• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Return to Ponyville

Everyone gasps. Luna is the first to be able to speak.

“Sunburst, are you ABSOLUTELY certain of this?!”

“I am… your highness.”

Auriel and Doctor Whooves enter the office. He quickly trots over to Sunburst.

“Oh my! What happened?!”

Arc winces. “A bit of a magical experiment gone wrong.”

The doctor shudders. “Yes, I can still feel its lingering effects.”

Cadance points to the door with a hoof. “Get him to the Infirmary right away!”

Sunburst grimaces. “But, your highness…!”

Luna nods. “I want a full report on his condition as soon as possible.”

“Yes, Princess Luna.”

Auriel motions for two orderlies outside to enter. They lift the Lead Sage onto a stretcher.

“This really isn’t necessary! After all, I have so much work to do now!”

Arc nods. “Then you should allow the examination to commence post haste, eh?”

Sunburst sighs and nods as he is removed from the office. Auriel closes the door behind them as Twilight hurries over to Cadance.

“Do you really think he’s found Princess Celestia?!”

“If Sunburst says he has, then I believe him, yes.”

Derpy gasps. “We have to go get her then!”

Arc nods soberly. “We will, Derpy. But first we need more information.”

He touches his earring.

“Arc to Max.”

“Max here, sir.”

“I need you and the others to investigate some coordinates. Look up some satellite images of the area, check the Internet, see what’s there, and be ready to make a full report when I return. I don’t care how small or mundane, we need ALL the facts on this one.”

“Yes sir. Ready when you are.”

Arc reads off the coordinates from the paper Sunburst gave him as Max writes them down.

“We’ll get right on it, sir. Anything in particular we should be looking for?”

“Not at this time, no. Just find out as much as you possibly can about this spot. We can go from there. Arc out.”

He touches his earring, severing the connection as he turns to the princesses. Cadance clears her throat nervously.

“We should bring General Virtuous Lance in to handle our plan of attack.”

Ember frowns. “Woah, woah, whoa! Attack?!”

Luna frowns. “That may be best. He’s certainly the most knowledgeable of our officers regarding tactics and…”

Dinky walks over to Luna and taps her fetlock.

“Excuse me. But wouldn’t somepony get hurt if you did that?”

Luna nods soberly. “Most likely, little one.”

“Then why not leave this task to my dad?”

Ember nods. “Yeah. Arc’s pretty good at resolving problems without fighting. Somehow.”

“I can try.”

Arc calls forth his spear.

“But know that if things go south, I’ll do what I have to.”

Twilight turns to Luna. “Please let Arc handle this! I’m worried a full-blown assault would put Princess Celestia in harm’s way!”

Luna sighs. “Well…”

She puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully as Cadance pipes up.

“Arc does have an extremely high success rate, Luna.”

Luna nods. “Very well then. However, I’d very much like to be kept in the loop on this matter.”

Arc nods. “I can do that. But I’ll need extra support on this one.”

Cadance sighs. “From the military?”

“It may come to that, yes. But at the moment I’m looking more at some special supplies.”

Luna turns to Arc. “Send me a list of whatever you need and I’ll do my very best to see that you get it.”

“Alright. I’ll have to see what my guys back on Earth come up with first though.”

Twilight taps her hooves together nervously. “Please hurry, Arc! Who knows what’s happening to her?!”

Auriel smiles at him with Derpy.

“I’ll help in any way we can.”

“Me too!”

Apple Bloom grins. “So will the Cutie Mark Crusaders!”

Sweetie Belle giggles. “That’s right!”

“Yeah dad!”

Ember brandishes her claws. “If there’s going to be trouble, I’m in.”

Frank sighs. “While I have no idea what is transpiring here, I do know that if my friend requires my aid I too shall be there.”

Arc smiles at those around him. “Thanks everyone. But this is probably not going to be a walk in the park.”

Luna nods soberly. “Most certainly not. However, Cadance and I are certain you will be able to make the proper decisions in this matter.”

“And that you’ll be forthcoming with us regarding any new developments that are uncovered, Arc.”

Twilight grits her teeth nervously. “Yes. I’d like to help with this too if I can, Arc. Let me know when you’re going back to Earth and I’ll come with you if needed.”

“Probably not until my guys figure something out.”

He turns and looks over to Dinky’s and her friends.

“That and I have to escort these two home. I’m sure they’re families are anxious to have them back safely.”

Derpy appears nervous. “What about Sunburst? You can’t run the machine yourself, Arc.”

Luna turns to her. “Sunburst has trained Spike on the normal operating procedures of the S.P.E.A.R..”

Twilight appears nervous. “Are you certain, Princess Luna? Capable as he is, that’s a pretty complex piece of machinery.”

Arc nods. “I have faith in him. He’s already sent Ember and I back to Earth once.”

Ember shudders. “Y-yeah. Not the best trip we’ve ever has though.”

Arc shrugs. “We were fine, right?”

“I suppose so.”

Frank clears his throat. “In any case, we should probably let the princesses return to their duties.”

Arc nods. “Agreed.”

He opens a portal and gestures to it. The others walk through and vanish as Luna calls out to him.



“I… we’re counting on you.”

Arc nods and enters the portal himself. Cadance turns to Luna as it collapses.

“I have faith in him.”

“As do I, Cadance.”

“He was able to retrieve us from the Lunar Realm, so this should be…”

Luna shakes her head. “Please, Cadance. Let us return to the other matters of state.”

Meanwhile, Arc and company reappear on the sigil in his quarters in Light’s Hope. He turns to Derpy and the fillies

“Let’s get you four to the Orphanage. After all, there’s still part of the school day left.”

Sweetie Belle groans. “Aw…”

Apple Bloom sighs. “Do we have to?”

“Come on you two. My dad’s right. That and my mom needs to get back so we can cook supper tonight.”

Twilight turns to Aurora. “Would you like to come with Auriel and I?”

“Would Aurora be able to see the Dragon Fruit plants again?”

Auriel nods. “Yes. They’re still where we left them.”

“Then Aurora will come.”

Twilight turns to Arc, a hopeful look on her face. “Would that be alright?”

“It’s fine with me. Why don’t you take her to the library to get settled? I’ll stop by after I see Rarity and Applejack.”

“Okay. See you in a bit then.”

The group heads outside and down the road toward the Orphanage. Upon reaching it they part ways. Arc leads his group toward the building as Frank looks around.


Arc nods. “Yes. But it’s also the town’s school.”

Frank chuckles as they enter the Main Hall. “What do little ponies learn here?”

Dinky turns to Frank. “Reading, writing, arithmetic, history, and a few other things.”


Sweetie Belle appears confused. “Sure. What else would we learn?”

Apple Bloom nods. “Miss Cheerilee says it’s her job to see to it we receive a well-rounded education. Whatever that means.”

Derpy turns to her. “She’s trying to prepare you for adult life, dear.”

Ember shrugs. “I don’t get it either.”

Arc kneels down to Dinky’s level. She stands on her hind legs and wraps her hooves around his neck.

“Have a nice day at school, sweetheart.”

“See you later, dad.”

She gives him a quick smile before running toward the classroom with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom right behind her. Derpy walks over to him.

“Thank you for the trip, Arc. It was nice spending quality family time together.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. We’ll have to do things like this more in the future. Uh… without the whole evil plants trying to get us, that is.”

Derpy nods before Arc, Ember, and Frank head for the door. She turns and makes her way toward the Kitchen as she whispers to herself.

“I’m sure Dinky would love that.”

Leaving the building Arc turns to Frank.

“We should pick up those clothes from Rarity.”

Frank chuckles. “Oh, there’s no rush. You and I are about the same size, after all.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, we’re headed there anyways.”

Ember appears nervous. “Yes… the mare that runs the shop is Sweetie Belle’s… sister.”

“Mother, actually.”

Ember sighs and looks away. “Sorry. Wasn’t sure if it was okay to mention that.”

Frank chuckles. “Come now, Ember. Whom would I tell?”

Arc shrugs. “He raises a good point.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “Har, har.”

The trio makes their way down the path toward town. A short time later they arrive at Carousel Boutique. Opening the door they find Rarity and Sassy Saddles organizing the shop. Rarity smiles and hurries over to them.

“Welcome back! Uh… where’s Sweetie Belle?”

Ember points a claw back toward town. “We dropped her off at school on the way over here.”

Arc nods. “I hope that was okay.”

“Oh yes, of course.”

Sassy Saddles grins. “You three made it back just in time.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “For what?”

Rarity trots in place excitedly. “The party tonight. Remember?”

Arc gasps. “Ponyville’s founding ceremony! I completely forgot!”

Sassy Saddles smiles as she levitates two suits from a rack behind the counter. “Well, Rarity and I didn’t.”

Rarity blushes slightly. “Yes, well… I was a bit worried you two wouldn’t be back in time for your fittings.”

Sassy Saddles gestures toward the Fitting Room.

“You’ll have to take turns unfortunately. We only have one changing area, after all.”

Arc turns to his friend. “Go ahead, Frank. I can wait.”

Rarity giggles. “Oh, no need for that, Arc. You can try your suit on upstairs.”

“Thanks. I’ll do that.”

Frank nods as he steps into the Changing Room. “See you in a bit, Arc.”

“Right this way.”

Rarity leads Arc up the stairs as she levitates the suit with her magic. Sassy Saddles giggles as Frank closes the curtain behind him.

“That worked out well for Rarity. I’m glad she took my hint.”

Meanwhile, Rarity opens the door to her bedroom and allows Arc to pass before following him inside.

“This should be a bit more spacious than the Dressing Room.”

“I appreciate it.”

Arc removes his clothing down to his shorts and tosses them onto the bed. Rarity levitates the dress shirt over to him and drapes it over his shoulders.

“I think you’ll approve of what I did with this outfit. It’s not too flashy without being too plain. Hopefully you’ll like it.”

“I’m sure I will. You have great taste, after all.”

Rarity beams. “Thank you. But tell me something. How did Sweetie Belle find herself aboard you ship?”

“She, Apple Bloom, and Dinky used their powers to teleport there.”

“But why?”

“Um… I was kinda in trouble. Twilight and Auriel’s experiment didn’t quite go according to plan.”

Rarity gasps. “Oh my! Is everypony alright?!”

Arc nods. “Yes, we’re all fine. But we wouldn’t have been without Dinky and her friends.”

She sighs as Arc finishes buttoning up the shirt.

“I have to be honest with you, Arc. This whole business of her and the other two receiving training of some kind by that creature Kronos absolutely terrifies me!”

Arc nods soberly as he steps into the dress pants. “Yeah. I don’t like it either. Dinky and her friends were in real danger back there.”

Rarity shudders. “Sweetie Belle’s growing up so fast. While I know I can’t hold her back forever, she isn’t ready for such things yet!”

Arc frowns as he steps into a new pair of dress shoes. “Agreed. All of them are still just fillies. But…”

He pauses for a moment as he finishes dressing.

“Rarity, I need to tell you something.”

“Why don’t we sit down?”

“Thank you. That might help.”

They sit on the edge of her bed. Arc folds his hands in his lap.

“After the ship took off last night, we… had a little talk.”

“You and Sweetie Bell?”

Arc nods. “Well… her, Dinky, and Apple Bloom actually.”

“Was it bad news?”

“Not really. You see… after you told Sweetie Belle the truth about you being her mother, she let her friends know. I guess they’ve been talking about this since then.”

Rarity appears confused. “What else was there to say?”

“Um… Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom wanted me to… adopt them. Like I did with Dinky.”

There is a stunned silence. Eventually Rarity responds with a single, softly spoken word.


“All of them feel as though they come from partial families. They were hoping I would marry someone so then they’d have a mother as well.”

“Did they… mention anypony’s name?”

“Apple Bloom was hoping I would marry her sister. And Sweetie Belle already… you know.”

Rarity nods sadly, her ears drooping. “Yes, well… I… I’m sure you would make Sweetie Belle a very happy little filly. That and you’d certainly make a better parent than I.”

Arc puts an arm around Rarity. “I told them that wouldn’t be fair to you or Applejack.”

“You did?”

“After all, that wouldn’t make a whole family. Just an even more complicated one.”

Rarity sighs. “My daughter deserves the best. But I alone can’t offer her that. Tell me, did she or her friends mention anything about… the other idea?”

“You mean about forming a herd?”

Rarity blushes slightly. “Yes.”

Arc shakes his head. “They did not.”

Rarity breathes a sigh of relief. “Good! I’m afraid they’re a bit too young to know about things like that!”

“Yeah. But we should probably have talks with our daughters about how marriage and sex works though.”


Arc grimaces. “They thought that sleeping together was how mares and stallions showed that they cared about one another.”

“Well… we do, after all.”


Rarity blushes slightly as she continues. “It’s normal for couples whom love one another to share a bed. Kinda like you and I have in the past.”

“Oh… I see.”

“I apologize for not knowing how humans…”

“We’re about the same in that regard actually.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “Then what’s the problem?”

“I think they believed sleeping in the same bed was the same thing as having sex.”

“Ah! I see what you mean now. Thank you for telling me this, Arc.”

“I’ll run over to Sweet Apple Acres today and have this talk with Applejack too.”

Rarity nods. “That’s probably for the best. But… um…”

“Something wrong?”

“No, no! I was just thinking about that plan they came up with.”

“About me adopting them?”

“Yes. If you were to form a herd, all of them would get what they wanted.”

Rarity puts a hoof on his knee as she looks into his eyes and smiles.

“As would the other girls and I.”

Arc sighs. “I know, but…”

He pauses before continuing.

“Truth be told, I’m not too keen on the idea. The thought of having multiple wives is still really… out there to me.”

“How are things like this handled on Earth?”

“Well… it was something that humans did a long time ago. Now it’s illegal in most countries. I’m not sure when things changed or why though.”

“Just like here in Equestria?”

Arc nods. “Right.”

“If it was still the social norm, would that change your opinion?”

“I don’t know. After all, the more wives someone has the less time they have to devote to each of them. You and your friends each deserve a full-time husband. Not a part timer.”

Rarity suddenly jumps to her hooves on the bed.

“I wouldn’t mind!”


Rarity blushes. “I mean… if it were just my friends and Derpy… I believe we could make it work.”

“I… um…”

“Please, Arc. At least give the idea some serious thought. If you’d like, we could get everypony together to compare the pros and cons.”

“Well… I suppose we could do that over tea, or something. But not until after I bring Princess Celestia home. Then I’ll have time to give the matter some more thought.”

Rarity puts her hooves around his neck. “Please do.”

“I will. But on one condition.”

“A condition?”

Arc nods. “That you and the others also give the matter a lot of thought. We all have to know exactly what everyone wants before proceeding with life changing decisions such as these.”

“Yes, I’ll mention it to the others next time we have tea.”

Smiling, Arc pulls Rarity into an embrace.

“Thanks. Now, I just want you to know I’m not promising to agree to this. Only that I’ll think about it.”

Rarity nods as she kisses Arc’s cheek. “As will we, Arc. As will we.”

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