With the curtains drawn. She said it was to help me rest.”

Arc gestures to the grounds below. “Well, how about a walk through the Royal Gardens?”

Mio gasps. “Is that... allowed?!”

“I can assure you that it is. Well, as long as you’re with me.”

“Then yes, I’d love to.”

“This way then.”

Focusing, Arc Blinks them down to the stone walkway below. Mio looks around, captivated.

“It’s still so lovely! Even in the cold!”


Mio nods. “A bit, yes.”

Arc removes a blanket from his ring and puts it over her shoulders.

“How’s that?”

“Oh! Um... much better, thank you.”

“The weather’s a bit warmer today than it’s been lately. But there’s still a nip in the wind.”

Mio giggles. “I didn’t really notice it until you said something.”

“Now then, I’m sure you have questions.”

“I do actually.”

“Ask them and I’ll do my best to answer.”

“Okay. Um... do you always walk around blankets in your pocket?”

Arc shrugs. “Kinda. You see, it’s part of my emergency gear. I carry them around in a ring under my gauntlet.”

“A... ring?”

“Yes. It’s connected to a small pocket dimension that holds things for me.”

“What else is in there?”

Arc counts on his fingers as he talks. “Weapons, supplies, food, cupcakes...”

Mio interrupts. “Cupcakes?!”

Reaching out, Arc pulls a cupcake from his ring and holds it over to the young woman.

“Cupcakes. Care for a snack?”

Mio shakes her head. “Not at the moment, no.”

Shrugging, Arc puts it back into his ring as Mio sighs.

“I’m sorry. It’s rude of me to ask such silly questions about blankets.”

“It’s fine. Ask anything at all you want to know.”

“Well... how about your ring then. Where did it come from?”

“It was a gift from the Dragon Lord.”

Mio raises an eyebrow. “Dragon... Lord?”

“He’s a huge dragon that rules over a nation across the ocean called the Dragon Lands.”

“And he made it for you?”

Arc shakes his head. “It was part of his horde. I was allowed to take it as a reward for helping his daughter some time ago.”

“Tell me more about dragons then. Are they scary, fire breathing monsters?”

“Fire breathing, yes. Monsters, no.”

“Can you elaborate?”

“They’re temperamental, certainly. However for all their bluster and fury at the end of the day they still answer to the Dragon Lord.”

“He must be quite powerful then.”


“How big is he?”

“I’ve seen smaller mountains before.”

Mio giggles nervously as Arc looks at her soberly. A few moments later she stops.

“That was a joke, right?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nope.”

“Oh my!”

“In all Honesty, I think he’s bigger than the castle.”

“He... isn’t around here... is he?”

“Dragon Lord Torch doesn’t leave his domain, no.”

“That’s a relief!”

“But he is powerful, yes.”

“I heard somewhere that you got your powers of magic from him. Hammer probably, but not sure if she was serious or not.”

Arc nods. “That is correct. He imbued me with what’s known as ‘Dragon Magic’.”

“How long did that take?”

“Less than a minute.”

Mio frowns. “That’s not possible.”

Arc reaches out a gauntlet and pulls a rock to himself. Levitating it for a few moments he turns to Mio.

“And yet here I am casting spells.”

“Forgive me. I should have said that it’s not something we were able to do back at Damocles Base. Obviously I can’t deny something that’s floating right in front of me. However I find it amazing that someone could become so powerful so quickly.”

Arc takes the rock in his gauntlet. “I wasn’t when I started.”


“I had to start out just like everyone else. Weak powers that increased with exercise.”

“By ‘exercise’ you mean practice, right?”

“Exactly. Doing so also increased my physical strength as well.”

Squeezing the rock, there is a slight pop as it cracks in half. Holding it up with a spell for a moment Arc tosses them into a bush as Mio’s eyes grow wide.

“Physical strength from magic! Like Colonel Diva!”

Arc nods. “All magic users can theoretically do that. However the ponies in this land have Unicorn Magic, which is mostly utilitarian in nature. Telekinesis, teleportation, that sort of thing.”

“And your magic?”

“Dragon Magic is more offensive oriented. I can cast very powerful Fire Magic effortlessly. However other spells that Unicorns cast on a daily basis were hard for me.”

“Like the ones you mentioned before?”


Mio puts a hand to her chin. “That might explain it.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Explain what?”

“During training exercises Colonel Diva would exhibit amazing feats of strength. However she didn’t spar for very long before leaving, claiming we were boring her.”

“She has Unicorn Magic, yes.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I’ve met her before.”


“Here in Equestria.”

Mio gasps. “She came here?!”

“Diva was born here.”

“That doesn’t make any sense! After all, there’s nothing but ponies living...!”

Mio’s voice trails off as she ponders this for a moment. Eventually she looks to Arc.

“Are you... are you saying...?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Diva is actually a Unicorn named ‘Sunset Shimmer’.”

Mio puts a hand to her forehead. “This is... just so incredible! You’re sure about this?!”

“I am, yes. However we should probably change the subject now.”

“But I...! Well... alight.”

She thinks for a moment before continuing.

“There is something else I’d like to ask. But would appreciate it staying just between us.”

“Sure. What is it?”

Mio lowers her voice. “It’s about Arc.”


“Tell me. How does he treat Hammer?”

“Very well. They’re quite dedicated to one another.”

Mio frowns. “I was afraid of that.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Afraid that he might be hurting her you mean?”

“I was hoping to convince her to break off her relationship with him.”

“Please don’t try. Believe me when I say that he makes you very, VERY happy.”

“That’s something I would have to witness for myself.”

“Or talk to her about.”

Mio sighs. “I tried that already. But Hammer just kinda shuts down whenever I do. That’s what had me worried.”

“You have my word that she is quite safe and secure with him. Although he doesn’t have much time for her.”


“Yes, his job keeps him very busy.”

“What does he do here?”

“Arc’s what you would call a ‘Problem Solver’. When something comes up that’s outside the norm he’s usually the one who comes up with a plan to make it right.”

“Good plans?”


“But not always.”

“No one is perfect.”

“Can you give me an example?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin (or where his chin would be through the helmet). “Well... once there were a number of mares whom were stricken with a strange illness. It caused them to become... infatuated with a target creature.”

“Infatuated, how exactly?”

“They were begging to be bred.”

Mio blushes. “Mating season?”

Arc shakes his head. “That’s not a thing here.”

“Was Arc the target?”

“Yes, indeed.”

Mio rolls her eyes. “Why am I not surprised? Well, at least I’m sure he had a nice time with them.”

“He didn’t, no.”

“But I thought you said...”

“They all presented themselves to him sexually, yes. However he chose to turn them down, safely incapacitate them, ordered them taken to the hospital, and even found the source of the problem which cured the mares.”

“Are you sure he didn’t mate with them?”

“Very. I personally spoke to the mares in question at length on this very subject.”

“Any other stories?”

“There was also the time he took on a giant beast whom threatened to undermine a peace summit.”

“So he slew the monster?”

“Hardly. He used the materials at hand to neutralize it and was even able to cure it of that which caused it to go insane in the first place.”

“Without violence?”

“There was some violence, yes. However the creature was not permanently harmed in any way and was able to leave weakened but very much alive.”

Mio sighs. “I just don’t get that.”


“Arc... sounds like a somewhat decent individual. However I know a very different side of him. He blackmailed me into helping him.”

“Helping him do what exactly?”

“Get to Hammer.”

“He did tell me about that, yes.”

“I imagine he left out the part where he manipulated me.”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Arc told me about that too.”

“He... he did?”

“Yes. And he was very upset that such steps had to be taken. However his only goal there was to help your sister. And he was unable to figure out any other way to do that.”

Mio sighs. “If anyone other than you had told me that I would have called them a liar.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment. But why hold me in such high regard? Considering we’re on different sides.”

“You’ve proven yourself to be a noble and fair opponent in the past. And I’ve come to question my former employer’s actions and methods.”

“What prompted that?”

Mio looks away nervously. “I... may have gone into classified servers looking into what you told me regarding The Shards.”

“How they were kept as science experiments in the lab?”

Mio bows her head. “I didn’t want to believe it. However when I reviewed the security footage of the lab when you invaded, I saw them stumbling around trying to get their bearings. And how you and your team made a path for them to safely escape.”

“There’s a lot more going on in there than you know.”

“I was going to say the same thing.”


“You didn’t have the whole picture?”

“Just what was pertinent regarding my mission down there at the time.”

“Which was...?”

“The rescue of The Shards along with a very special pony whom was captured. Sadly I can’t say any more on that subject at the moment.”

“I understand.”

“If you have more questions though...”

“That I do. However they’re of the more... personal kind.”

“Go ahead.”

“Do you... do you think I might join you and Hammer in your mission?”

“Which one?”

“I... don’t really know.”

Arc chuckles. “Then how can you say that you’d like to join us?”

Mio frowns. “Because I’ve come to question all that I was trained to do. How magic was supposed to be this amazing and unattainable force that we could use to help humanity. And that The Organization was the world’s best hope at a future. I mean, if it isn’t... why we’re doing what it is we’re doing down there.”

“The new project in the vault”

“I couldn’t get anything on that sadly. But whatever it is can’t be good. However I could help you infiltrate Damocles Base again when you’re ready to...”

Arc interrupts her. “We’re not planning to do that anytime soon.”

Mio appears confused. “You’re... not?”

Arc shakes his head. “At the time I got what was needed.”

“Did you now?”

“More or less.”

“Then why did you and Hammer go back there the other day?”

“To get... something different.”

“What was it?”


“The Organization’s research data?”


“But what good would it do you? After all, ponies already have the gift of magic here.”

Arc sighs. “I wasn’t after the Ascension Project data.”


“In truth, my goal was actually some really old research files.”

Mio raises an eyebrow. “The archives?”

“It’s a bit more complicated than that. But this isn’t an Equestrian sanctioned matter.”

“How could it not be though?”

“It’s a personal matter of mine. In truth, I’m trying to help a very good friend of mine.”

Mio grimaces. Arc?”

Arc chuckles. “You know, I do have other friends.”

Mio blushes and stammers. “I’m sorry! I wasn’t trying to imply...!”

“Let’s just say it’s for someone other than Arc and leave it at that.”

“Um... okay.”

“Any other questions?”

“Yes, actually. I know this may sound a bit strange, but... can you please explain to me what exactly my sister sees in Arc?”


“Why she’s attracted to him, I mean. While I do believe he’s quite handsome I also understand that looks can only get one so far with someone.”

“The short answer is because she’s in love with him.”

“Can you explain how that happened though?”

“They went out on several dates, talked a lot, and bonded.”

“There has to be more to it than that though!”

“Not that I know of, no. But why don’t you just ask Hammer about this?”

Mio sighs. “Like I said, I’ve tried. However every time I do she just brushes it off and tells me to mind my own business.”



“That doesn’t sound like her. Hammer’s usually pretty open about what’s on her mind.”

“Well, I might know why though.”


“Stingray and I did try to torpedo her relationship with Arc some time ago. You remember that night at the side of the road, right?”

Arc nods. “That I do. You and Stingray brought all those burly bikers with you.”

“And then you showed up.”

“Had to help Arc even the odds somehow.”

“I’m assuming that she’s still worried that I’ll do something to try and split her and Arc up.”

“Are you?”

Mio shakes her head. “No. She’s beyond that point.”

“That’s called ‘love’.”

“I suppose it is.”

“And you don’t like it.”

“You misunderstand, Hero. While I do want my sister to be happy, I still believe that Arc is manipulating her.”

“Trust me, he’s not.”

“You I trust, yes. It’s Arc I can’t get a bead on.”

He gestures to a stone bench. The pair sit down together as they continue their conversation.

“Perhaps you two should get to know one another better, Mio.”

“For what purpose?”

“Well... typically when a couple has been going out for a while they introduce each other to family members.”

“Do they now?”

Arc nods. “Yup. After all, it’s a sign that things are getting serious.”

“Are they really?!”

“Hasn’t Hammer told you yet?”

“About her wanting to get married?”


“She did say that, yes. However she’s been known to be rather presumptuous.”


“I wouldn’t be surprised if she hadn’t even spoken to Arc about such things yet.”

“She has.”

“Are you certain?”


“And what were his feelings on the matter?”

“That he wanted to take things slow. Go on more dates, talk, and get to know her first.”

“So there’s still a chance they might not... you know...”

“It’s looking pretty serious these days. You might want to come to terms with the fact that Arc may very well be your brother-in-law someday.”

Mio sighs. “I don’t think such a thing would sit well with Stingray.”

“Let’s not think about her right now. Just focus on you, Hammer, and Arc. The three of you really need to bond if this is going to work.”

“Bond? But they’re the ones in love.”

“Right. However as her sister you’re still part of the whole family dynamic.”

Mio grits her teeth. “I don’t feel anything toward Arc but anger though.”

“Then you’d best learn to live with one less sister.”

“What do you mean?”

“If you two don’t find a way to at least tolerate each other it’ll force Hammer to make a choice between you two.”

Mio scoffs. “She would never chose him over me though. I mean... we’re sisters, right?”

“And she’s very much in love with this individual. It wouldn’t be an easy decision for her to make, but I Honestly believe that Hammer would chose him over you.”

“But I care about her!”

“And she does too. However when you force someone to choose between family and their relationships it puts quite the strain on everyone involved. So even if she were to choose family over Arc it would forever tarnish her opinion of you.”

“I can’t just... just forget what Arc did to me though!”

“And you don’t have to. But to save your relationship with Hammer you need to at least be civil to him.”

“I... will try.”


Mio smiles at him sheepishly. “You know... I kinda see why Hammer views her relationship with Arc as such an important matter.”

“Do you now?”

“Yes. It’s nice having someone around that you can look to for companionship.”

She leans her head against his shoulder before continuing.

“And I’d... like it if you and I could... maybe get better acquainted.”

“That might be harder than you think.”

“I’d be willing to wait to know your identity if that’s the problem.”

“It’s more than that though.”

“I don’t...”

Arc cuts her off. “Remember what I said about relationships being hard when someone in them is intent not to get along?”

“Yes. But what does that have to do with us? I mean, Hammer does seem to respect you quite a bit.”

“However you don’t get along with Arc.”

“What are you getting at?”

“Hammer, Arc, and I are all very good friends. I can’t realistically enter into any kind of a relationship with someone who doesn’t at least tolerate him.”

“So if Arc and I were to somehow bury the hatchet then you might consider...”

“I’d at least hear out your position on the matter. That’s all I’m willing to do.”

Mio smiles and nods as she takes his gauntlet. “Such is all I ask.”

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