• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Worried Sick

Arc wraps both arms around his helmet.

“CHERRY! I missed you SO much!”

“And I missed you too, my love! But right now I need you to help my friend.”

Ember frowns. “Who?”


Sereb puts his paws on the side of the couch and looks into the young woman’s face. “What is wrong with her?”

Arc turns to her. “Is she sick?”

“I believe she’s just exhausted. That and taking a walk through the rain certainly didn’t help her any.”

Ember gasps. “Wait! She WALKED over here?!”

“No. We drove.”

Arc looks at the water dripping off the couch. “Then why is she so wet?”

“It’s kinda a long story. Ember, can you please change her?”

Ember nods as Arc hands Rose his helmet. “I guess.”

Arc picks Minerva up and heads for the stairs. “Let’s bring her upstairs. We can find her something a bit drier to wear.”

They proceed up the steps together. Sereb runs ahead to fetch a towel. Arc lays Minerva on the bed as Ember heads over to the dresser.

“What should I dress her in?”

“Get some pajamas.”

“Okay. Can I get a hand, Rose?”

“Of course.”

Arc retrieves his helmet from Rose before heading for the door. Sereb walks in levitating a couple towels with his magic as Arc walks past.

“I’ll let you two get to it then. Stay with them, Sereb.”


“If Minerva wakes up put her back to sleep. Rose will tell you if she stirs.”

Rose nods. “That I will.”

“Very well.”

Arc closes the door behind him. Rose holds Minerva up as Ember begins undressing her. Ember frowns as she pulls the young woman’s pants off.

“She’s really soaked clean through!”

Rose nods as Ember tosses the pants aside and starts unbuttoning the young woman’s blouse. “That she is. I get the feeling there’s quite the story behind that.”

Sereb nods soberly. “I hope Miss Cherry lets us in on it later.”

Ember grabs a towel and gently dries Minerva’s naked body. “So do I. But I get the feeling she and Arc are going to want some alone time first.”

Rose helps dry the woman with the other towel. “Yes. Perhaps tomorrow we can talk about it.”

A short time later Sereb opens the bedroom door and peeks his head out.

“She’s dressed, Arc. We…”

Sereb stops talking as he sees Arc plant a kiss on the side of his helmet as it giggles. He slowly turns to Sereb.

“You saw nothing. Understand?”

The wolf nods and steps back as Arc reenters the room. He quickly puts his helmet in his ring. Minerva lies on the bed in a pair of pajamas and socks.

“Thanks you two.”

He turns to Rose.

“How is she?”

“Unconscious, but otherwise fine. I do believe Miss Cherry was right in the assumption that she merely pushed herself too far.”

Ember grins. “Who else do we know that does that? I can’t seem to recall.”

“Ha, ha. In any case, we need to get her out of here.”

Cherry calls out from Arc’s head. “We do?”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Why?”

“Because I don’t want her knowing where we live. She’s a reporter, remember? We’ll have camera crews outside all the time.”

Sereb sighs. “That would certainly endanger the mission.”

Rose nods. “Yes. But what can we do with her?”

Arc thinks for a moment.

“Did anyone happen to see her purse?”

Ember shrugs. “I don’t think she came in with one.”

Cherry calls out. “It’s still in her car. Why?”

“I have an idea, but we need her purse to make it work.”

Rose heads for the door. “I’ll get it.”


She returns a few minutes later with the purse under her arm. Arc takes it.

“Good. Now then, let’s see here…”

Opening it, Arc rummages around for a few moments before pulling out a billfold. Cherry calls out.

“What are you doing?”

“Just looking for some information. Here we go! Minerva’s driver’s license.”

“What good will that do?”

“It has her address on it. We’ll take her home and put her to bed.”

Rose tilts her head to one side. “Now?”

“Yeah. Think you could tag along, Rose?”


Sereb turns to Arc. “I’ll come with you as well.”

Ember grins. “Me too!”

“Okay. Let me grab my armor and we’ll get going then. Uh… anyone know where it is?”

Sereb nods toward the door. “In the basement.”

Rose giggles. “Your squad and I cleaned it for you.”


Arc walks quickly downstairs and heads for the basement. He spots his armor hanging on a rack in the corner. His squad sleeps peacefully in their bunks. Arc looks to them as he returns his armor to the ring.

“Thanks you guys.”

Heading quietly back upstairs, Arc returns to his room. Picking Minerva up they head downstairs. Ember carries the purse.

“Ember, see if you can find her car keys in there.”

“I’m on it.”

Cherry giggles. “She left them in her car.”


“Yes. She was pretty tired when we found the place. “

Rose looks confused. “Found?”

“Angel Groove is quite complicated to me. I never actually learned any street names or addresses.”

Ember sighs. “I thought so too when I came here the first time. Are all cities on Earth so… big?”

Arc lies Minerva on the couch to put on his coat. “Some are, yes. Truthfully, this is a pretty small town, so it’s fairly straightforward when compared with other larger cities.”

Sereb sniffs the air. “I can always find my way back due to my sense of smell and direction.”

Ember turns to him as she wraps a blanket around Minerva. “Really? You don’t read signs?”

“…they do help.”

Cherry giggles. “I’ll try to learn in the future.”

Arc picks the sleeping woman up and heads for the front door. “Good idea. But for now let’s get Minerva home.”

They step outside. A frigid drizzle is falling as Arc puts Minerva in the back seat of her car. Ember buckles the woman into her seat and looks to Arc.

“That’s a cold rain!”

Rose nods as she gets into the passenger seat. “The weatherman says it should start warming up in a day or so.”

Arc sighs as he gets in the driver’s seat and closes his door. “I hope so. It’s almost time for spring.”

Sereb hops in. “I too look forward to the days becoming longer and warmer.”

Ember nods as she sits down in the back seat and buckles up. “Why, Sereb? So you can sun yourself in the window again?”

Arc looks over his shoulder. “Wait, what?”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “Thank you for voicing that, Ember.”


Arc smiles as he pulls Minerva’s license out of his pocket. “You do what you want, Sereb. Cherry and I have done that very thing in out Sanctuary. But let’s focus on getting Minerva home safely.”

He backs the car out of the driveway and they begin the drive. Rose looks around at the vehicle’s interior.

“This vehicle is nothing like yours, Arc.”

Ember nods. “Yes. It’s definitely more posh.”

Sereb sniffs the seat. “Minerva must do well for herself to be able to afford such luxurious travel accommodations.”

Cherry calls out again. “From what I’ve seen she does pretty well for herself. However all the bits in the world can’t buy some things.”

Ember turns to him. “Really? Like what?”

Arc smiles as he looks in the rear view mirror. “Good companions for starters.”

Rose nods. “Nor can it be used to purchase feelings of endearment.”


Sereb chuckles. “Love.”

Ember looks away as she blushes. “I knew that!”

Arc nods. “Sure you did.”

A short time later they arrive at the address. Ember looks out the window.

“This is a pretty big place!”

Sereb nods. “Very.”

Rose leans forward. “Are you certain this is where Minerva lives, Arc?”

Arc nods as he looks over the address on the license again. Looks like it. According to this anyways. Let’s just hope it’s current.”

Ember looks around. “Where do we park?”

Arc points to a sign. “There’s an underground parking ramp over there. Let’s check that out.”

He maneuvers the car toward the ramp entrance. A mechanical arm blocks their way as Arc looks out the window at a monitor.

“It says we need a resident passkey.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “What’s that?”

“A card with a chip in it.”

Sereb looks to Rose. “Perhaps there is one in her purse?”

“Right. Let me see her bag, Ember.”

Ember hands Rose the purse. “Here you go.”

She rummages around looking for the key before pulling something out.

“Here we are!”

Sereb frowns. “Are you certain? That looks nothing like a key to me.”

Rose hands the card to Arc. “Yes. It’s the only thing in here that contains computer components.”

Arc rolls down the window and swipes the card. The light turns green as the arm raises. Sereb stares out the window as they drive into the underground lot.

“There are some very nice looking vehicles in here.”

Rose nods. “Yes, there are.”

Ember turns to Arc. “So… do we just park anywhere?”

“A swanky place like this probably has reserved parking. Let’s see…”

He checks the ID again for her room number and compares it to the signs on the wall.

“Looks like she has a spot ahead and to the right.”

They quickly find the area assigned to Minerva. Arc pulls the car in and shuts it off before turning to Ember.

“How’s she doing?”

“She hasn’t so much as moved since we left the house. Are you sure she’s really okay, Rose?!”

Rose nods. “Her vitals are consistent with one whom is experiencing extreme fatigue. I am however detecting a slight viral infection in her.”

Sereb looks at Minerva as they get out of the car. “So she is sick?”

Arc shrugs. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she was. Walking around in this kind of weather without an umbrella would do that to anyone.”

Cherry sighs as Arc picks Minerva up. “We should get her upstairs quickly!”

Ember nods as they walk over to the elevator. “Yeah. I want to get home as much as any of us at this point.”

Sereb frowns. “Agreed.”

“Patience everyone.”

Rose looks to him. “I’m sensing you’re agitated as well, Arc.”

Ember grins at him as the elevator doors open. “Anxious to get home with Cherry are we now, Arc?”

Arc smiles. “Yeah.”

They step inside the elevator. Arc presses a button.

“Looks like her apartment is on the top floor.”

Rose looks through the glass wall of the elevator overlooking the city. “We’re so high up! This structure is an engineering marvel!”

Arc nods. “It’s one of the tallest buildings in Angel Grove. A lot of the town’s business owners live here.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Do they now?”

“Yup. Think of it as the high rent district.”

Sereb joins Rose in looking out at the city. “Similar to Canterlot?”

“I guess.”

The bell dings as the doors open. Arc and company step out and look at the sign together. Ember looks around.

“Which way?”

Cherry calls out. “Left, left, then right.”

Arc sounds surprised. “Cherry?”

“I memorized how to get from the garage to the apartment.”

“Handy! Let’s go everyone.”

Following Cherry’s directions they quickly find Minerva’s apartment.

“Here we are. Rose you have her keys, right?”

Rose opens the purse and pulls out a keyring. “Right here. I’ll get the door open.”

Trying a few keys Rose eventually finds the right one. The door swings open. Ember walks in first to find the lights. Finding a switch near the door she flicks it.

“There we go.”

The others enter the apartment as Sereb closes the door behind them. Arc is the first to speak.

“This really is nice!”

Cherry giggles. “You can admire it later. Let’s get Minerva to bed.”

“Right, Cherry. Uh…”

“The hall ahead and to your right. It’s the door at the end.”

Arc quickly finds the room. He lays Minerva down, unwraps her, and covers her with a different blanket before feeling her forehead.

“She feels kinda warm.”

Rose nods. “Her internal temperature is rising.”

Sereb frowns. “She is worsening?”

Cherry calls out. “I believe so, yes. What do you think, Arc?”

“Let me see…”

Leaning down Arc puts his ear to Minerva’s chest for a moment before straightening up.

“She sounds a bit wheezy in the lungs.”

Ember looks confused. “What does that mean?”

“It means she’s sick.”

“Should we call a doctor?!”

“I don’t think so, Cherry.”

Rose nods. “Agreed. Her condition is being caused by a virus. Equestrian medicine has no cure for such a thing.”

Arc sighs. “Same here on Earth. You just kinda have to ride it out and treat the symptoms.”

Sereb turns to Ember. “So do we just leave her here?”

“I guess so. She’ll be okay, right?”

Arc nods. “With some rest, yes.”

Cherry sighs. “Um… Arc?”

“Yes, Cherry?”

“I… I’d like to stay here with Minerva.”

Ember frowns. “What?!”

Rose gasps. “But Arc just got you back, Miss Cherry!”

“I know that, but… Minerva really needs someone to take care of her right now.”

Arc sighs heavily. “Cherry. I…”

“Arc, she took care of me. Now I need to return the favor.”

“I was just going to say that’s fine.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Arc?”

“But I’m not leaving you here. I’ll stay as well.”

Ember looks serious. “Are you sure, Arc?”

Rose nods. “Right. If Minerva wakes up she might see your face!”

“I’ll keep my magic cloak and mask on. She won’t be able to identify me.”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal.

“Ember, I want you, Rose, and Sereb to take this portal back home. I’ll catch up with you three later.”

“Well… okay.”

Rose nods. “I will inform your squad in the morning when they awaken.”


Sereb turns to him. “We will call if something comes up.”

“I know you will. Good night everyone.”

The trio walk through the portal and are gone. Arc yawns as Cherry turns her attention back to him.

“You should get some rest, Arc. I’m sure you’ve had quite a hard time since I last saw you.”

Arc nods and rubs his forehead. “That I have. But I want to check Minerva’s temperature before I go to bed.”

“Do you think she has a thermometer around here somewhere?”

“Probably in the bathroom. Which way is it?”

“Out the door, first door on your left.”

“Okay. Let’s go see.”

They head for the Bathroom. Arc opens the medicine cabinet and pulls something out.

“Here it is.”

“That’s a thermometer? “

“Yup. I know it’s a bit different than we have back in Equestria, but it does the job.”

Arc returns to the Bedroom. He carefully opens Minerva’s mouth and puts the device under her tongue. Cherry sounds nervous as she speaks.

“Now we wait?”


“How long?!”

“Probably about a minute. It’ll beep when it’s done.”

“I’m really worried about her! Are you sure Rose is right about her condition?!”

“Probably. Twilight was the one who programmed her, after all.”

“I suppose so. But I can’t help but worry about…”

The thermometer beeps. Arc pulls it out of her mouth and reads it.

“Looks like she has a fever.”

“Is 101 degrees bad?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. Normal body temperature for a human is 98.6, after all.”

“I’ll stay up and keep an eye on her. Can I have your helmet back please?”

“And what if something should happen?”

“Then I’ll call out for you.”

“I have a better idea.”

Arc calls forth his armor.

“Let me out, Cherry.

She does so. The front of the armor melts away allowing Arc to step out. He turns to Eidolon’s Ward. Smiling he puts a hand on one of his armor’s pauldrons.

“Now you can actually help Minerva if she needs it.”

Eidolon’s Ward looks down at her gauntlets. “Thank you! I will!”

She takes his hand and leads him out of the room.

“Let’s get you set up here on the couch, Arc. I’d put you in bed with Minerva, but I don’t know how she’d take that.”

Arc blushes. “Yeah. Um… humans don’t usually sleep next to strangers.”

“I’ll see if I can find you a pillow and a blanket.”


Eidolon’s Ward returns to Minerva’s room. She grabs one of the pillows off the bed and a blanket from the closet.

“This will have to do.”

She returns to the Living Room and gives Arc the bedding.

“Thanks, Cherry.”

“You’re welcome. Well, I’ll let you get some rest now.”

Arc calls after her as she turns toward the bedroom.



Arc smiles at her. “I’m really glad you’re okay.”

“And I’m happy you’re safe! Thank you for understanding. I know you wanted to spend some time with me in our Sanctuary.”

Arc smiles sheepishly. “Was it that obvious?”

“Yes. But don’t worry! I’ll have plenty of time for you in the future.”

“I understand. You just want to help Minerva.”

“That I do. Good night my love.”

“Good night.”

Arc lies down as his armor heads back to the bedroom. Spying a chair in front of the vanity Cherry picks it up and heads for Minerva’s bedside. Minerva coughs and shivers in her sleep. Cherry pats her friend’s forehead tenderly with a damp cloth.

“You watched over me when I was lost, scared and alone. Now it’s time for me to do the same for you, my friend.”

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